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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Thresh is one of my all time favorite supports because he brings so much to a team. He can get insanely tanky Because of his passive,

Can get very tanky and deal a lot of damage because of
Damnation +
Lots of CC
Good at disrupting enemies
Dark Passage Allows thresh to get his teammates out of/into team fights.
Early mana problems
Squishy early
The shield on
Dark Passage is very weak until it gets leveled.
Low mobility
Can get very tanky and deal a lot of damage because of

Lots of CC
Good at disrupting enemies

Early mana problems
Squishy early
The shield on

Low mobility
When playing as Thresh, and other tanky supports, it is really important that you can take harass from the enemy ADC, and survive in skirmishes in lane. This is done by building both armor and health.
Greater Mark of Armor x9 (8 additional armor) The reason that I take armor marks here instead of physical damage, or anything like that (Armor pen, Magic pen, Ability power) is because due to the passives on
Flay +
Damnation dealing increased magic damage as it is. Trading the armor for extra damage can work in some cases, but because Thresh tends to be squishy early on, the extra armor helps a lot.
Greater Seal of Armor x9(13 Additional armor) Is basically the standard seal for tanks. Great when playing in the bot lane especially because it reduces the damage that the enemy ADC can deal in a skirmish, or when they are just trying to harass.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resistx9 (24 additional magic resist at level 18, + .15 per level) Scaling magic resist runes come in handy when you're playing in the bottom lane because you usually won't be going against full AP champions until later on in the game. These can be traded out for
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist, but with flat MR runes, you only get 12 magic resist, where scaling MR runes give you 24 (at level 18). I recommend taking scaling MR runes most of the time, but you can take flat MR when the enemy team has AP supports who will be able to do enough damage to be a nuisance (Sona, Annie, etc.)
Greater Quintessence of Health x3(78 additional HP) Are very important have on Thresh because of how squishy he is early. Being able to take as much damage as possible is key to winning lane and getting your team kills, and you assists.
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x9(7.8 magic pen) Good for increasing the damage you can do when poking with
Flay's Passive.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x9(12 Magic resist) Good when playing against AP bases laners, gives you a good boost to magic resist early.
Greater Quintessence of Armorx3(13 armor) Trading health for armor can work in a lot of cases, but it's really personal preference.
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed x3(+4.5% Movement speed) Another great quint for Thresh because it helps with his low mobility. Allows him to escape more effectively, set up for team mates to escape, and position himself for fights. This would probably be my second choice.

Other Runes

When the pre-season started, I began experimenting with the mastery trees a lot more than I had done previously. One thing that I found is that straying away from the standard 0/9/21 or 0/21/9 mastery builds is a lot more viable than it was previously. On Thresh, I run 0/16/14 masteries because I can get a good amount of defense with just 16 points and focus the rest into the utility tree, allowing me to get some of the really good support masteries.

In the defensive tree, I primarily go for resistances (Armor and a splash of Magic resist), along with a little bit of health. But I also take
so I can stay in lane longer because of the health regeneration I get.
The point in
Second Wind is very useful for staying alive at low health, which is great for low level fights and such.
In the Utility tree, I made sure to take
Fleet of Foot, as low movement speed is a problem for thresh. Taking
helps exponentially in lane because thresh tends to be very mana hungry. I reach down into
Culinary Master
So I don't have to spend as much money on mana pots. Building all the way into
is also very helpful because it stacks with
Ancient Coin - Talisman of Ascension, earning you more gold for just standing there!

In the defensive tree, I primarily go for resistances (Armor and a splash of Magic resist), along with a little bit of health. But I also take

The point in

In the Utility tree, I made sure to take

Other Spells

Champions and large minions always drop a harvestable soul. Small minions only sometimes drop a soul.
This passive is one of my favorite ones in the game, because it is so unique. The armor granted per soul is amazing because thresh is typically played as a tank, and is pretty squishy early game.
Tip:Make sure you pick up as many souls as you can throughout the game,
Tip:DON'T overextend or take any crazy risks to get souls.

Tip: The value of souls goes down as you get more.

Thresh can reactivate this ability to pull himself towards the bound enemy.
Very similar to Blitzcrank pull, but the actual pull itself is less effective. The trade off here is that thresh can pull himself into the enemy and cc an entire team rather than just pulling one champion to their death.
Tip: Combine the second Q with

Tip: Don't use the second Q if it isn't safe, or if your team mates won't be able to react to it, as you can get yourself killed very easily.
Tip: Can be maxed first if you need more hooks early on. If You are playing really aggressive, or you are missing hooks are good times to max this.

Another unique ability! This can be used to save members of your team, or bring them into the fight. The shield is very weak, and the cooldown is high until you get some levels into it.
Tip: Grants vision! Throw over walls or into bushes so you don't have to facecheck.
Tip: High Cooldown, leaving you vulnerable after use.
Tip: Collects souls!
Tip:Everyone knows that this can be used to bring team mates into a fight. If the enemy is hugging the minion line, you can throw the lantern backwards or towards the river and make the enemy think your jungler is coming. This usually results in them running away from the minions, making a good hook a lot easier for you.
Tip: Can be maxed if you need a lower cooldown, or a better shield.

