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Recommended Items
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This isnt just because he is Satan, He has a blind, non of your basic abilities deal damage (without a AA), he also can just nope the **** out with his W.
Trundle's Basic Attributes
P -
King's Tribute - Whenever an enemy dies around Trundle heal for a % of their max hp
Q -
Chomp - Deals bonus damage slows for 0.5 seconds, Trundle gains bonus AD and Reduces the bitten targets AD.
W -
Frozen Domain - HUGE BUFFS, Attack Speed, Movement Speed, Spirit Visage for free.
E -
Pillar of Ice - Like a circle anivia wall but with a huge slow, but it also knocks back people (Allies aswell) when the pillar is summoned ontop of them.
R -
Subjugate - You steal 20% - 35% of the targets max hp, also you steal 40% of their magic resist and armour.
So all in all you get buffs they get debuffs..

Q -

W -

E -

R -

So all in all you get buffs they get debuffs..
P -
King's Tribute - Whenever an enemy dies near Trundle, Trundle heals for 2/3/4/5/6% of their max health.
Q -
Chomp - Cost 30 Mana - Cooldown 4 -
Trundle's next basic attack deals 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 0/5/10/15/20% Bonus AD) also slowing the target by 75% for 0.5 seconds, Trundle gains 20/25/30/35/40 Bonus AD for 8 seconds, while the bitten target's AD is reduced by half for 8 seconds.
W -
Frozen Domain - 60 Mana - Cooldown 15 -
Trundle coats an area in ice for 8 seconds, while in this area Trundle gains 20/25/30/35/40% Bonus Movement Speed and 20/35/50/65/80% Bonus Attack Speed, also 20% Healing and Health Regeneration from all sources.
E -
Pillar of Ice - Cost 60 Mana - Cooldown 23/20/27/24/11 -
Trundle summons a pillar of ice for 6 seconds, enemies caught in the radius of the pillar are also knocked back the pillar acts as impassable terrain, slowing enemies for 30/35/40/45/50% in a radius around it.
R -
Subjugate - Cost 75 Mana - Cooldown 80/70/60
Trundle drains the life force out of an enemy champion, instantly dealing 10/13.75/17.5% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of the target's max health in magic damage, healing for the damage done, he also steals 20% of their armour and magic resist, he then applies the same effect to the target over the next 4 seconds (2.5/3.4/4.4% of the target's max health per second) (+0.3%per 100 AP). After the drain completes, the modifiers slowly decay (For Trundle and the Target).

Q -

Trundle's next basic attack deals 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 0/5/10/15/20% Bonus AD) also slowing the target by 75% for 0.5 seconds, Trundle gains 20/25/30/35/40 Bonus AD for 8 seconds, while the bitten target's AD is reduced by half for 8 seconds.
W -

Trundle coats an area in ice for 8 seconds, while in this area Trundle gains 20/25/30/35/40% Bonus Movement Speed and 20/35/50/65/80% Bonus Attack Speed, also 20% Healing and Health Regeneration from all sources.
E -

Trundle summons a pillar of ice for 6 seconds, enemies caught in the radius of the pillar are also knocked back the pillar acts as impassable terrain, slowing enemies for 30/35/40/45/50% in a radius around it.
R -

Trundle drains the life force out of an enemy champion, instantly dealing 10/13.75/17.5% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of the target's max health in magic damage, healing for the damage done, he also steals 20% of their armour and magic resist, he then applies the same effect to the target over the next 4 seconds (2.5/3.4/4.4% of the target's max health per second) (+0.3%per 100 AP). After the drain completes, the modifiers slowly decay (For Trundle and the Target).
Chomp because this is your harass and early game damage ability, Maxing W second is just because E doesn't give much offensive potential other than stopping them from running away (I emphasise RUNNING) also because you shred towers with Q & W (You steal and deal the bonus damage to turrets).

Offensive Items

Defensive Items

Boot Choices

Mercury Treads - For when the enemy team is mainly AP or has a Le Blanc or

Ionain Boots of Lucidity - This is for when the enemy is mixed, having the extra CD helps with staying in the fight and not dying, remember this is when the enemy team doesn't know what the **** they are doing.
Blood Thirster
This is a really good item on Trundle for a few reasons:
Life Steal + Frozen Doman
But it doesn't give HP or anything other than these stats so it isnt good for Standard Trundle
Having Trouble with a Draven. This is the item, No for real if an enemy deicide to go full AD and the main form of damage is hitting you go this (
This is a really good item on Trundle for a few reasons:
Life Steal + Frozen Doman
But it doesn't give HP or anything other than these stats so it isnt good for Standard Trundle

Having Trouble with a Draven. This is the item, No for real if an enemy deicide to go full AD and the main form of damage is hitting you go this (

Trundle in a team fight can either royally **** your own team over or do it to the other, Your ultimate can be used in two different ways:
First - Focus AD Carry
Use this on their AD carry and your team and take away the threat very fast.
Second - Trundle Rushing
Trundle Rushing is just what I like to call, Ulting their tank and using
Frozen Domain and Chomping the AD carry, this is the unsafe (or Balls Deep) option in a fight this could **** your team by losing the top laner fast, or your team can go in with you with the enemy team focusing you because of your high damage and tankyness due to ulting the enemy tank.
First - Focus AD Carry
Use this on their AD carry and your team and take away the threat very fast.
Second - Trundle Rushing
Trundle Rushing is just what I like to call, Ulting their tank and using

Okay so Trundle's Attributes are a main part of this but think about it.
Trundle is an AD-Offtank (A Wanabe-Juggernaut), with Anti-AD and Tank Abilities, This is insane this is like a
Darius's worst nightmare, so if you are wondering how to beat certain juggernauts, read Trolling the Juggernauts chapter.
Trundle is an AD-Offtank (A Wanabe-Juggernaut), with Anti-AD and Tank Abilities, This is insane this is like a

Okay so this is probably (from a new player's perspective) the hardest and most OP Juggernaut, this is true he is the most OP Juggernaut but he is VERY easy to counter play ill go over his abilities and how to counter each one.
But trust me I mained and still second-main Darius, so I have alot of experience with him.
Haemorrhage - Just keep on fighting him, early on this is reduced by

Garen isn't all that good, you counter him in pretty much all of his abilities.

**** this champ, but with these few tips hopefully you can survive the laning stage.

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