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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
Remember that the goal of a game is to have fun ^^

+Mana costs are low
+Flesh Wall
+Still has good damages
+Triple S: Stun + Slow + Shield = Good babysitting for your ADC
+Can engage with ult or just with E + your movespeed
+Lategame because of passive
+Really fun to play!!!
-Hard to escape when grabbed
-Useless when out of mana
-You have to wait 1 or 2 seconds to place your stun
-Counter by kite
-Passive useless against champions with mobility spells
-Haters gonna hate you and scream "TROLL REPORT"
+Mana costs are low
+Flesh Wall
+Still has good damages
+Triple S: Stun + Slow + Shield = Good babysitting for your ADC
+Can engage with ult or just with E + your movespeed
+Lategame because of passive
+Really fun to play!!!
-Hard to escape when grabbed
-Useless when out of mana
-You have to wait 1 or 2 seconds to place your stun
-Counter by kite
-Passive useless against champions with mobility spells
-Haters gonna hate you and scream "TROLL REPORT"

Your passive make you revive for a little moment. Use it to protect your allies, kill champions and damaging towers. Beware champions with mobility because they can escape really easily

The more you wait, the more it's usefull. Cast it in bush for a total surprise damage-stun attack!

Take one level at level 1 to starts staking HP with "relic shield". Use this spell to tank skillshots for your adc or use it to go on melee and make it explode!

Your main support skill. If you direct-hit a champion, you destroy his armor and slow him. If you hit a minion, it will be knockback and will deal damages + slow on the way. This spell only cost 25 mana so spam it to poke your ennemis to hell! BOWLING TIME BABY!
EDIT: The spell cost now 35 mana but it still the same

This is your last spell. Use it to engage fights, stun ennemis to save your allies or escape

Use it to farm HP without stealing gold to your ADC

Take it to get a little bit of damages, life steal and push/farm ability

Magic Resist + health regen to become a true survivor

Your ennemis always escape your passive? Try the Frozen Mallet!

You can stack infinit health to get infinit regen!
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