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Twisted Fate Build Guide by Manzey

[S7] Twisted Fate goes global! - (ALL ROLES & UPDATED)

[S7] Twisted Fate goes global! - (ALL ROLES & UPDATED)

Updated on November 19, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Manzey Build Guide By Manzey 17 2 1,604,184 Views 33 Comments
17 2 1,604,184 Views 33 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Manzey Twisted Fate Build Guide By Manzey Updated on November 19, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    Mid Lane Twisted Fate
  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    Top lane Twisted Fate
  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    Jungle AP Twisted Fate
  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    Support Twisted Fate
  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    Top Twisted Fate
  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    Jungle Twisted Fate
  • LoL Champion: Twisted Fate
    ADC Twisted Fate

Recommended Items


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello and welcome to my all-around Twisted Fate guide! With this guide I will share my knowledge that I've acquired over my time playing Twisted Fate. Hopefully this guide will help you improve and show you new ways to play Twisted Fate.
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Who am I?

I am Manzey. I am a Twisted Fate main since about three years back.
I tend to mostly play Twisted Fate - and if I change to another champ, I'll end up back on Twisted Fate later on anyways! I play Twisted Fate in all lanes and roles, with success!
I try to stream from time to time, so be sure to go in and hit the follow button! ;-D
I also upload highlights and goodies on youtube
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Why Twisted Fate?

I play Twisted Fate because he is fun, works in all roles and he is very strong as a team carry!
Twisted Fate shines in all lanes due to his low cooldown stun/slow and his map presence at level 6.
He also have a very high damage output throughout the whole game, in all roles!
I also enjoy Twisted Fate cause he got alot of tools to make plays!
Twisted Fate got a very simple kit, but yet very complex and unique - so many different playstyles! Lovely champion!
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Pros & Cons


+ Very fun to play
+ Great waveclear
+ Strong poke
+ Low CD CC
+ Strong map presence
+ Strong pushing power
+ Works in all lanes & roles
+ Great one-trick-pony champ!


- Weak early game
- Requires great positioning
- Hard to master
- Hard to play from behind
- Relies on picking the right card
- Top/Jungle/ADC/Support can be seen as troll
- No escapes other than summoners
- Have alot of hard counters
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Summoner Spells & Keystones!

Summoner Spells!


Flash will be used for all matchups and all lanes/roles, so will not be mentioned as it is obvious.

Ghost have lately become one of the main summoners for Twisted Fate. With Ghost buffs and masteries to decrease summoner cooldowns, along with items, makes Ghost a very strong pick as an overall summoner. It helps your positioning, escape-capabilities and chasing. Generally the to-go summoner!

Ignite should be used in two specific matchups - and that is versus LeBlanc and Fizz. Both of them are "jump-in" and deal massive damage champions. With ignite you'll have kill pressure and if they go all in for you early on, you can hard punish them. If not kill them.

Teleport will mostly be used if you're versus a laner that you won't have any kill pressure on and someone that is focused on laning, e.g Orianna - constantly shoving in lane - You'll need to be able to get back to lane quickly, while at the same time not lose your roaming capabilities.

Heal / Barrier is used rarely, which one you pick is not that important. It is used when you know you will be nuked down over getting poked down!
Should not be considered a to-go spell.

Exhaust will be used vs Zed and Yasuo only, only to counter their all-ins. Some other specific matchups it can be utilized in aswell. Can be both aggressive and defensive.

Cleanse will be used iy you're playing against e.g Veigar that relies heavily on his stun and it often means death if you get stunned. So grab Cleanse so you can get out of that nasty stun.


Teleport will be used in all matchups, to allow you to roam to bottom lane aswell to get your items early and get back to lane quickly!


Smite is the only summoner to be used in the jungle, reasons are obvious, not possible without it.


Heal will be used in ALMOST all matchups, it is the to-go-spell for ADC.

Cleanse can be used if you're confident in your ability to perform and not loose trades too often. Use vs Leona only.


Exhaust will be used all the time, you will need it! Trust me!


Midlane % Top AP % Support & AP Jungle:

Thunderlord's Decree will be used in aggressive playstyle as it gives a huge damage boost and your W with E active+Q insta-triggers it for a huge burst! Thunderlords is superior and gives you a well needed extra damage boost.


