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Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Hey what's up Wood V players?
I welcome you all to my very first detailed guide! <3
For those of you who visit me for the first time: My name is Lars, I'm a sixteen years old unranked build creater. I've played League of Legends since season 4 and enjoyed several troll builds which actually turned out to be new meta, also I was one of the first players to recommend Toplane AD offtank Fizz to challenger players before it even became a thing <3
So why should you take advice from an unranked sixteen years old guy that ended up in bronze in his first 2 seasons? Well not because I'm the best player but because I give some solid advice and people that actually listened to me ( ShoutOut to Bjelle , EUW Last season Diamond IV , currently Plat I ) Raised like 2 whole divisions in ranked. My guides don't require you to have a lot of mechanics, to be honest I only make guides on very simple and easy to play champions because they are more effectiv. That said let me start my guide on Poppy, the hammer of doom and justice

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