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Darius Build Guide by ziolo to noob

Jungle Pull, slow and kill - Darius 9.16 JUNGLE

Jungle Pull, slow and kill - Darius 9.16 JUNGLE

Updated on August 24, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ziolo to noob Build Guide By ziolo to noob 4,077 Views 0 Comments
4,077 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ziolo to noob Darius Build Guide By ziolo to noob Updated on August 24, 2019
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Runes: Nr.1 (notes)

1 2 3
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Pull, slow and kill - Darius 9.16 JUNGLE

By ziolo to noob
About me.
Hi, Im ziolo to noob. I'm playing since season 3. I started playing for fun, then i had many breakes, but in season 9 I started to play better and I am climbing better ranks. Im maining yasuo. Darius was my main since season 4-5 when you had no heal with Q and it was spinning instantly and E was giving passive. Good old times. Darius jungle is really good at ganking and doing krugs or raptors that give him easy 3 level and instant gank potential.
Good clear on red side
Good ganks
Really hard to kill at early game
Unstoppable when he is snowballing

Easy to counter jungle
Easy to reach and chase him before botrk
Bad clear on blue side
How to play Darius jungle?
Early game

You shine in early game. Make sure to gank all the time and take kills if its possible. If youre getting snowballed, it means you will have free win in midgame.

If you dont snowball or you wont get kills in early game it means you can lose this game because you wont do anything. It can always change after botrk.

Mid game

If youre snowballing, just go and make sure to bait and fight in every team fight. You kill everyone. After that make sure to push mid or other lanes to win in midgame.

You need to win in midgame, because lategame can always change and you can lose in midgame because of your bad late game.

If youre not snowballing, after botrk you can easily get kills by chasing low health targets or killing solo targets with your dmg and lifesteal from botrk.

Late game

Worst time. Dont even fight without a team or youre dead. Botrk is not as op in lategame but it still gives you much power to kill and do something in teamfights. Make sure to focus one target for example tank and stack your hemorrhage and then flash and kill their backline on teamfights.

If you have option to push or do baron, make sure to push. Nothing is better to push because you can always lose this one teamfight because you can get focused and killed. Be sure to end it in midgame or late game as fast as possible.
Thanks for reading.
Darius jungle is really powerful in early and midgame. Be sure to test it out on normal game and win every game. I had 100% winrate with this build with 4 matches on normal games and I will test it out on rankeds on gold elo. Thanks for reading this guide.
Changes in guide


9.14: Nothing. Darius jungle still powerful plya fast and win gakes!

9.15: Nothing. Darius jungle still powerful plya fast and win gakes!

9.16: Nothing. Darius jungle still powerful plya fast and win gakes!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ziolo to noob
ziolo to noob Darius Guide
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Pull, slow and kill - Darius 9.16 JUNGLE

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