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Choose Champion Build:
Will of the Freljord
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Korean Ahri will always make you suffer and melt down, stop her from snowballing or you are screwed, you can play aggressively safe because all your ranges out range her, and she is really squishy and depends on her placement to pull off plays, you can trap her into damage, lots of damage, she can go through your wall 3 times in a row with her ult but you can burn her ult izi with your w because of that, you have 20 sec cooldown on your w, when you have your W back up, her ult will already have burnt out, easy squishy kill if played right.

This guide is an extensive walkthrough on every aspect I could think of when thinking Anivia, I have been maining Anivia since Blackfrost came out, at first just because it looked sexy so I thought Anivia would be interesting to try for a new champ.
I noticed the outplay capability and utility she can bring to team comps just from looking at her kit and fell in love with birdie and all of its glorious and majestic obliterating burst damage and bullying potential, and after using her for a while, she is left IMO as one of the best mid laners to climb the ladder with on the whole roster as she has great CC, has great scaling, is a team fighting beast and she is bursty as can get and man, haven't ever felt any regret on the skin purchase, and even though a lot of people say she is not competitive anymore, out of meta, yada yada yada bleh, I will do my best to show you the not just potential but what a good birdie player can actually pull off, and why people should fear the well played bird.
I know this guide will be useful for everyone researching Anivia, for newcomers I will put all of my effort in making it the most helpful and for those experienced players who want to try some really effective builds/strategies I will get real in-depth about her (I think I've really sweetspoted the nicest of all for Anivia) and also this guide will be helpful to effectively counter Anivia if you need as well, but be wary Anivia can get tough to counter and can be a pain in the arse, her outplay capability as I said is lots, but she can get pretty complex which is the reason why people stay away from her and she does not have the most amazing pickrate in the game, however its a really safe laning champion with great peel for herself and teammates and even though she is played mostly on the mid lane, you can get to handle top lane nicely against the correct matchups or hell if you have control of birdie you can even tackle support or play as an mk Carry on the botlane.
I will try to extend myself on every aspect as much as I can so you get the best mental description of what I'm talking about, btw it will be a Lot :v
I will talk a lot about the unique plays Anivia can perform and the nice sweetness of motherfckn CCfesta burst Anivia can by definition pull off, I will also write a lot about how to best play defensively and offensively with Anivia and what you need to watch out for, when is it that you are most vulnerable or safe and when you should best try a strategy to counter your opponent's.
I hope that you like this guide and without further due, lets get right into it :)
- Can carry hard
- Great harass, real nice wave-clear.
- CCFesta kit.
- Can burst enemies to dust with a real potent point n' click spell.
- Great AoE Dps, real nice team fighter.
- Great outplay capability when played at best potential.
- Great passive (forgotten-mid-fight to a lot of players, which can be advantageous and can get you a free counter-gank if positioning right)
- 600 ranged AA, 1100 ranged poke and lots of siege from lvl 6 onwards with an AoE DoT spell that pretty much scares champs the fck off, the zoning gets real.
Crystallize can stop almost all channels (unknown to most players).
Crystallize can be used to give vision to scout and avoid facechecking(unknown to lots of players).
Crystallize can troll
- Has tricks ;)
- Legendary Skin that is sexy as fck
- Slow base movement speed (tied for lowest move speed on roster with 325)
- Because of her low mobility, squishy without itemization.
- It IS hard to get the feeling for AA animation (awkward sometimes.)
(...Blackfrost Anivia's AA animation mmm sexy) - If non experienced, early game is real weak-sauce.
- Very mana-hungry early if not on blue buffs/mana pots.
- Poor roaming potential without the right item set or Tp.
- CSing can get real hard because of animations.
- Trades gap closers and mobility for all of her CC.
- Reliant on choosing the correct combo and positioning to be effective.

