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His AoE ult can easly kill your spinderlings and dodge your cocoon(E). That way, he can dodge your unique stun.
Introduction-Pros and cons-Rune Choices-Masteries-Ability Sequence-Summoner Spells-Abilities-Items Explanation-Situational Items-Combo-Champion Synergies-Jungle Route and Jungling-Ganking-Changelog
Name: Becakun
Favourite champions: Elise, Orianna and Syndra.
Elise is my favourite champion of all league of legends' champions. As a jungler main, Elise provides all things a jungler wants, like good ganks and a great sustain in the jungle.
One thing that makes Elise so fun to play it's her kit that has 6 abilities. I never get tired of playing Elise because she's very unique and versatille. You can be a melee champion or a ranged mage, you can be a tank or you can be an AP burster! When I started playing League of Legends I felt imedeattly in love for Elise so I decided to write a guide about her! I tried to cover everything that everyone should know about Elise in order to play her ;)
But why should you play Elise? Well, Elise is one of the most unique champions in the game. Her Rappel and ultimate Spider Form are what makes Elise this unique. Like I said before, Elise is very versatille since you can decide to go for a tank path if your team lacks of tanks, you can go full AP if your team has no AP carries, or you can choose an AP offTank path (my favourite) to burst down enemies while being tanky enough to stay in the frontline! If she's difficult? Yes, she is hard to main. But that way it feels even better when you master her ;) ! At the beggining, her kit might seem strange if you never played a champion of this type, like Nidalee, but you'll get used to it, believe me!
If you have any doubts about Elise feel free to ask on my guide's discussion and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed my guide!!
These are the runes I choose because they give you tankiness for early game and provide ability power (In spider form, her basic attacks deal damage based on your AP, so extra AP is always recommendable)
SPACE | This is the seal I've been using for a long time. I used to recommend Greater Seal of Armor instead of this one. However, I think these seals are super useful late game, since they provide a decent amount of health - around 200 health. With these seals, you'll be even more tanky! I find these seals to be better than [greater seal of armor] since that extra armor isn't really necessary. Sure, they are useful on some junglers to help them clear the jungle early game, but Elise already has a very good clear, even at level 1 thanks to her spiderlings. | SPACE |
SPACE | If you want you can replace this runes for Greater Glyph of Ability Power because you only need magci resist to survive in ganks and to protect you from the enemy AP champion. However I find this runes to be more usefull since you want to be tanky Elise and health without magic resist or armor it's like a cake without eggs. :) | SPACE |
SPACE | Gives you magic penetration to deal more damage to those tanky enemy champs like mundo or renekton. You should always have this runes because they will help you to counter tanks. I don't recommend building Greater Mark of Ability Power since that way your damage will be ignored by the target's magic resist. That way, if you have magic pen, you will be able to ignore some of their magic resist! | SPACE |
You can also use some Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed to have more attack speed. Attack speed on Elise is good because that way you will have more sustain in the jungle while in spider form. The more auto attacks you deal, the more health you recover because of your passive. However I prefer to go for Greater Quintessence of Ability Power because your w already gives you attack speed. Armor is essential early game for your jungle clear, since jungle mobs deal damage based on their attack damage so, the only way to protect yourself from their attacks is building armor with Greater Seal of Armor . But still, Elise has a very good jungle clear at early levels so, armor seals aren’t really that necessary.
With the season 7 materies update we now have a different pool of masteries that change from player to player. I prefer to use 12-18-0 on Elise to have access to the keystone Thunderlord’s decree.
