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Choose Champion Build:
Morpheus (Standard)
Neo & Trinity (Caster)
Mr. Smith (Split Push)
Tank (Anti-Assassin)
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
I. Lore (The One)

Guide #2
Hi and welcome to my

My Roles (In Order of Strength): ADC (Main), Support, Mid, Jungle, Top
Season 1: Solo Bronze 1
Season 2: 3v3 Gold 1, Solo Silver 5
Season 3: 3v3 Diamond 5, Solo Gold 1, 5v5 Gold 3
Season 4: Solo Diamond 3 (Currently)
Season 2: 3v3 Gold 1, Solo Silver 5
Season 3: 3v3 Diamond 5, Solo Gold 1, 5v5 Gold 3
Season 4: Solo Diamond 3 (Currently)

So, who is

So, let's go more in-depth with his Pros and Cons:
Pros | Cons |
+ Strong Damage Dealer/Burster (Arguably 2nd To ![]() |
- 550 Range Leaves You Close to Enemies. |
+ Large Range With Abilities (Q,W,R) |
- CC Utterly Destroys ![]() |
+ ![]() |
- Requires Either More Than Average Amount Of Peel Or Strong Kiting Mechanics |
+ Powerful Ultimate (Good For Waveclear And Disengage) |
- ![]() |
+ Great Waveclear | -Mana Problems Prevalent At Every Stage Of Game |
+ Great Poke Damage |
+ High Mobility With ![]() |
+ Can Go Through Some Walls With ![]() |
+ Crit Works With ![]() |
+ Does Enough Damage With His Kit To Get Kills With A Passive Support (Ex.![]() ![]() |
+ Has Two Guns (Better Than The Usual 1 ADC's Have) |

Morpheus (Standard)/Neo & Trinity (Burster)/Mr. Smith (The Splitter)/Tank (Anti-Assassin) Masteries

The general focus of this mastery tree setup is to output the largest amount of damage, while still keeping a safe laning phase via 9 points in the defense tree (my preferred setup). It's a pretty cookie cutter ADC mastery setup, alternatively you can put 4 points into

You can also try and move some points around to accommodate for picking up

Morpheus (Standard)/Neo & Trinity (Burster)/Mr. Smith (The Splitter)Tank (Anti-Assassin) Runes

Greater Mark of Attack Damage:
Lucian's abilties thrive off of AD, standard pick up that synchronizes well with his kit. Everybody loves the damages :D! (Alternatively, people like to swap one out for a single
Greater Mark of Critical Chance)
Greater Seal of Armor: So guys, who of you ever takes your
Greater Seal of Armor off for any ADC? Anybody? No? Nuff said. Can be 5
Greater Seal of Armor and 4 [[Greater Seal of Health].
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: You either go for the flat ones or for the scaling, personal preference and lane matchup plays a key part in this choice.
Greater Quintessence of Life Steal: The most necessary thing an ADC needs. Life Steal, it gives you enough lane sustain to keep you going through the early game while sacrificing the least damage possible!
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: More AD to make you hit harder, can be changed for two
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed and 1
Greater Quintessence of Armor or AD.(See
Greater Mark of Attack Damage Explanation). (Alternatively, sometimes people go for 3
Greater Quintessence of Life Steal against high harass lanes)

Best Choices (Order of Viability):
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Alternatives (Order of Viability):
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
-Any spells not listed I consider not viable for

*Tips and Tricks for

- If the target dies to the first hit of

- The second shot can target enemies that are hidden in the fog of war or a bush.
- When going to trade early, use an ability on an enemy champion, and ALWAYS follow up with the passive and then back out (whether it be walking away or dashing out via

- Because of this passive, stacking only damage items and leaving out attack speed items (

*Tips and Tricks for
Piercing Light*

- You can target a minion in front of an enemy champion to fire from a farther distance and hit them.



*Tips and Tricks for
Ardent Blaze*



- When being chased, throw

*Tips and Tricks for
Relentless Pursuit*




While using

*Tips and Tricks for
The Culling*


- Temporary attack speed steroids that are active on the casting of



Explanation: Normal Harass Combo

Explanation: Normal Harass/Kiting/Chasing Combo

Explanation: Normal Harass Combo

Explanation: Retreating/Chasing Combo

Explanation: Finishing Combo

Explanation: Finishing Combo

Explanation: Finishing Combo

Explanation: Full/Finishing Combo
Lightslinger either before or after abilities if you have enough time/can stay in range for the full- combo

Take Note, There Is No Main Build.