As for Runes I run on Anivia, I Go flat AP Quints, Magic Pen. Reds, Scaling AP Blues and Scaling Health yellows, and the reasoning behind this is because those are the most efficient runes you can get, Anivia has 1.0 AP ratios on both her

Anivia actually kind of has two passives, one somewhat undermentioned debuffing type of passive and her more noticed Rebirth passive
Anivia applies her 'chill' debuff to enemies using Flash Frost and Glacial Storm, what chill does is applying a 20% slow on enemies for 3 seconds and compliments Anivia's Frostbite with double damage on 'chilled' enemies for the debuff's duration.

Upon dying, Anivia will revert into an egg and will get an armor and magic resistance modifier of -40 / -25 / -10 / +5 / +20. These values change at levels 5, 8, 12 and 15. If the egg can survive for six seconds, she is reborn with the same percentage of health that her egg had left upon rebirth. This can only happen once every four minutes regardless of cool-down reduction.


Anivia summons a shard of ice that flies on a line. The shard will deal 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+50% of ability power) damage, slowing movement by 20% for 3 seconds (applying chill) to anyone in its path. The shard will detonate when reaching its max range or if the ability is activated again. When Flash Frost is popped it will deal 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to all enemies nearby, stunning them for 1 second. The magic damage done by both the shard and the detonation is the same and both will apply the "chilled" debuff on enemies hit for 3 seconds.
Cool-down: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds.


Anivia summons an impenetrable wall of ice 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 units wide, blocking all movement. The wall lasts for 5 seconds before it melts.
Cool-down: 20 seconds


Anivia blasts her target with a freezing wind, dealing 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 (+50% of ability power) magic damage. If the target has been chilled, they take double damage.
Cool-down: 5 seconds

Hits like a truck. You max this ability first.

Toggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail, dealing 80 / 120 / 160 (+25% of ability power) magic damage per second, slowing their movement and attack speed by 20% for 1 second per tick, and chilling them. Costs 40/50/60 mana per second while the storm is active.
Cool-down: 6 seconds.

Some Anivia players like to max Q second to maximize damage output, but I feel your wall and the plays you can pull off with a full sized wall and the fact that flashfrost's mana cost scales with level and leaves you so empty real easily early, makes me think it actually needs a cost reduce and is why I level up my wall second, also, because at level 1 Flash frost is on 80 mana but the cost scales up to 120 and even though it reduces the cool down on flash frost and improves your Q's base damage, the stun duration does not get better and it still has great Scaling (0.5 + 0.5 ratio) with your AP and will still hurt nicely, and you really don't poke with flash frost unless you get a good, clear shot and after level 6 you should start using it for the utility or for all ins instead of poke, unless you want to scream "I'm a bronzie and would like a Yasuo to rape my ********".
IMO Crystallize is the better choice to go for second maxed skill since you can pull off Playz, and it is the skill that defines if you are an ok player or a great Anivia player, however to non experienced players that don't know Anivia and are uncomfortable with walling, and only on the case you really are not comfortable enough using the wall I would consider maxing Q second only if fed and if a have a bronze packed enemy team where I know I can show off Koreanivia and do magic with just a level 2 wall that I still put an extra point on at 8 and 10 when following that strategy.
What actually varies on my level up order in game is the level I put my first point in crystallize, level 4 (98% of the time) or 8, I usually still put a point at level 4 in most matches just to get the wall leveled up and capped at 13.
You should Always start

