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Choose Champion Build:
Goodies from Freljord
Top Lane,Guardian of the Frelj
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Welcome to my first guide!
I love Trundle that's why I'm making this guide and hopefully someone will find it useful.
Here I will show you how you'll become unstoppable fast hitting,healing tanky monster!


Take 9x AS on Trundle when in jungle you'll clear camps faster and you'll heal more.
Take AD runes if you're playing on Top.









+ Good Sustain
+ Good Chasing
+ Can crush tanks easily
+ Awesome for 1 v 1 even 2 v 1
+ Useful against teams that have tanks.
+ Fast jungle clearing
- Trundle doesn't like fire.
- Easy to kite
- Lack of CC
- Kind of weak pre 6
- Weak against burst damage
- If you don't pay attention with
Pillar of Ice it might become a problem to you and your team

+ Good Sustain
+ Good Chasing
+ Can crush tanks easily
+ Awesome for 1 v 1 even 2 v 1
+ Useful against teams that have tanks.
+ Fast jungle clearing

- Trundle doesn't like fire.

- Easy to kite
- Lack of CC
- Kind of weak pre 6
- Weak against burst damage
- If you don't pay attention with

More will be added soon!
Bilgewater Cutlass Is the core item for the troll,the active on it will help you win most fights the extra attack damage is perfect as is the lifesteal for sustain.
Blade of the Ruined King Oh yeah all you need right here. buy this then go full tank! Attack speed awesome,that life steal and active perfect,all we need in one item,you will survive longer in fights.
Boots Are really good on
Trundle early, hard to evade especially with his
Pillar of Ice +
Frozen Domain
Spirit Visage Everything on this item is perfect,CD,healing increase,health,magic resist,health regen.
Randuin's Omen This is the best item it gives a lot of armor & health has an active, the best choice against auto attack based champions..
Dead Man's Plate Awesome item for chasing down your victims,enough armor,health,the passive is great.
Sterak's Gage My favorite item,awesome for surviving longer in team fights and if you're being focused.
Banshee's Veil Buy when you are being focused by crowd control effects,counter poke damage.
Thornmail Buy this if enemy team is pure attack damage.
Frozen Mallet It's good on Trundle but there are better items,this one is situational if you are having a hard time catching up someone.
Guinsoo's Rageblade It's good on the troll,some AD,AP for our ultimate and attack speed the passive is good,I would buy this only with Botrk.
Mercurial Scimitar Good item,never buy it over Botrk though.
Trinity Force Pretty good you may take it with Blade+Rageblade then 2 tanky last items if you're doing well, be careful though you'll be squishy. Good item for Trundle too.
Rapid Firecannon If you need a quick good item buy this. I like it on Trundle. if you know what I mean.
Phantom Dancer Like I said about Rapid but it's even better.
Hextech Gunblade If you want even more healing with botrk,Gunblade isn't that bad take it if the game is going well enough.
Statikk Shiv It goes well into my build also nice for split pushing. Take it if you're winning and being tank isn't an option.
Ravenous Hydra You may have seen every Trundle building this. not me. It's nice it has split pushing potential,damage and life steal. But there is something special about
Blade of the Ruined King I can't resist.

Oh yeah. Just have something to say,if going on a lane 1 v 1 against a melee champ feel free to farm with your q,use your q on a minion then attack the enemy champ with AA be aware that you waste a lot of mana early game,don't spam it too much.
Against range champions when you're comfortable enough place your

I will be updating this guide frequently I know it sucks now but it's a start and I need your opinions.
If you win a game with this build you can take a screenshot and send it to me and I shall put it here for other viewers to see.
Here are some of my games:

Back stronger than ever.

From our fellow troll:
Another domination
Another game,another flawless victory by me.

The newest Troll blood has been born!

