Nautilus is one of my least-favourite match ups, just because his kit consists of a lot of CC and provides a free shield that blocks most of your trade damage. Freeze waves and harass after he misses his hook.
Really annoying matchup. He basically walks up to you, gets a good E off and you're dead. Try to catch a W and get picks from there, and don't play aggressive in lane (Sett's early game is really strong with his Q/E combo, especially if his carry has a follow up).
Leona is somewhat annoying to deal with, as she is a tanky, aggressive champion with a gap closer/lockdown and loads of CC. When she latches onto you with her E, try to root their ADC and kill them instead. Trading is almost impossible because your auto-attack range narrowly beats her E range. Poke safely with a few auto-attacks and Qs. After 6, her ultimate becomes dangerous and winning 2v2 will be difficult. Team-fighting should come across as decent otherwise, so look out towards late game.
Jhin has lots of damage and can win trades with Q and fourth shot. He also has an annoying follow-up and can hard-stomp Senna once he has items. Try to catch him off-guard while farming and poke with Q. Focus him in team-fights.
Pyke's aggressive kit counters Senna and laning can be pretty difficult. He has lots of mobility, a hook, and heals pretty quickly with his passive even if you win a trade seconds prior. A Guardian Angel might be helpful later on, but try to abuse your range by poking and punishing when he misses his combo. Buy Executioner's Calling early on to counter his passive.
This match up is playable but very risky, as Swain's damage input in combination with his annoying root is almost deadly to squishy supports like Senna. Dodging his abilities is perhaps the best you can do in the early game and try to win trades. You do not win post-6 in lane, as his ultimate heals him for basically everything you deal with. An early Executioner's Calling rush may help.
Look out for her traps and poke with Q. She has long range as well as a a net for escapes, but do remember that she is one of the squishiest champions in game.
Super annoying poke and damage. You'll want to ask for ganks, but be prepared for a rough lane.
Has a spellshield and scales really hard, also has a dash and can burst you pretty quickly.
Somewhat of a difficult matchup for Senna, as she is an extremely squishy champion with no escape with the exception of Flash. In the laning phase, you're going to want to play safe and patiently wait for ganks, poking with Q and not getting greedy for souls. In the late game, he is much less of a threat but a hook can still be lethal.
Zyra is always a safe pick, as she has a lot of damage with decent CC and painful poke during the laning phase. Ganks can be useful against her, but do be careful. Poke with Q and keep the wave neutral, maybe go as far as to letting them push so you can set up for a gank. Build Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker if she becomes a large threat.
Really annoying. Can literally polymorph you and peel eternally for her carry. Try to make her waste her ultimate, because this lane should be even.
Even/major matchup; long range and decent damage. Look for opportunities to root and all-in, as he does not have any escape whatsoever. His abilities are sort of difficult to dodge, so be wary of his cool-downs.
I think that there are matchups that are much worse, but Ashe is really annoying to play against, especially with her slows/R stun.
Brand is a mage support champion, but contrary to Zyra, his abilities are much easier to dodge. Sidestep abilities if possible and harass him once he misses something with your kit. He has high carry potential and can be very dangerous when fed, so an early Hexdrinker or Mercury's Treads rush is wise.
As Senna, you are extremely squishy and a simple bind can allow her to win trades. Abuse the CD time on it when she misses and poke with Q. Her E disables the root from your W, but regardless you should be fine.
You will want to play safe especially if their ADC is one with a follow up, such as Jhin or Ashe. Freeze lane and wait for ganks. Harass after Alistar misses his combo.
Scales pretty well and can quickly pick up kills and escape late game. Laning against Kai Sa is the best way to gain a chance in winning the game, root and all-in whenever possible (reminder that you outrange her+she doesn't win trades without Pickaxe).
Easy to deal with early on, since most of his abilities are easy to dodge. I despise this lane very much since after 6 you can't really kill any of his teammates if he has ult up.
Trading against Nami can be very difficult because of her W, and this is especially dangerous when she's paired with an aggressive ADC like Lucian. After 6, she learns her ultimate, which is a very good disengage/engage tool. I think that it's overall an even matchup, just play smart and position well.
Stay behind your wave and poke often with Q and autos. Be wary of his hooks. A good, aggressive Thresh will stomp Senna in lane, however playing safely under tower will deny them the option of being aggressive.
Just buy healing reduction.
