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Choose Champion Build:
One Shot Nasus
How to bully Teemo (Abilities)
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Although not a super common top laner, he reduces so much damage it is very hard to kill him, and he can continue to make you miss farm with all of his abilities.
A very important thing to do on Nasus is freezing lane. This is so you can freely farm without having to do much and having their whole team gank you. Most people know how to freeze lane, but ice born gauntlet makes it slightly harder. Practice freezing lane by only last hitting minions in lane.
Also while farming there is no way early game you will be able to stack every minion but that does not mean that you should not get the farm.
So being completely honest I do not roam much on Nasus if my team is doing really well. Many people will say you shouldn't roam until a fairly decent time in the game but this depends on how your team is going. Nasus can push very fast so if your laner decides they will roam it is an opportunity to take their tower. One of the things I have done is pushed my tower to the inhib tower and then put a banner of command minion top and then push bot towers.
Of course if you are in lane and your jungler gets in a fight in the river you should go help. Also if you need your team to get an advantage so you can farm help out in a couple team fights.
Of course if you are in lane and your jungler gets in a fight in the river you should go help. Also if you need your team to get an advantage so you can farm help out in a couple team fights.
The Whole Idea of Nasus doing damage is from his Q, which means to must fight with it or you pretty much do no damage. When you are fighting someone always try and fight them under your e as it shreds armour. In lane once you get a decent amount of stacks e then q someone and they will normally be afraid to engage again. Feel free to keep farming and when you want a kill just W, and fight them under your e.
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