vs Sorcery Fury gives you 4% attack speed and sorcery gives you 2% spell and ability damage. As Elise already has a steroyd (her w in spider form) I think she doesn't need more attack speed to survive in the jungle. I find more useful to use Sorcery because it will boost your abilities damage by 2%. TIER 2- Fresh Blood vs Feast vs Expose Weakness Expose Weakness is the winner here. With it, your allies will deal more damage to a champion you have already attacked. So, It's great for ganks. Feast is not necessary since you have great survability in the jungle while Fresh Blood is only good for laners to poke. TIER 3- Vampirism vs Natural Talent Vampirism increases your spell vamp and life steal while natural talent gives you more AD and AP per level. I prefer to use Natural Talent instead of Vampirism because Elise already has life steal because of her passive and spiderlings. So I prefer to have more AP at level 18 so I can deal more damage Late Game. |
Bounty Hunter
vs Double edge sword vs
Battle Trance
Battle Trance is, in my opinion, the best option here. Bounty Hunter is not a bad mastery but is more recommendable to carries, like mid laners or adcs that can snowball hard. Double edge sword and Battle Trance are similar in some ways but I find the second one to be more effective. While Battle Trance boosts your damage by 3% over 3 seconds - it takes 3 seconds to get the full bonus damage ONLY when fighting enemy champions - Double Edged Sword boosts damage instantly by the same amount in every situation (even against jungle mobs) but you'll take 1,5% more damage. I prefer Battle Trance since you won't take adittional damage from enemies and Elise can survive more than 3 seconds in a fight to get full bonus. And this is our Ferocity tree. This tree focuses primarily on boosting your skirmish potential since it gives you bonus ability power and bonus abilities damage. I only put 12 points on this tree since I prefer to put 18 on Cunning tree to have access to the keystone (that I will explain later) Thunderlord’s decree. However, never forget masteries are personal and depend from player to player. So, if you want to put 18 points on Ferocity feel free to do it ;3. CUNNING TREE
TIER 3- Merciless vs Meditation Merciless provides 5% extra damage against champions who are under 40% health and meditation regenerates 1.5% missing mana every 5 seconds. I prefer to use merciless in order to deal more damage to low health enemies. This way, it will be easier to finish off some enemies. Elise might suffer from some mana problems early game but remember that in spider form she doesn't consume mana, so Meditation isn't mandatory. TIER 4- Bandit vs Dangerous Game vs Greenfather's Gift Bandit gives "passive" gold, Dangerous Game game makes kills and assists grant 5% missing health and mana and Greenfather's Gift boosts next attack damage after stepping into a bush. I prefer to use Dangerous Game because it's very effective on teamfights. With this mastery, you'll be able to stay in battle a little longer, or even survive, and one more elise stun in a fight might change the winning team! Bandit is more aproppriated for supports and elise farms alone at the jungle, so this one is useless on her. While Greenfather's Gift is good for counter ganking or fights in the jungle, you can't guarantee that there will be a bush in every team fight. Because of this, you won't be able to "use" this mastery in every situation, while Dangerous Game can be always used. TIER 5- Precision vs Intelligence Precision gives you extra armor magic penetration (hybrid penetration) while Intelligence increases you cooldown cap by 45% (you will be able to have 45% cd) and gives you 5% cooldown reduction. This one is also very personal and depends from person to person. However, I find Intelligence to be more useful on Elise. Elise doesn’t really beneficiate from Precision, since her q Neurotoxin and Venomous Bite both deal damage based on enemies’ %health. But I think Intelligence is a very cool mastery, since it increases your cooldown reduction, and Elise really needs it (her abilities’ cooldown are very high!) KEYSTONE - Stormraider’s Surge vs Thunderlord’s decree vs windspeaker’s Blessing I think this one is pretty basic. The chosen one is Thunderlord’s Decree. Stormraider’s Surge is better on spammers like ryze or cassiopeia. It gives you extra movement speed after having dealt an amount of damage and gives you slow resistance for that amount of time. Windspeaker’s blessing it’s one of the most useless keystones on Elise. This mastery is only good on supports since it increases your healings and shields. Elise doesn’t have any shield to start with. In addition, she also doesn’t heal her allies so this keystone should NEVER be built on Elise. The chosen one is Thunderlord’s decree. Probably the mastery that suits the best on Elise. This keystone gives you lots of burst potential. It activates after you have attacked an enemy with 3 attacks and since Elise has more abilities on her kit than most part of the champions, it’s really easy for her to activate this spell! In spite of not being able to constantly poke the enemies (since she is a jungler and she stays at the jungle most part of the early game), Elise can poke very well enemies at mid/late game with this keystone and it gives Elise a really good advantage. Try to activate Thunderlord’s decree before using Venomous Bite, since this ability gives more damage based on the enemies’ missing health. This way, if you use Venomous Bite after activating thunderlord’s decree, you will deal more damage than usual! OTHER OPTIONS