Morpheus (Standard) Build

This is the standard build that generally gets run in the LCS when either behind or not getting enough gold to sustain the

Neo & Trinity (Caster) Build

This is the usual build that gets run in the LCS (swapping the

Mr. Smith (Split Push) Build/Tank (Anti-Assassin) Build

This is the season 3 meta build when everything revolved around hardcore splitting and teamfighting. This build still does work, though it is not as strong as it used to be, as shown by the LCS/higher division players switching over to the "Morpheus (Standard)/Neo & Trinity (Caster)" builds. However, I would say that this build is more fit for solo que carrying rather than premade 5's/ranked 5's like the "Morpheus (Standard)/Neo & Trinity (Caster)" builds are geared towards.

The anti-assassin build is geared towards keeping

Early Game Core Items on Lucian
Throughout all of my games on

Starting off is

Pros | Cons |
+ Huge AD Boost |
- Pretty Hefty Pricetag (Sometimes Forces ![]() |
+ Huge Sustain Boost |
+ Passive Adds On to Previous Bonuses |
+ Shoots Kill Potential Through The Roof |
+ Boosts Damage Of Whole Kit |
+ Cost Efficient |
This is the general staple item that EVERYBODY goes for. There are literally no negatives aside from the points in which you get put behind and you can't afford to get the whole thing outright. It gives your auto attacks more damage, it gives all of your abilities more damage, and on top of that it gives you a ton sustain for the laning phase as well as trading before teamfights and teamfighting. All in all, this is the best item you can gun for from the start.
The next item is

Pros | Cons |
+ AD Boost And Passive (![]() |
- Heftiest Price Tag Of The Early Core Items |
+ AP Boost | - Most Unforgiving Item Of The Early Core Items (Sets You The Farthest Behind) |
+ AS Boost | - No Sustain |
+ Crit Chance | - Waveclearing Isn't That Good Early |
+ Health Boost | - Siege Potential Gained Is Useless Early |
+ Mana Boost |
- Killing Potential Isn't As Strong As ![]() |
+ Movement Speed Boost And Passive (![]() |
+ Boosts Damage Of Whole Kit |
+ Siege Potential (Mid/Late Game) |
+ Waveclear (Mid/Late Game) |

The last item is

Pros | Cons |
+ Damage Boost |
- Damage Boost is marginal vs. ![]() ![]() |
+ Lifesteal/Sustain |
- ![]() |
+ AS Boost | - Requires Use Of Active To Be Efficient |
+ 15% Health/30% Movement steal Active | - Can set you behind |
+ Active Makes Getting Away and Chasing Easier | - Can Be Overshadowed (Easily) By Armor Stacking |
+ Rips Apart Health Builders | - Lowest Early Game Kill Potential Of Early Core Items |
Alright, I know people are probably going to look at this item and just flip out, so bare with me for a second and listen to my madness. I'm not a promoter of starting off with this item myself. However, it is viable, I have seen it, and even though

Take note, all of these items (including the mid and late possibilities section) are interchangeable in my builds. These are the starter items that you want to aim for during the early game depending on your style and the situation/lane you have been given. Try to take everything into account when making the choice because it may cost you your lane and ultimately the game, or vice-versa.

Mid Game Core Items on Lucian
These are the six follow up items that connect with at least one of the Early Core Items mentioned in the previous section.
The first item, following up the early

Pros | Cons |
+ AD Boost And Passive (![]() |
- Heftiest Price Tag Of The Mid Core Items |
+ AP Boost |
+ AS Boost |
+ Crit Chance |
+ Health Boost |
+ Mana Boost |
+ Movement Speed Boost And Passive (![]() |
+ Boosts Damage Of Whole Kit |
+ Siege Potential (Mid/Late Game) |
+ Waveclear (Mid/Late Game) |
So you might be wondering, "Nate, didn't you just copy and paste this from the previous section?", Yes and no. The reason you can see less negatives is due to the fact that

The next item, following up an early

Pros | Cons |
+ Huge AD Boost |
- Pretty Hefty Pricetag (Sometimes Forces ![]() |
+ Huge Sustain Boost |
+ Passive Adds On to Previous Bonuses |
+ Shoots Kill Potential Through The Roof |
+ Boosts Damage Of Whole Kit |
+ Cost Efficient |
Now following up an early

The next item, following up an early

Pros | Cons |
+ AD Boost | - Penetration May Be Useless Early/Mid Game |
+ Armor Pentration |
- Sometimes Feels Weaker Than ![]() |
+ Whole Kit Does Full Damage Throughout Early/Mid Game |
+ Teamfighting Ability Shoots Through The Roof |

Mid Game Core Items on Lucian (Extended)
The next item, following up an early

Pros | Cons |
+ Huge AD Boost | - Huge Price Tag |
+ Huge Crit Chance Boost |
+ Critical Damage Passive |
+ Crit Works With ![]() |

