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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Yorick is a champ that relies on summoning ghouls of the dead to attack foes and do his bidding. Many people don't know how to act against Yorick so you can take advantage of that quickly. My youtube channel is: Wicked FlamezZ
A terrifying and tragic figure, Yorick is a ghoulish being that exists on the edge of mortality. Some say he was the last of his family line, dying without an heir to continue its legacy, and that he is cursed to continue to his family's duty even after death. Wielding the twisted shovel he bore in life, he continues his macabre work, endlessly digging and filling graves upon the haunted Shadow Isles.
You use Attack Damage marks because they scale your ghouls to also do more damage. AKA the more AD you have the more AD your ghouls have.
Seals of Armor are standard defensive runes on almost ALL champs to reduced damage taken.
Use Scaling CDR runes to up your utility and burst damage with the ghouls.
You use Attack Damage marks because they scale your ghouls to also do more damage. AKA the more AD you have the more AD your ghouls have.
Seals of Armor are standard defensive runes on almost ALL champs to reduced damage taken.
Use Scaling CDR runes to up your utility and burst damage with the ghouls.
-CDR is used for a higher DPS and ghoul spam harassment.
-Take Double edged sword because you are a poke/harass champ so you wont be taking much dmg per poke anyway.
-Lifesteal synergizes with your E
-Oppression makes it so your W is also a DMG Booster
-Armor Pen. b/c you build full AD
-Deathfire because you don't crit much for warlord and dont have the atk speed for fervor.
-Take the MS because yorick is a naturally slow champ and in my build you dont have a flash
-Runic affinity if you have an AD mid so you can Blue Buffs
-Excutioner for obvious reasons
-Dangerous Game Because yorick gets hella assists so this boosts ur teamfight sustain
Since Yorick is naturally a boss and has high sustain, no defensive masteries are needed because the other tiers have more beneficial effects for this champ.
-CDR is used for a higher DPS and ghoul spam harassment.
-Take Double edged sword because you are a poke/harass champ so you wont be taking much dmg per poke anyway.
-Lifesteal synergizes with your E
-Oppression makes it so your W is also a DMG Booster
-Armor Pen. b/c you build full AD
-Deathfire because you don't crit much for warlord and dont have the atk speed for fervor.
-Take the MS because yorick is a naturally slow champ and in my build you dont have a flash
-Runic affinity if you have an AD mid so you can Blue Buffs
-Excutioner for obvious reasons
-Dangerous Game Because yorick gets hella assists so this boosts ur teamfight sustain
Since Yorick is naturally a boss and has high sustain, no defensive masteries are needed because the other tiers have more beneficial effects for this champ.
Since Yorick is a Mana hog you want to rush Tear of the Goddess. This will allow you to keep mana and stay in your lane longer than other Top laners. Also always buy Refillable Potion and Upgrade to start instead of Potions for the same reason as above. Final Build 1 is for MAX life steal. Final Build 1 along with maxing out your (E) skill will make the lifesteal of that move TREMENDOUS and you will be much harder to kill because you will be gaining HP with your (E). Final Build 2 focuses on building mana and trading that mana for AD which makes ALL your ghouls more powerful. Final Build two is More Mana = More AD. BUY PLENTY OF WARDS IF YOU TAKE TP AND IGNITE.
Build One:
For the Lifesteal build use the above skill sequence of maxing out your e, then w, then q. always max your ult when you can. Maxing your E will give you powerful sustain and tankiness, maxing your w will improve both pursuit and escape. maxin your q gives damage and speed.
Build Two:
For my second item build, if you want more AD then sustain you will max your Q and use Final Build 2. In this build maxing Q and building the Manamune is key to success. After your q is around max start alternating maxing e and w. Always max your Ult when you can.
For the Lifesteal build use the above skill sequence of maxing out your e, then w, then q. always max your ult when you can. Maxing your E will give you powerful sustain and tankiness, maxing your w will improve both pursuit and escape. maxin your q gives damage and speed.
Build Two:
For my second item build, if you want more AD then sustain you will max your Q and use Final Build 2. In this build maxing Q and building the Manamune is key to success. After your q is around max start alternating maxing e and w. Always max your Ult when you can.
Yorick is a slower laner so we will take Teleport. Teleport has many uses in a top laner. Let's say your enemy laner has flash and ignite. your both killing each other and ignite each other. both of you die. You can use Teleport to TP to the turret or minion you died next to and push lane while the enemy has to walk all the way back down lane. Late game you can also use teleport to split push lanes for the GG.
Ignite is for those pesky laners that will run away and hide under turret. you can get them to low HP and use Ignite and it will kill them even if they are under turret. It is a standard Spell for top and mid laners. NOTE: If you don't know how to ward or escape ganks TAKE FLASH. Ignite is for people who have map awareness and game sense to avoid ganks.
Yorick is a slower laner so we will take Teleport. Teleport has many uses in a top laner. Let's say your enemy laner has flash and ignite. your both killing each other and ignite each other. both of you die. You can use Teleport to TP to the turret or minion you died next to and push lane while the enemy has to walk all the way back down lane. Late game you can also use teleport to split push lanes for the GG.
Ignite is for those pesky laners that will run away and hide under turret. you can get them to low HP and use Ignite and it will kill them even if they are under turret. It is a standard Spell for top and mid laners. NOTE: If you don't know how to ward or escape ganks TAKE FLASH. Ignite is for people who have map awareness and game sense to avoid ganks.
In a team fight while playing yorick is a big help to the team. ALWAYS look at the ADC on your teams HP. Be Ready to use your ult to revive him. If your ADC isn't playing that good just revive the most feed person on the team. like lets say Katarina is 15-3 and your ADC is 6-5, Use your ult to revive the more fed to win the team fight. If you need to run with your team Use your W to slow the WHOLE enemy team and use your Q to get out of there. Also, You can use your W ghoul to body block skill shots for your carries. EXAMPLES: ANY GRAB, Caitlyn and Jinx Ultimate, Xerath stun,
When farming with yorick it is important that you DO NOT SPAM THE GHOULS TO FARM. Only use the ghouls to harass the enemy. You can use the ghouls to chase the enemy away while you farm to keep your CS or Creep Score higher than his. this will cause you to outscale the enemy late game and win the lane and possibly the game.
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