Deathfire Touch it’s another viable option on Elise. However, if you go for this keystone, you will have to put 18 points on Ferocity. Deathfire Touch deals Dps damage (damage per second) and it burns enemies. Early game this mastery isn’t really that useful, but late it deals very good damage. However, I find thunderlord’s to be more effective on Elise since it gives Elise more skirmishing potential. Other options are Courage of the Colossus , Stoneborn Pact and Grasp of the Undying. These three keystones can be useful if you're going for tank Elise since they beneffit from your maximum health. However, you can only use them if you put 18 points on resolve tree, abdicating cunning or ferocity tree. Stoneborn Pact can be a good choice if there are many basic attacks based champions on your team, like Yasuo, Tryndamere, and all adcs. This way, they'll get healed a little bit after you hit your stun - your cc ability. The other ones are useful if you're looking for more suvability in teamfights. Here I will give you my opinion when it comes to skill sequence on Elise. I guess my skill sequence is the most popular sequence on Elise and basically everyone goes for it. As you'll see ahead, I prefer to max Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite before Volatile Spiderling/ Skittering Frenzy. I do this because when you max q you're leveling up 2 damage abilities. Never forget that when you put a point on Neurotoxin you're putting it on Venomous Bite also. This way, you'll be increasing 2 damage abilities that are very important on her combo. Volatile Spiderling/ Skittering Frenzy are not bad but there's no real beneffit from maxing a steroyd in first place, but I'll explain this in more detail ahead. This way, I always max R > Q > W > E I recommend maxing Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite first because it's Elise's main damage ability. In spite of Volatile Spiderling dealing lots of damage, I consideer Neurotoxin and Venomous Bite to be more effective. The health % damage is very usefull against tanks like Garen or Darius that are picked many times in the top lane. Most of the junglers are tanks so Elise's q helps to counter them. Venomous Bite it's so usefull to finish off those low hp enemies that are trying to run away! Note that when you're leveling up your q, you're boosting 2 damage abilities, helping you bursting enemies down. After maxing q try to max w in the second place. Elise's w in human form is gret to poke and to farm. If you have Liandry's Torment this ability will deal tons of damage because it damages everyone in the explosion ratio, applying Liandry's passive to everyone. The main reason I max this in the second place is because in Spider Form this ability is pretty useless in teamfights or in ganks. I find Venomous Bite more useful for these situations. Skittering Frenzy it's only necessary for jungling because it provides more sustain and clean potential, but excepting that, it doesn't offer a lot of skirmish potential. There's no point in maxing a steroyd in first place and you would only end up beneffitiating from Volatile Spiderling when it comes to ganks, not Skittering Frenzy. However, this is the first abilitty you should put a point on, at level 1, since your attack speed steroyd it's very useful when it comes to killing mobs in the jungle. In third place I max Cocoon/ Rappel. This ability is Elise's only crowd control ability. The reason I evolve this ability in the last place is because Elise needs damage and power early game so I prefer to max fist her damage abilities. Maxing this first will only give you one more second stunned and less cooldown on rappel so I don't think it's good to max this ability in first place or in second place. If you max this first you will notice that Elise will deal less damage, not being capable of bursting off her enemies. Always try to max Spider Form when you can since it's your ultimate ability.
OTHER CHOICES Ghost - you can take ghost too because it helps to escape and to chase. However, i think flash is a better option as it gives you the possibility to jump over walls. Next I'm going to talk about and explain Elise abilities: how they function, their range, damage, utillity and how and when to use.
In Human form, Elise turns into a ranged mage that attacks at long distance. Always start a fight in this form since it deals more damage the higher the current health of the enemy is, thanks to the ability Neurotoxin. In this form you have a single target spell - Neurotoxin, a AoE damage ability Volatile Spiderling and your unique cc ability - Cocoon - that stuns one enemy champ or minion.
In this form, Elise turns into a meelee champion and her auto attacks deal extra magic damage +20% of your total AP. Use this form when your targets are at low health, since Venomous Bite deals more damage the lower the current health of the enemies are. This form has more sustain than your human form, since you get healed for a certain amount when you basic attack. You also have, in this form, your unique steroyd ability - Skittering Frenzy - and escape or chasing ability - rapel - one of the most unique abilities in the all game.
In this section I'll explain my item choices for my core build. Please take in consideration that items depend from various situations and different games mean diferrent build, you can't build always the same items! You have to take on note your teammates cc, your teammates champions, your enemies fed champions and picked champions! You can also opt for a tank path or an AP tanky path, so items may change a lot from player to player!
