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Warwick Build Guide by PandAntonin

Jungle One build to dominate them all !

Jungle One build to dominate them all !

Updated on June 16, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PandAntonin Build Guide By PandAntonin 14,619 Views 0 Comments
14,619 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PandAntonin Warwick Build Guide By PandAntonin Updated on June 16, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Warwick is a very easy-to-control champion who has a lot of sustain in the lane stage. The Warwick Ultimate offers excellent control that combined with his other spells will allow for fairly easy kills. In teamfight, Warwick will be very resistant and will put pressure on the opponents.
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Marks : Damage, to clean more effectively the jungle.
Seals : Armor, quite simply.
Glyphs : A coat of magical resistance, preferably per level unless there are many APs in front of you.
Quintessences : Attack Speed, for a better synergy with your passive and your W.
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An 18/0/12 can not be more classic for this type of jungler with very offensive vocation! We will of course put a point in the Fervor of Battle. Note that it is also possible to go on a 18/12/0.
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The core-build of our bloodthirsty werewolf will be focused on damage, but also on sustain to take advantage of this statistic even more.
With that you can choose :
- Ninja Tabi if there is too much AD in front of you.
- Wit's End for attack speed and MR.
- The Gauntlet or Triforce for the utility side of the object.
- The Dead's Plate or the Randuin for lot of Armor.
- The Frozen Heart if you have not made the gauntlet and want a little CDR, mana and armor.
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Warwick's basic attacks inflict (8 + 2 per level, +26 at level 18) additional magical damage.
- If Warwick has less than half his HP, he recovers HPs equivalent to the additional damage.
- If Warwick has less than a quarter of his HP, he recovers HP equivalent to three times the additional damage.

This allows Warwick to be able to jungle without losing too much HP, but it also allows Warwick to heal itself by attacking the same target repeatedly. Basically a good way to sustain, but also a small steroid attack to do a little bit worse.


Recovery Time: 6 seconds on all rows
Mana cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Warwick throws himself forward and bites his target, recovering HP equivalent to some of the damage dealt. Holding the key locks the target, allowing Warwick to leap behind it.
On activation, inflicts (120% Warwick's AD) + (90% AP) + 6/7/8/9/10% of the target's maximum hit points as magic damage

A new mechanics that keeps a little the ideas of the old one. Now we do not strike at a distance, but we throw ourselves on the target inflicting damage to him based on your AP, but also on your AD. As with the old Warwick Q, it's a skill that will allow you to sustain more than correct (70% at the last level of skill). A weapon of choice against the melee champions for example, as this will allow you to stick them to the train.


Recovery time: 120/105/90/75/60 seconds
Mana cost: 70 to all ranks

Passive: Warwick increases attack speed by 50/65/80/95/110% against targets with less than half of their health. He also feels the champions with few hit points, increasing his movement speed by 35/40/45/50/55% by moving towards them outside the battles. These bonuses are tripled against enemies with less than 20% of their health.

Active: Warwick briefly feels all the enemies. The nearest champion is hunted for 8 seconds, revealing a trail of blood behind him. Can only be launched outside the fighting against champions.

When no enemy is hunted, the recovery time recharges twice as fast.

A skill that will have several uses. Passively, this will serve you against targets with few hit points. Indeed, place a better DPS that will make the difference especially if you are led to leave in a 1v1 for example.

For the active part of the skill, place to track down which will allow you to chase your prey like any predator worthy of the name. A real radar that can help you make the right decision at the right instant.


Recovery time: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds.
Mana cost: 40 to all ranks

Warwick takes 35/40/45/50/55% less damage for 2.5 seconds. At the end of the duration or if the skill is reactivated, Warwick pushes a scream that makes all nearby enemies flee for a second.

Place to a very interesting skill, which will couple perfectly with the fact that you can stick your target without any problems. By activating it, Warwick takes advantage of a more important damage reduction, which (like its sustain) will allow him to make a difference, especially in a duel. And the fact of being able to fear ALL the nearby enemies in a second time is simply optimal to wish. A second in League of Legends is very important.


Recovery Time: 110/90/70 seconds
Mana cost: 100 to all ranks

The famous change on the ultimate of Warwick which was expected for many seasons. The idea is always the same: jump on an enemy, neutralize it and lacerate it as not possible for a few seconds but now it's up to you to aim well to fall on the target and not miss it. Yes, the Warwick ultimate is now a skillshot, and you will of course have to anticipate a potential dash or flash of your target.
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Spells Order

The max of the Q with Warwick is more than logical. This is your main damage skill and you will therefore want to hurt more through this, quickly in the game. Thereafter, we will soon want to maximize the Primal Howl (E), in order to have a better CD on it, and thus benefit from this damage reduction as often as possible.

We will obviously take the ultimate at levels 6, 11 and 16.
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At the start of the game, your goal is to farm. Start with one of the two big buffs (depending on the help you can give, but also the opposing team) and quickly secure the one by which but did not start. Even if your kit is better than the old one, the goal with Warwick remains to rush our level 6 as quickly as possible because your ulti' will clearly make the difference.

Concentrate on your farming, and do not hesitate to go for a ride in the jungle adverse because in 1v1, you are hardly falling thanks to your sustain, especially with a red buff for example. If you see that a target is low-life but remains on its lane, go for a turn as you can put sustained damage and quickly arrive on a target in distress.

You also have the opportunity to make dragons very early in the game : enjoy it.


Gank, gank, gank, gank. Choose a lane and gank as soon as ultimate is available. Ideally, you have one (or even two) CDR item(s), to gank very often. Whatever the lane, just try to figure out which one is most easily gankable, make sure there is no ward and go and do the work almost all by yourself, to give an advantage to your team.

Stay on the lookout for the dragons, you have the ability to solo without problem and for that, your team will just have to hold their opponents in lane for you to be quiet. Do not hesitate to disperse wards on the map to give a maxiumum of vision to your mates, because it is a key parameter.

You also have a good potential of push, either alone or with your team thanks to your W. If you have a toplaner of type Jax or Irelia for example, do not hesitate to quickly destroy the turrets so that your top can create a unpacking thanks to his TP, to create the supernumerary.


Your objective in teamfight is simple as hello: ulti' the right person. Easy to say but extremely complicated to set up. Indeed, you will have to take into account the type of adverse composition, your positioning, the positioning of your potential targets and ESPECIALLY, make a quick account of the CC which can be dangerous. Your ulti' can be interrupted, do not forget that, and a multitude of skills can do that. Try as much as possible to analyze which skills are dangerous and launch your assault when these skills are on CD. Of course, try to make sure your team... follows you, because even if you are a tanky minimum, your ulti' covers a non-negligible distance and this could put you in a disastrous situation if you go to 1v5 .

Do not forget that you have a good post-teamfight chase ability, so do not hesitate to pursue a low-life target to prevent it from recall.
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Pros / Cons


- Very easy to play. No skillshot (at least not yet)
- A good liability underestimated.
- The ultimate applies the "on-hit" effects.
- Very effective ganks with the ultimate.
- A suppression through the ultimate, which means among other things that the mercury boots reduce the duration and that this can prevent smite a nashor / dragon.
- Zone attack speed bonus, in order to take assists in teamfight.


- Gameplay very limited.
- Sensitive to ignite and anti-heal, which reduces Warwick's cure.
- No possibility to improve enormously with the champion.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PandAntonin
PandAntonin Warwick Guide
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One build to dominate them all !

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