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Xerath Build Guide by vaticanwarlord

Xerath the god slayer

Xerath the god slayer

Updated on May 28, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author vaticanwarlord Build Guide By vaticanwarlord 21 6 120,148 Views 23 Comments
21 6 120,148 Views 23 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author vaticanwarlord Xerath Build Guide By vaticanwarlord Updated on May 28, 2014
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  • LoL Champion: Xerath
    Only death is certain (glass c
  • LoL Champion: Xerath
    Can I play daddy (defense)
  • LoL Champion: Xerath
    I hate teemo

The collected works on the philosophy of:

The new Xerath has been out for a while and I am still in the process of re working the guide. I cant make the guide invisible while I work meaning this guide will appear incomplete and will have inconsistencies for the current season for a while.

Table of awesomeness:


2.Relatively new to guides?

3.A note to the reader

4.Why would you want to play Xerath*

5.Why would you play Xerath

6.Pros and Cons



9.You know my swag not my story*

10.My items verses other Xerath items*

11. When to play the god slayer*


13.Lane match ups

14.The vidz*

15.Final skill tips and Xerath info

16.Friends of the guide

* means that section is a humor section or not inportant to the guide


Alright, fellow aspiring Xerath players. I am not a pro player, however; I am a dedicated/addicted gamer. I play League of Legends because I enjoy playing it and also because I love playing competitively orientated games.

In my opinion, Xerath is one of the better champions of the game, and my goal is to inspire people who are aspiring to be a pro LoL player to play Xerath. If you want to carry and win games, I (strongly) recommend him, and this guide will teach you how to decimate others with Xerath.

My playstle isnt for everyone,If you play Xerath already, please PM me or email me at, and feel free to tell me some of your ideas I will include them and then cite you in the guide!

I have tried to format this guide so that you are able to see the most important parts of the guide and the superfluous stuff is hidden in a
tag like this

If you are new to reading guides read this!

Relatively new to looking at guides?

A note to the reader

I made this guide to help aspiring Xerath players in a slightly humorous way. As opposed to a no nonsense tell you how it is guide. I assure you I take this guide very seriously, and want to make it the goto guide for Xerath players. I felt like humor helped explain things in an easy to understand way. If you disagree then instead of down-voting please PM me!


Why would you play Xerath

Xerath is an AMAZING tactical choice when your team needs CC and range. In terms of team fighting I would place him at the same level as Cassiopeia. He does not have Karthus effect on team fighting, however; his ability to contribute to a stun locking an enemy carry and the extreme range at which he preforms easily makes up for it. His Rite of the Arcane has a max range 5600 and Arcanopulse have a range of 1400 after channeling. To put that in perspective a if Nidalee uses Javelin Toss the missile will hit at 1500 range, and a Shock Blast by Jayce has a range of 1050 which is the same range as Xerath's Shocking Orb. As opposed to Xerath however, NPC's and enemy champions will block those particular abilites. In real life we could assume Xerath would look something like this
Xerath also has a very effective combo for ripping apart whole teams. When fed you will start 2 hitting enemy carries, in a team fight when you have three AOE'S that effect is spread across their entire team. I would recommend playing Xerath if you have a desire to get your first Pentakill. If you are one of the people that loves taking down an enemy with a perfect skillshot and well timed plays then Xerath the scrub killer is for you!

