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About taric
taric is as you can tell not a very conventional jungler as stated previously he is a support but he also has great potential as jungler that isnt seen often. First off his q provides sustain even with the slightest of heals you get. Second is his w witch will passively up ally armor when you are around and decrease enemy armor when activated allowing for some good damage on enemy champions and minions (it also has a splash magic damage). thirdly his e is a stun great for ganking if you get close enough at the right time. last and most important is the ult taric damages surrounding enemies and gains ad and ap for a set period of time allowing for goos ad damage from anyone you gank and yourself
your passive allows you to deal 20% of your armor as magic damage the auto attack after you cast an ability his also reduces all cooldowns by 2 seconds so while going through jungle it is best to start with w when possible unless you need to stun this will cause its cooldown to be decreased a lot once you cast all your ability's and auto
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