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Nautilus Build Guide by 1Indian

Top Swimming to God Status in Season 7

Top Swimming to God Status in Season 7

Updated on June 6, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 1Indian Build Guide By 1Indian 23,684 Views 4 Comments
23,684 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 1Indian Nautilus Build Guide By 1Indian Updated on June 6, 2017
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Who are you

Hey guys it's 1indian, or theycallmegandhi here with the promised Nautilus build guide. I hope you guys find it useful and enjoy! Feel free to leave comments and ask questions, I might be delayed with responding but I will respond!
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Why play Nautilus?

A wise fish once told me to "just keep swimming" and that's exactly what we do with Nautilus: we keep swimming to victory. Nautilus is a mid to late game godly tank that offers immense pressure with his size, AOE wave clear, CC and tankiness. He can shove waves extremely fast, and catch people out with the fish hook of destiny. While we does have a slightly weaker early game, his late game more than makes up for it.
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Pros and Cons


-Lots of CC
-Godly tank
-great pushing power
-incredible in team fights

The Titan of the Depths



-Low mobility
-weaker early game(imo)
-can be mana hungry
-Passive "bugs"/glitches

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Passive: Staggering blow

Nautilus's basic attacks deal 8 - 110 (based on level) bonus physical damage and root his target for 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 seconds.

This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds.
How I read it
Q: Dredge line

Nautilus hurls his anchor forward in a line. Enemies hit are dragged towards Nautilus and he simultaneously dashes to them, dealing them magic damage and briefly stunning them.

If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus dashes to the very end of its path and Dredge Line's cooldown is reduced by 50%.

How I read it
W: Titan's wrath

Nautilus shields himself for up to 10 seconds, causing his basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all enemies around them while the shield holds.

Titan's Wrath resets Nautilus' autoattack timer.

How I read it
E: Riptide

Nautilus creates 3 waves of explosions that radiate from him, each dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and slowing them by an amount decaying over 1.5 seconds.

Enemies can be hit by multiple waves, with each wave beyond the first dealing half damage.

How I read it
R: Depth Charge

Nautilus sends out a Depth Charge that chases the target enemy champion dealing magic damage, knocking them up for 1 second and stunning them on arrival. All enemies hit along the way are also dealt lesser magic damage, are knocked up for 1 second, and are also stunned.

How I read it

*sadly not all of the ability images have up to date graphics sorry bout that
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Mana items

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Armor items

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Magic resist items

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Other good items

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What you want to do is to try to push in early and go for quick trades. If you push a large wave into tower look for opportunities to roam. Your Dredge Line is the best best way to catch an enemy, and usually forces a kill or summoner spells. When trading in lane get close then auto> Titan's Wrath>auto> Riptide>auto> Dredge Line(if available).
*will have matchups and will be updated with time
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Team fighting

So most of the time you will be frontlining as a tank. Channel your inner scuba diver and try to catch a big old fish with your Dredge Line which should pu you closer to the back line. Once you have that done, try to ult the farthest person back in order to hit as many people as possible. Then just be the annoying tanky scuba diver you were meant to be.
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Side Notes

Hey guys here is the promised Nautilus guide that I am realising along side: The Colossal guide to being a God Galioguide. I'll keep updating this with time, but feel free to comment, or message me with questions.


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League of Legends Build Guide Author 1Indian
1Indian Nautilus Guide
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Swimming to God Status in Season 7

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