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Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
-Great late game
-People underestimate your late game potential
-Good surviablity with good damage output
-Great escape abilties (wall, slows and stuns)
-Great crowd control
-Great Farming
-Slow early game with low AP
-Slow movement speed with the champion
-You must have the ability to land skill shots
-Often targeted first in team fights
-Great late game
-People underestimate your late game potential
-Good surviablity with good damage output
-Great escape abilties (wall, slows and stuns)
-Great crowd control
-Great Farming
-Slow early game with low AP
-Slow movement speed with the champion
-You must have the ability to land skill shots
-Often targeted first in team fights

So my Masteries are pretty standard for nukes. Although I am sure that some of you guys are looking at greedand are thinking its's not worth it. Personally I get it for just that little gold advantage to help push me along. However if you really hate it you can put the point in Perservance or Expanded Mind. I wouldn't put points in Utility Mastery just because it only helps me with barron or dragon (3v3), if we ever get it, so i would rather use it for regen or that extra gold.

Other choices for Anivia

Things NOT to get:

So I just want to start this by saying that this is not a "if you don't build this exactly you will die" set up. I am simply saying this is a standard that I use, and that you have to be able to adapt!. If you have a tanky team then rush
Void Staff. So just be aware of who you are fighting. I will cover alternatives later on in this section.
The Core:
-> This is a fairly solid item to start with. You have more mana, and it will let you grab catalyst the protector. It also lets you start off with some potions which will really help with your ability to stay in the lane.
-> I just want to make a note for people. Use your potion earlier then normal. You are squishy, and if you get forced into your egg it won’t work.
catalyst the protector -> This is where you start to start to get some more health, this will help you take some harassment, as well as the mana from the level up effect will really help you stay in your lane. As long as you don’t spam abilities this is a much better item to grab first then tears of the goddess
-> Hmm, wonder what this would be useful for...
-> You get more health, more mana ( for
Archangel's Staff) and AP! This is a great item to start building some AP and damage.
-> This will give you some more speed to get around, as well as let you basicly reduce anyones MR to none/very little if they are not purchasing MR items.
-> This will start to help with that mana starvation by giving you some regen, and increasing your mana pool. However! You will still have mana problems if your running around throwing walls just because! So still keep track of your mana!
-> This is for those darn tanks! This will make your spell pen 49% (the cap). You also get some AP as a little extra.
-> Get this regardless of if you have maxed the stacks on tears of the goddess. The effect won't stack so the extra 1000 mana will carry over to this item. Plus your not Ryze, you don't rely on mana for your damage. The key idea about this item is for the magic regen, and the AP. Now with your runes and this you should be able to lane, and take down opponents without large mana issues, just don't leave your
Glacial Storm on for 5 mins and you should be fine!
-> A must have for any nuke. 30% more AP, WHOOT!
-> Spell Vamp seems to be underrated, or at least under used. This will help support you in those team fights and with your
Frostbite is hitting for over 1000 you will really enjoy your heal.
I know people like to have options so here are a few, but try to keep in mind this is just a basic build, change it if you need to!
No tanks? Not stacking MR for some unknown reason?
-> OMG! You can move the same speed as other people! MADNESS! Also not a bad idea for teams that catch you easily, a good alternative to
Sorcerer's Shoes
Getting Fed on a Golden Platter?
-> Personally I hate snowball items, they are basicly a double or nothing. But if you are doing super well, go for it!
Other things to get:
Deathfire Grasp -> For those pesky high HP people like Mundo
Zhonya's Hourglass -> If your getting targeted right away, or they have tons of burst
Moonflair Spellblade -> For those teams with lots of control
Quicksilver Sash -> Handy for poison and slows!
These are just some of the choices you have. Again my build is based on an average team, make your own adaption’s and changes if something’s doesn't work for you! Keep in mind my build is mid-late game!

The Core:

catalyst the protector -> This is where you start to start to get some more health, this will help you take some harassment, as well as the mana from the level up effect will really help you stay in your lane. As long as you don’t spam abilities this is a much better item to grab first then tears of the goddess

I know people like to have options so here are a few, but try to keep in mind this is just a basic build, change it if you need to!
No tanks? Not stacking MR for some unknown reason?

Getting Fed on a Golden Platter?

Other things to get:

These are just some of the choices you have. Again my build is based on an average team, make your own adaption’s and changes if something’s doesn't work for you! Keep in mind my build is mid-late game!
Team Work is super important on Anivia! When your ganking makeing a good placement of your wall and stunning people is super important! Making sure to really maximize the slow from
Glacial Storm by placing in so they walk through it for as long as possible! This will also let you get max damage from
Frostbite. In team fights, hold back and let the tanks start the fight. Use
Crystallize to make it a 4v5 (for you) or stop them from fleeing if you have the advantage.

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