The next item, following up an early

Pros | Cons |
+ AS Boost | - Can Fall Off Late Game (Vs. Tanks) |
+ MS Boost | - Not A Good Pickup When Behind |
+ Crit Chance Boost |
+ Burst Passive |
+ Synchronizes well with ![]() |
+ Great Split-Pushing Item |
+ Passive Stacks Quickly On ![]() ![]() ![]() |
+ Doesn't Fall Off Late Game (Vs. Squishy Teams) |
I have to say that

The last item, once again following up an early

Pros | Cons |
+ AS Boost |
- Doesn't sync as well with ![]() |
+ MS Boost |
+ No Unit Collision! (Easier To Juke) (Passive) |
+ Crit Chance Boost |
+ Doesn't Fall Off Late Game (Vs. Squishy and Tanky Teams) |
+ Good Item To Pick Up When Behind |
+ Crit Chance Boost |

Now to move away from just pointing out the pros and cons of these single items, all of these items have a single purpose. This purpose is to set

Trinity Force on Lucian
Every Pro and Con for

Since the release of

The most prominent build has been the

The next prominent rush was shown by OGN teams, the Korean LCS counterparts. Because of the constant lane swapping, ADC's usually aren't punished for rushing the items that they choose to go for first and ignoring boots until that third slot. The Korean teams decided to show this via

The last setup is lifesteal (

Offensive Late Game Items

Offensive-Defensive Late Game Items

Defensive Late Game Items

Early Game
Early game with

Laning phase shouldn't be too bad unless their jungler starts trying to campbot lane, if that occurs then you want to call in your jungler to counter gank and hopefully kill all three or at least two. If you do manage to pull it off, the enemy team's jungler should dissuade the enemy jungler from ever wanting to come back to bot lane, and if you get really lucky, even turn the jungler against their own teammates verbally. You would be surprised how little things can affect a persons playing, and when a team gets a single dent in their armor, it can be their downfall.

Mid Game
At this point the game has decided what you are going to need to do to win.
Scenario #1 (The Perfect Scenario)
If every lane is winning and your team is completely positive and a tower is down for any one lane, get that person(s) (whether it is you and your support or top/mid) and your jungler to group with you and start taking objectives. Force down the first towers on the enemy sides, keep control of dragon, and have most of the crucial map spots covered by wards.
Scenario #2 (The Struggling Lane)
So it turns out you stomp lane and you're in a good position to set your team up to start capturing objectives; however, you've got a lane your jungler wasn't able to help out as he camped top/mid and the other one struggled and/or is struggling. This is the point in which you roam to the lane and set up kills for your teammate, if they can't secure these kills, take them and give them the assist (don't get greedy, greed is not good, it spells doom). After you gank two to three times, have them split push safely to catch back up and do some work on objectives to get them back in the game (fall back into the Scenario #1 strategy from here should this be successful).
Scenario #2 (The Struggling Lane [Failure])
So scenario #2 doesn't work at all, you end up dying on the first gank you do because their jungler counter ganks, DO NOT GANK AGAIN! grab everybody else who is doing well, force dragon and towers, keep the flak off of your struggling lane, and have them split push and jungle to come back as fast as possible. If they can pick up some assists without dying have them do it (should this work you get forced into Late Game with a potential win).
Scenario #2 (The Personal Struggle)
KEEP YOUR COOL! You know exactly what to do in this situation, you've struggled in lane but you have studied and prepared for this. Keep farming, stay back, pick up assists, maybe a kill if you can, and help get objectives if necessary! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE, A WIN IS A WIN EVEN IF YOU STRUGGLED! (Should this fail, hope your team can carry you and do your best to assist, otherwise it's a loss if they can't, positive attitude goes a long way though, never surrender!)
Scenario #3 (Please Kill Me)
This is the painful scenario because it can go in so many directions it's ridiculous.
Every lane is failing, your jungler is struggling to do anything, you gave up first blood, you're down 10 kills, and there seems like no possible way you can salvage your early game. HAVE NO FEAR! Try to stall every tower that isn't an inhibitor turret and farm under them, keep a constant amount of wards in your jungle entrances should the enemy get ballsy and try to counter jungle. Also, focus on keeping team morale up, don't ever say you want to give up, there are games where you can turn it around completely. Focus solely on getting to late game if your team beats them in scaling. Sometimes teams just lose against team comps simply because they're all late game vs. cheesy early game champs (like

