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Hi this is a guide for Anivia support. Anivia is supposed to be "Mid" but Anivia mid sucks more then Sokora top... But Anivia Support is good. She can slow everything and her E does double damage when Q or R's "Chilled" affects are active. So yeah, Anivia support is good is good by lowering health and speed for your ADC to go and kill everything.(Look at my Ashe guide for a nice Ashe ADC build)
The items look less supporty and more AP Carry. Rod of Ages goes well with Archangels Staff really well, and with Anivia's ranges, Abyssal Scepter's aura effects all of her skills. Athene's Grail is used for magic resistance, mana regen, and more ability power. Rylai's Scepter gives more slows to everything.
In the event that your ADC does AFK, build everything but instead of the boots, get Guardian Angel, you will need that extra life. Then sell Athene's Grail and get Wiil of Ancients or Rabadon's Deathcap.
Anivia is a good support in my opinion. She can slow anything and with Rylai's Scepter, the slow is more(unless I miss read something, then please comment the mistake and I will fix as sone as possible). All of the items on her give a lot of ability power, and if you ADC does AFK, Will of Ancients will use your damage done by Abilities to your advantage.
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