Be aware of his guns! His early game (Post-3) is relatively strong due to the fact that he has very good sustain and can poke with Calibrum. However out of lane, I find that his worst time to fight is when he has Calibrum and Gravitum, because he misses out on a significant amount of AoE despite the good synergy between all of his guns. If he doesn't position well enough, it will be easy to win.
Bard's Q is relatively easy to dodge. Try not to stay too long in fights, because they can outtrade you.
Snowballing potential, but can be an easy push-over if he gets behind. Seize the opportunity to root when he missteps. Currently, the meta does not favor Draven at all, so he falls off very easily. Draven is pretty strong early when he plays aggressive, so don't greed for souls level 1-3.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune thrives by poking with Q, but does not have mobility early on. She becomes annoying post-6 since she can basically cast her ultimate any time and pick up kills. Kindly ask for ganks if your ADC is passive, keep the wave neutral and poke with Q. Harass once she missteps.
Can be annoying to lane against if she is with a CC support. However she is weak early and does not win trades since you outrange her. Just position well; a good Kalista can easily play aggressive and pick up kills from doing so.
Annoying harass and poke in lane, although you win late easily. Look for safe opportunities before collecting souls and trade with Q. Karma can be very annoying in lane but she ultimately falls off after mid-game.
Her abilities are easy to dodge. Once she snares you, however, you're probably dead. Punish her after she misses Q/E because she misses out on a portion of her damage.
She's just going to peel for her ADC. Free kill and easy lane, though ward frequently to beware of ganks. She's annoying to deal with but an easy pushover.
Sona has a lot of poke, but she's also much squishier than Senna. Be wary of her ultimate's cooldown and you should be fine. She scales very well late game and can heal most of what Senna does late.
You can harass her in lane pretty easily, however her ultimate in teamfights can easily turn the game around.
Really annoying ultimate.
Annie's stuns are extremely short ranged, which makes her easy to play around due to Senna's range. You can lane bully her pre-6, but be sure to have vision over their jungler at all times. Don't forget that once Annie hits 6, she becomes a bigger threat with Tibbers.
One of the best, most compatible duos with insane synergy. Senna was made to play around Lucian, so their kits really compliment each other.
Tahm Kench
I actually quite like laning with Jhin, because he has a follow-up if Senna can land a root. They both can combo off each other's kits pretty well whilst providing a fair amount of damage. This is one of my favorite duos to play.
The two have great CC and utility when put together. Don't forget that they both have global ults!
Can be hard to lane with if against hard poke. This is a very fun lane, although also very "high-risk, high-reward" at times. Senna can afford to lane with Yasuo's semi-aggressive playstyle.
Personally one of my favourite ADCs to lane with as Senna. Jinx has follow-up and Senna can set up kills for Jinx to snowball. Not to mention, they both have global ults and dominate lane easily.
Both Caitlyn and Senna are ranged and have nice early damage. However, they are extremely squishy when put together.
Assuming your Tristana doesn't int, she can easily burst down a target that you root and kill them in seconds. She has incredible burst and Senna can provide some utility for her in lane. After 6, Tristana becomes stronger along with Senna.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is just all-in-all strong and does insane damage basically all game. She can also follow up from Senna's root.
Ideally, Kalista would want a tankier support who can engage and peel from her ult. I've found, however, that Kalista and Senna have some synergy (insane damage with Kalista W, winnable trades) and are not as bad as you'd think.
Extended camouflage.
He has a nice root just like Senna. I've had a few matches with Varus and can say that he works somewhat well.
Not my favourite, but Xayah can work off of a Senna root.
From my experience, I haven't had the best of lanes with Ezreals. Senna does not provide lots of CC with the exception of her W, however both of them have pokes incorporated in her kit and Senna can keep Ezreal pretty healthy. Not to mention, they both have global ults.
Senna does not have much CC, so obviously they are not ideal, however they are also not a terrible duo. You might fetch a few kills in the early game and you can easily ult and support her when she goes ham in fights as Kai'Sa dies pretty quickly if she has bad positioning. You are essentially the carry if it's a Kai'Sa into a hard match up.
I absolutely hate this duo. I love both champions separately, but this is easily one of my least favourite synergies. Aphelios requires peel that Senna cannot provide and needs equally. Even after the Grasp build, these two do not work well in the lane even if you somehow manage to do something.
One of the best, most compatible duos with insane synergy. Senna was made to play around Lucian, so their kits really compliment each other.