Pros and cons

+//Hard CC Xerath's ability to stun is a great asset. It can be used to poke hard, set up a gank, or cancel a channel like Requiem or Death Lotus |
-//Squishy early game This is nothing to complain about. Typically mid champions are squishy early game. Some people will start with 9/21/0 masteries and go health runes. That is fine if you dont get Mejai's Soulstealer and dont expect to deal "tons of damage" |
+//Extreme Range This is beautiful. Its very hard to escape low health from a good Xerath. His skillshots have a huge hitbox on them the only issue would be if your spells were on cooldown |
-//VERY WEAK against silence and other hard CC going up against someone with CC can be hard. His counters almost all have cc. Silencing any AP champ makes them ineffective but especially so with xerath. Who typically has to MUST land his stun to be able to fight effectively. |
+//Great Burst damage You can unleash his full kit in a matter of seconds and all of his skills deal moderate to significant damage. A DPS caster like xerath will be able to decimate the enemies back line without risking damage themselves. |
-//Has to stay in one place This is what makes him weak against long range abilities. Javelin Toss or Final Spark although he dosnt root himself for his normal abilities anymore his ult forces him to root making him a sitting duck for skillshots. |
+//sustain The new xerath has a lot bigger mana costs. His passive is designed to make xerath more forgiving for those not running mana regen runes. |
-//Very skill based After a game or two it gets a lot easier. But your first time can be kind of difficult. |
+//Good escape If the enemy jungler is not running a full util jungler with a "lock on" distance closer then early level ganks are not a big issue. Casting Shocking Orb following up with Eye of Destruction will give you enough time to escape |
-//Higher cooldowns His Shocking Orb is pretty unbalanced in terms of cooldown. At level one its 13 seconds so working on landing them is imperative. |
+//His swag you can hurt his feelings but you can never hurt his swag |
-//Has a very hard counterAbility to be counterpicked by Urf the manatee. Urf is known as "the play maker" and with his anti carry role he can out duel 95% of champions. |
We are legion Xerath is part of the Illuminati and as such is difficult to find and attack. He is also responsible for the deaths of General Motors, 2pac, and Micheal Jackson. |
Everything above is actually a lie. Xerath has no weakness It has been a joke this whole time convincing you anything could beat xerath. Sorry but he is just to good. |


This is a more in depth look at my thoughts on Xerath runes. This is very tricky actually. As you can see my default build has me use scaling AP runes for the late game damage. That is extremely controversial in competitive play. I go glass cannon because in lower ELO and normals ganking isnt as big a deal and the damage tradeoff is worth it; However, it is STRONGLY recommended by most high ELO mid lane players to run armor and MR runes. It reduces enemy minion wave damage, reduces enemy auto attack damage (fear of facing bruiser mid is reduce) etc. Some mid laners prefer to focus on health and armor and then focus on more defensive items to make him into a Vladimir or Ryze like champion. I made this setup based on my play style. It is usually risky running glass cannon past Gold division. Running penetration reds, regen yellow's, scaling AP blues, and scaling AP quints is what I use in tournaments or 1v1's against a higher level player.

Start off with getting magic pen. Quints and Marks. It will causes your magic to punch through their defense. Essentially you will be doing near true damage at level 1 with magic. Most champs start with less than 30 MR, when you start with 16 flat magic pen and 6% from Devastating Strikes your early game is really strong.
Then I use scaling AP glyph's and seals for a free blasting wand at level 18. This started out as just a karthus thing, but after working on improving my late game there is a lot to be said for the power of these runes and their synergy with deathcap.

This rune configuration works for me as a late game player. If you want to have a strong early start then go 3 9 9 9 This will give you a larger amount of pre level 11 damage output. After level 11 scaling AP becomes more powerful so it is all about when you want your edge. One nice thing about ranked/draft is seeing who the enemy team will play. If you have mutliple pages set up ranging from defense to glass cannon you can preemptively win your lane. Some champions I would strongly recommend going for early game otherwise they will dominate you mid game.


If you play Xerath often and disagree with glass cannon then here is where I justify it.

I will start with this build almost every game. Due to my aggressive poke play style I obviously am expending large amounts of mana. Typically in bronze and silver an opportunity for a kill will appear before 7 minutes. When you inevatibly kill your opponent (hopefully) then you can rush Chalice of Harmony which is great for the MR and the ability to spam more.
I liked the old Doran's Ring
on most mid champs because it gave good health and AP starting out. I would not build this now though its more not as efficient as the other starting builds. Seeing as it provides lower AP 3 mana regen per 5 and you end up selling it mid/late game.

I start with this on almost every other mid. This gives you the ability to have some good early game damage and you are able to rush an early Rylai's Crystal Scepter or a Liandry's Torment.

