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Taric General Guide by SpyLioOvO

Top Taric Top - Big dmg a lot of hp and resists

Top Taric Top - Big dmg a lot of hp and resists

Updated on March 31, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SpyLioOvO Build Guide By SpyLioOvO 1,561 Views 0 Comments
1,561 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SpyLioOvO Taric Build Guide By SpyLioOvO Updated on March 31, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Taric
    Versus AD
  • LoL Champion: Taric
    Versus AP

Situational Items

Gargoyle Stoneplate - When they have both ad and ap in their team u want to get it always

Locket of The Iron Solari - It is an Item i get almost evrytime its good in teamfights it gives MR and armor but if the supp has it you dont have to get it.

Thornmail - good against fed adc's or other auto attack based champs

Frozen Heart - i wouldn't really get but its Ok against full AD team

Adaptive Helm - Good against fed APs

Spirit Visage - its good against full AP teams or against fed Ap and when u need hp

•Warmog's Armor - When u need Hp but u dont really need the sustain
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When you Lane lvl 1 u just E and then 2 autos, then u just back and start farming again.
repeat that. When you will have your second point in Q u can have infinite Q's with your passive so exploit it as u can.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SpyLioOvO
SpyLioOvO Taric Guide
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Taric Top - Big dmg a lot of hp and resists

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