Tahm Kench
I actually quite like laning with Jhin, because he has a follow-up if Senna can land a root. They both can combo off each other's kits pretty well whilst providing a fair amount of damage. This is one of my favorite duos to play.
The two have great CC and utility when put together. Don't forget that they both have global ults!
Can be hard to lane with if against hard poke. This is a very fun lane, although also very "high-risk, high-reward" at times. Senna can afford to lane with Yasuo's semi-aggressive playstyle.
Personally one of my favourite ADCs to lane with as Senna. Jinx has follow-up and Senna can set up kills for Jinx to snowball. Not to mention, they both have global ults and dominate lane easily.
Both Caitlyn and Senna are ranged and have nice early damage. However, they are extremely squishy when put together.
Assuming your Tristana doesn't int, she can easily burst down a target that you root and kill them in seconds. She has incredible burst and Senna can provide some utility for her in lane. After 6, Tristana becomes stronger along with Senna.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is just all-in-all strong and does insane damage basically all game. She can also follow up from Senna's root.
Ideally, Kalista would want a tankier support who can engage and peel from her ult. I've found, however, that Kalista and Senna have some synergy (insane damage with Kalista W, winnable trades) and are not as bad as you'd think.
Extended camouflage.
He has a nice root just like Senna. I've had a few matches with Varus and can say that he works somewhat well.
Not my favourite, but Xayah can work off of a Senna root.
From my experience, I haven't had the best of lanes with Ezreals. Senna does not provide lots of CC with the exception of her W, however both of them have pokes incorporated in her kit and Senna can keep Ezreal pretty healthy. Not to mention, they both have global ults.
Senna does not have much CC, so obviously they are not ideal, however they are also not a terrible duo. You might fetch a few kills in the early game and you can easily ult and support her when she goes ham in fights as Kai'Sa dies pretty quickly if she has bad positioning. You are essentially the carry if it's a Kai'Sa into a hard match up.
I absolutely hate this duo. I love both champions separately, but this is easily one of my least favourite synergies. Aphelios requires peel that Senna cannot provide and needs equally. Even after the Grasp build, these two do not work well in the lane even if you somehow manage to do something.
I began playing League of Legends since early season 6 (primarily on the North American, Korean and Oceanic servers), while playing competitively for the first time in season 9. I was introduced to Senna when she was revealed live on the PBE servers and she quickly became one of my pocket picks.
Of course, I'm still searching for new builds/items that might work well with her, so I'm constantly learning as I write this guide. I hope you learn something new while reading as well!
Disclaimer !
i) This guide will most likely look awful and be hard to read if you are a mobile user (since it has been written and formatted on a laptop). For the best reading experience, please refrain from viewing this on a mobile device.
ii) I'd like to emphasize that this is solely based off my insights and personal experiences in the bot-lane, so some of the information in this guide may or may not be relevant to you. This guide lacks credibility since I am, after all, low-elo. Additionally, I will unfortunately only be covering the supportive side of Senna and how to play her as the role of a support if you haven't read already. I apologize if this does not contain information regarding other roles Senna can play. This is also my first guide, so feedback is very much appreciated.
Some content may be missing because this guide is still a minor work-in-progress.
AS OF RIGHT NOW, I find her gameplay addicting and thoroughly enjoyable, however there are several other aspects to her that make her a good pick. Senna is an eccentric marksman/enchanter hybrid designed specially in a way for her to be versatile to building both damage, support or a fine blend of both. She does great deal of damage while providing utility in her kit, making her viable in a variety of roles that other champions may not be as flexible to. Although she is strong as a support, her potential as a bot laner is often overlooked when she does in fact scale equally as well. If you are new to the game, or even a returning veteran, I would always recommend adding Senna to your champion pool because she is easy to learn, strong and overall satisfying to pick.
+ Scales infinitely as time goes on + Global AoE shield/execute + Team Camouflage + Decent healing + Reduced cooldown on Piercing Darkness with autos + Basic kit, easy to master
Senna is still currently very strong to play. She's considered as a "secondary ADC" on the team due to Absolution, which also deals a percentage of the target's current health. Whether you choose to build complete support/damage her heals with Piercing Darkness, regardless, remain helpful amongst your team. Not to mention, she can camouflage your entire team for unexpected roams or flanks with Last Embrace!
