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How to gank with sion
After 6 you got two options. Gank like i described above or gank with your ult.
Get behind your opponents lane. So go into their jungle and get behind them, then use your ult and if you hit it. Start channel your Q! You don't have to finish your channel. After 1 second you have your knockup. The longer you hold the more damage you do.
Or get into lane from your own side. CHOOOO CHOOOO!!!!!
Red side:
Golems, red, then look around to see for a lvl 2 gank or what lanes are puhsing. Is bot or mid pushing get raptors, is top pushing get blue. Possible gank or continue farming your gromp and wolves. You can walk back to raptors/golems or scuttle.
Blue side:
Same as red but then: Gromp, blue, gank or wolves -> red, Gank or golems, raptors.
Golems, red, then look around to see for a lvl 2 gank or what lanes are puhsing. Is bot or mid pushing get raptors, is top pushing get blue. Possible gank or continue farming your gromp and wolves. You can walk back to raptors/golems or scuttle.
Blue side:
Same as red but then: Gromp, blue, gank or wolves -> red, Gank or golems, raptors.
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