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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
The Tanky build I have listed is useful in my opinion when you have a top laner that isn't naturally tanky. Tryndamere for example, gangplank, or whoever you see that isn't prioritizing health. Remember you wont be building the same item set every game; you have to compensate for what your team lacks if it means the team will benefit. Not to say it's the supports job to do so, but remember being a team player does help. The tanky build will keep you alive longer and believe me that is a good thing especially if it means you can use Ult on your carry or someone in danger.
The active item build is something I highly recommend to people who have no problem using actives; I do not suggest maybe going this approach if you're not comfortable using them, but they can give your team a huge advantage in team fights. Mikael's can get your carry out of a stun or a friendly out of a slow. The locket will give your team a shield to keep them alive longer. Twin shadows gives you movement speed, but more importantly you can slow down fleeing enemies. Adding the frost queen's active on top of twin shadows is just insult to injury.
The AP Build is something I recommend if your team is highly AD such as a Zed/Talon/Yasuo mid, Trynadmere top or whatever, and if your jungle is a tank or even ad for whatever reason. Because the enemy team is less likely to build MR you'll be able to deal some potent damage to them. Remember like I said you wont be building the same thing for every game. It's about adjusting to the needs of your team and the best way to shut down the enemy team.
The active item build is something I highly recommend to people who have no problem using actives; I do not suggest maybe going this approach if you're not comfortable using them, but they can give your team a huge advantage in team fights. Mikael's can get your carry out of a stun or a friendly out of a slow. The locket will give your team a shield to keep them alive longer. Twin shadows gives you movement speed, but more importantly you can slow down fleeing enemies. Adding the frost queen's active on top of twin shadows is just insult to injury.
The AP Build is something I recommend if your team is highly AD such as a Zed/Talon/Yasuo mid, Trynadmere top or whatever, and if your jungle is a tank or even ad for whatever reason. Because the enemy team is less likely to build MR you'll be able to deal some potent damage to them. Remember like I said you wont be building the same thing for every game. It's about adjusting to the needs of your team and the best way to shut down the enemy team.
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