- Cannot peel - High mana costs - Requires good positioning - Weak heal early - High CD timers, especially for Dawning Shadow - Does not have an escape
Senna also does take some getting used to, especially with her very high mana costs (making Piercing Darkness heals not worth spamming in lane and her slow attack-speed. This also makes it difficult to kite, thus making positioning very important to Senna's playstyle so you can abuse her range and support your team from the back-line. With time and practice, Senna's weaknesses will become much easier to play around.
I only want to highlight a few parts that are core and compliment her set of abilities the best. The rest is mainly personal preference, whether you'd like to go into hybrid, full-damage or support. This should just be used as a general guideline as to what you want to take. As of right now (S12), the most common runes to run are Fleet Footwork, Grasp of the Undying, First Strike, and Dark Harvest. I've currently added both Summon Aery and Guardian to the rune section because I have seen a few situational builds involving enchantress Senna.
Would also love to kindly note that I categorize runes as "major" or "minor" depending on the flexibility of the pick. For example, the Inspiration tree has a lot of situational picks, thus why a lot of your options are "minor", whereas your options in the Domination tree are much more limited, so options there are "major".
KEYSTONE Fleet Footwork - Fleet Footwork is currently the most popular rune for good reason as it has excellent synergy with Absolution, enabling Senna to harvest souls easily while remaining relatively healthy in lane.
SECONDARY - The most preferred secondary tree is Inspiration due to its adaptability. You can really tailor to your needs with options like Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery and Future's Market, depending on how behind/ahead you are. For a slightly more utility-focused route, I would take the Resolve tree for runes like Font of Life, Revitalize or even Bone Plating if I know I'm going to struggle in lane and need to play more defensively.
- Support or damage, your offense/flex/defense will be either attack speed, adaptive force and armor or two adaptives and armor. You can take Ability Haste if you feel that your cooldowns are too long, it synergizes well with Cosmic Insight so that you get 6% cooldown reduction in the early levels.
Fleet Footwork: Fleet Footwork when fully energized, heals you for a small amount and gives a short burst of movement speed. As stated previously, it enables you to stay relatively healthy in lane and even help with trading early on.
Presence of Mind: I have been experimented using this rune instead of Perfect Timing and have found that it is indeed a good pick. The movement speed bonus is really nice and will always be beneficial to Senna because she is squishy and has no escape. I think Perfect Timing isn't that good because I personally don't find the right time to use it and the selling value is only 20 gold.
Legend: Alacrity: This is just so you have a little more attack speed, as Senna's attack windup is considerably slower than the average carry. The other option here would be Legend: Tenacity if you feel that you are more susceptible to heavy CC.
Cut Down: Cut Down is my preferred choice here, although generally speaking Coup de Grace is the stronger out of the two. My reason for this is because most champions will have more maximum health than Senna will, and it really helps against comps with a lot of tankiness. If I definitively know that I can snowball the lane or if the enemy team is much squishier than my own, Coup de Grace would be my go to.
KEYSTONE Grasp of the Undying - Grasp of the Undying has recently surfaced as a new Senna build centric around extra survivability for Senna. It is used as a tool that amplifies Senna's crowd control ability. I've recently been experimenting with this keystone and I have to say, it can be useful in many scenarios, unlike Glacial Augment which essentially does the same thing, but sacrifices your ability to endure fights.
- Support or damage, your offense/flex/defense will be either attack speed, adaptive force and armor or two adaptives and armor. You can take Ability Haste if you feel that your cooldowns are too long.
Grasp of the Undying: This is taken preferably in team comps that do not favor Senna (e.g. vs. Thresh, Pyke, engaging supports), however you can also take this in every and any matchup. It is made to counter Senna's biggest weakness, which is her squishiness, whilst reinforcing her ability to put out CC. She can then resume applying her presence in lane, making her strong like she was before. The downside is she doesn't deal as much damage, but it is still worth at least trying out since it's very consistent in spite of this. I'd like to highlight that the whole point of Grasp of the Undying is building health since you now deal damage based on your health. Lethality should never be your priority when trying this build.
Font of Life: is my go-to when I decide to play this build, because it is the only rune that I see beneficial for Senna, since Demolish is not all that helpful in my games, and Shield Bash can't really be utilized unless you use Dawning Shadow which wastes the rune's potential. There's no real explanation to this, it's just overall beneficial for your team, especially if you land a good root.
