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Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
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cancer as usual
Hello, fellow readers, my name is Tong, and just like you guys, I got attached to this game and can't stop playing it. I purchased Kled on the first day of his release on the public server. I spent the rest of the hot day trying to get a good understanding of how to play this unique champion,
Kled . I currently have around 80000 champion points on
Kled .

I decided to play
Kled because he has very interesting abilities , and has a weird personality, and the most important reason of all, he's such an adorable killing machine!! I continued to play
Kled because later on, when I got a hang of him, he became fairly easy to play and master. The reason I like and enjoy playing
Kled is, because he has good lockdown with his
Beartrap on a Rope (q,) and his
Jousting (e). Once you get onto an enemy, just slam them with your sword until they die!BOOM BOOM BOOM! Also, he has good initiation with his
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (ult,) and is overall a pretty high damage dealing champion. I learned a lot by watching pros like MaRin , Huni play aggressive champions. So here in this guide, I’ll teach you some simple tricks, combos that you can easily pull off against enemy champions, and get your mighty pet, Skaarl fed and he'll carry the game! I decided to make this guide, mainly to practice my English, but also to teach some people who are new to
Kled to play this fun champion.If you guys have any suggestions or things I should improve one just tell me in the discussion section! I hope this guide helps you out! Thanks, enjoy your day!!

-Good wave clearing with his extremely short cooldown
-Good wave clearing with his extremely short cooldown
Beartrap on a Rope
-Snowballs really hard once he gets fed
-Good initiation
-Good mobility (when Skaarl is around)
-Tons of damage
Kled loses skaarl , he will lose all of his movement speed gained from items. He's either forced to fight or if lucky get out by shooting himself over a wall.
-Get's countered pretty easily
Violent Tendencies has a fairly long cooldown, so you really have to use it wisely in laning phase

There aren't many combos you can do while playing
Kled , but there are some cool jukes and tricks you can pull off playing
Kled . The first isn't really a trick, but if you build 45% cooldown reduction (I have tried this,) you can basically lock an enemy champion using
Beartrap on a Rope over and over. Basically, if you're laning against a super slow champ or a champion with no escape, in this case
Illaoi , she's basically forced to fight you. It's easy for you to escape if are losing the fight to her just using your
Exhaust or
Jousting , but on the other hand, if she is losing the fight against you, there's no escape for her. Come Back Here!
The second trick you can do is, you can actually use
Pocket Pistol and shoot yourself over a thin layer of wall! For example, you can shoot yourself over the dragon pit wall, and baron pit wall.
The third thing you should know is,
Kled can pull an enemy over a thin layer of wall from the other side using your
Beartrap on a Rope , but the enemy champion legit has to be touching the wall to do this. I didn't figure this out until an enemy
Lee Sin attempted to steal
dragon , so I harrased him with my
Beartrap on a Rope ,but I didn't know it would pull him over the wall!
Next, when
Kled 's
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! chose the character to ram into, you can cast your
Beartrap on a Rope while diving towards the target.
Note that
Kled continue to charge towards an enemy champion once they are targetted. Say when they dash or
Flash over a wall while
Kled still hasn't landed onto of that target,
Kled will follow that target over that layer of wall!
Most people aren't aware of this one, but
Kled gains bonus attack range when
Kled isn't on his pet Skaarl .
This I learned from VoyBoy you can studder step forward then backward on the speed up trail your
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! left, this grants
Kled a temporary speed up.

The two summoner spells I love to take on
Kled are
Flash and
Exhaust , but there are replacements for these spells if you don't think they are suitable or right for your play style.
I have tried using
Ghost over
Flash before. The pros for taking
Ghost over
Flash are, you gain movement speed, especially good when skaarl runs away. When skaarl runs away,
Kled 's movement speed returns back to his base movement speed, so basically the only option is to fight. But when you have
Ghost , you have 2 options, the first is to activate
Ghost and continue the fight, or the second option is to use
Ghost and run away. Another reason
Ghost is pretty good on
Kled , because you can arrive at your destination faster when you use
Ghost alongside
The next spell I would consider is
Teleport . If you prefer
Teleport over
Exhaust , just go ahead and take it, but here is my opinion on why
Teleport is worse than ehaust when playing
Kled . Exhaust is really good on
Kled because it slows an enemy champion, giving you time to either run away, or slice them into pieces. Also,
Kled 's
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! is basically like using a
Teleport you can either use it to get back to lane, or roam down mid or bot lane.

Beartrap on a Rope maxed out first is key, not only is it a good source of damage, but you could also use the ability to wave clear since it has a pretty fast cooldown. You can cast
Beartrap on a Rope even more after you purchase
Black Cleaver which gives you 20% cooldown reduction! The next ability I would max would be his
Violent Tendencies . Each time you give a point onto
Violent Tendencies , it gives this ability lower a cooldown, not only that, his fourth hit deals, even more, damage than before. The next ability I would max would be his ult. This is pretty self-explanatory, it gives your ult a lower cooldown and your ult deals, even more, damage based on the enemy's health! Finally, you would max
Jousting on
Kled . While this ability is pretty strong on
Kled , his other abilities are far more important than his
Jousting .
I have tried many starting items on
Kled , and the starting items I find the most successful with on
Kled are a
Long Sword and 3x
Health Potion . The first recall I would try to get a
Phage which is one of the required items for a
Black Cleaver and a
Boots . I would then try to get a
Black Cleaver as fast as possible. Now is the time to decide what boots to purchase. If you're winning say 2-0, then you should look to purchase a
Boots of Swiftness . If the top lane is super competitive, with constant fighting and trading, then I would recommend buying
Ninja Tabi . If the enemy team has tons of stuns or slows, then I would buy a
Mercury's Treads . For my third item, I would either buy a
Blade of the Ruined King ,
Ravenous Hydra , or a
Titanic Hydra . Most of the time I would get
Blade of the Ruined King for my third item as this item is super strong especially if you're dominating top lane. It's almost impossible for your opponent to escape after you purchase
Blade of the Ruined King .
Gotta go fast! Once
Kled arrives, he can lock down a target, then
Hecarim can fear that target, making it impossible to escape!
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! with Kled, lock down the enemy carry with rammus
taunt and let
Kled do the rest.
Zac has slow and stun, making it basically impossible for an enemy to escape, when
Zac and
Kled unleashes all of their abilities onto the target!

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