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The only time you should farm is when you think your adc needs more health than he/she has because with the
Relic Shield you execute minions under a certain amount of health to heal an ally champion for a specific amount of health based on your max health

In order for you to be successful in bot lane you must have excellent communication with your adc
Because in some players eyes one kills lost is a loss, (but if played right it isn't a loss)
But you have to have excellent communication, unless you two are in a duo queue ranked match and know how the other plays and are excellent at working together...But if not talk to your adc ask when you two are gonna engage, ask for help from your jungler if you get behind, Also
is an awesome tank so don't be afraid to initiate some team fights late game
Because in some players eyes one kills lost is a loss, (but if played right it isn't a loss)
But you have to have excellent communication, unless you two are in a duo queue ranked match and know how the other plays and are excellent at working together...But if not talk to your adc ask when you two are gonna engage, ask for help from your jungler if you get behind, Also

In my opinion Leona's best combo without her ultimate is start off with casting

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