Bone Plating: Whenever I go the Resolve tree, I tend to go for Bone Plating since it is overall good rune that can prevent you from losing major trades early on or getting 3-shot in both engage match-ups and matchups against enchanters. Conditioning is not all that helpful even if you're going tank, because you don't need the extra armor. Second Wind in my opinion is not really worth taking because you can always heal back with Piercing Darkness or Biscuit Delivery.
Revitalize: this is such a good rune. I think that the small percentage buff to your heals is really good and the rest of the runes just don't compare. Please just take this, it will make your life easier. The alternative would be Overgrowth, which adds on to your health meaning you can soak up more damage and also deal more damage with Grasp of the Undying.
KEYSTONE First Strike - First Strike was incredibly popular amongst Senna players at the start of the season, and has now shifted to a lesser popular keystone due to its nerfs. As of right now, First Strike is not in a great spot however provides a bit of gold income that Senna really lacks and therefore is still somewhat viable.
- Support or damage, your offense/flex/defense will be either attack speed, adaptive force and armor or two adaptives and armor. You can take Ability Haste if you feel that your cooldowns are too long, it synergizes well with Cosmic Insight so that you get 6% cooldown reduction in the early levels.
Magical Footwear: I have been experimented using this rune instead of Perfect Timing and have found that it is indeed a good pick. The movement speed bonus is really nice and will always be beneficial to Senna because she is squishy and has no escape. I think Perfect Timing isn't that good because I personally don't find the right time to use it and the selling value is only 20 gold.
Future's Market: Biscuit Delivery since it provides some extra sustain in lane to keep you healthy, and adds to your maximum mana pool which Senna greatly benefits from. Since you do not have sustain aside from Piercing Darkness, Biscuit Delivery nullifies the issue since it has very good potential in early levels. I take Future's Market on a lot of supports otherwise when I come across the Inspiration tree because supports struggle with gold income, even with changes to the support items so that we don’t need to upgrade our item with gold. Future's Market is also handy if you are behind in lane, because you can always go in-debt, but I still think Biscuit Delivery is currently the best option. Either of the two are situational. Minion Dematerializer is completely useless to you because you won’t be taking Steel Shoulderguards to execute minions, nor will you be trying to farm minions.
- Barrier is a really underrated summoner spell that can save you in a fight or from a bad trade. If the enemy support takes Ignite (which is likely in most games), you'll be able to negate some of the tick damage with Barrier without having to burn your carry's Heal to save your life. The cooldown is also relatively short compared to the other summoner spells viable.
- Exhaust is a useful defensive summoner spell used to negate burst damage from an assassin/damage composition, such as when a Zed decides to cast Death Mark, or when Master Yi uses Highlander right before Alpha Strike. While it does have a slightly longer cool-down than Ignite, Exhaust is also much more effective on Senna due how it reduces 40% damage reduction from the target as well as its casting range.
- Ignite gives early lane kill-pressure and reduces healing and is useful if you play very aggressively. It's good against squishy and/or healing champions, such as Soraka, Yasuo, Olaf, Pyke, Aphelios etc.. It falls of late-game but can still be used if you for some reason cannot buy an Executioner's Calling.
I do not update abilities because it is cumbersome, so if some of the information is wrong, it is simply because I just copy these from the description. Please hover over each ability if you are unsure of whether or not everything is up to date. As of now (10.23), I have updated everything accordingly.
COOLDOWN: 6/5/4 seconds on each target at levels 1/6/11
INNATE - WEAKENED SOUL: Senna's basic attacks on-hit and damaging abilities on enemy champions apply Mist for 4 seconds, refreshed to 0.75 seconds if Senna starts winding up a basic attack on them. If Senna applies Mist to the same target twice, she collects it, dealing 1% − 16% (based on level) of target's current health Attack damage bonus physical damage, and making the target immune to further Mist applications for a few seconds. Champions and large monsters that die near Senna spawn a Mist Wraith for 8 seconds. Epic monsters spawn 2 Mist Wraiths instead. Minions and lesser monsters have a 22% chance to spawn Mist Wraiths, which is reduced to 8.33% chance on those that Senna kills. Senna can basic attack a Mist Wraith to destroy it, gaining 3 gold and collecting its Mist.
INNATE - ABSOLUTION: Each stack of Mist grants Senna 0.75 bonus attack damage. For every 20 stacks, Senna also gains 25 bonus range and 10% critical strike chance. Upon exceeding 100% critical strike chance, Senna converts 35% of the excess into life steal.
