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My name is Janosch and I play on EUW. Currently I live in Germany. My favorite game is of course League of Legends and I play it since about 3 years. Im maining Nidalee jungle since preseason and I hope I can help you out whit this build.
Ranger's Trailblazer - Magus ~ Is a really importent item on Nidalee. Its a great powerspike and it also grants cooldown reduction for throwing more spears and a big sustain in the jungle.
Lich Bane ~ good item for Nidalee - gives damage and a strong passive
Rabadon's Deathcap ~ must have on every AP champion in my opinion
Zhonya's Hourglass ~ Nice passive that helps you survive in fights + good AP dmg up
Void Staff ~ Importent item vs. Magic resistence
Lich Bane ~ good item for Nidalee - gives damage and a strong passive
Rabadon's Deathcap ~ must have on every AP champion in my opinion
Zhonya's Hourglass ~ Nice passive that helps you survive in fights + good AP dmg up
Void Staff ~ Importent item vs. Magic resistence
You start at the Gromp. Get in the blue bush and throw a spear full range on the Gromp.
Now Switch to Tiger , smite it and kill it whit help of your Q. As next you Switch back to the Human form , heal yourself , throw a spear at blue and kill it. After that , you kill the Wolfes. Now move to red buff and throw a spear from the back , Switch to tiger and jump over the wall whit help of your W. Now you move a bit out of the red buff pit and throw a long distance spear and kill it. Now you can either try to kill the enemy in their jungle or get on your first gang.
Now Switch to Tiger , smite it and kill it whit help of your Q. As next you Switch back to the Human form , heal yourself , throw a spear at blue and kill it. After that , you kill the Wolfes. Now move to red buff and throw a spear from the back , Switch to tiger and jump over the wall whit help of your W. Now you move a bit out of the red buff pit and throw a long distance spear and kill it. Now you can either try to kill the enemy in their jungle or get on your first gang.
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