This is the beta build. There is even a very inspiring video about it here Woops try here. Boots and pots Works well on every champion. I would do this if you are lanning against another skillshot champion or heavy caster. Someone like Lux or Cho'Gath.
Core Items:
This is definitely one of the more important items in my build. The most important part about how I play Xerath is the ability to abuse the low cool down for his combo. Get blue get Athene's and carry your team. With his re work his abilities hurt your mana pool a lot more so its paramount to get some form of mana sustain. Key for any AP character wanting to deal large amounts of damage. Obviously get it when you are comfortable with it. It is essential on Xerath to make him snowball out of control. You should not rush the sorting hat though. Getting it mid game is ideal and gives you access to god mode hack.

The reason for mejais:
First off I want to say that mejais is not a troll item. The reason there is a paradigm about it is that it is not very reliable and it can be a bad investment if you are either dying or not participating in fights. If you are just learning Xerath then I would agree you should skip this item and get a rylaies as your fifth item. After you get some practice with him then you are assured at least 5 stacks after a successful team fight. And thats just assuming you didn't get a single kill. You get a penta and thats 10 stacks also known as 80 AP. It is something special when you get some stacks and have 400 AP at level 13 (welcome to hell teemo)! As long as you get assists and kills and disengage when you see a lost cause then you can easily get it full stacks and then start dishing out an insane amount of damage. |
anti meta:
The most controversial item in this build. I would not recommend this in competitive play. However if you do want to use it then by all means go for it. There is some reasoning to choosing it although DFG is outclassed by other items this build and is not nearly as strong. Typically Xerath is in the far back line fighting so eneimies arnt close enough to use the active on. In instances like a dragon/Baron fight or a fight in base then they can attack you very easily. Xeraths passive also necessitates him to be in AA range. Some reasoning could be:

1. gives 120 AP, the highest flat ap available (160 AP with deathcap).

2. First part of active, It deals 15 percent of enemy max health on hit. If their is a godly tank on the enemy team such as Shen or even Malphite that got fed usually thats GG. After getting liandrys torment and DFG you will have no problem with them. to put it in perspective hitting an enemy xerath using my build with that is an instant loss of 350 HP. Hitting a tank like Dr. Mundo or Volibear with that you will be doing over 600 damage with just the active.

3. The broken part of the active: increases all magic damage taken by 20%. Enemy carry is 20/0? Hit them with this baby and show them the big guns. Enemy mid akali beat you in lane? DFG on that ninja and smack her in the mouth. The damage amp will help you win duels. If you want to be selfless and get someone like Karthus a kill use this right as he uses Requiem. Typically DFG is good against people like Volibear or Xin Zhao tanky people that get close to you very quickly.

Seriously I wouldn't recommend getting that item unless you really want to experiment.

you could get Ionian Boots of Lucidity and trust that your Haunting Guise gives the magic penetration needed. Magic penetration is far better late game. This item could be switched for Rylai's Crystal Scepter if you prefer. The main reason I get this is for the magic penetration and for the percent of enemy health. Typically I am playing against Tanky heroes and I may not kill them as quickly but over time I can harass and get them low.

An item I have only experimented with a little is Spirit of the Spectral Wraith. It gives you even more CDR (something that makes Xerath what he is), It also gives you decent AP and Spell vamp (>>implying riot didnt nerf this). Like I said I have only toyed with this a little but if you want to try something a little different you could think of building this. And finally if you really want to be a defensive player than Warmog's Armor is good to.


My build vs. other ones (not key to the guide)

Other Lanes and Maps (not key to guide)


Really the thing here is knowing where your team mates are and what they are doing. If you see Volibear Thundering Smash or Singed Fling then don't start nukeing that spot with your Arcane Barrage. Likewise if you see Cataclysm or Command: Shockwave and the enemy team is all grouped up then don't be the Xerath that waits for his team to do the damage and ks's with his ult. Nuke the enemy to hell with your ult, wait for your team to do the rest and then KS with your Arcanopulse or mage chains! Mastering the time delay on Arcanopulse is the first step in becoming the god of Xerath.

