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Jinx Build Guide by CunningLinguist

ADC Spray and Pray ADC Jinx (Currently in Development)

ADC Spray and Pray ADC Jinx (Currently in Development)

Updated on June 1, 2014
New Guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CunningLinguist Build Guide By CunningLinguist 3,814 Views 0 Comments
3,814 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CunningLinguist Jinx Build Guide By CunningLinguist Updated on June 1, 2014
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Hi everyone I'm CunningLinguist and this is my very first guide so don't be gentle. I expect trolls and grammar nazis to nuke the fudge out of my guide's metaphorical brownies. Also the real ones I'm currently eating as you're reading these words. Jealous? Yeah me neither.

A little about me, I started playing League in S4 so please feel free to call me a newb, cuz i am. I do, however, take offense to "noob" as it is a derogatory slang word for newbie as opposed to the gentler abbrev. I game casually and float from title to title including my favorites: Fallout New Vegas, Castle Crashers, Guild Wars 3 Soul Calibur 5, and Watch Dogs.

I appear to be rambling. So without further ado, I introduce the very first Spray and Pray Jinx Build Guide. In my guide I will be focusing on numerical statistics and comparisons to support my build thesis that speedy sustained suppressing support damage outweighs the more direct approach to out-nuke the enemy ADC.
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Development Goals

1. Build overview
2. Intro Text
3. Pros/cons text
4. Rune explanation text
5. Masteries explanation text
6. Skill sequence explanation text
7. Spells Text
8. Summary Text
9. Video Break Text
10. Video Break Video/Images
11. Summary images
12. Spells Images
13. Skill sequence images
14. Masteries images
15. Runes images
16. pros/cons images
17. Intro images
18. come up with more goals
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CunningLinguist
CunningLinguist Jinx Guide
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Spray and Pray ADC Jinx (Currently in Development)

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