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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Living Forge (PASSIVE)
Ornn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
A good Lee will **** you early game and you may have a hard time catching up. Play safe, dodge his q and ask for help if he's in your jungle. Building armor may not be a bad call. Ward your jungle.
The only ability that scales off of AD is Ornn's Q, "Volcanic Rupture" which is great for catching up to enemies or finishing them off. But what really makes Ornn special is his W, "Bellows Breath" which gives him a 12% max health shield, deals percent health damage, and applies the brittle debuff which increases the duration of CC and makes your auto attacks deal additional damage and knock them back. This ability and the fact Ornn is rather mana hungry is the reason to build Trinity Fusion. Not only do you get rage to help chase better but you get spellblade which makes your auto attacks deal 200% base AD after using an ability so that piled on top of the brittle effect can almost one shot a squishy target late game. Now I recommend going right from Trinity Force to Trinity Fusion because you want the extra mana and none of the other items your building give mana. And of course, all the other stat boosts are nice too. After you get the Trinity Fusion you're gonna want to get some tier 2 boots and finish off your cinderhulk for that health and nice immolate passive.
Another one of Ornn's signature characteristics is his item building passive, which means he doesn't have to back nearly as much (with Warmogs, never). So that makes him a lane pushing machine, and Titanic Hydra's cleave and health regen only adds more to that.
For the last core item, you are getting Sterak's gage mainly for lifeline and of course more health. Then you get a nice 30% increase to your base attack damage, which synergizes well with spellblade from the Trinity Fusion.
After you have those 5 items you can build whatever you like depending on how the game is going and that should end in you getting a nice juicy win. Hope this helped and thanks for reading
Another one of Ornn's signature characteristics is his item building passive, which means he doesn't have to back nearly as much (with Warmogs, never). So that makes him a lane pushing machine, and Titanic Hydra's cleave and health regen only adds more to that.
For the last core item, you are getting Sterak's gage mainly for lifeline and of course more health. Then you get a nice 30% increase to your base attack damage, which synergizes well with spellblade from the Trinity Fusion.
After you have those 5 items you can build whatever you like depending on how the game is going and that should end in you getting a nice juicy win. Hope this helped and thanks for reading
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