Lane matchups

Some of your likely lane opponents:


Difficulty:Relative to the skill of each player
Watch out for:Jungle ganks, Enemy roaming, stun
skill tips:
Whenever you start playing a champion you will at some point or another be forced to fight your champion on the enemy team. When it comes to Xerath vs. Xerath the thing that will define you is the consistency of landing your skill shots, and the items and skill tips you have learned here and in your own practice on the fields of justice. The "carry mortar Xerath" build will allow you to outplay other Xerath players. While they are rushing their Zhonya's Hourglass or looking at whatever strange sadistic porn they are watching, you are stacking Mejai's Soulstealer and getting nuke potential. They key thing is set your jungle up to gank, do not get killed by their jungler, and land your shat!

Luxanna crownguard

Watch out for:Snare, The damage from her passive , her CS
skill tips:
at bronze level Lux players (from what I have seen)are people who have gotten fed with her a few times in normal's and notice that she is very easy to play so what the hell why not play her ranked? Whereas in gold and higher you come across people who have played her sense season 1 (like me) and know whats going down. Obviously with Lux's ridiculous cool downs she is safe to harass and zone her opponents while she gets CS. She will probably Final Spark soon after it is up just to do some damage and then just keep hitting you with it. You poke harder, dont let her farm. Light Binding is a great kiting tool try and zig zag when chasing her. She is extremely annoying with her Lucent Singularity Light Binding combo.


Difficulty:Easier than your mother
Watch out for:Stun, Tibbers, roaming carries
skill tips:
Annie is infamous for her nuke potential. Fortunately all you have to do is have this guy lure her away with candy. Or you can call in an expert. Someone who knows how to eliminate targets like this: Casey Anthony is probably your best bet. If you dont have those options Xerath out ranges her violently and is able to zone her to the point where she gets no farm. Since she is relatively squishy early on and not very mobile then it should not be to difficult to shut her down quickly. Every time she is hiding behind minions hit her with a quick Q. After a minute or two of that she will not be able to farm.=, and will be ready to be taken down with a swag combo from the father of the almighty Pikachu. You both have stuns but hers must be timed after 4 spells where yours can be up ever 4 seconds. your full combo should kill her if not ignite should finish her off. My typical anti Annie combo is: ult once to hit her then if you are at max range Flash locus of power mage chains Arcane Barrage Arcanopulse Arcane Barrage. The key is to damage her a little before the stun, because your kit takes quite a while to unload giving her ample time to escape. Initiate after harassing a little to be sure to get a kill.

Master Yi

Difficulty:easy as.....
Watch out for:deceptive low health, leaving lane, jangle ganks
skill tips:
In case you didnt notice by all the defeats you have been getting at the hands of Master Yi recently, when riot wanted to make yi more balanced they ment they wanted to make him more godly op. Fortunately for Xerath players AP yi is off the table! Alpha Strike is now AD. That armor passive is nice now huh? Only problem now is he can go all ad and destroy minions and towers. Do not leave lane for to long or your tower is already dead. Good way to counter him is ask Froggen to Ddos that dragqueen blademaster! If yi roams and gets fed you may consider buying an armor item to reduce his damage. I would say he shouldn't be able to get close to you but he has a blink spell and a massive movement speed boost. Most Yi players seem to take flash or ghost as well so you will be fighting him close quarters sadly. you do out damage him as long as he dosnt get fed or super farmed. Biggest thing to keep in mind against yi is "stay behind your minions"! We all hated hearing that in the tutorial but if Alpha Strike does not hit you and you are damaging him then its a pretty good trade off.


Difficulty:Tonight we dine in hell (medium)
Watch out for:looking at her chest and loosing focus, her roaming
skill tips:
This is an interesting match up. Alot of fellow Xerath players are conflicted about this. The thing is Akali heals all of her health back if done properly. Also she unleashes her kit VERY quickly. If you are able to land your abilites however she is nothing. A skilled akali player should be able to dodge most Xerath Q's and ults. However most of us are not versing Challanger tier Akali players. One way to dominate is at level 6 INSTANTLY dive in. she will only have one Shadow Dance and you dish out way more damage plus stun. I use my typical R Wlocus of powerEmage chainsR Q R combo. Stuns are the bane of akali (well stuns and silences) so Xerath is a pretty efficent counter pick. Even better when akali uses Twilight Shroud to try and get away, some champions (like Ryze) are limited to only attacking when you can see your oponent. Xerath however dosnt care if he can see you or not. Using your abilites on a general area in the shroud should be an effective strategy to scare her away from using it alot. Keep in mind I talk about Xerath like he is god alot. He is only like that if you play smart! For instance when I play akali it is I will dive in regardless of the situation and try and nuke you. Xerath actually requires some skill, but is rewarded with damage because of it. It is important to realize when fighting akali, SHE IS NEVER LOW HEALTH. I promise you if you are both low and you try and go in she will kill you and come out full health thanks to Twin Disciplines and Hextech Gunblade.


