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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Yasuo can use his Windwall to block your Ultimate.He is a common midlaner but mostly banned.
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Hey peeps, I'm Wolfious, just another League player.I just felt like making some guides, so here I am.Don't expect much, I am currently fluctuating from Diamond V up to my highest, Diamond II, trying to get to Master, which is quite the experience.This guide is not really serious, but that doesn't mean that it is a troll guide which will make your teammates regret not dodging in the champ select. |
I also have a Youtube channel on which I upload League videos from my own matches whenever I feel like, I have no schedule nor goals, I just enjoy making them, I have already uploaded some videos, from interesting moments and montages to helpfull guides, it's not anything special but if you want to you can check it out here:
Well, mostly for fun, but it still has potential, the main reason is that you can throw a global arrow that can stun from 1 up to 3.5 seconds and do a massive amount of damage on squishy targets.Since you will be playing as a Support, her 'E'
Hawkshot can be really helpful, spotting the enemy jungler will help your team to not get ganked and since they will know where he is, they will know if playing aggressively is safe.For example, if you throw it North and he isn't there, that means that he is either East, invading, trying to gank or at the base.Her 'W'
Volley and basic attacks provide a good slow and decent damage combined with
Spellthief's Edge,
Deathfire Touch
Greenfather's Gift
, and since she has a good range, your trades will be in your favor most of the time.Even if you change the build, runes and masteries the potential is still there, taking
Exhaust and
Stoneborn Pact
can really help your ADC and team, since you pretty much have a perma slow and a good stun, or taking
Thunderlord's Decree
for that extra early damage along with 5% more CDR from
.Remember that you have to play safe, taking
Mejai's Soulstealer will increase your damage a lot, plus the movementspeed that it gives after reaching 15 stacks helps a lot.

After playing a few matches you might wanna change some stuff.There are many paths that you can take depending on your playstyle, each having it's own uniqueness, from changing the keystone or runes, to building something different, so be creative and have fun.My idea was to simply support passively, I wanted to play a chill match, on which even if I didn't have much influence early on, it wouldn't drag the team down.I always liked Ezreal, Draven and later Jinx for their global sniping potential, Ashe on the other hand, her Ultimate was slow and had low base damage which only scaled with AP, that made me never pick her.If you were to play her as a mage, she would be useless and an easy target, taking midlane just for one ability isn't worth it and since you will have a hard time on lane, you won't be able to scale enough for your Ultimate to be usefull.So I thought, maybe if I try that on a role that requires less focus early on(not implying anything bad about supporting, I am a support main myself) maybe it would work.First I thought of toplane because it's usually a place for tanks or just farming, but then with the new support items it seemed better, after some trial and error, I found out my way to play her which I really much enjoyed and still do.
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Feel free to change them, test different runes and experiment to find out what fits your playstyle.
The masteries that I have chosen focus on
Enchanted Crystal Arrow, at the beginning I was using
so that I can have 45% CDR and was forced to take
Thunderlord's Decree
Deathfire Touch
adds damage on your ultimate, especially in late game, so I believe that this is the best keystone for this.Most of the masteries are pretty self-explanatory,
Sorcery over
for the damage on the Ultimate and 'W',
Expose Weakness
will add a bit of damage to your teammates after you have stunned somebody,
Double Edged Sword
since you will be playing safe, the 1.5% extra damage received doesn't matter,
Bounty Hunter
requires you to kill each enemy at least once, which won't really happen and
Battle Trance
focuses on DPS which is not the case here.Now,
Secret Stash
will make your
Refillable Potion last longer and
Greenfather's Gift
will add a bit of extra damage in the laning phase and if you step in a brush it will also apply on your
Enchanted Crystal Arrow.There is also the combination of
which will help you finish off low health targets with your Ultimate.
Remember, try things out and find what fits your playstyle,
Stoneborn Pact
works with Ashe's perma slow and that way you will get to have
which synergizes with
Ionian Boots of Lucidity making your spells have lower Cooldown, meaning that you will be safer.


Remember, try things out and find what fits your playstyle,

After getting your last item, you can sell your boots in order to get something more usefull, you don't really need the movement speed since you don't have to keep moving all the time, plus you will have
Luden's Tempest,
and the stacked
Mejai's Soulstealer to make up for it.However you just lost CDR, which you will have to make up for either on your runes or your next item.
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Although really greedy, you can get away with it since you will be playing safely, feel free to get ![]() ![]() |
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With this as your starter, you will be able to get some extra gold along with more damage since you will be poking them from the brushes with ![]() ![]() |
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Getting early allows you get stacks for ![]() ![]() |
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Gives you the early CDR plus it reduces the cooldown from your summoner spells which will will keep your safer and you won't saty behind in levels. |
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This is pretty much a safer warding method, it takes away the risk of going closer to ward, remember that it is visible so try to ward inside brushes. |
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Playing safe means Mejai, taking this will not only increase your AP but will also give you movement speed after reaching 15 stacks which is really helpfull. |
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Upgrade ![]() ![]() |
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I used to take ![]() ![]() |
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Not only does it give a good amount of AP, but also movementspeed and the extra damage after you have it stacked, which adds even more to your Ultimate. |
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Pretty self-explanatory, as your stacks will keep increasing, this thing will boost your AP even more. |
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Good magic penetration for squishy targets plus it's passive which adds damage to your Ultimate along with
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After getting your last item, you can sell your boots in order to get something more usefull, you don't really need the movement speed since you don't have to keep moving all the time, plus you will have

