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"Pro" Guides

Creator: Sinjustice July 21, 2011 11:12pm
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Slizer002's Forum Avatar
Oct 23rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 4:17am | Report
AngelPixe wrote:

to my honest opinion.The only one out of all the pros that add some effort but could use so more work on is Elementz.

Saint guides have so much little information,it really bothers me that people are just up voting because of who he is.When I read through some of the guides I just downvoted them all.Sure the items and masteries are good but not giving reasonings.

Hotshot Nidalee-I dont understand how it is 91 percent with no explanation on the runes,item choices and lack of information.

Bigfat-I doubt his trying to be honest.

Downvote move on being a baddie.

There is no need for them to explain, if you have ANY interest in the "pros" of this game - then you know Hotshots Nidalee is ownage.

You know bigfat's alistar is amongst the best there is.

And you know that if you want to become a better jungler - You listen to Saintvicious!

Oh and Saint actually have a video replay for most of his guides here - Just to justify even more that his guide is short.

Those guys own Solo-que and that isn't without reason - they are amongst the best, the fact they actually share even ABIT of what they know about this game should make you feel honored. (Without making them seem like gods) They are probably 100 times better at this game than 90% of the community on Mobafire.


If someone can't stay alive in lane for 6:30 seconds on their own then they got problems.
Sinjustice's Forum Avatar
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Nov 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 9:38am | Report
Slizer002 wrote:

Oh and Saint actually have a video replay for most of his guides here - Just to justify even more that his guide is short.

Please note that he stole every single one of those replays from stonewall008, so even less of his guide portion is detailed. Those videos are useful when they're released, but because they're often outdated, the longer they are around the less useful they become. :/ Not to mention he didn't embed them, he just pasted the links.

On a similar note, stonewall008 is a GREAT example of someone who understands the game just as well (in some cases more) as the pros do, but isn't a top 100 player. I mean, think of strategists in wars and such. They might not be the most skilled soldiers, physically fit killing machines, but they are great and instructing others one what to do. I feel that's how a lot of top guide creators are. The idea that you have to be the best player in the world in game to be the best creator is just absurd. Real time skill =/= guide creation.

If you like one of my guides or a comment of mine, toss me a +Rep. Please and thank you!
PM me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 10:01am | Report
Sinjustice wrote:

Please note that he stole every single one of those replays from stonewall008, so even less of his guide portion is detailed. Those videos are useful when they're released, but because they're often outdated, the longer they are around the less useful they become. :/ Not to mention he didn't embed them, he just pasted the links.

On a similar note, stonewall008 is a GREAT example of someone who understands the game just as well (in some cases more) as the pros do, but isn't a top 100 player. I mean, think of strategists in wars and such. They might not be the most skilled soldiers, physically fit killing machines, but they are great and instructing others one what to do. I feel that's how a lot of top guide creators are. The idea that you have to be the best player in the world in game to be the best creator is just absurd. Real time skill =/= guide creation.

Stonewall008 doesn't understand the game, he understands the jungle.

Stonewall isn't 2200+ because he either doesn't want to be, or he can't be because he doesn't understand the game well enough.

Canoas wrote:
Guides should be made for the general user, not a small percentage.

So every guide should be 50 pages long, and include a detailed strategy about how to counter every single possible situation in the entire game?

Or should every guide assume that the person reading it has played a character of that type before (i.e. AP Morde guide assumes you've played either Mordekaiser or an AP carry before), and has probably played that character before?

Because honestly, just delete 99% of the guides on mobafire if the first one is true.

If you assume that you have to teach your reader how to play the game, the newbs will be sucked into a "this is how you do things" type of mentality, and they will learn slower through play, and the vets will be put off because you are teaching them things they learned by level 3.

It's kind of silly to "teach" with a guide, and also have that guide have a simple % score.

The whole concept of teaching immediately assumes that everyone who is being taught is on their own individual level, and that the more people you try to teach at once, the less they are learning.

We have to assume, if we want to be halfway efficient, that you are not "teaching" people anything but slight nuances to your individual character/build.

For instance, LP's Alistar guide.

I've had people ask me how i "glitched" and did Ali's Headbutt+Pulv combo.

