I will present here, my way of playing against all the champions, I have already seen on top lane:
Hemorrhage:don't let it stack,it does+ damage,+speed and you get a dot(5 sec)
Decimate:aoe-dmg/keep distance to darius while harrising(everytime)
Crippling Strike: meele slow
Apprehend: his pull,keep distance(550 range/24-12 sec cd)
Noxian Guillotine: finnisher,high absolute dmg,dont be low life, 120-80 sec cd

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Darius is one of the strongest top laners against
Rumble and needs an even more specific look. He is tanky and do a lot of damage. He has a high armor penetration value from his skills(25%), which make additionaly a dot on you ,that makes him 5% faster , gives extra damage and his ult can make 100% extra high absolute damage.
Well, I would take
Teleport, and go for a lot of life against darius while armor is less effective against him. Take
Cloth Armor + 5X
Health Potion (because at early levels his armor penetration is low) or
Ruby Crystal and 2x
Health Potion. The life of
Haunting Guise ,
Rylai's Crystal Scepter or
Randuin's Omen can be usefull agains Darius.
Hemorrhage:don't let this passive stack, you can get up to 5 stacks(if he auto attack or using skills(escept
Apprehend)), dealing per stack 12/15/18/21/24/27/30/33/36 + 0,3 of bonus attack damage for 5 seconds, and he gains per stack 5 % movement speed aswell which make it easyer to catch you with
Apprehend. So take a 5 second break if you got one.
Decimate: It deals aoe-damage and aplies a
Hemorrhage stack on each enemy hitted. It does 50% extra damage when you are between 270-425 range away from him.
So if you are near(after
Apprehend) it won't make that much damage. It could be clever to not just run away after getting pulled and deal some damage back. It has 9/8/7/6/5 seconds cooldown.
Crippling Strike: It will slow you and your attack speed(not very important for
Rumble)by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds and deals additional damage, giving a stack of
Hemorrhage too and its cooldown get reduced for every
Hemorrhage stack the enemy has by 1 second, that means a 8 seconds cooldown skill becomes a 3 seconds cooldown skill, so keep distance and watch out your stacks of
Apprehend: this is the skill that darius actually makes so difficult, he doesn't need any skill to use his combo with it(only hitting between skills). With his high range (550) he has almost as much as your
Flamespitter has (600), and that will be skilled with only 50 range differents to harras him with your main damage skill. But as lucky as you are you have still
Electro-Harpoon to conter with a range of 850. Well if your good think on maxing
Flamespitter to harras, if not take
Electro-Harpoon for safty harras or farm. I realy dont know whats best have to try more things.
Apprehend has a high cooldown from 24/21/18/15 seconds. This time will be your rumble time.
Noxian Guillotine: It deals per
Hemorrhage 20% extra absolute damage(5
Hemorrhage stacks mean 100% more damage!!!) and he has a pretty good range with 475 for this finnisher. He can use this ult within 20 seconds again if he kills somebody with it, otherwhise it has 120/100/80 seconds cooldown.
True Damage: 160 / 250 / 340 (+ 75% bonus AD)
Max True Damage: 320 / 500 / 680 (+ 150% bonus AD)
It deals absolute damage and if you know that he uses it like smite don't get smited!!! and recall if your are low life.
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Keep distance if he skills
Apprehend first, it will be harder for you to farm and you don't want to take the damage from
Decimate either, so it will get a hard lane. Keep everytime a good distance(a bit more far then your
Flamespitter can shoot) if he miss a pull(a huge mistake look at ability sequence! 24 seconds cooldown, count!^^) harass/engage(keep the 50% extra damage from
Decimate in mind)!! He will push in most cases and don't has an escape, which makes you happy, when your jungler comes or if you get him lower to finnish with
The Equalizer.
You can block some of the damage of his passive
Hemorrhage with your
Scrap Shield and if you mangage to harras with
Flamespitter you can use
Scrap Shield to keep disntce. It maybe good to hit Darius twice, if he has his pull ready before harrasing with your
Duelist:grants hp regen stack per hit, sustain
Lunge:gap closer 2 times within 4 sec, 16-8 sec ,k. distance,
Riposte:blocks an auto hit, deals damge
Burst of Speed: a.speed and movement buff, avoid to go in while active(
Scrap Shield)
Blade Waltz:for 5 attacks untargetable,counters your ult->cast
The Equalizer after it