What! 10k+ views! thanks everyone ;)
*heavy breathing* Are we going to hit 20k trolls? The trolls are going to....grow!
What the hell. 20.000 Trolls!!!! Thanks everyone I appreciate it!
What the ! 30k views?!?! you guys are the best! continue to troll.
What in the name of Freljord 40k Trolls?!?!!? I'm thankful and ya all.
Here I am again,impressed with the views 50k!,I should just host a RP giveaway for y'all,keep trolling!
72k Views what!!! We are growing!
84k Views what do you expect me to say?! I can only keep thanking you,I don't know what to say,unbelievable,Troll army!
95k Views?! are we going to hit 100k Trolls?! patience is the answer!
110k Views! thanks y'all I have no words to describe how I'm feeling! though my life isn't going good right now,I will come back stronger.
Back stronger than ever! 150k views wohooo! nothing can stop us! life's good though. thanks again.
Wooooooooooooooooah thank you all for 250k views!!!! life's getting better!
400k Views what!This was unexpected. *dies & respawns*
What! 549k views! Road to 1 Mil?
662k+ views! we are going for it!
700k+ views! dayummmmmm!
871k! I see millions of trolls incoming!
Oh damn 1 Million I was right,speechless. Thank you all for the love and support you are one of the kind! ;)
2 Million! Wohooo thank you savages,continue being awesome! <3!
Patience is the key.
Have fun trolling.
What doesn't kill us makes us wiser,stronger,smarter and humbler!
If you win a game with this build you can take a screenshot and send it to me and I shall put it here for other viewers to see.
Here are some of my games:

Back stronger than ever.

From our fellow troll:

Another game,another flawless victory by me.

The newest Troll blood has been born!

What! 10k+ views! thanks everyone ;)
*heavy breathing* Are we going to hit 20k trolls? The trolls are going to....grow!
What the hell. 20.000 Trolls!!!! Thanks everyone I appreciate it!
What the ! 30k views?!?! you guys are the best! continue to troll.
What in the name of Freljord 40k Trolls?!?!!? I'm thankful and ya all.
Here I am again,impressed with the views 50k!,I should just host a RP giveaway for y'all,keep trolling!
72k Views what!!! We are growing!
84k Views what do you expect me to say?! I can only keep thanking you,I don't know what to say,unbelievable,Troll army!
95k Views?! are we going to hit 100k Trolls?! patience is the answer!
110k Views! thanks y'all I have no words to describe how I'm feeling! though my life isn't going good right now,I will come back stronger.
Back stronger than ever! 150k views wohooo! nothing can stop us! life's good though. thanks again.
Wooooooooooooooooah thank you all for 250k views!!!! life's getting better!
400k Views what!This was unexpected. *dies & respawns*
What! 549k views! Road to 1 Mil?
662k+ views! we are going for it!
700k+ views! dayummmmmm!
871k! I see millions of trolls incoming!
Oh damn 1 Million I was right,speechless. Thank you all for the love and support you are one of the kind! ;)
2 Million! Wohooo thank you savages,continue being awesome! <3!
Patience is the key.
Have fun trolling.

With Trundle you activate it with just q + basic + basic in less than 2 seconds.

LEGEND: Gain Legend stacks for every 20 points earned, up to 10:
20 points for champion takedowns
20 points for epic monster takedowns
5 points for large monster kills
1 points for minion kills
Do I have to even explain? Attack speed is everything for our troll.

Additionally, you gain 9 bonus Attack Damage or 15 Ability Power (Adaptive) for 10 seconds whenever you score a champion takedown. This bonus does not stack.
ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed. When you get those bastards to low health EASILY with your beast mode and my guide when they reach low health finishing them will be easy thanks to this bad boy,de Grace! oh and 9 bonus AD when you kill someone and bonus AD from our Q?! double kill!

Your first loan is Gold free, after which you will be charged a Gold 50 lending fee. The fee is added on to the amount you owe after leaving the shop.
You cannot borrow money before 2:00. I'm loving this a lot and can be useful in lane or jungle since we benefit with more items! more items early game more power and benefit! World domination.

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