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Ability Order
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
I take Greater Mark of Attack Damage on Marks, Greater Seal of Armor on Seals, Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist on Glyphs and Greater Quintessence of Health on Quints for increased damage and a lot of durability.
On Masteries, 21-9-0 work really well, with an emphasis on physical damage in offence and
Veteran's Scars
in Defence.
I start with a Doran's Blade for increased damage and durability. I rush Ionian Boots of Lucidity and then a Kindlegem and The Brutalizer.
Turn Kindlegem into Spirit Visage and The Brutalizer to Youmuu's Ghostblade, which give me max CDR along with Ionian Boots of Lucidity and lots of durability and damage.
I now get a lot of durability as my opponents start getting stronger. Sunfire Aegis and Force of Nature some of the best tank items, with Health, Health Regen, Armour and MR. Finally, I take Atma's Impaler for a lot of damage and durability.
Frozen Mallet and Trinity Force are also good, as you can chase and kite opponents with them. If you want more damage, then Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Black Cleaver, and Last Whisper are all great. For more tankiness, Warmog's Armor, Shurelya's Battlesong, Randuin's Omen, Locket of the Iron Solari, Thornmail and Guardian Angel are all great choices.
I take Cull the Meek at level 1 and max it first for it is one of the most strong self-healing abilities in the game, and also gives me a lot of extra damage. I take a point in Slice and Dice at level 2, but max it last. Take Ruthless Predator at level 3 and max it second.
Pros of this Guide:
Cons of this Guide:
Cannot easily escape from champions with Blinks or Taunts.
Can be stopped by several forms of hard CC to be burst down.
His burst potential is in an instant, which means of he doesn't kill his target almost immediatly, then he is left volnurable.
A lot of damage.
A lot of Durability.
Strong Escape Mechanisms.
Good multi-target damage.
High Burst on singe targets.
A lot of farming opportunities
Cons of this Guide:
Cannot easily escape from champions with Blinks or Taunts.
Can be stopped by several forms of hard CC to be burst down.
His burst potential is in an instant, which means of he doesn't kill his target almost immediatly, then he is left volnurable.
If you want a lot of health back in the laning phase, wait for the enemy minion wave, Slice and Dice in, and use a furious Cull the Meek.
Slice and Dice through the enemy minion wave, Cull the Meek, Slice and Dice back out.
Slice and Dice through the enemy minion wave, Ruthless Predator, Cull the Meek, Slice and Dice back out.
Slice and Dice through the enemy minion wave, Cull the Meek, Slice and Dice back out.
Slice and Dice through the enemy minion wave, Ruthless Predator, Cull the Meek, Slice and Dice back out.
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