(Active): Thresh deals magic damage in a line beginning behind him. Enemies hit are pushed in the direction of the swing and then slowed for 1.5 seconds.
Cast forward to push; cast backward to pull.
Amazing ability for early harass in lane, and good in fights. You can use this to bring enemies just a little bit closer to you, to keep them from running, or you can knock them away with it to ensure your escape. The slow really helps either way, and the damage you get from the passive ends up doing TONS of damage.
Tip: Can disrupt enemy abilities if timed right (Leona's

Tip: Can't knock enemies through walls :(
Tip: Take advantage of the slow and the extra damage in lane. I tend to start fights in lane with

Tip: Can be maxed for added slow, damage, and lower cooldown.
Tip: Takes a bit to cast, is you are being chased by multiple people and you miss any of them, you'll probably die.

Once one wall is broken, the remaining walls' damage and slow duration is halved. An enemy can be afflicted by multiple walls
A fantastic ult for the rest of Thresh's kit. This ult can slow ALL 5 ENEMIES if used well.
Tip: Best used when in the middle of the enemy team, or when you want to block a certain path.
Tip: Very easy to flash/jump over, so don't use it if you'll only trap a champion like Aatrox.
Tip: You'll probably steal tons of kills with this on accident.
Tip: Keep in mind that only the first slow is going to be 99%, try to hit someone important with the box as soon as you put it down.
Leveling Order
Thresh has a really good kit, and any of his abilities can be maxed first for different reasons.Adapt your level order to suit your needs!

Maxing Q: Reduces the cooldown and increases the damage done.
Maxing W: Reduces cooldown and increases shield amount.
Maxing E: Increases passive damage, reduces cooldown and increases slow %.
If you are in a lane that you can easily auto attack harass, (Like vs melee support) maxing your

If the other lane is harassing you, maxing

And if you feel like you need more hooks (Because you are missing or because they are out of position often) then maxing

Thresh is a very versatile champion, and can be built many different ways. But for the purpose of this guide, I'll be showing you ways to build him as a utility based tank, which still has a lot of different options. These are the items that I tend to build, but it is very important to ALWAYS build based on what you need, instead of following a set build.
Very basic for supports right now. Gives you two wards, a potion(Biscuit) and a gold item with health and mana regen. Good for passive lanes.
This is a good starting trinket because early on, gold for wards is scarce. If your ADC takes the same trinket and you cycle between yours and theirs, you'll always have a ward in the river free of charge. Sell or upgrade after getting
, as sightstone gives you three wards, so there is no point in keeping the basic trinket
This trinket is pretty good because it saves you money on pink wards if they keep getting destroyed.
I usually don't start with this trinket because early vision is really important. But if you need to counter ward, this is a good option. I trade my Warding Totem for this trinket after getting
My upgraded trinket of choice. After Sightstone, you have all three stealth wards available to you, and oracles lens is amazing for clearing wards on objectives for your team.
These, in my opinion, are the best boots you can get on thresh as long as you aren't taking too much damage, or being cc'd too long. Thresh has extremely low mobility, and these boots allows him to position for hooks better, get around the map to clear faster, and escape once he leaves combat. You can trade for ninja tabi or Merc treads if you need to.
Important for all supports, because vision can change games. I don't recommend upgrading this until later in the game unless you need more HP and fast. The basic sightstone allows you to place all 3 wards, and upgrading just gives you hp.
Talisman of Ascension Another good item to help with mobility, except it moves all friendly units (Including minions). Great for chasing or fast engages.
Tip: You can use talisman then flash hook for a great engage.
Grants health, CDR, and armor, as well as AoE Magic resist and Health Regen. This a really good defensive item because of the stats and the AoE shield it gives has been known to save a few lives(:
Gives armor and HP, and slows enemies movement and attack speed when they hit you. The active also gives an AoE slow that makes it easier to chase them down, or keep them in fights longer. The length of the active also scales off of your armor and magic resist, which makes it work even better when playing a tank like thresh.
CDR, HP, HP regen, and Magic resist. AMAZING item, as it allows you to take more damage,(even from casters) and keeps you from going back as often because of the ridiculous amount of Health regen.
Armor, Health, and AoE damage. Good for dealing a little extra damage to the enemy when you're standing on top of them, and keeping waves from pushing. It also gives you a little extra pushing power if you ever need it.
Health and Magic resist. The passive shield on it comes up really fast, and is a really good item for super bursty casters who just blow you up.
Armor, CDR, and Mana. Really good for thresh because of his high cooldowns and low mana pool. It also reduces the attack speed of enemies by just being near them.
This item is really good with a lot of supports, but it is quite underused. Every time you heal or shield a unit they get an attack speed buff. This with
Dark Passage and a
makes for 2 speed buffs for your entire team. Also gives AP, Mana regen and movement speed! All great things for Thresh.
Clears all CC from an ally and heals them for (x+ 10%) of your maximum health. Grants CDR, massive mana regen and Magic resist.
Zeke's Herald Great when your team needs a little more sustain. Gives CDR, health and has an AoE lifesteal buff which is great.
Good against heavy AD teams. The added armor really helps.
Good against AP heavy teams, or teams that keep you CC'd.
Gives your allies a movement speed boost. Champions get it when running towards you, which means if you are ahead of them, they move faster, or if they are running from the enemy, towards you, they run faster. Saves lives, and helps chase enemy team.
Massive speed boost when leaving fountain. Great when you're on defense.
Bonus movement speed can come in handy!
Starting Items
Very basic for supports right now. Gives you two wards, a potion(Biscuit) and a gold item with health and mana regen. Good for passive lanes.


Core Items

Talisman of Ascension Another good item to help with mobility, except it moves all friendly units (Including minions). Great for chasing or fast engages.
Tip: You can use talisman then flash hook for a great engage.
Defensive Items

Utility Items

Zeke's Herald Great when your team needs a little more sustain. Gives CDR, health and has an AoE lifesteal buff which is great.
Other Items

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