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She will be a hard lane for
Rumble. I would take
Doran's Shield and the
Health Potion,
Teleport or
Zhonya's Hourglass is as always very important, but against her you can use it to stop
Blade Waltz.
Duelist:Fiora regenerates Health 7+(level) over 6 seconds each time she deals physical damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times. It will grant stacks by
Lunge or using
Blade Waltz too. Well against this passive
Rumble can't do that much, except zoning and this will probably very hard against a
Fiora. So just keep in mind that she has more sustain while fighting and can easily tank little harras.
Fiora lunges at her target dealing physical damage. She can then use this skill again within 4 seconds at no cost. This skill is her gap closer and means of escape at the same time. The range is the same like your
Flamespitter 600. That means, if you try to harass with
Flamespitter she has the possibility to go in (maybe short after your
Flamespitter), but in most cases, she will activate
Burst of Speed before using
Lunge, or between the second use of
Lunge, that can give you a little advatnage. THe cooldown is 16/14/12/10/8 seconds cooldown.
Riposte:passively gives +15 attack damage +5 every time the skill is leveled up. Fiora parries the next basic attack and reflects magic damage back to the attacker. Works on monsters, champions, and large minions.
Rumble has no problems with this skill, it will affect
Rumble only while overheating.
Burst of Speed:
Fiora gains for 3 seconds additional attack speed(60-120%!). Each basic attack or Lunge, she lands during this time increases her movement speed(7-15%). This stacks up to three times. Killing a champion fully refreshes the cooldown while assists reduce the cooldown by half. Try the keep distance while active. It has an higher cooldown with 15/14/13/12/11 seconds, that means that even when
Lunge has later 8 seconds cooldown, in most cases it is better for her to wait till
Burst of Speed is ready again.
Blade Waltz:
Fiora dashes around the battlefield, becoming untargetable in the process, and striking random enemy champions 5 times, aound her target. Each strike applies on-hit effects. In this time you won't have to possibility to trade back, so dont be at low life. After the skill duration, she will appear at the target. So try to get to your tower. If you want to use
The Equalizer ,think that she can counter it with her ultimate, if you get in range of 400, so keep distance if she already used
Lunge, while harassing. The cooldown is much higher then your ultimate with 130/120/110, so you have a safty time to be more aggressive.
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it is the general ability sequence,
Fiora's could skill instead of
Riposte in the other skills first.
In the first 1-3 levels you will loos a lot of farm against her. It is not your favourite lane, but as long
Fiora didnt got kills you can manage to handle her in the following game phases. Just farm safty. I would never go alone versus a
Fiora late game. As always, safty harass her with
Electro-Harpoon first, before going to risky harass. Risky harass(
Flamespitter) means that you are in range for her
Lunge, so only do that if you have more life, or she already used(minions). In most cases she will push, so ask for help from your jungler or mid lane.
Battle Fury: care for his crits, be aggressive if he has low fury, care for heal
Bloodlust: deals extra dmg if he has low life, if he heals he looses his fury
Mocking Shout: slows you if you run away/ care for ganks
Spinning Slash:big gap closer
Undying Rage:makes him unkillable, you can decreas his life and
Ignite him