Difficulty: relativly easy
Watch out for: JUNGLE GANKS, Death Defied, farming
skill tips:
In theory this guy has no chance. He has much shorter range, worse AP ratios, slow speed, terrible last hitting, easy to stun, etc. Alas Theory is not what wins games!It does not matter how good it is on paper I promise you that I could not fight TPA toyz or scarra with Xerath. Luckily Karthus has a notoriously bad early game. You should take this opportunity to destroy him and prevent him from getting any CS or roaming. KARTHUS IS ONE OF THE STRONGEST HYPERCARRIES IN THE GAME much better than Xerath fed. Dont let him get the opportunity to snowball or start dominating. If you see him start to ult while alive STUN, he deserves it for making a play like that. Typically a Karthus player goes for Rod of Ages first. I usually go for Seraph's Embrace but either way you look at it that Karthus has no damage. He does not start hurting until he gets a damage item built.


Difficulty: medium
Watch out for: Living Shadow, deceptive low health, over extending
skill tips:

Zed is probably the easiest champion the the game to counter, as seen here: That should work. I have done it sevreal times but in the event that it dosnt. According to our friends at team solo mid lolcounters and champion select Zed is on the strong against list. That means we win right! When you have your ultimate it is relatively easy using the xerath wombo combo. However should you be low on mana or not have your ult it is entirely different. Zed typically builds: armor pen.,attack speed, and life steal. If zed can land Death Mark on you, then you will at least loose a large portion of your health. In a team fight you will be dead. His blink is pretty effective at dodging your abilities plus the poke from his shuriken is pretty painful. Zeds kit is really overpowered but being squishy he needs to get into the fight to life steal. If you can keep him away from you then he is useless.


Difficulty:It was nice knowing you
Watch out for: Orb of Deception, Charm
skill tips:
Ahri is not fun to go up against believe me. What makes ahri what she is? It is actually very simple her q . Stacks up her passive allowing her to spell vamp, deals true damage on way back and very VERY easy to land. It pushes minions like crazy and can poke you in the turret. NOT FUN. She is your NO.1 counter for a reason. The best you can do pre 6 is farm with your Q . If you want to make future plays poke hard for about 30 seconds then blow your ultimate and unleash the combo. She will think you are going in and blow her flash or ultimate . After praying that you have a descent Jungler have him gank after you get her in a position where she can be killed. #protip if you walk on one side of the lane typically your opponent will walk on the other getting her closer to the bushes.


Difficulty:he knows the scouts code
Watch out for: Nimble Fighter, Urchin Strike, Seastone Trident, Playful / Trickster, Chum the Waters, red buff on fizz, blue buff on fizz, poke from fizz, fizz CS, Jungle ganks, feeding, feeding harder, rage quiting, fizz positioning, astral alignment, Bronies
skill tips:


Difficulty:requires practice
Watch out for: Null Sphere, stacking Riftwalk
skill tips:
Kassadin is your easiest counter to beat. If you look up kass look at his passive! That is all kinds of OP. Because it isnt MR so you are not going to build magic pen to beat it. However it is broken it is not impossiable to destroy him with one combo. What makes kassadin such a hard counter is that he can blink out of your ultimate and then silence you, and rough you up. Null Sphere not only deals WAY to much damage it also lasts quite a long time, and if you try to run he slows you HARD and then blink in front of you. It is a VERY BAD situation all around. Luckily for us most kassadins lower than Plat do not use him to his full potential. I know I dont have a great ELO and I probably am versing new people sometimes, But out of all the games I have played against Kass (only ~15) I have never lost a game because of him nor did I loose lane to him. The fact is kassadin can be killed by a Xerath in seconds.

