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Recommended Items
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Trundle can be amazing in teamfights as his ult can make even the tankiest shen into a easy kill for the team (giving him extra tank might i add) and if he manages to chomp the ADC, it will severely cripple their atk stat and make you even more of a threat. Your E is only there to secure a kill or escape. Now for his W, his W is freaking amazing, gaining movespeed, atk speed and extra healing, your ult combined with the support's heal. (if the support can heal) It would pretty much restore you to full in less than a second!
Be careful though. As you will most likely be focused if you get split up from your team, as Trundle is still very squishy if you don't have your tank items.
Be careful though. As you will most likely be focused if you get split up from your team, as Trundle is still very squishy if you don't have your tank items.
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