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Tryndamere I would buy
Doran's Shield and a
Health Potion followed by
ninja tabis, take
Ignite to kill him after his ult.
Battle Fury:This passive gives him 0.35% crit chance for every point of fury
Tryndamere has. That means at full fury (100/100) he will have 35% bonus crit chance. This helps him to farm and with trades against you. He gain 5 fury per hit and 10 for killing a unit and for critical strikes. After 8 seconds out of combat he looses 5 fury each second. That means if he had to recall or you outzone him he wont have fury. He will use all of his Fury to heal himself, which makes him less dangerous, so be more aggressive.
Bloodlust: This ability gives him passive damage boost from 5-25 damage, increased by 0,15-0,35 damage for each percent of health he is missing. The active is Tryndamere consumes his fury(most times 100) and heals for 30/40/50/60/70 plus 0,5/0,95/1,4/1,85/2.3 per fury point. At rank 5 with full fury he should be healing roughly 320 health with
Bloodlust. It has 12 seconds cooldown.
Mocking Shout:
Mocking Shout is very important for
Tryndamere when he needs to chase after you, because if you stay with your back to him, he will slow you by 30/37,5/45/52,5/60% for 4 seconds. He lowers your attack damage too, which only affect you when overheated. He can us the slow on you and then he could use
Spinning Slash to be close and attack you or he changes the order but then he has no escape if you reengage with your ultimate, or he tries to run to you, but you have your
Scrap Shield to get away and the
Electro-Harpoon to slow. It has 400 range. This skill has 14 seconds cool down.
Spinning Slash:it is an extremely important skill for
Tryndamere, because it is his gap closer and can also act like a mini flash with very low cooldown. The cooldown is 13/12/11/10/9 seconds and reduced by 2 seconds every time he makes a critical strike. Thats why he has almsot everytime an escape ready. The range of this skill is higher then your
Flamespitter can reach with 660, so care for a reengage from tryndamore while risky harassing.
Undying Rage: fill his fury to 50/75/100 and makes him for 5 seconds unkillable. If his ultimate runs out he will heals himself. So click on him and see when the buff will expire and use
Ignite or if you didnt already used your ultimate you can snipe him away. But his ult has an highr cooldown then you with 110/100/90 seconds. So you can be more aggressive in this time.
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In the first levels he is much stronger then you, so farm safty and keep your distance, slow him if he spins to you. If you reach lvl 4 you can harras and outzone him. Above level 6 it will be annyoing with his ult, but you play like before. In late game he can be very dangerous for your team so slow him as much as possible.
Perseverance: sustain, heals after not taking damage,stop passive by harrasing
Decisive Strike: resets slow!! care for 2.
Electro-Harpoon, keep distance
Courage:passive resistance,active damage reduction,don't fight when active(24-20)
Judgment:aoe-dmg,pass through monsters(slows him),
Demacian Justice:high damage ap finnisher, don't be lower then 1/3 against him

