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Nothing to it, even with his ult he doesn't have enough damage to kill you. once you have him low enough to burn his passive with a W spite him under tower for a free kill
because of your insane movement speed, avoid her damage then poking will often win you lane with ease
Probably one on your easiest match ups prelevel 6, once he has 6 it doesnt get harder he just becomes annoying to try to get full combo on
Dr. Mundo
You still have the over all advantage, but due to his ult, he can often stall until there jungler can come and help him
annoying to actually get your passive off, but if you do he's and easy kill
He can often poke you down early making for an easy kill as soon as you go agro. play safer and avoid barrels at all cost
By far your hardest match up. he can build tank, he can heal, and he has true damage on a point and click ult. best bet is to just ban him, or only engage when your jungler comes to gank because other wise he will out sustain you in every way
skill match up, if you can get you passive and wait till she ults you to W, then youll probably with that trade or get a kill
Only engage on Mega Gnar or after he uses his jump other wise he will kit the **** out of you if you don't,
Just be aware of his ult other then that, hes super easy to kill, just punish him when he tries to engage on you.
skill match up, and Scarl is really dumb, just avoid eating him till after Scarl runs off because your W will only end up Scarl and kled will not take any damage from it himself
skill match up, his passive is easier to proc on you then yours on him, play it safe and try to bait his ult
He can do enough dmage to kill you rather fast, try to proc your passive asap and Q to stun him once he uses his e, then W and combo for the kill.
Another really tough match up for you, he counters your movement speed and his ult means you can eat him, play it safe and wait for ganks, only engage if you know he doesnt have ult.
(Have not had this match up enough to properly place, update coming soon)
Skill match up, you both do large amounts of damage, pretty much who get tanky first.
Massive damage and ranged, enough said, if you can catch him often times you can kill him, play safe otherwise
Melee champs are not normally an issue, once they go in on you, proc and W.
early game is a pain, but late game you can cycle your combo until death as you can spite him behind you so he can Q for an escape
ranged and has away of pushing you off here, you need to shut her down early otherwise shes gunna shred your entire team.
really depend on how good they are, you will win lane pretty much no matter what even if they get ahead, but its just how fast.
Freelo just dont engage without your E being off CD
Tahm gets damage from health, so you dont lose damage during the fight but he gain your tankyness witch kinda counters it, try and bait his ult a W as long as you can, engage afterwords
Freelo, just need to W during his ult and you have a kill
The only exception to the easy melee champs, riven has enough damage and cc to shut you down, wait for a gank or the moment after her Q is on CD to engage
Hes tanky but your tankier, wait till he pushes so you can hopefully spit him under tower for a bit of help
Surprisingly a hard match up, his ghouls do insane amounts of damage, especial with his ult up and his Q late game is = to a nasus Q with about 500 stacks, play safe, and you should be fine
My build of Tahm really takes off if you can get an early kill and he doesnt let you do that, hes not hard to lane against, its just no fun.
your proc will tell you when he clones, and over all he doesnt do enough damage to do anything to you in the first place
Its yasuo, enough said (he can avoid you skill shots and does a lot of good poke damage, again play safe and you should be fine)
just avoid his q and you'll win lane, if you get hit by his Q run away because he might actually kill you
if he proxy's just farm till your jungler can help, and if you try to eat him while he has his q activated, you will take damage from it as it does not turn off when you W
Satan, everything is good until late game, try to shut him down as soon as possible
Not Fun, same with singed, your W does not turn off your ult, so eating him will heal him for more then you w damage will do and you will take damage. he also has a stun and stun to prevent your engage, play safe, a junglers help will be needed to take him down.
Just her ult and range, other then that playing safe should still win you the lane
Too tanky, to much damage, dont pick tahm into this match up, or ban (worse then darius)
Hi Name is llNumbersll and this is my first guide on a champ that i have been playing since ive started this game about a year ago. Tahm Kench is the one champ that i will play if i need a win, last season i finished with a 78% win rate with him out of 384 games. I am not saying i am good at league, how ever i do think i know a tiny bit about Tahm, Unfortunate this guide will remain unfinished for a few weeks as my school exams are coming up . Stay tuned as i will be showing you videos, the hole idea behind play styles, what i do when I'm behind, etc. i really hope you will enjoy seeing weird but effective Tahm build, all feed back is appreciated
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