Stalker's Blade - Cinderhulk Consider buying cinderhulk instead of runeglaive if your team does not have a tank. This item is really good on Elise if you buy Liandry's Torment and Rylai's Crystal Scepter because you will become really tanky. However, the Cinderhulk meta became weaker because of the nerfs Riot gave it. I think that runic echoes it's a better option on Elise but as I already said, Elise is a very versatille champion and you can try very different builds on her. Rylai's Crystal Scepter Used to be the best item on Elise before the nerfs. This item gives you lots of health to survive in teamfights and to get tanky and gives you lots of ability power too. However, is its passive who turns this item so good on Elise. Its passive slows your abilities targets by 40-45% if you hit them. This can be very usefull to escape, to save your teammates from enemies and to chase enemies. But what really some people don't know, is that rylai's passive works with your spiderlings auto attacks. Spiderlings deal magic damage with her auto attacks so, rylai's passive works with them. Besides this, it's passive works too well with Liandry's Torment! The nerfs they gave it didn't turn this item useless, but I prefer to build banshee's veil over this since it gives magic resist and provides a spell shield. However, it's still a wonderful item on Elise and buying it it's a wonderful option! I still buy it sometimes if my teammates don't have slows on their kits! Rod of Ages This item gives you a lot of health (for tankiness), ap and mana. It's really good on Elise but I prefer to go for Liandry's Torment instead since it gives you a wonderful passive and magic penetration. I prefer to buy other items instead of this one because Elise is squishy early game and she needs Health, and rod of ages only starts giving decent health at the final of the stacks. Besides that, you need armor and magic resist, and if you replace rylai's or liandry's for this item you will loose a lot of skirmish potential. Zhonya's Hourglass Good on Elise, it provides Armor, AP and a wonderful active wich turns you invulnerable to dmg for 2 seconds. However it doesn't give you health so it turns you a little squishy. You can consider buying this instead of Randuin's Omen if you want to deal more damage. You can use zhonya's active while you are ascending or descending rappel to confuse your enemies. Frozen Heart Consider buying this if the enemy team has a fed adc. The passive works really well because in spider form you become a meele champion so you will be closer to your enemies. If the enemy team has a fed vayne or jinx you should replace Randuin's Omen for this item. Locket of the Iron Solari Buy this instead of Banshee's Veil if you want more utility than AP. Its passive is also very good and the armor and magic resist it provides are very welcomed. This item is really good in team fights because it gives a shield to all your teammates that are close to you. If the support doesn't buy this item and you already have a fed mage dealing tons of magic damage consider buying this time. Warmog's Armor Good on Elise if you wanna go full Tank or very tanky. Its new passive gives you a lot of health regen so if you like tanky champions buy this one. However I dont usually build this item on Elise because it doesn't give you any armor or magic resist or active. Spirit Visage Provides Magic resist and health. Its passive gives you bonus healing from your spiderlings wich is good to stay alive in the jungle. However, Elise already has a good sustain in the jungle without this item. If you like to build Banshee's Veil on Elsie you can sometimes buy this item instead if you look for more sustain or if you have a Soraka in your team. Tracker's Knife This Item is very good for most junglers. With the new trinkets plus this item you will be able to have 4 wards at the time to put in your jungle. This item can be very usefull to counter jungle, to ward strategic places like the river, drake and the rift herald and baron, and in some cases, to ward the mid lane entrances. I highly recommend this item on Elise because vision is very important on a team game as League of legends. And don't forget, warding it's not only the job of a support, it's also an essential role of a good jungler. I recommend building stalker's blade because it's good for ganks, but if your teammates already have decent cc consider buying tracker's knife instead. Cocoon(To stun the enemy so you can hit your other abilities and to make it easier for your team to attack)---> Neurotoxin(This ability deals more damage the higher their current health is. So, you should use this ability first because it will deal more damage.---> Volatile Spiderling(You can use this ability before using neurotoxin because the spider needs time to get into the enemies, it's up to you if you want to use this ability before or not. I usually use it before when the enemy is far away, but if the enemie is very close to you you should use this in second place.)---> Spider Form(Now that you hit 3 abilities in the enemy you now have at least 3 spiderlings with you. If you have runeglaive, try to auto attack the enemy before going to this form to deal extra damage.---> Venomous Bite(Use this ability as a gap closer. It deals more damage the lower their current life is so, this ability should deal a pretty decent damage. ---> Skittering Frenzy (Use this as an execute if the enemy didn't die yet).