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Go for
Ruby Crystal and 2x
Health Potion or
Amplifying Tome and
Health Potion,
Ignite, maybe some flat magic resist glyphes for his ultimate, speed runes but these extra runes aren't necessary.
Perseverance: it gives 0.4/0.8/2% per second regeneration of his maximum health if he doesn't take any damage for 9/6/4 seconds, minions excluded. This means, if you not poking him, or if he stays under tower, he will regenerate his health almost as if he has a health potion. So try to harass him with
Flamespitter or
Electro-Harpoon--> outzone him otherwise.
Decisive Strike: This is Garen's primary gap-closer. It gives a 35% speed-boost and makes his next auto-attack deal more damage and silence for 1,5/2,25/3/3,75/4,5 seconds. This skill also resets his autoattack. It will also remove any slow on him!! So if you slow him with
Electro-Harpoon he can remove it to get close to you, so keep your second slow ready(late game he will wait for the second
Electro-Harpoon too), but he can't remove with this ability the slow of
The Equalizer because it refreshes the slow. If he hits, you are silenced and can't trade back.This ability is used for escaping from ganks, from you or for chasing you as well, and it can also hurt towers alot. In many cases, he will use it in conjunction with
Flash to "assassinate" a champion. It has only a short cooldown with 8 seconds.
Courage: This ability is a good defensive skill. It gives passive bonus Armor and MR. It will reduce all incoming CC
The Equalizer by 30 % for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds and damage by 30%. He activate this ability any time he goes to trade with you, but he has a high cooldown with 24/23/22/21/20 seconds, so after he used it you can think on placing a good ultimate.
Judgment: This ability does AOE Damage-per-second to all champions caught within 330 range, and lets him move through units for the next 3 seconds, but slows him if he do so by 20%. The low range of this skill makes it easy for you to harass. This skill can also critically strike and can farm entire waves, which let him push like your
Flamespitter, but he can't activate
Demacian Justice and
Decisive Strike whithin the time, except he deactivate it. That means if you hit an
Electro-Harpoon he won't damage you, because he cant remove the slow but can still reduce it through
Courage, but then he has no escape against your ultimate. If he pushes you can ensure to kill with help of your jungler. It has a low cooldown with 13/12/11/10/9 seconds.
Demacian Justice: This skill is good at all stages of the game, simply because it also scales of enemy missing HP(1 extra damge for every 3,5/3,2,5 damage). He generally wants to activate this skill, when you have 1/3rd of your life or lower, to ensure the kill. It does magic damage. So you will profit from a bit extra magic resistance. If he used this skill he has one of the highest cooldowns in early game (160/120/80 seconds).This ability has a very short channel time, but is not interruptable. If he cast this skill, then it makes no sense to flash awaym the ultimate will still hit you despite of the distance.
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Rumble he could change the standart sequence, to max
Judgment first because he won't come that often close to you. Instead he could max
Decisive Strike first.
In the first 2-3 level, he can outrade you with
Decisive Strike, which counters a bit your
Electro-Harpoon. It will hurt a bit but won't be a big problem. When you reach level 4 it gets easy for you. Kite him care for his slow remove. Ealry
Boots can be helpful, even to upgrade them first ,to kite him easier. With level 6 you need to careabout your life. In late game you can still kite him but depends on his stats, 1vs1 can be hard.
Twin Disciplines:sustain and damage
Mark of the Assassin:poke block with your
Scrap Shield
Twilight Shroud: use
Flamespitter ,
The Equalizer or
Vision Ward
Crescent Slash: aoe damge, keep distance
Shadow Dance: care for her stacks,
Electro-Harpoon, don't go 1vs1 later on