Late Game
Scenario #1 (The Perfect Scenario)
In this scenario, you end up with a 20 - 30 min win. You stayed in control of the map, in control of nearly all objectives, and didn't throw at a single point. The enemy team is either trashing each other or throwing up the /ff. Congratulations for pulling it off!
Scenario #1 (The Perfect Scenario -Twist-)
So you find yourself having taken every dragon, taking every tower that isn't an inhibitor turret, and you can't seem to be able to siege these turrets to get a firm ground in their base to secure a win. At this point you have a few choices: you can have your best duelist split push another lane while you have 4 push and stall, you can attempt to bait a baron for an ace in order to either secure the baron and then rush towers, or you can rush towers/inhibitors period.
The one other thing you can do is ward all of their jungle camps and buffs, focus on catching at least one champion out and then swiftly crushing the enemy opposition by forcing teamfights or in this case for them, the "Running-from-the-enemy-team-as-I-get-destroyed-from-behind-tactic." You'll also find that depending on the person you catch out, the support and others will attempt to save them and even go so far as sacrifice themselves leading to the gap you need to get to that inhibitor. After this occurs, you're on your own in terms of how you need to win the game. Keep a steady head, make solid choices, and above all SCREAM WORTH AFTER EVERY KILL, just kidding, don't be that guy.
Scenario #2 (The Struggle)
So at this point only two things can happen, you either lost during mid game/early late game because you weren't able to keep up, assist enough, and ended up not only getting shutdown but your team also got shutdown, leading to a loss by late mid game/early late game. The second thing that has happened, is that you have managed to scrounge up every piece of gold you've ever had in your pocket and get a good enough build that you aren't behind anymore or you can at least assist your team enough to make a difference in teamfights. From here on out, your job is to stick with your shotcaller/best player on your team, he/she is doing the best for a reason and you want to get those positive vibes as well as move as a cohesive unit that could potentially catch one enemy out. Stay focused and use the previous tactics mentioned in Scenario #1 -Twist- if you find that your team is winning, but struggling to finish.
If your team is losing teamfights and can't get objectives, then you need to turtle and attempt to use different tactics like forcing teamfights under your teams tower or baiting the enemy team into them. Either way, your focus is to get as much gold as you can to recover and give yourself a fighting chance. Put your game face on, it is going to be a long game.
Scenario #3 (Please Kill Me)
This is the same thing as #2, you've either lost way before here, or you're recovering in an attempt to win. My advice stands the same as the previous mentioned. Don't be discouraged if you do end up losing anyway, you put up a good fight and you know you need to improve. Go over the replay for the match if you can, or if not, think back to how you played and what were the reasons you were beaten, improve through small changes in playstyle and the rewards can be extremely large.

Teamfighting with

-Click The Face Of The Champion Matchup You Would Like To See-

(If You Don't See The Matchup You Are Looking For, Comment/PM Me And I Will Add It)

Top Synergy Combos:

Other Possibilities:

This guide is always a work in progress, if you have any input/suggestions or would like to see a build you have, added; send me a message or put it in the discussion so I may see it. If I choose to have it put up you will be credited :D! Also, if you find any errors then please do tell me so I may fix them. If you enjoyed the guide, please do upvote. The purpose is to give the guide not only more feedback, but also show your opinion on it to other people and make it so that its more exposed to the community, which in turn assists more people. Regardless, it is your choice entirely, so choose to your will, and if you do downvote, can you drop a comment in the discussion with constructive criticism that led to your choice?
Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day :D!
(Shout out to Emikadon for giving me a load of feedback/ideas!)
(Shout out to Jimmydoggga 2.0 for pointing out an egregious error xD!)
(Shout out to Ravenholm for giving me a ton of feedback/ideas!)
(Shout out to FantasySniper for giving me a ton of feedback!)
(Shout out to Janitsu for the idea to add more notes!)
*All graphics were either created or edited to their current state by me, all credit for original unedited works goes to their original owners*

Lore (The One): 100%
Blazing Down! -Lucian's Real Song-: 100%
Pros / Cons: 100%
Masteries: 100%
Runes: 100%
Summoner Spells: 100%
Skill Set: 100%
Skill Sequence: 100%
Skill Combos: 100%
Build Explanations: 100%
Item Explanations: 100%
Gameplay: 100%
Teamfighting: 100%
Lane Matchups: 100%
Synergies: 100%
Graphic Art: 100%
Overall Percent Complete: 100%
Time Invested Into This Guide: 98 hours
As you can tell, I've put a ton of effort into this guide, and for absolutely free. I'm also a poor, struggling college student, so if you'd like to donate ANYTHING, by all means go ahead. I'd really appreciate it! (Already checked to see if doing this was fine, no butt hurt pls :D)

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