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I have been playing League for almost a year now and after listening to alot of Pro Players, Youtubers, and other Nasus mains I have decided to Show You How I play and ususally cary with The Doge.
Fury Of The Sands: Its Your Ulti. Max it whenever Possible
The Can.. Ehm I mean Siphonic Strike: Its your Primary Damage tool. Max it First take it at level 1 and Last hit With It all game
Wither: Busted Slow That reduces the enemies Attack speed. Usually Max Last But if you are gainst Auto Attackers Like AAtrox Or Jax max second
Spirit Fire:Reduces Their Armour and does Some sweet Aoe AP Damage. Try and wither them on top of it and then Q them onto it to deal max Damage
The Can.. Ehm I mean Siphonic Strike: Its your Primary Damage tool. Max it First take it at level 1 and Last hit With It all game
Wither: Busted Slow That reduces the enemies Attack speed. Usually Max Last But if you are gainst Auto Attackers Like AAtrox Or Jax max second
Spirit Fire:Reduces Their Armour and does Some sweet Aoe AP Damage. Try and wither them on top of it and then Q them onto it to deal max Damage
Teleport:Not even gonna try and explain why. Just take it and use it to get to lane on your First base faster. After that use it for Global teamfights.
Now here is the deal:
Ghost Ot Flash?
Ghost:Really sweet for chasing the adc down and oneshooting it AND has antiengage potential
Flash: If they have Something like A J4 Then Its Much more Usefull . Also you can Jump over walls and Flash q the adc late game
Now here is the deal:
Ghost Ot Flash?
Ghost:Really sweet for chasing the adc down and oneshooting it AND has antiengage potential
Flash: If they have Something like A J4 Then Its Much more Usefull . Also you can Jump over walls and Flash q the adc late game
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