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Akali is in the early game very squishy. Take
Ignite and the aggressive start items,(
Amplifying Tome and 1x
Health Potion). Take 9x flat magic resist glyphes against this lane, because she has a bad early game phase and high burst potential late game.
Banshee's Veil is a very good item against her burst after she reaches lvl 6.
Her skills are:
Twin Disciplines: grants her sustain in lane and additional damage.
Mark of the Assassin: this is her main poke, short cooldown with 6/5.5/5/4,5/4 seconds. It marks the enemy for additional damage. Range is 600.
Twilight Shroud: makes her invisible(as long she doesn't attack),slows enemies, and grants a speed buff for her. High cooldown with 20 seconds.
Crescent Slash: makes AOE-Damage, acivates the mark. Cooldown is low with 7/6/5/4/3 secinds. AOE-Range is 325.
Shadow Dance:teleport
Akali to the enemy and makes damage.one up to 3 stacks to use every 30/22,5/15 seconds or one by a kill or assist. Range is 800.
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So how to play?
Mark of the Assassin has almost the same cooldown like your
Scrap Shield, and your scrap shield will block the whole damage for the next 2-3 level of this skill. The cooldown is still lower then the cooldown of your shield, take a bit more distance(maybe with using your
Electro-Harpoon), but this poke wont hurt you as long she doesn't go in to activate her mark, which would result in a good trade for
Rumble because of
Electro-Harpoon, at least in the levels 1-6.
Akali use
Twilight Shroud for a safty farm while hiding. Which doesn't work cause of
Rumbles harras with
Flamespitter, which is like the
Scrap Shield a pretty good counter for
Then some uses it to slow you or to be faster(as escape), well if she is low life you can still
Flamespitter her, and your slow from
Electro-Harpoon is hundret times stronger then her slow. This skill first uses alot of energy which is negative for bursting and secondly has a high cooldown with 20 seconds and can be easily countered with a
Vision Ward you should buy against an
Crescent Slash you just need to care that she has increased range to use the mark and it pushes the lane.
From level 6 and above the whole fight will change.
Shadow Dance she can escape from
The Equalizer, so care about her active stacks,are your minons far away and maybe y can place your ult above everything. Your range with
Electro-Harpoon is higher then the range of
Shadow Dance if she wants to initiate y can kite her with open space.
If she wants to go in- wait till there are minions between you and her for the best deal, but if you, the minons and her are all near she can#t escape with her
Shadow Dance, after teleporting to you, try to use
The Equalizer over all your minions and her, so she is slowed, keep distance and don't go out of your ultimate, she is squishy so kill her in this time, even you dont have a
Vision Ward, you zoned already her hide area with your ultimate, so y just fill the rest of her
Twilight Shroud with your
If he goes in with less then 3 stacks it wont be that difficult to outrade her.
So keep an eye on her stacks and a low energy level(especially after she used
Twilight Shroud or farmed before only with skills).
Warn your teammates if she is missing.
Shurima's Legacy:cd will be a.speed
Conquering Sands: ranged slow
Scrap Shield
Arise!: look at his stacks, if they disapear,you can go in
Shifting Sands: his escape, if he used it , you can try to kill, high cd
Emperor's Divide: won't be a big problem for you, can be used to escape

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Azir I would take
Ignite, 9X magic resistance glyphes, instead of armor, flat life seals, ap essence, start with the ap start(
Ruby Crystal and 2x
Health Potion).
Abyssal Mask will be a good choice.
his skills:
Shurima's Legacy, grants him bunos attack speed for cooldown reduction and a sand tower(180 seconds cooldown)
Conquering Sands his sand soldiers rushes in a direction, deals dmg and slows. Range is 800. Every 10/9/8/7/6 seconds.
Arise! summons a sand soldier for 9 seconds, can stack 2 soldiers and refreshes every 12/11/10/9/8 seconds. Range is 450.
Shifting Sands
Azir dashes to a sand soldier, if there is an enemy champion, he knocks him up and he gets a shield. The cooldown is 19/18/17/16/15.
Emperor's Divide creates a wall that deals damage, party members can walk through it and get a speed buff but enemies can't for 5/6/7 econds with a cooldown from 140/120/100 seconds and a range of 250.
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So how to play?
Azir is very sqishy but as long he has his sand soldiers his dammage output is quiet good. With his sand soldiers he has a very good poke aswell and he stands far behind. At the beginning in the first levels you need to play passive, farm with
Electro-Harpoon and don't trade till level 4.
Azir will push the lane with
Arise!, so ask for help from the jungler. If you want to harras I would look on his soldier stacks. If
Azir doesn't have any stacks ready, because he used
Conquering Sands or got otherwhise outrange his sand soldiers
you can think to go in and fight against him.
Electro-Harpoons range is higher(50) then his range try to harras before going all in (care about your farm). He cant escape without his soldiers through
Shifting Sands, so if he cant kill you
Azir will use
Emperor's Divide to try to get away. If you want to escape from a fight it will be hard because he has a good ranged slow
Conquering Sands.
The cooldown from
Emperor's Divide is much higher then yours and his escape
Shifting Sands has a high cooldown aswell and his mana pool will be a problem for him, so keep in mind if he uses these skills or his mana is low and try to play more aggressive.
Carnivore: gives him life,mana for each cs, more sustain then you
Rupture: aoe knock up, slow avoid it,
Scrap Shield
Feral Scream: silence, wont hurt you that much
Vorpal Spikes: let him push the lane, (
Scrap Shield)
Feast: dont be low life against cho'gath

