Sorry for double posting, but I just want to add two quick notes:
1) Sorry for the delay on this, was busy with university today and, well... this patch was kinda huge
2) We realise some of the changes highlighted in this summary may not be up to date in MOBAFire's database yet and we will make sure to work on updating all changes as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience :)
1) Sorry for the delay on this, was busy with university today and, well... this patch was kinda huge
2) We realise some of the changes highlighted in this summary may not be up to date in MOBAFire's database yet and we will make sure to work on updating all changes as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience :)
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
So so far what I've noticed is that games are a lot faster and they are more one-sided. If you're winning you're good to go and if you're losing it's quite hard to make a comeback. I also think objectives are more meaningful than kills now.
I don't know if it's just coincidence or not, but I've played about 7 games and they've all been pretty one sided. Even in my last game, where we had 10+ kills over the enemy team, we couldn't do anything because they were so ahead due to superior map control.
Also that Sivir skin is really ugly and the splash doesn't even look like Sivir at all, though they never really pay much attention to that stuff. But in the new patch there's plenty of cool skins coming so that's nice!
I don't know if it's just coincidence or not, but I've played about 7 games and they've all been pretty one sided. Even in my last game, where we had 10+ kills over the enemy team, we couldn't do anything because they were so ahead due to superior map control.
Also that Sivir skin is really ugly and the splash doesn't even look like Sivir at all, though they never really pay much attention to that stuff. But in the new patch there's plenty of cool skins coming so that's nice!
by jhoijhoi
The first game I played under these changes feels like I am a beginner again in a game called League of Legends. If you have superb objective & map control, you will win the game. Your kills now have less priority than taking objectives because once the enemy team are good in securing objectives, your team will be crushed.
And "yay!" @ the removal of Stealth Wards! Now ALL of my teammates will have the effort to ward efficently, not just me when I go support (which is stressful =.=). And the new support upgrades are good, indeed. Now I will have an additional space to get items! And the AD items, muwahahahahaha :D!! (just becoming an ADR main...)
And I am crying @ the nerfs to AP items and removal of Mana Potions. And it hurts that Ahri didn't have increased mana. .-.
And "yay!" @ the removal of Stealth Wards! Now ALL of my teammates will have the effort to ward efficently, not just me when I go support (which is stressful =.=). And the new support upgrades are good, indeed. Now I will have an additional space to get items! And the AD items, muwahahahahaha :D!! (just becoming an ADR main...)
And I am crying @ the nerfs to AP items and removal of Mana Potions. And it hurts that Ahri didn't have increased mana. .-.
Thanks The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
i'm still insulted zyra is lumped under the supports for the mana changes. even if i like the mana regen buff more than the flat mana buff.
Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
So so far what I've noticed is that games are a lot faster and they are more one-sided. If you're winning you're good to go and if you're losing it's quite hard to make a comeback. I also think objectives are more meaningful than kills now.
I don't know if it's just coincidence or not, but I've played about 7 games and they've all been pretty one sided. Even in my last game, where we had 10+ kills over the enemy team, we couldn't do anything because they were so ahead due to superior map control.
I don't know if it's just coincidence or not, but I've played about 7 games and they've all been pretty one sided. Even in my last game, where we had 10+ kills over the enemy team, we couldn't do anything because they were so ahead due to superior map control.
I had the less tryhard/most ridiculous three games in a long time. We didn't take a single rift herald, and the other team only took one over the three games. Most of the time it was just trying the new adc's skills and new builds for any ad-based champion ( Nasus with Maw of Malmortius heals just enough to make the other team rage a lot). Also machine-gun kog'maw/shotgun graves everywhere was the only downside as of now (because I wanted to try them T_T).
Just playing some Garen and everyone dying left and right. Rushing super cheap Boots of Swiftness, Black Cleaver + Sterak's Gage + Death's Dance grant immmense survival power and damage and then you can still get Dead Man's Plate and Spirit Visage. You even have 40% CDR with that. As for masteries, his spin just got stronger again as it makes enemies burn. Make them even more burn because Ignite is stronger than Teleport again, your kill potential at level 6 is just extreme. Finally, you add in Elixir of Wrath and now Garen heals a ****ton either in the fight or outside the fight.
I'm surprised how well tanks are doing in general. I was really scared about their viability with all of the life/health steal in the game. I figured adc's would just laugh and life steal through any damage the tank did, but that doesn't seem to be happening. If anything, it feels like *more* people are playing tanky characters.
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Hello and welcome to the MOBAFire Patch Summary - 5.22!
With the 2015 Ranked Season coming to an end, it's time for a new Preseason, a period of time commonly used by Riot to reflect on the game's health and introduce significant changes which should steer the game in the direction they desire before tweaking them in the following months. For season 6, the first set of changes went live last night in the form of patch 5.22.
Make no mistake about it: this patch is huge. So big, in fact, that we fear our summary might need a summary once we're done talking about all the changes made. For the first time in a long time, this also means we've added a table of contents to this post (right below this introduction) for easier navigation.
Our aim in this post is to highlight the biggest changes in each category and explain the rationale behind the decision (from Riot's point of view). Should that still leave you begging for more, you can head over to the full patch notes for the full details. Let's go!
Champion Updates
It should be no surprise that the first section of today's summary will focus on changes made to champions in this patch. Because some of the kit changes are more significant than others, this section has been split into two parts, focusing on some specific marksmen in the game before moving on to everyone else.