LP teaches you that.

bigfatlp wrote:
WQ is OP. can be used in many ways. (ITS ESAY! JUST PRESS W AND Q INSTANTLY! LoL!

That's what I look for in guides.
Tri lane for life.
AngelPixe's Forum Avatar
May 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 12:11pm | Report
There is no need for them to explain, if you have ANY interest in the "pros" of this game

Basically,you dont care how much effort they put into a guide,as long as it there?
That makes PERFECT sense.

Yes,there info in short terms is correct.

Note-Bigfat doesn't say what you should do during laning phrase.Like what do u do with u headbutt?Do you hit them out of the tower or in the tower?

Alway,im not going to upvote there guides just because there CLG.

SixSonatas's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 12:19pm | Report
I can testify that Stonewall certainly knows the jungle but does not know the game. My teammates and I have played against him before, whether he jungled or not; my teammates beat him in lane when he laned, and we beat his team when he jungled.

Are you saying we should be pros? I mean, just because someone's well-known doesn't mean they're good. Take colbycheeze, Grackis, and GuardsmanBob for examples.
Super old vet that almost never goes on Mobafire anymore. Contact me in game @ SixSonatas and Mobafire chat (NA).
Whated#79092's Forum Avatar
Jun 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 12:28pm | Report
Temzilla I can see you haven't played many rankeds. So your guide is not from a pro = instant ****...Waiting for a pro 1 sentence guide about mordekaiser what I can upvote and downvoting your hard work guide is just normal because you dont know how to play because you are not a pro.

End of discussion.
Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 12:31pm | Report

Temzilla I can see you haven't played many rankeds. So your guide is not from a pro = instant ****...Waiting for a pro 1 sentence guide about mordekaiser what I can upvote and downvoting your hard work guide is just normal because you dont know how to play because you are not a pro.

End of discussion.

Yup, i don't get much time to play ranked.

I should play more though.

I often queue three man premades in normals though, so i can't do that in ranked.

it's w/e though lol.
Tri lane for life.
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2011 8:41pm | Report
No one is questioning if they know how to play or not. However, that is not what guides are about. Guides are about teaching other how to play, and most pro guides do not fulfil this criteria.

Are you a ******? No offence but you must be. So, if a guide is aimed for the general public then it must be 50 pages long? Really? Is that what you think? Wow, I'm really amazed at your thought process, whatever that may be.

Like I said plenty of times already, even though your puny little brain cannot understand it, a normal guide should include clear explanations on why items, masteries and runes are taken and what you should do in each phase of the game, as well as special tricks the character may have.
That is the core of a guide, providing the information to quickly understand the champion and greatly boosting the learning curve of that particular character, as well as providing useful insight on abilities, items and gameplay that may help improve a more advanced player's skills.

A guide is not about writing a novel, it's about transmitting the right information. You should make a guide as short as possible without affecting the quantity and quality of information. Most pro guides, however, just make it short by not explaining the most important aspects of the character.
EvilDice's Forum Avatar
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Dec 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2011 9:01pm | Report
Sinjustice wrote:

Please note that he stole every single one of those replays from stonewall008, so even less of his guide portion is detailed. Those videos are useful when they're released, but because they're often outdated, the longer they are around the less useful they become. :/ Not to mention he didn't embed them, he just pasted the links.

On a similar note, stonewall008 is a GREAT example of someone who understands the game just as well (in some cases more) as the pros do, but isn't a top 100 player. I mean, think of strategists in wars and such. They might not be the most skilled soldiers, physically fit killing machines, but they are great and instructing others one what to do. I feel that's how a lot of top guide creators are. The idea that you have to be the best player in the world in game to be the best creator is just absurd. Real time skill =/= guide creation.

So, because stonewall makes youtube tutorials about the jungle, it instantly makes him a player who understands the game just as well as the pros do? Does Guardsman Bob understand the game as well as pros because he streams and gets a ton of viewers? Not saying either of them are bad, but... You don't have to be pro to be popular.

Thanks to Xiaowiriamu for the sig! - @dicetherice
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2011 9:19pm | Report
EvilDice wrote:

So, because stonewall makes youtube tutorials about the jungle, it instantly makes him a player who understands the game just as well as the pros do?

Can you prove he doesn't?
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