League of Legends Questions
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AP malphite or Tank
I love Malphite, that's my favorite top laner, but i don't really know if i should play him AP or Tank. I've seen a lot of builds but i don't see any consistency. I usually ban mundo or teemo vs malphite but i love to pick him vs anyone even tho i think that vs an ap champ he struggles a lot. Any tips?
How does unstoppability work?
The wiki says that if you get hit by CC while unstoppable, the CC gets delayed until unstoppability ends. So how does this work? Does the guy go through the full duration of the CC at that point? Or does the duration tick down while unstoppable?
Understanding your damage and your toughness
So in an article I recently read on what you should know or be working on at different ELOs, one of the things that was mentioned for Bronze players was "How much damage can be given and taken by your champ and those you commonly face." And here I am sitting in low Gold and I'm not even really sure where to start with this question. My approach has been get the mechanics down and...
How viable is nunu support?
I want to knnow how viable new nunu is as a support
Why my guide got deleted after logging in?
I was creating a guide for vladimir. I basicly spend like 30 mins on the page and i noticed that i should log in to save the guide. Just to make sure i pressed save button and after logging in everything got erased. What should i do?
Nexus Blitz builds?
When will Mobafire finally let us make Nexus Blitz builds/guides?
What is the standard deviation of toxicity in league? And further, what is the least toxic rank? I'd rather be in a non toxic rank than the best rank.
Best Keystone on Jungle Diana?
Just a quick question: Is [[dark harvest]] good on jungle [[diana]]? Or is [[electrocute]] still better even after the nerfs? Or I have even seen some players with [[fleet footwork]].
can yasuo block new nunu snowball with w !?
can yasio block with his w new nunus big snowball
New to league but not to MOBAS (feelsbadman)
Hey guys I'm a little new to League but I've been playing MOBAS such as Vainglory for about a year. I've always wanted to play LoL for a while and im finally getting into it. I really want to main jungle considering that's the role that I was used to playing, so please hand me pointers on that aswell!!! Also if you have any other advice for me im open to it aswell but i mainly want to know,...
Tips on playing ADC
Hi, can someone give tips on how to play adc, also can somebody recommend basic adc?? p.s (my english isn't good as I'm not a native speaker) :D
Getting matched with higher elo players
Hello I have been playing League for a year now and I finally started playing ranked. (Placed in Bronze 1) It went ok and I felt like I could carry most games. But I lost my first promos so I went back to normals for a few days. Suddenly Im getting matched with Gold and Platinum players (even low diamonds) while I got matched with Silvers only a week ago. How can that happen and is there any...
Best 3v3 Character ?
Who is the best 3v3 character right now ?
AP Junglers this meta
I am looking for an extra AP jungler to add to my champion pool besides Ekko. Ekko is nice, but his CC from his W is delayed, wich isn't useful against some heavy burst champions in 1v1 in this early game scuttle crab meta. So Im looking for another option. I was thinking about Diana, ez to play but weak pre 6. So now Im considering Taliyah (very strong rn but nerfs incoming 8.16), Gragas...
Is there a way to request guides?
There are some champs that there aren't many good and useful guides for, so is there a way to request guides on some sort of social page that can be accessed by anyone?
Unusual picks
Hey guys, lately i have been struggling to find only two roles to focus on. Everyone i asked told me to find champions that i like and choose role based on that, but that's my main issue, because i like a lot of champions and they are all in different roles. That made me think if some of those "fav champions" could be played somewhere else than you probably see it. First of, Xayah....
can i beat teemo? :D
I don't deal damage. Help?
So, I've just started playing Riven. Watched a TON of videos on her combos etc.... building Cleaver, Hydra etc.. yet I deal so little damage. In the videos I watch, the players are dealing massive damage by level 10 and when I do it, i am basically tickling them. The runes I run are: Precision- Conqueror, Triumph, legend: Alacrity, Coup De Grace Sorcery- Transcendence, scorch What am i...
Can Akali still jungle after her rework?
I like off-meta junglers and I used to play akali jungle too. It was okay because of her passive healing and her E. So im wondering if it's still okay after her rework. I have seen a few videos, but with a variety of different play styles. AD and AP seem both viable, but I don't have that much experience with new akali yet, so I don't know what's better, or maybe hybrid. Anyone who knows...
The Most Important Aspects of Jungling?
This is a simple one. What are the key ideas or the most valuable tips for jungle? Thank you so much for your time and replies!
Lucian runes and build
Which are the best runes, and best build for Lucian, and carry all the games? <3
Viktor and his E
Hey everyone, This is kind of an stupid question but here go's anyway. Lately I have been playing Viktor more and more and when you survive early lane and are able to farm up to 1250 gold he is kind of an beast, which is why I want to get better at him so I have something cooler then my regular Xerath and Ziggs mid champs. I heard there were about a handful of champions were you dont...