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Get this in case of an emergency like a ![]() |
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If you don't feel comfortable without wards you can buy this, getting sightstone earlier and changing the build path accordingly will be necessary. |
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If you have chosen to go with the more 'team helping style' or just simply wanna seem more 'support like', redemption is perfect. |
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I haven't tried this one out yet, but if you need to help your team splitpush this thing can do miracles. |
Synergy:Ashe can pretty much work anywhere, but, in lane, having a
Marksman that isn't being carefull is at a disadvantage in contrast with having a 'normal'
support,if that is the case, do not follow no matter what, let them die, with that said, having ADCs like
Caitlyn is nice.Ashe can stun people for up to 3.5 seconds, so having champions in your team that can kill somebody with a full combo such as a
Zed or a
Veigar is very good, champions like
Fiora or
Urgot that need to attack from all sides to deal loads of damage works as well, anything can benefit from such a stun.
Counters:Since your 'R'
Enchanted Crystal Arrow is your most important aspect, playing versus champions that can block stuff like
Fiora etc. is really bad, same thing goes for champions that have some form of anti crowd controll things like Rengar, Garen and Morgana, items like
Zhonya's Hourglass,
Quicksilver Sash or
Mikael's Blessing and even
Cleanse, all of these can simple counter you.Try to keep track of their cooldowns.
Easy targets:Any champion that has low to no mobility or has loads of cast times and channeling abilities is very easy to hit.Everyone is vulnerable at some point, if you can attack at the right time, in the right place you can catch anyone, just make sure that somebody is arround to give the killing blow.

Counters:Since your 'R'

Easy targets:Any champion that has low to no mobility or has loads of cast times and channeling abilities is very easy to hit.Everyone is vulnerable at some point, if you can attack at the right time, in the right place you can catch anyone, just make sure that somebody is arround to give the killing blow.
Ulting from the sidelanes

- 1.Green:Here is where the enemy tends to stay when he has the upper hand or is just bullying.
- 2.Blue:This is the sweet spot, that is where most people stand to farm, especially ranged champions.
- 3.Red:Ult there whenever the enemy is being bullied and forced to play very passively.
Ulting from the fountain

- 1.Green:Use your 'R' here if they have been standing there the most, which is probably because they have warded the top brush and feel safer there.
- 2.Blue:The middle is the most common one, however after throwing your Arrow there a couple of times, change up because they will try to adapt.
- 3.Red:Same as the Green zone but simply on the bottom side of the lane.
Brush attack!
Attacking from the brush will not only proc

Where to Scout

- Green:With this path you will reveal the tri-bush, the dragon pit, both midlane brushes, the topside river(scuttle) and the toplane brush.
- Yellow:With this one, you will see the 3 bottom river brushes, the scuttle and outside the dragon pit and all three north camps.
- Orange:This one will show you your river brush and the lue buff/olves.
Remember that you can also see the jungle plants, any abilities being used and monsters running which indicate that somebody is near that place.
You should be trying this out for fun, but if you want to try it seriously then you can try some things out.Picking
Exhaust over
Teleport will give you more peeling potential, getting
Stoneborn Pact
which works with your slows and stun will add some good utility.Secondly you can make a change in your build, taking
Sightstone erly on and later upgrading it to
Eye of the Watchers to replace your boots is one thing, but if you change your keystone then
Liandry's Torment will lose some of it's magic due to the absence of
Deathfire Touch
, that opens up an item spot which can be
Mikael's Blessing or something else.

AP Ashe Support is mostly for funzies in normals, throwing your arrows here and there with that long stun and good damage.I do not recommend playing it in rankeds.
You should play very safe, if you utilize the runes, masteries and the build, the damage will be decent early on and massive later.Try to use your 'E'
Hawkshot to spot the enemy jungler doing his camps, or trying to gank.You don't really need
wards, use your 'E' and try to watch/remember where the enemy jungler was last and play accordingly, if you don't feel comfortable with that idea, buy a
Sightstone and upgrade it later.When you get to late game, your Ultimate
Enchanted Crystal Arrow can take away a huge chunk of the enemy squishies, leaving them stunned and with little health, your team just has to use one of their abilities or a couple of hits.Be aware of
Banshee's Veil and
Quicksilver Sash, also things like
Spell Shield, blocks and stuff like that.Don't take this seriously, just have fun.
You should play very safe, if you utilize the runes, masteries and the build, the damage will be decent early on and massive later.Try to use your 'E'

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