Fervor of Battle will be the only choice here, it increases your basic attacks by ALOT in longer fights.

AD Jungle

Warlord's Bloodlust will be used when jungling - with the remake of it, it gives you a sustain boost along with well needed movespeed when ganking.
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Runes & Masteries!


You can change this depending on playstyle and what item build you're going for. But some are mandatory every game, the others differ, depending on opponent, etc.


For mid you have the normal standard setup, which is:
3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed (MANDATORY)
9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration (MANDATORY)
9x Greater Seal of Scaling Health (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power (OPTIONAL)


You will use the modified standard build.
3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed (MANDATORY)
9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration (MANDATORY)
5x Greater Seal of Scaling Health & 4x Greater Seal of Armor (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power (OPTIONAL)

3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Seal of Armor (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Glyph of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)


3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed (MANDATORY)
9x Greater Mark of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)
5x Greater Seal of Scaling Health & 4x Greater Seal of Armor (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Glyph of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)

3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Seal of Armor (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Glyph of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)



3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Seal of Armor (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Glyph of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)


3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Mark of Attack Speed (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration (OPTIONAL)
9x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist (OPTIONAL)


AP (mid - top)
AP (jungle)

AD (jungle / TOP)



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(Passive) Loaded Dice

Loaded Dice is your passive ability. It grants you bonus gold upon killing a unit.
This passive does not seem good when reading it, but imagine you're at 150 cs and your enemy is at 150 cs you'll still be plenty gold ahead of your enemy.

(Q) Wild cards

Wild Cards is the ability you will use to damage your opponent down if you're playing AP. You will use Wild Cards either to clear waves or to poke your opponent, sometimes both. This is great for teamfights, as you can throw it into a group of enemies to severely damage the enemy team!

(W) Pick A Card

Pick A Card is the whole key to your kit, in all roles! You will use Pick A Card to poke, slow and stun the enemies! It's like 3 spells combined into 1. It is crucial to pick the right card at the right moment.

Blue card will deal the most damage out of the 3 cards aswell as restoring mana. Use this for poke and to maintain mana.

Red card will deal moderate damage but in AOE, it will also slow your opponents. This card will mainly be used for waveclear, but can also be used to poke the enemy by casting it on nearby minions.

Gold card will deal the lowest amount of damage, but will still be your main card when attacking champions. At max level the gold card will stun for 2 seconds with a 6 second cooldown (without CDR). Use this in combination with your (Q) Wild Cards

(E) Stacked Deck

Stacked Deck is a very strong passive ability, it deals bonus magic damage every 4 attacks, also increases your attack speed. This ability is key to AD / Attack Speed TF.
Use this in combination with Lich Bane proc+ Pick A Card for heavy damage.

(R) Destiny

Destiny is a great ultimate ability! With it you can roam across the map instantly. Use it combined with your stun card to ensure a free kill! Destiny can also be used to reveal your enemies position in lategame, if you suspect them doing baron, use your ulti. Destiny can also be used in lane, when facing a champion with stealth, such as Vayne, this can really throw them off if you gold card them in their invis before they get the chance to break it.
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Item choices


So, what items to pick? What items are needed and what items are flexible? And why?

I will go over some of the few essential items that you should go for every game and also explain why!

The items mentioned below are the few special ones that are standing out from other items for Twisted Fate.


Lich Bane

Twisted Fate might be the only champ that builds this every single game when playing AP!
The reason for this is the synergy it has with his spells, to increase his damage output by a bunch it is normally built early on in the game! But don't get me wrong, it is not a mandatory first buy! If needed, delay to third item, you might lack damage but you're far better off surviving than dealing slightly more damage.

Rod of Ages

Rod of Ages have always been a strong pick for Twisted Fate, since he is fairly squishy and he lacks mobility, so Rod of Ages help. And now since the buff of Rod of Ages and the nerf of other items, Rod of Ages is a very strong pick for first item.

Zhonyas Hourglass

Even tho Zhonyas isn't really mandatory it is really a to-go item in all games, except you're way way better than your opponents and do not do any mistakes whatsoever. Zhonyas will allow you to overextend for the gold card pick, then use Zhonyas and allow your team to follow up while you stand there, shining bright.


Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King is a great item, as it gives you lifesteal along with more damage + attack speed. Will be bought first as ADC TF.

Rapid Firecannon

Rapid Firecannon is a great item for AD TF, it allows you to get a pick on an enemy or stun an escaping enemy. It also have great stats for AD TF, which all benefit him.

Runaan's Hurricane

Rapid Firecannon is a great item for AD TF, it allows you to get a pick on an enemy or stun an escaping enemy. It also have great stats for AD TF, which all benefit him.
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Skill Combos

Here I will show you the most common combos when going for either poke or a kill.

Normal poke combo: Stacked Deck + Pick A Card

Maximum damage poke: Stacked Deck + Pick A Card + Wild Cards

Ultimate ganking: Destiny + Pick A Card + Wild Cards

Jumping an enemy: Pick A Card + Flash + Wild Cards + Stacked Deck

Running Ignite?: Pick A Card + Stacked Deck + Wild Cards + Ignite + Basic Attacks
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Tips & Tricks

Double gold cards!

At 0%, 10%, 35% and 40% you can pull out another gold card directly after the CD finishes on your Pick A Card!
Look at the video I made below for more insight!

Early game farming

During laning phase you need to know how to lasthit properly and how to use your spells to secure lasthits, especially under towers! Hop into a custom game to practice this!

Pick your battles!

Do not go for poke and trades every chance you get, pick them out carefully to ensure that you come out as the winner! Examples where you should go in are when the enemy is going for a lasthit(Preferably the cannon minion as they'll spend more effort into that one), or right after they've used their only slow/stun on minions, or wasted their mobility spells to try to go on the offensive, or when you know their ultimate is on cooldown, or when you know their jungler is at toplane

Not thinking of these things, espescially as Twisted Fate can and will get you killed. Twisted Fate is not a strong duelist in the early game so pick your battles well and do not go in for longer fights.

How to trade

When you're trading, either just throw a (Q) Wild Cards or to make sure your (Q) hits and to deal even more damage then basic attack minions until your (E) Stacked Deck is up, then pull out a gold card with Pick A Card and throw it at the enemy and while they're stunned throw your Wild Cards at their face and then back off. There is nothing your enemy can do to defend from this, unless they can dodge the gold card with champions such as Master Yi Alpha Strike or Fizz Playful / Trickster, make sure to bait those spells out before you throw your gold card.

Play carefully

Twisted Fate is very weak to ganks, so make sure to always have a well placed ward in the bush for safety!
If the enemy jungler is missing, do not push as much, or shove the lane and back to base.

Roam alot!

As soon as you get level 6, look for ganks. Twisted Fates global presence is what makes him shine, so take advantage of that. Put fear into your enemies, win your allies lanes for them! Twisted Fate does not win the lane, Twisted Fate wins the game.

Remember to use your ultimate in teamfights

You can use Destiny in teamfights to reposition and to put fear in your enemies, aswell as reveal stealthed / flanking enemies.

When you're not doing anything!

When you're not doing anything, e.g if you've just cleared the wave or too scared to farm, go around a corner just to get out of sight, just to put fear in the enemy, not knowing where you are or if you're going to use your ulti, people up to Master won't even care to time your ulti, roughly than estimating its time to 1 min cd. So rather than standing around, put fear into your enemies! Your ultimate can be used even when it is on cooldown :-)

Move alot!

Between basics, between spells, between everything. MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE, it is so important to mastering Twisted Fate, never stand still, standing still you're an easy target, running around with your high movespeed you'll make the enemy nervous cause they never know when you'll turn towards them. It creates alot of pressure, increases your damage output, allows you to dodge skillshots easier, since you're already moving and it looks cool :p
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Thanks for reading!

Thank you so much guys for reading my guide!
If there is anything you would like to see featured in my guide, or anything you feel that I missed or are wrong at, just comment below!

If you enjoyed this guide, don't forget to hit the like button and follow my stream!
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Here I put notes about roles that I find out over time that i can't place in a section.

Got permanently banned FeelsBadMan.
I won't have access to the Manzey account anymore, I'll be playing on my meme account DavvEsWe instead.
Might be updating again in the future, we'll see!
Working on updates!
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