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Riven Build Guide by Taboozie

Support Simpen (Riven Support)

Support Simpen (Riven Support)

Updated on July 10, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Taboozie Build Guide By Taboozie 19 2 40,709 Views 2 Comments
19 2 40,709 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Taboozie Riven Build Guide By Taboozie Updated on July 10, 2020
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1 2 3
Font of Life
Bone Plating

Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Simpen (Riven Support)

By Taboozie
Hi I am Thomas aka Taboozie1
I play a lot of off meta picks because they are just more fun then the meta picks when they work. I'm not gonna go into how Riven works if your planning on doing this i would recommend you understand how her basic mechanics work so play her normal for a bit then come revisit this guide. now with all of that said lets get into this
I know what you thinking. Why would you want to do this.
Well if you like playing champions like Leona or you like playing top laner supports like Sett than you might enjoy this

as for pro you have good amount of peel with your Broken Wings and Ki Burst
and for a con if they have a lot of disengage like Alistar and Janna then your kinda useless
okay lets talk runes:
Aftershockis gonna help you not get bursted down when you look for an engage
Font of Life this is gonna help your adc take down enemies that you engage on
Bone Plating, Second Wind, and Conditioning are interchangeable
Overgrowth is gonna help you have more health as the game goes on.

you can go Shield Bash and Revitalize is you want a big Valor

Phase Rush if you wanna go fast
Nimbus Cloak if you wanna go fast
Celerity if you wanna go fast
Gathering Storm cuz scaling is fun

Future's Market is gonna help you actually get items with low gold income
Cosmic Insight this is gonna give you the extra CDR that you need

your core items and the Death's Dance and Iceborn Gauntlet for this to work really well try to auto in between each ability

every other item is kinda your choice depending on what the team needs but go the support items so you can be a real support otherwise its kinda troll
What do you do???
Well your whole job is to help keep people off of you ADC so they can do all the damage your gonna do this by being a bit more of a tank than your normal riven. Aftershock helps out a lot with this. this gives you a bit more resistances so you don't get burst down as much and you can keep being a cc bot.

Your Death's Dance is gonna keep you alive and with the Iceborn Gauntlet you get 45% CDR.

Personally I rush the Death's Dance but if you want you can get the Caulfield's Warhammer, Glacial Shroud, and the Sheen for the CDR.

Besides that you just play riven like you would play her late game.
Look for engage. In lane phase this is sitting in a bush and looking for a cc chain on the enemy ADC if you use your Broken Wings and your ADC can't come up you can just leave with Ki Burst and Valor you can also try to make the enemy miss cannon minions with the same method

this becomes a cheese pick when you pair it with a Pantheon or Jax because then you just burst with a cc lock and they die pretty quick.

late game just look to Flash engage on a clump of 3 or more enemies and cc them
thanks for reading my guide if you want a video version than you can check out my youtube and if you wanna watch me play then go to i do all sorts of offmeta things and i have more videos and guides if you wanna check them out
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Taboozie
Taboozie Riven Guide
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Simpen (Riven Support)

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