//Tip// Make sure you have smart cast activated. Smart is so usefull when you're playing LoL because it makes it so easier to combo and faster. I started playing lol with normal cast and when I hit level 30 I tried smart cast and today I can see how bad it is to play with normal cast. But everyone has a different playstyle so... Rappel should be used to get to enemies that escaped with very low Hp and they to execute them with Venomous Bite. However, if the enemy has decent Hp don't use this to get into the fight because you won't be able to leave it if you don't have flash. If you get stucked in the teamfight after using your combo, try to use rappel on an enemy unit like a minion. TOP LANERS
Top laners that are lane bullies will sinergise well with Elise. With these toplaners, Elise can force a 2v2 scenario against their top laner and jungler, and win the fight due to her great combact potencial. She sinergises well with top laners that can do great dives to kill the enemy top laner. Top laners that have high crowd control (like gnar, liss and darius) also work really well with elise because she can stunn the enemy while their are already stunned. MID LANERS
Elise synergises very well with roaming mid laners. If Elise and a roaming mid laner (like ahri or kata) gank a lane this can be devastating to the enemy team. Elise ganks can be very effective if her mid laner is a burst mage like kata or syndra, because of Elise's stunn ability. Simillar to the top laners, elise synergises very well with high CC mid laners (like orianna and lux)) because she will be able to hit her stunn easier to secure the kill. AD CARRIES
If you choose to go full tank Elise you will become a very supportive jungler. Try to benefeciate from this by protecting your adc, this way he will have 2 supports! Adcs who have CC (like caitlyin, jinx and varus) can also synergise very well with Elise and can help her ganking bot lane. SUPPORTS
As you can see above, I found high CC suports to be the more effective with Elise. Elise is really good with supports like morgana, nami and tresh because they provide high protection for the adc and have lots of CC. Combined with an adc with some CC, your bot lane ganks will be very devastating and will often guarantee kills for you and the adc. When playing Jungle Elise I prefer to start at the gromp because I prefer to do the blue before doing the red buff. However, you can also start the krugs if they are closer to the bot lane because they provide the best leash. To jungle you should start with Volatille Spiderling/ Skittering frenzy (W) to check bushes in case the enemy team is invading your jungle. When the monster spawns cast smite (the sooner you use it, the sooner you'll have it) to acquire the buff. Try to make your spiderlings tank the jungle monster while you can, to lose less hp. After that put a point in venomous bite/neurotoxin (q). Then move to the next camp (Blue buff with you started gromp, Red buff if you started Krugs). Don't forget, you q in human form deals more damage if the monster has more life and your q in spider form deals more damage if the monster is low health so always start killing the monsters in human form. When moving in the jungle try to be always in spider form because it gives you more speed. After doing the Red or the Blue, move on to the Birds or to the wolves and after killing them put a point in cocoon/rappel (e). You're now ready to gank a lane. However, if the top laner or the bot lane are still at level 2, go to the river and kill a rift scuttler to have more exp and to ward the river. //Important NOTE//- Always gank from behind because this way you won't have to use your gap closer (rappel) until the enemy uses flash. Before ganking don't forget to ping so that your teammate knows that you are ganking. When you enter in the lane make sure the enemy is not covering himself behind minions. When you can, use you cocoon (e) to stun them, then cast you q (neurotoxin) and then your w (vollatille spiderling). After that go to Spider Form, use your q (Venomous Bite) and use your w (skittering frenzy). If your teammate cooperates the enemy will eventually die or be forced to use his flash and to recall. If you can't gank from behind, get closer to him by using rappel, use venomous bite (q), skittering frenzy (w) and when your teammate is ready to attack go to human form (r) and use cocoon (e), neurotoxin (q) and volatille spiderling (w). When you recall buy a Stalker's Blade to help you on ganks. When you are ganking cast smite on the enemy champ to make it easier to hit you stunn on them. --- CHANGELOG ---- Season 7 updates -10th August, 2017 - Update guide to season 7
• Runes: Changed the core seals to scaling health seals instead of great armor seals; • Masteries: Updated ferocity tree choices to season 7; • Others: Changed guide's title. Created a changelog section. 11th August, 2017 - Masteries update
12th August, 2017 - Matchups update
• Summoner spells: Added more infomation to summoner spells; • Introduction: Added "Why should you play Elise?" small topic; • Masteries: Corrected an error on the masteries where ferocity tree only had 11 points; • Abilities: Big update on abilities section - added new information on every ability and created images for every one of them; also added information about spider and human forms; • Items: Created start items with hunter's machete; updated items explanation with my new choices for the season 7. |
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