Fizz(legit one)

Difficulty:Difficult but not impossiable
Watch out for: Chum the Waters, letting him AA(auto attack) when you are low health, going untargetable
skill tips:
Fizz is so powerfull because of his EXTREME snowball potential. Just the other week (without smurfing) I got 20 stacks on Mejai's Soulstealer and was literally 1 hitting their entire team when activating Seastone Trident and Urchin Strike. I did this at 12 minutes in and continued to do so until they surrendered. That is how overpowered fed fizz is. You DO NOT want to do that to your team. Fortunatly Fizz is VERY squishy even late game. If you are actually able to land a stun without Playful / Trickster going off then he is almost defiantly dead. You really REALLY want to watch out for AA from Seastone Trident when you are less than half health. Fizz is literally the Darius of AP solo mid. I cant give to many tips on countering myself because every fizz plays somewhat differently. Poke and stun are all I can say.


Videos (not key to guide)

Final skilltips and info


After reading this guide I hope you have a good understanding of how this champion works, even if you have never played him. Some more information though:

Xerath combos from the bush are devastating to an enemy passerby (get wrekt nerd).

If you Lock in Xerath ranked. I can almost promise you if the enemy has a chance to counter pick, they will counter pick Kassadin. I made a joke earlier in the guide about how op he is. Realistically speaking though I have never lost mid to him. You still deal a descent amount of damage and yes is silence is broken as hell but with luck you can poke him down and eventually kill him.

Xin Zhao and Vi are especially dangerous enemy jungler's. Try and only push when you see them go to another lane.

Try not to get matched with chickens

Fun fact: randoms are in fact dead gophers lying face down on the keyboard

Something I HAVE NOT got to try yet: If the enemy mid relies on poking you down over time consider taking Spectre's Cowl.

Xerath is one of the best mid champions in the game (better nerf irelia); and if you disagree then you are a terrorist~George W. Bush.

Riot is doing a rework on Xerath which can be found here

Looking for another good item? I would try Void Staff not really mortar Xerath material. however its a smart pro plays ranked Xerath item.

Need advice from the Pro's on how to improve your game? (please dont go along with anything said on that website unless you are willing to be able to count to potato.

If you are struggling to get kills, I would hardly say stealing someones kill they work hard for is a good thing (I mean comeone that would be a real **** move), however you would hate for that enemy to escape right? Especially since you know the three ignites, two Noxious Trap, Ace in the Hole and Primordial Burst wont be enough to kill the low health LeBlanc right?

Out of every champion in the league Xerath is the only one to keep his color during Children of the Grave

Be very careful in laning phase. Xerath has a habit of pushing and overextending leading to WAY to many jungle ganks ( Lee Sin is attracted by people with low health and will try and hug you, pay him $20 and he will go away).

Do not be to proud to buy wards. When returning to lane after you are level 6 you should be trying to buy wards. If you just barely have enough to get an AP item obviously go for that but understand you may be ganked more often. Placing wards at these spots are going to be your best bet:

If you want the full video here it is (love the season 1 map! <3)

This is my absolute first guide on mobafire; I really hope you enjoyed it (I know I have had a lot of fun just making it) and have found it usefull, if only to make you think of adding an item to your current build for sparky. I always love positive feedback so if you have anything that you felt needed to be improved in this guide (for instance I over-explained something, or I didnt have something I needed,i.e. an in depth explanation of his abilities?) then please send me a message or comment about it! Please it takes less than a minute to upvote and comment something constructive, please take the time to do so! If not then PM me and I will try and fix things so that you will upvote in the future! Thanks to the work of everyone in the feedback Section! This guide has already started improving thanks to people like them. Thank you for viewing my guide, have fun playing in normals and ranked!


These people all submited great feedback via PM and have improved this guide by leaps and bounds: YeaISupport, gotoh,Meiyjhe, Sirell
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