Marksman Changes
Other Champion Changes
quick access for concerned players
! = Rework / Gameplay Update* = Mostly bugfix(es) and/or display changes+ = Buff- = Nerf~ = Mixed
As for the first group, it should be clear that pretty much all marksmen that have not been mentioned specifically in the last section have still seen (less significant) changes, commonly consisting of one buffed ability while another one has been nerfed. Since it is hard to call whether or not these changes will make them better or worse overall (and changes to items will also influence the viability of different champions), we're picking the safe route for now and putting them together in the "Mixed" zone. However, what is clear is that these changes are also aimed at further emphasizing every marksman's unique identity. For example, while Jinx now loses attack speed for using her long range weapon (Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher), her passive can now stack, making her gameplay evolve even more around her ability to Get Excited! at the right moment.
If you play any of the champions in the table above that is not a marksman, the odds are your champion received at least one bugfix or visual change today - unless you're a Kindred player, in which case you won't be feeling as much health regen as before and the damage vs monsters from your passive has become capped. Sucks to be you :/ Anyway, one example of a visual change which may even be considered a buff is that LeBlanc's Mirror Image will now show a fake blue, red or baron buff, making it easier for players using her to become one with the Deceiver.
Summoner's Rift Updates
New Jungle Monster - Rift Herald
Though the Rift Herald has a pretty decent amount of health, it is extremely vulnerable whenever its eye is open; basic attacks from behind deal 15% of its maximum health as true damage during this period.
The champion that takes down the Rift Herald gains the so called Doom's Eve buff for 2 minutes, which increases all damage by 10% as well as granting 40 movement speed and the Enhanced Baron Recall. In addition, minions near the slayer gain 40% increased attack speed and 100 extra range (cannon minions only).
Minion and Monster Changes
For all jungle camps which already existed before today's patch, these changes mainly involve lowering the health/armor/damage dealt while increasing the gold gained from killing them, meaning jungling should be a little easier grant more gold in the upcoming season. On the flipside, the experience gain of several camps is also going down, though this likely won't affect junglers much since the jungle items compensate for this (more on that later). However, it does mean that starting in the jungle as a solo laner won't be as rewarding as before.
As for minions, the only change applied for now is that the initial gold gain for all minions is going up, while the gold growth ratio per minute is being reduced.
Note that further changes to minions in regards to pushing were cancelled last second, but might be a part of patch 5.23.
Turret and Summoner Spell Changes
Lower Armor/Magic Resistance
Now you might be wondering, what does that have to do with summoner spells? How are these two topics linked? The answer is simple: Teleport. Though the Rift Herald's introduction might already convince some top laners not to teleport across the map as often as before, the spell has also received some heavy nerfs this patch, as the cooldown for casting it on a turret has gone back up to 300 seconds and the channel time has been increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds.
Now, should you - for whatever reason - be considering to use Clarity or Clairvoyance instead from now on, then I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, as both spells have been removed from Summoner's Rift due to how weak they were considered to be.
If you've been struggling to keep track of the changes so far, this might be a good time to look away. The biggest number of changes - without a doubt - are in the item section of this patch.
Since there really is too much to cover here, we'll try to keep it short in the table below by focusing on the reasoning behind the changes and highlighting a few new additions or significantly changed items.
(mouse-over for details)
3500 goldā 3800 gold3000 goldā 3500 gold50 Armorā 45 Armor2600 goldā 2800 gold2700 goldā 2800 gold400 Healthā 500 Health60 MRā 70 MRSpeaking of upgrades, there's also a new upgrade in the form of Tracker's Knife, which provides a Sightstone-esque warding passive and seems most suited for tanks. Note that both the starting options and their upgrades grant additional experience when killing large monsters to compensate for the earlier mentioned reduction of experience granted by jungle camps.
Alternative start
New upgrade
This creates an interesting choice to make for support players, as the benefit of being able to combine the two items and free up an item slot might be worth not having the Tier 3 upgrade of the chosen support item.
(mouse-over for details)
Targon's Brace
Eye of the Oasis
Eye of the Equinox
Alternative to Doran's Ring
Alternative to Doran's Blade
May they rest in peace.
A new season wouldn't truly be a new season without changes to masteries, and they're pretty significant this time around as the entire system has been updated! In this update, the Offense, Defense and Utility trees have been replaced by Ferocity, Cunning and Resolve trees. What is interesting about the new system is that the maximum number of points which can be invested in a single tree has gone down to 18; every odd row can hold up to 5 points (split among two choices), while every even row can hold only one. The three deepest mastery points in each tree are known as Keystone masteries: these are designed to fundamentally impact how you play your champion.
If you want to take a closer look at the new masteries and familiarize yourself with potential setups, you can click on the image below to use the MOBAFire mastery planner!
Upcoming Skin
Although this patch does include one new skin, it's a bit different from others in the sense that it won't be available for purchase. Instead, this year's Victorious skin - Victorious Sivir - will be rewarded to all summoners who managed to reach Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master or Challenger Tier in ranked in Season 5. If you're one of those players, congratulations on earning a free skin!
Note that Riot have indicated that it can take up to November 17 for this reward to be added to the accounts of all eligible players.
Victorious Sivir
Share Your Thoughts!
It should go without saying that there's plenty to talk about after this patch, so please feel free to discuss the changes here. If you've already played some games on the new patch, what are your first impressions? Which champions have become stronger, and which do you feel aren't as strong as they were before? Are the new items any good or do most of them simply feel underwhelming? What about the new mastery system, are you a fan of it or do you feel the old ones had more of an impact? And finally, what are your goals for Season 6?
Let us know in the comments below!