League of Legends (LoL) Question: I've been trying to expand out of support. What lane should I play?
I've been trying to expand out of support. What lane should I play?
I've been trying to expand out of support recently. I tried playing jungle for a couple days and I'm decent at it, but it's not much fun. I've been eyeing top lane, and I recently bought Shen because I got a Pulsefire Shen skin shard. Should I try top lane? If so, do you have any tips/beginner champs? If not, what lane should I expand into?
Also, I really want to play Shen so if I do end up going into top, when should I start playing him? If I'm not going top I'll just learn supp Shen.
Also, I really want to play Shen so if I do end up going into top, when should I start playing him? If I'm not going top I'll just learn supp Shen.
Top Lane is pretty isolated for the most part and all about trading and winning lane. If you don't win lane as Top it's pretty sucky. I recommend Lane Bullies as they are also pretty easy to learn. Sett is a personal favorite but he's going to evoke a really different playstyle than a support champion. Malphite is also great and Cho'Gath if you play tanks, you can also run Lulu top or Karma and then the lane will be less about all-ins and more about poking. Other beginner champs to Top are Garen and Mordekaiser. It all depends on what you're looking for.
I wouldn't play a champion just because you got a skin for them, if you enjoy Shen and are good at him, you really won't lose much to pick him up as your first champion.
Matchup experience is more of understanding what the champion does as opposed to how to counter it especially since playing Ranged harass like Karma will be a completely different playstyle. Not only will you adjust your playstyle, your enemy will too, and their build will also be different so it will give you an inaccurate account to what you will face as Shen.
If you're eager to get into Shen, he's not too hard so I'd encourage you to go for it, you can also play Sion, Kled, or Maokai as they are similar to Shen but I wouldn't think any significantly easier.