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Cho'Gath I would take the ap start with (
Ruby Crystal and 2x
Health Potion) or start with
Boots and 4x
Health Potion, he is tanky enough and doesn't deal the damage for outrading you, but his sustain is higher.
Ignite, and a bit more magic resist runes, depends on how many ap champions the enemy has.
Carnivore: gives him life and mana for each time he kills a minion, it grants him more sustain then you have. Like against the most other toplaner you can deal a lot of damage to him with your
Flamespitter at levels 3-4. Against him I usualy play more aggressive, so that he needs to recall(to risky(/low life) for him to profite from his passive).
Rupture: this aoe-knockup(for 1 second)/slows(by 60% for 1,5 seconds) skill has a greater range then your
Electro-Harpoon(950-->850) but the delay of 0,5 seconds should be enough to avoid it, and you have your
Scrap Shield to move fster or it gives you a shield. This skill is like your
Electro-Harpoon, if it hits you, you will get a lot of damage.
Rupture makes gamks more dangerous. It can push the lane. 9 seconds cooldown.
Feral Scream: it is a aoe-silence you for 1,5/1,75/2/2,25/2,5 seconds, but this wont be that big deal against you, and it can push the lane. 13 seconds cooldown.
Feral Scream has 100 range more then your
Vorpal Spikes: can be activated or not: will deal every minion damage in front of
Cho'Gath.Range is only 500(600 for
Flamespitter), and damge can be absorbed by a
Scrap Shield.
Feast: he deals a high amount of absolute damage(life is a good choice), don't have low life. If he kills something with
Feast he gain one of 6 stacks, gets bigger, more range and more life. If he eats a monster the cooldown is reduced from 80 seconds to 40. If he already used
Feast you can act more aggressive. The range of this skill is low with 175, normaly he can only use it if his
Rupture hits you or of you go in with overheating auto attacks.
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If he pushes with his aoe-skills you can push back a bit to not loos minions at your tower. You don't need to help him, so don't stay between your minions except you want him to push.

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He is easy, avoid his infected cleavers(4 sec cd) with minions , take boots and pots
, ignite, armor keep disntace but y can farm normaly woth 'e' and auto hits
max flame splitter
1. as always dont stay near him cause of his 'w'(4 sec) and 'e'masochism (7sec)
2. dont push
3. with lvl 6 y can kill him with ignite(still never all in keeep a bit distance)

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buy amplifying tome,pots, and take mres with y, ignite, max flamesplitter
1. blook harras(spider 12 sec cd/ poison 6 sec cd) with shield
2. wait till she has low mana/life through poke
3. avoid her stun(14-10 sec cd)
4. aware of enemy ganks
5. dont be at low life

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1.take amplifying tome, pots go for ignite, and dmg, y can farm, still avoid getting hit by his auto attacks
2.y can block the dmg of his shot(cd 5 sec) with your shield
3. his heal has high cd(22-18 sec)
4. is extra speed buff has aswell high cd(25 sec)
5. so wait for his skills and try to hunt him down with your ult
6. dont get low life
7.aware of junglers
8.dont push

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go on dmg, ignite, max flamesplitter and after hit 'e' overun him, care his passive stack, make him to use his hop(18-12 sec cd) and ult him down, no difficulty at all