Rift Herald Channel
There have been many times where I pull a 20 IQ play and summon the [[Rift Herald]] when I really meant to ward a bush. Is there any way to cancel the rift herald summon. Most channels you can cancel just by moving, but you are immobile when summoning the herald.
rageblade on Thresh
So I would like to know does rageblade double-proc Threh's E passive-like does every second aa deal double E passive dmg? -I'm currently not home, so I can't even enter the game, not enter the practise tool, thats why I can't test it myself, and it is important for me to know that, so if someone wouldev tested it for me i wouldev been gratefull :)
How to Kled
Hello, i´m starting to play top, and i want to play kled at rankeds so im practising it in normals, but i can´t carry or most of the times y play bad. Somebody could help me and try to teach or tell me some advices to play it better? Thanks.
When do enemy champions see that they are marked by Kindred?
[[kindred]] has an 8 second timer between the moment they mark a champion and the moment they can collect their mark on kill. So when does the enemy realize that they got marked? Instantly when you mark them, or after that 8 second timer?
What happened to Kai'Sa Jungle?
When Kai'Sa was first released she was one of the best marksman jungler in the game. All in all, she still has some serious damage, but I rarely see her played in the jungle anymore. Is this because of the marksman nerfs that have affected everyone or is it because she is a bad jungler now. I am planning to buy her so I wanted to know.
How do i delete a guide?
Hey, I was creating a guide when I accidentally published it. Is it possible to delete that one?
How do I insert large pictures in my guide?
How do I insert pictures in my guide? I've tried uploading it to imgur and then linking it to mobafire but all I see are tiny x boxes. I don't know how else to add a large picture. How do I do this?
On-hit shaco?
I've never been convinced by the traditional lethality burst [[shaco]] build (duskblade/youmuus/triforce) because his damage output is far lower with these items than the damage output of other champs like [[vi]] with the same build. Unlike other assassins, Shaco's kit is not centered around burst damage. Essentially Shaco has no damage steroid outside of his ulti. So I've been...
Xayah Jungle
I am a huge fan of off-meta jungling and I have seen a few people play jungle Xayah and her clear speed is good. Is she a viable jungler?
Grievous wounds and resurrections
How does grievous wounds interact with resurrection abilities? If you hit a champion under [[chronoshift]], [[world ender]], or [[guardian angel]] with grievous wounds, do they revive with less health?
Ezreal Jg
Hello iv recently picked up ezreal and love playing him, i usually play jg so ik he used to be played in the jg before. idk what items to build on him, could someone pls tell me if its viable and if so what build to go for Ezreal jg
Can Kassadin Jungle work?
Im wondering if Kassadin Jungle can work in any way. I have tried it in several ways: with some attack speed and W max or full AP and max CDR. But neither does great. His early game is very weak and he lacks an AoE spell to clear fast. (His force pulse (E) isn't spammable because of the 6 charges required) From lvl 6 on his clear is ok with rift walk. So im asking: does anyone know a specific...
how do comment on people's guide
how do i coment on giudes like darius
VS event final mission
yesterday i got to choose between Garen and Darius again, and i choose Darius because i had chosen him for the main mission line too. But i didn't get the final quest after choosing Darius for the eternal reign icon and i didn't get the 1000 BE either, is this a glitch or am i supposed to get the quest later
Lee sin insec
Hello, iv been recently playing a lot of lee sin and trying to master him, iv got most of the basics out the way. My question is that if i have 120 ping is it possible for me to insec smoothly or does ping not matter here?
Is there new Giveaway after august 1st??
i asked on riot supp is there new giveaway they told me they dont know they told me maybe there is something coming so idk what to expect.
Yasuo Rune Interaction
I have been trying to play Yasuo recently and I know how important sustain is for him since he has so little health to begin with. I was wondering how [[Ravenous Hunter]] interacts with Yasuo's abilities. Does it proc on his Q or does it only heal for his E and R?
what attack combo should i use that is best for annie?
what attack combo should i use that is best for Annie when playing a game?
Why Summon Aery instead of Arcane Comet on Morgana?
The title pretty much says it all.. I've been looking at builds and the most popular all seem to have Summon Aery instead of Arcane Comet. Wouldn't you want a hard poke instead of a more often poke? For instance, with Sona the Aery makes sense because the cooldown on her Q is low.. but Morgana's Q has a longer cooldown and i think the harder poke with the Comet is more beneficial. any help...
RP code giveaway
I have a couple of questions about this: -1. About the cheat-sheet, I don't completely understand how can that be out-dated because of the fact that build depends on opinion and strategy. -2.How do you PM?
what champion is easy to use for begginers
what champions are easy to use? because my sisters are interested in the league so i dont give any advice to help them because im a noobie too. so guys help me (sorry for my english)
Yi from behind....lol
What's the best way to play from behind on Yi?