Order for level up goes like this for me: R>E>W>Q.
The orders you could choose from would be: Standard Wall max second Standard Wall max second with wall start at 8 Maximizing q with wall start at 4 Maximizing q with wall start at 8
Lvl 1:
AA poke combo:
If being traded on lvl 1 (which actually should NOT be happening) pull this off by walking up to your opponent to basic attack and because of the range you will be in you shoot your Q so you can get the first part of the damage from your Q going through your opponent before popping to proc the stun and the second part of the damage, try to soft cancel the animation of your first auto with your Q so you can get another auto easily after the stun and if you see that your opponent runs away throw some more ice chunks in their faces so out-trade them and make them hurt, usually that does a lot more damage than people think, 2 or 3 autos plus both parts of the damage from your Q (bases +0.5 AP + 0.5 AP) it usually out trades most champs at level one.
Level 2-3:
Stunpop Poke Combo:
Stunpop Trade Combo:
Always try to get both parts of your Q's damage since it actually does hurt a lot, try to angle it so you catch your enemies pathing or at least can reach them with the explosion range and trade with autos so you can get the most out of your damage potential, most people actually don't know that Anivia has one of the strongest bursts in the game at level 2 and 3, actually your damage at lvl three with both parts of Q and E alone, is more than LeBlanc's level three burst, it is a good way to secure a first blood on someone who isn't familiar with her damage if pulled off right. For the reference, her Q+E combo does 230 + 2.0x AP if you land both parts of your Q and the elusive Leblanc Q+W at lvl 3 does 195 + 1.4x AP.//
After wall: (For me its always level 4, but most people do 8)
Trap combo: (different uses in the Walling section.)
When used right, you can chokepoint enemies movement path into your Q so you can proc the 2 parts of it and get a safe and heavy burst on your opponent
Level 6 onwards:
This is one of the signatures to a good Anivia player, the trick to it (I'll explain further why it actually requires skill if you still haven't noticed) is that Anivia's Frostbite does damage ON HIT, not on cast, and you can take advantage of the low projectile speed, because Anivia's ult is toggled and has no cast time and most importantly, procs chill, so you shoot your E first and as soon as you see the projectile being shot, you proc the chill on your enemy with your ult just to see your enemies health bar getting deceivingly chunked down, real devastating and usually catches enemies off-guard letting you also get some good damage on DoT on your ult as well, this is what you use to actually poke after 6. Also, I should advice to really always smartcast spells on Anivia so you can check for ranges before trying anything because with this particular combo, I've seen so much people mess it up because they try to toggle the ult ahead of their possible range and waste time walking up to where they can cast it, you should always try to cast the center of it at max range so you reach enemies easily, don't expect to get it on first try if you haven't ever tried to, practice this beforehand if you have not ever tried it, if your enemy still wants to trade after you already threw nice damage at them you stun them and walk away.
Not as efficient but what is actually good about the combo is that you get to choke point your enemy so you get get in range for your E and setup some DoT with your ult and you can followup or just save your Q for when you need it most because saving your stun is the efficient and best way to go when you don't have your wall and your enemy's lifebar is not low enough to go all in.
Flashfrost to burst trap:
If you get to pull off any Q and think it is worth it to burst all-in regardless of your cooldowns then go for it, this is your all in burst combo, wall usage on the combo is needed to get nice setup DoT on your ult but depends on situation and needs strategic thought on placement as well as the moment you place it down, because the wall alone actually gives psychological pressure and your enemy can get scared off on usage and the best way to use is not to scare but to catch people off guard, we want their flash at the last moment, trust me ;)
After a flash burn you and your team can get to capitalize on that a lot.
All-in combo:
This is your sure kill combo, you decide to go all in or not after your E'R, always proc the first part of your Q when possible but make the stun a priority so you can get your enemies to suffer another second inside your ult, usually you can get to pull off a second E after enemies have been stunned because the chill proc stays for 3 seconds on enemies, that is 3 seconds after leaving your ult, and Anivia's E has a 5 second cooldown, now take into consideration that you already shot your E as your first spell and enters cool down on cast, and that you get a slow on your ult, so enemies should take at least a seconds damage of it and take another second on stun, another half a second for them to get out and you should be able to chase easily the remaining 2 or approx 1.3 seconds for your E to get the finishing hit, it can get more complex by adding auto attacks whenever you can which I think is self explanatory but if you want to get more graphical, it could be something more like E'R'*aa>Q-q'*aa>*W>*aa'E.
First of all, I should tell you, what stats is it birdie is grateful for:
and yes, those are in order of importance, now as to why:

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