INNATE - RELIC CANNON: Senna's basic attacks deal 20% bonus physical damage on-hit and grants 10 / 15 / 20% of the target's movement speed as bonus movement speed for 0.5 seconds on-hit (level 1/6/10).
RANGE: 600-1300 (Based on Mist) COST: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana COOLDOWN: 15 seconds
After a brief delay, Senna fires a spectral laser in the direction of the target unit, healing herself and allied champions in a line for 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+0.4 per bonus attack damage) physical damage. Allied champions hit are healed for 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+0.4 per bonus attack damage)(+25% of ability power) health.[/size]
Upon struck, enemy Turrets, Wards, Absolution Mist Wraiths and any other attack-interactive units are considered basic attacked once, while champions and Turrets take on-hit effects (with all turret-specific rules applied).

ACTIVE: Senna throws a globule of Black Mist in the target direction, dealing 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 70% bonus AD) physical damage and sticking onto the first enemy hit. After a 1 second delay or when the target dies, the Black Mist spreads out of the target, rooting them and nearby enemies for 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 seconds.
ACTIVE: Senna surrounds herself with an aura of mist and gains camouflage for 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8. Basic attacks and abilities briefly remove the effects of camouflage.
WRAITH FORM: Gain Camouflage. WRAITH FORM: Gain camouflage. Enemies will gain obscured vision of Wraiths moving outside of the mist. Performing a basic attack or casting an ability removes Wraith Form, which cannot be regained for 2 seconds. Senna and allies camouflaged by Curse of the Black Mist also gain 20% bonus movement speed.
RANGE: global COST: 100 mana COOLDOWN: 160 / 140 / 120 seconds
ACTIVE: Senna reveals herself before firing two beams of spectral light in the target direction, granting sight of the area briefly along its path. The center beam deals 250 / 375 / 500 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) physical damage to enemy champions hit and afflicts them with Mist.
The broad beam shields Senna and allied champions hit for 120 / 160 / 200 (+ 40% AP)
(+ 1.5 per Absolution Mist collected) over a 3 second duration.
Cast time of 1.3.
Width of 320 / 2400.

Speed of 20000, it casts instantaneously.
Senna is a relatively laid-back champion who isn't mechanically demanding, making her perfect for those of us who have slow reaction timers.
I will only be going over simple combos and a few tricks because of so.
It auto-locks on a target, meaning that you can cast Piercing Darkness and Flash safely out of combat to heal or execute an enemy.
Piercing Darkness can be used to clear wards or be cast on wards. The warding mechanic in which you place a ward in the middle of your casting range to extend the Piercing Darkness range is very useful.
Piercing Darkness can be used on jungle plants. The warding mechanic still applies, however using Piercing Darkness on Scryler's Bloom requires vision over Scryler's Bloom, or it will not detonate.
The cast time is relatively slow as it is dependent on your attack-speed. When Senna dies, even if Piercing Darkness is in the middle of an animation, it will not proc.
You must Flash after casting Last Embrace for it to go in the desired direction. Otherwise, it will be cast in accordance to the direction you used Flash.
When you cast Last Embrace on a minion and it kills it, enemies within the radius are rooted instantly and there is no delay. For enemies like Yasuo, regardless if he uses Sweeping Blade or not, he will be rooted in place.
Flash Last Embrace is a good combo that raises your chances of rooting the enemy because it is less predictable and leaves little time for a reaction in between the casting.
This is not an escape tool, but more-so a disengage tool.
When you are revealed (whether through Scryler's Bloom or a Control Ward), your camouflage is disabled, however the movement speed buff still remains active.
You can use Curse of the Black Mist to detect Control Wards because it disables your camouflage. This also works for enemy champions, however it is close to face-checking so I wouldn't recommend this.
Dawning Shadow only deals damage to champions and has no effect on monsters at all. Casting Dawning Shadow for a dragon steal is a huge waste, unless you can pick up a kill on an enemy champion or if you need vision. Be wary of when to use Dawning Shadow because the cooldown is not very forgiving.
Your primary combo includes auto-weaving after every ability. I think it is the most effective way to play Senna with this strategy because she deals plenty of damage with her autos, you can cancel the animation of Piercing Darkness through doing so, and you can lower the cooldown on Piercing Darkness which you'll most likely be spamming in fights.
