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Recommended Items
Runes: late game carry
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Organic Deconstruction (PASSIVE)
Vel'Koz Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If you get hooked you're dead.
His traps make it easy to hit the enemy laners and his root allows for an easy kill with your ult, he also has good execution damage.
His traps make it easy to hit the enemy laners and his root allows for an easy kill with your ult, he also has good execution damage.
Champion Build Guide
I have about 60K mastery on Vel'koz and get at least 50% of the time an s- or higher.
He is my most favorite champion to play as support because he allows me to carry games when my teammates fail, while stil being able to get your allies kills.
His innate,

His Q,

His W,


His E,

His R,

Next up are boots, which you take depends on you own preferance, i usually take

For my second item I usually take

I usually refrain from finising

My third item is often

As my last option I often get what is most usefull for the situation,

You should really avoid

very strong secondary runes:

what to avoid:
Pretty much all of

All of

Once you get


At rank 1,

Taking all of this into consideration, if you hit an equal percentage, you will have more damage on


All of this would still suggest that you need a pretty high hit percantage with

Although not really a part of teamfighting, stealling objectives such as dragon is pretty easy as

Total damage form ap scalings: 120% ap magic damage and 50% ap true damage
For a full combo without your ult you place

Total damage form ap scalings: 190% ap magic damage and 100% ap true damage
Afterward you can use

Total damage form ap scalings: 190% ap magic damage and 275% ap true damage

If you have questions, suggestions or something else related to this guide please leave a comment.
- JustFunPlay
-Added Yuumi to matchups
May 15th 2019

April 17th 2019
- Added the Poke guide chapter, will be expanded over the upcomming weeks.
April 3rd 2019
- Added ap scalings to the combo's section
- Changed eyeball collection and added ghost poro and zombie ward to runes section to accomodate the changes to them
- Added spellbinder to optional items and explained why in the items section
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