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Shen's Damage Sequences :
Double Twilight Assault Engage :
Prepare for this combo ahead of time. Use Spirit's Refuge to activate your Ki Barrier when [ki barrier]] is at 3-4 seconds of cooldown, use your Twilight Assault, now as soon as Ki Barrier is off cooldown Shadow Dash to taunt the enemy. At this point, you have taunted the enemy, activated your shield, and have 3 powered up basic attacks, also, by landing you shadow dash, you reduced the cooldown of your Ki Barrier about 5 seconds and will have that available soon. Ideally, you land 2-3 swings, use smite or any ability you have, to position, and then pull your sword through the enemy for your next Twilight Assault, giving you the attack speed steroid.
When you dash in and land 3 swings x 8% with Sated, that is 32% HP damage. If you are able to pull sword through for the second twilight assault, that will be your 4th swing, so it will double apply the 11%HP. Then 2 more swings, for a total of 87% of max HP in damage. While doing this you are taunting, shielding, slowing, gaining attack speed, then dodging attacks.
Shadow Dash Engage :
You have to have your sword in position for twilight assault, so that when you use Shadow Dash, you go through enemy, taunt, and pull sword through. You get your attack speed steroid and almost guarantee to land your 3 hits on twilight assault all while your Ki Barrier is active. This is the safest and most consistent dash-in combo.
Pay attention to the cooldown timer on your Ki Barrier Be careful not to use Twilight Assault too often without attacking, Shadow Dash's passive refunds energy for each swing of twilight assault.
When jungling, Shen can sustain forever, using Spirit's Refuge to dodge basic attacks, Ki Barrier for shielding, the healing from Grasp of the Undying, and no need for mana. This means he can stay out in the jungle, get blue buffs for the mid-laner, have map presence using Stand United while stacking devourer, without having to lane roam too much.
Double Twilight Assault Engage :
Prepare for this combo ahead of time. Use Spirit's Refuge to activate your Ki Barrier when [ki barrier]] is at 3-4 seconds of cooldown, use your Twilight Assault, now as soon as Ki Barrier is off cooldown Shadow Dash to taunt the enemy. At this point, you have taunted the enemy, activated your shield, and have 3 powered up basic attacks, also, by landing you shadow dash, you reduced the cooldown of your Ki Barrier about 5 seconds and will have that available soon. Ideally, you land 2-3 swings, use smite or any ability you have, to position, and then pull your sword through the enemy for your next Twilight Assault, giving you the attack speed steroid.
When you dash in and land 3 swings x 8% with Sated, that is 32% HP damage. If you are able to pull sword through for the second twilight assault, that will be your 4th swing, so it will double apply the 11%HP. Then 2 more swings, for a total of 87% of max HP in damage. While doing this you are taunting, shielding, slowing, gaining attack speed, then dodging attacks.
Shadow Dash Engage :
You have to have your sword in position for twilight assault, so that when you use Shadow Dash, you go through enemy, taunt, and pull sword through. You get your attack speed steroid and almost guarantee to land your 3 hits on twilight assault all while your Ki Barrier is active. This is the safest and most consistent dash-in combo.
Pay attention to the cooldown timer on your Ki Barrier Be careful not to use Twilight Assault too often without attacking, Shadow Dash's passive refunds energy for each swing of twilight assault.
When jungling, Shen can sustain forever, using Spirit's Refuge to dodge basic attacks, Ki Barrier for shielding, the healing from Grasp of the Undying, and no need for mana. This means he can stay out in the jungle, get blue buffs for the mid-laner, have map presence using Stand United while stacking devourer, without having to lane roam too much.
Core build : Sated Devourer + Rageblade
I usually buy only 1 of these three items, each will help you in escape/pursuit:
Blade of the Ruined King (Playing a lot of HP building Tanks)
Youmuu's Ghostblade (Aggressive squishy hunting)
Hextech Gunblade (Use the life steal for dueling, and builds up AP for bonus damage on Twilight Assault)
If you are not building tank, you will need some CDR to make as much use of Ki Barrier and Shadow Dash as much as possible.
AD Build :
This build uses Ghostblade and Spirit's Visage for CDR. Dead man's plate or your choice of defensive items to finish the build.
AP build :
The AP items tend to be loaded with mana and mana regen, there are very few items that offer the CDR Shen needs. The Nashor's Tooth has 50% attack speed, 20% CDR, +80 Ability Power, and an on-hit effect that works with Sated Devourer. We can work with this. The other AP items that work well with Shen are, the Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Hextech Gunblade. This build ends up at 350 AP. This doubles the power of Twilight Assault It also adds 450 HP to his Stand United At max level Stand United will shield for 1300 HP.
Tank build :
This build will allow Shen to take his damage to the enemy team in a group fight. The Blade of the Ruined King and Twilight Assault will shred the front line tanks, and the Sterak's/Randuin's/Deadman's Plate in combination with using Ki Barrier will keep Shen alive.
Full Shredding Build :
Trinity Force is really strong, but it does have a useless mana stat on it, and it is very expensive, so I never buy this. But. If you are fed and just want to dish out damage, this is for you.
Full Tank build :
Can be used for top lane, just replace Cinderhulk with Sunfire Aegis
Not much to say here, you can still build him like a brick even after 6.2 patch.
Titanic Hydra also works well, but have not been using it myself. JinWinsky's guide has a few Sated Devourer bruiser builds with Titanic Hydra for Shen.
I usually buy only 1 of these three items, each will help you in escape/pursuit:
Blade of the Ruined King (Playing a lot of HP building Tanks)
Youmuu's Ghostblade (Aggressive squishy hunting)
Hextech Gunblade (Use the life steal for dueling, and builds up AP for bonus damage on Twilight Assault)
If you are not building tank, you will need some CDR to make as much use of Ki Barrier and Shadow Dash as much as possible.
AD Build :
This build uses Ghostblade and Spirit's Visage for CDR. Dead man's plate or your choice of defensive items to finish the build.
AP build :
The AP items tend to be loaded with mana and mana regen, there are very few items that offer the CDR Shen needs. The Nashor's Tooth has 50% attack speed, 20% CDR, +80 Ability Power, and an on-hit effect that works with Sated Devourer. We can work with this. The other AP items that work well with Shen are, the Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Hextech Gunblade. This build ends up at 350 AP. This doubles the power of Twilight Assault It also adds 450 HP to his Stand United At max level Stand United will shield for 1300 HP.
Tank build :
This build will allow Shen to take his damage to the enemy team in a group fight. The Blade of the Ruined King and Twilight Assault will shred the front line tanks, and the Sterak's/Randuin's/Deadman's Plate in combination with using Ki Barrier will keep Shen alive.
Full Shredding Build :
Trinity Force is really strong, but it does have a useless mana stat on it, and it is very expensive, so I never buy this. But. If you are fed and just want to dish out damage, this is for you.
Full Tank build :
Can be used for top lane, just replace Cinderhulk with Sunfire Aegis
Not much to say here, you can still build him like a brick even after 6.2 patch.
Titanic Hydra also works well, but have not been using it myself. JinWinsky's guide has a few Sated Devourer bruiser builds with Titanic Hydra for Shen.
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