A > Q > A
Early Trading
Piercing Darkness is a really cool ability because it lets you cancel the animation so that you can sneak an extra auto in. An auto-attack followed by a Piercing Darkness enables you to collect a mist stack from Absolution, while also winning the trade ( Electrocute here gives a small amount of burst while using this combo).
W > A > Q > A
Early Rotation
When you land a Last Embrace, this will be a good chance to engage on an enemy. This is basically the first combo but only added with Last Embrace. You can also use Curse of the Black Mist for a disengage, however I think that this wastes too much mana and you can get away with the movement speed collected after Absolution.
W > A > Q > A > R
Full Rotation
The same combo as before, now added with Dawning Shadow for the execute. If necessary, you can auto-weave after using Dawning Shadow. This is also your most common go-to in fights.
Q > R > F
This is a play with less functionality, but it looks cool and is nice for styling on your enemies. It is for the purpose of executing only, however in this case you will also be able to collect an extra Mist stack before they die.
A > R > F
Quick Execution
This fast combo may work when you are low on health and can fight the assassin who is chasing you. This makes use of the animation cancelling mechanic from Senna's Dawning Shadow. Unfortunately, it doesn't let you collect the Mist stack from Absolution, but it's still worth learning.
+To Buy
This will outline several core items that are worth purchasing and give you advice on how to build Senna.
Spectral Sickle Spectral Sickle is the AD equivalent of Spellthief's Edge, which was previously built on Senna prior to the passive change. It is also the only gold income item that you will be buying.
Boots of Speed
Boots tend to be very situational that there really isn't one boot choice that you must consistently stick to. For example, vs a heavy mage team comp, you'd want to buy Mercury's Treads, and if their ADC is fed, you'd want to buy Ninja Tabi.
Boots of Swiftness
These are the most commonly upgraded boots for good reason. They provide slightly more speed than the rest of the boots and reduce slows on movement speed. Additionally, they are relatively cheap, meaning that you can upgrade your boot tier early on for an advantage against your enemies.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
I usually suggest building Ionian Boots of Lucidity if you are building full support, because these synergize very well with Transcendence from the Sorcery tree because of the ability haste Ionian Boots of Lucidity gives. This combined with Cosmic Insight also reduces the cooldown on your summoner spells by 15% total. ]I've found buying Ionian Boots of Lucidity overall the best boot choice because Senna benefits greatly from ability haste.
Boots of Mobility Mobility Boots allows you to roam pretty easily early-mid game. I no longer build Mobility Boots unless I am far ahead and planning to roam (if so, I sell these for Ionian Boots of Lucidity after 20 minutes.) It's just too situational.
Previously, Manamune was slightly costly, however with the changes made with Tear of the Goddess I think that it is a viable item, as you can easily stack tear and buy Tear of the Goddess incredibly early on. Insanely good buy and definitely worth investing.
Frostfire Gauntlet
Good investment if you are going the Grasp of the Undying build. I personally do not like it as much after the nerf.
Duskblade of Draktharr Duskblade of Draktharr's passive has been updated so that it is now a must-have on most assassins. I think that it is a great item if you are snowballing on Senna support and for the most part remains a 4fun item. It is very situational, and because you can only buy one Mythic item now, its potential is immensely wasted and you would benefit significantly from different Mythics.
Serpent's Fang
After the buffs, Serpent's Fang is a remarkably strong item, especially vs champions with lots of shields like Janna or Lulu.
Eclipse Eclipse is the most consistent Mythic item for lethality Senna.
Edge of Night Edge of Night, is honestly severely underrated and a good kind of situational, making it a good buy whether you're behind or ahead. You get a fair amount of AD and lethality, but more importantly, the free spell shield that refreshes every 40 seconds. Because Senna doesn't have an escape, this could save your life from a deadly engage.
Black Cleaver
This item is viable, but I would not really recommend it if you are not facing tanks. The only reason you should be purchasing this is if you are against a team with a lot of armor (which, in that case, you should also opt for Lord Dominik's Regards.
Rapid Firecannon
I find that this item is rather useful in my games, since it allows Senna to poke a little further.
Most of what Senna builds are to either take advantage of her strengths (such as her range and damage), or to make up for her weaknesses (squishiness). While I cannot tell you what to build every game, my biggest pointer would be to see whether or not you are actually benefiting from the purchase, since situational items could really change the course of your game.
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