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Runes: The Optimal Sejuani Runes
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Do not take aftershock against an enemy Illaoi. She will one shot you if she lands her E.
Melee champs stack your E passive for you, and he has extra crowd control to set this up and layer stuns.
Melee champs stack your E passive for you, and he has extra crowd control to set this up and layer stuns.
Champion Build Guide
I like to experiment and try out different builds (No full AP Sejuani is not good, and yes it is very fun), and will use this guide to walk you through the optimal way to play her. Have fun taking over games and being an unstoppable pig monster!
Here we walk through the standard and advanced Sejuani combos in the practice tool.
I show you a few drills to practice and get the hang of them too!
From there, your build is more situational. By the time you finish your early game core, you should have a pretty good idea of how the game is going. My thought process is generally like this:
Is my team doing enough damage?
No - Go the Carry Core with a Liandries to help carry.
Yes - Ok good.
If yes above - Do I need to keep one or two people alive?
No - Go the Selfish Tank Core and prioritize items that counter the enemy team.
Yes - Go the Support Core and play around keeping your fed carries alive.
One of Seju's main strengths is the ability to build multiple different builds and adapt to different situations. Be flexible!
You are looking to farm efficiently and get to level 3 as quickly as possible. As of 9.16, the full red side clear (Red/Krugs/Raptors) is the fastest way to hit level 3 while also giving you ~4:30 respawn time on the high gold/exp camps. From here, you're looking to pressure the map and gank for your win condition lane(s). These are the lanes that you need to get strong to help you win the game. Sejuani doesn't do enough damage to win games on her own, so you need to get at least one player fed to carry your team over the finish line. Gank for them, and then look to control the nearby scuttle crab at 3:15 with the priority you just created in the ganked lane (they can come to help you if the enemy jungler tries to contest). Reset, and look to farm your redside jungle at 4:30. From there, you're looking to gank and farm until you hit 6 and unlock your ultimate.
Once you unlock your ultimate, you are the scariest champ in the game. Wait for an opportunity to get a kill that can turn into multiple tower plates or an early dragon. Your play style should be: Use ultimate to get kill, take objectives, reset, farm until ultimate is up, and repeat until all outer towers are gone. This method will open up the map, allow you to get your early game core sooner, and will allow your team to setup around Baron and control that objective.
Around now, you should know what your build needs to be. Whatever play style you lean towards, work with your team to make picks with your ultimate, and then take objectives after won fights. You're looking for opportunities to engage where your team has a numbers advantage. Sejuani doesn't have a lot of damage, so you need to make sure you're picking unfair fights. If the enemy team is grouped as 5, you're looking to save your ultimate until you can crowd control a key member of the enemy team that you can completely take out of the fight.
Wait for your ultimate, pick an advantageous fight, take objectives after fight, repeat until you destroy the enemy nexus. Easy!
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