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For Renekton I prefer to take cloth armor and 5 pots, he is not an easy lane but y can make it,start with 'E' but max later on Flamesplitter first
1.if he pushes a lot, it can be an oppertunity for your jungler(y can make it without help)
2. level 3-6 is a good time cause y can outrade him but while he has his ult(extra life/dmg 120 sec cd) its dangerous for y even with your ult
3.take care for his passive stacks, it will be a back and forward with him cause if he dashes behind y (18-14 sec cd) then stun(13-9 sec cd) while flamesplitter is active, alot of dmg will be lost
4. try to not get near cause he can heal a greater amount if he uses his aoe on y
5.if he used his dash y can see a oppertunity to go in, he will ult and go all in, if its easy to get away just do it and wait till his ult expire, y can even use your ult to get away and see what happens, he can follow y and stun(no dash) but is still slowed and get a lot of dmg (your ult still got lower cd)
6. after stun y can use your shield to get away and or 'e' him
7. its not like y cant outtrade him with your ult while he has his ult(or not) but
y need to think on dashes cd quiet high, and your distance to him
Lee Sin

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This lane works fine(but there many diffrenet skill levels), y can go for boots and pots,ignite, 'e' first skill , 'q', 'w' and max flamesplitter
1. hide behind the minions(keep some distance to the minions next to lee cause he will aoe dmg y if your near)
2.he makes his main dmg if he hits y with his teleporting ball/q/sonic wave^^(11-7 sec cd) through 1. y can prevent it otherwhise use 'w' to get less dmg, in most cases he use his escape (9 sec cd) to dont get dmg from y, if not take your chance to trade(keep distance), if so y can think on following to him with your ult
3. keep in mind that he has massive dmg if he can hit y with his q, so dont go all in (at least in low lvl) if no minions block his q
4.keep in mind that he can escape easily from your ult when he has his escape ready
5. care for enemies jungler

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Dont know...buy cloth armor and pots, even if dont know that good the isolation mechanic of him y can deal pretty good with him , like evrytime first'e' 'q' 'w' and then max 'Q', take ignite
1. hide behind minions(still keep a bit distance to the minons too) to avoid his spikes(10 sec cd)
2. his escape/jump/charge with 22-14 sec cd has a pretty high cd about
3. just dont get near him his qs makes alot of dmg , so keep distance!!
4. if he jumps on y , he doesnt have an escape 'E' him and punnish him for that
5. he may hide but y may have a pink ward at least he get slowed by ult or 'E' or your flamesplitter finnishs him
6.care for enemies jungler

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yeah take cloth armor+pots , y can first skill flamesplitter but well to start with 'e' isnt bad aswell, ignite, max flamesplitter, he isnt that stong enemy care for his revive--> has a long cd(4 mins) after the first kill y are maybe a bit low he can trade with y then maybe..
1.his escape/engage has 16-12 sec cd so pretty high like by others if he engage 'E'('W') 'Q' and get some distance + dmg
2.his slow(12-8 sec cd) can be dodged with your 'W'
3.he will use his ult(100/85/70 sec cd) on y after engaged, but as alwayd y can make your ult(he has no escape) + 'E' him and get away or even better kill him
4. the greatest problem could be the jungler cause aatrox got a lot of cc

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Riven isnt that big deal for y, go for cloth armor and pots, ignite, start with 'E' like always('q' is possible)
1.her jumps has 13 sec cd(3times each 4 sec duration time) and the 3th jump knock ups, but she wont be that big deal cause y can play the first levels up to 3-4 passive, if she jumps on y like in all other lanes y can 'e' her ult her or go with your 'w' away
2. before y ult her make sure she used already her shield(10-6 sec cd) and her jumps at least y should hit her first with your 'E'
3.many rivens rty to jumps on y , and aoe-stun(11-7 sec cd) y and slide away
if so y made something wrong just keep in your distance to her
4. her ult makes extra dmg and a wave that make extra dmg if its hit low life payers--> so dont be low life,and wait till the buff is gone

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She is quiet easy, take dorans shield-->boots/seeker armguard, safe farm with your 'e' and when y reach lvl 3-4 y can overrun her, dont let her stack her passive to 3, outzone her after killing her ones

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