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Zac Build Guide by Arkantyk

Jungle Zac Jungle - Unkillable WarMachine - SEASON 10 UPDATED

Jungle Zac Jungle - Unkillable WarMachine - SEASON 10 UPDATED

Updated on December 23, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Arkantyk Build Guide By Arkantyk 8 0 22,821 Views 0 Comments
8 0 22,821 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Arkantyk Zac Build Guide By Arkantyk Updated on December 23, 2019
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Champion Build Guide

Zac Jungle - Unkillable WarMachine - SEASON 10 UPDATED

By Arkantyk
Who am I ?
Hello there. I'm DarkLordDuMal. That translate by "Dark Lord of Evil". Because you know, I'm a vilain :D

I'm not the highest ranked jungler in the entire euw, but I though I'd share my love for Zac through this guide.

I've been playing him mostly the past few months, and have been playing league since a few years now.
I might not be the best soloplayer, but I know a thing or two about macrogame.
Why choose Zac in jungle ?
Zac is really fun to play. He has heavy controls with , and .

He can survive insane amount of damages through his natural tanking and a few runes, as long as you carefully collect your chunks during fights !

His long range jump allows him to make insane ganks from places enemy players wouldnt expect him, and his passive is a hudge life saving / baiting tool.
Zac his your new best friend if you like :
- heavy tank with high self-healing tools
- easy jungle clean
- really strong ganks
- heavy CC, frontline beast in teamfights
- can solo drake really fast (see below)
However, the champ has a few weaknesses :
- really easy to invade (Zac doesnt have heavy damages early and will likely loose 1v1 fights against junglers such as Kindred, lee, trundle, jarvan...)
- hard to carry a game if you're too behind (you don't deal much damage, if you're also not tanky... That'll be a hard one)
- "skillshot" like champ : if you miss / , you can back off as fast as you can because the enemy WILL punish you.
Exemple jungle road
Always start on your red.

Take red -> raptors -> golems (or golems/raptors, up to wich lane you rather gank first).

Make your first gank.

Take scuttler crab but do NOT try to contest it if the enemy jungler come for it and you're not getting help from solo lanes, unless you're sure you can win the 1v1 fight.

Clean your blue side jungle.

Make another gank.

Rinse and repeat.

Try to always gank when you have an opportunity on any lane.
Objectives as Zac
Zac is a nice champ to take early drakes, wich are the bread & butter of the new season.

If you are lv4+ with + , you can mostly solo the drake early. If you see you have mid / bot prio, take a with your first back and go for it !

Herald is also pretty easy to solo as zac, just smash his face down (dont forget to hit him in the back !). If you collect your chunks properly, you should be able to kill herald without losing a single hp.
Teamfights as Zac
Zac breath, live and dies for teamfights. Well maybe he doesnt die.

Try to engage on enemy backline with your . Follow the bump with your , right into your .
If you do that fast enough, the enemy target is fully CC'ed for a solid 4 second, he can't / / use anything.

If you're behind or trying to play defensive, wait the enemy engage and use your kit as a peeling tool for your carries. Do not forget to use your , it provide a teamwide shield that scale with levels / Zac health.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Arkantyk
Arkantyk Zac Guide
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Zac Jungle - Unkillable WarMachine - SEASON 10 UPDATED

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