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Urgot Build Guide by Urgotem

Top In-Depth Urgot Guide by Urgotem and others! S13 Updates!

Top In-Depth Urgot Guide by Urgotem and others! S13 Updates!

Updated on May 23, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Urgotem Build Guide By Urgotem 411 19 457,292 Views 30 Comments
411 19 457,292 Views 30 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Urgotem Urgot Build Guide By Urgotem Updated on May 23, 2023
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Runes: PTA/Resolve

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Press the Attack
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+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2 3
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

In-Depth Urgot Guide by Urgotem and others! S13 Updates!

By Urgotem
Hello, and welcome to this Urgot guide. First question to start with is who are we? Well, this is a combined effort of several Urgot mains; Blad, Urgotem, Phleeb, Zoli, Butcher of Zuan, Komrade, and a little Nicram (not officially, but I have asked his opinion here and there so he gets some credit whether he wants it or not). Together we have over over 6 Million Mastery Points on Urgot, and some of us have reached Diamond, or even Masters.

Urgotem Guide Update!

So to start off, why play Urgot? Well here are some reasons to play, and not to play him. The game starts in champion select so knowing Urgot's strengths and weaknesses can help to know if a game is right to even pick him.

What lane do you wish to take Urgot into? Most players will take him top lane, but if you are a jungle main and wanna take him into the jungle, or are a true lunatic and want to take him in the bot lane, check out Urpog's Guide!
Pros Cons
Some matchups are unplayable until lvl 13
Shotguns alow for decent pushing power
However, the shotguns also make freezing a wave very difficult
CC on Q, E, and R
Not very mobile himself besides the small dash in E
Relatively simple champion to learn
Can be kited by higher skill players
Great teamfight potential
Technically Urgot is ranged, so suffers from a lot of nerfs intended for other champions
Can always catch up into a game by leveling up
Not a hypercarry, but can definitely carry a game
Urgot Changes

So, you wanna play Urgot. Good idea! Urgot is a great champion to play as he can play well into almost any top laner, and outscale many of them too! So what does the crab do?
Echoing Flames
Urgot's passive is what he is best known for, his shotgun knees. Each of the six shotguns are individual and have their own cooldown that decreases as Urgot levels up. The early cooldown for these shotguns is very long so use them wisely!

They also make freezing a wave difficult to do thanks to the AoE damage from the shotguns. One trick to help with this is to use one shotgun on the wave, and then continue to position yourself around that shotgun to farm so you still have 5 shotguns on standby in case you have to fight. As you progress later into the game these shotguns deal more damage and reload faster.
Corrosive Charge
Urgot’s Q is rather simple, pick a spot and Urgot shoots a canister to that location that will detonate after .3 seconds, slowing all the enemies that are hit.

Urgot’s Q allows for setup into the rest of his kit, the 45-65% slow for over one second allows for plenty of time to catch up and land your E, leading to the rest of your combo. However, the mana cost is very large for the start of the game so be careful not to spam it.
Urgot’s W is his bread and butter, the main tool to proc’ing your shotguns in a fight. In the early levels its cooldown is rather long but the duration does not change. Once you max it you can turn it on forever! While attacking with your W, you reduce your own movement speed by a flat amount but you gain 40% slow resistance.

Purge targets the closest target to Urgot unless a champion is marked with one of Urgot's other abilities, this mark lasts for 5 seconds. Attacking a champion with this ability refreshes the duration.

No ability or item in the game will change Purge’s attack speed either for good or for bad. For example, Nasus' Wither will not decrease it, nor will Lethal Tempo increase it.

Pre-rank 5 of Urgot's W the ability will shoot 13 times, and can not critically strike and has reduced on hit effects.
Urgot’s E is pretty easy to understand as well, he charges up for .45 seconds, and then lunges forward after shielding himself for 4 seconds. If Urgot collides with an enemy champion, he flips them over while stunning them for 1.5 seconds.

Disdain can NOT be used to cross terrain of any kind. No matter how small the gap you can not E over a wall. The ability is also very slow and predictable to players of a higher skill level.

An advanced technique you can use with this ability to catch an opponent off guard is to begin your e, and then while in the ability flash to adjust your trajectory or simply to get closer if you are too far away.
Fear Beyond Death
Here we are, the reason you wanna play this champion besides the fact that he is cute. A massive AoE fear that can turn a teamfight or let you 1v5 is what everyone dreams of, and for Urgot it is more reality than dream.

Urgot’s ultimate fires a chem-drill forward and when it hits an enemy it deals damage as well as slowing them for 1% per 1% missing hp, up to 75%. Then within the next 4 seconds you can recast this ability if they drop below 25% max hp and execute them over the course of 1.5 seconds. If the execution is successful then the fear procs and you get the kill.

Now for the fun part! Below is all of the math, the beautiful scalings for all of Urgot's amazing abilities.
tAD = Total Attack Damage
bAD = Bonus Attack Damage
Urgot Passive - - Echoing Flames
Champion Level
%Max HP
Urgot Q - - Corrosive Charge
Q Rank
Mana Cost
25 +(70%tAD)
70 +(70%tAD)
115 +(70%tAD)
160 +(70%tAD)
225 +(70%tAD)
% Slow
Urgot W - - Purge
W Rank
Mana Cost
12 +(20%tAD)
12 +(23.5%tAD)
12 +(27%tAD)
12 +(30.5%tAD)
12 +(34%tAD)
Urgot E - - Disdain
E Rank
Mana Cost
Shield Strength
60 +(150% bAD) +(15% bonus health)
80 +(150% bAD) +(15% bonus health)
100 +(150% bAD) +(15% bonus health)
120 +(150% bAD) +(15% bonus health)
140 +(150% bAD) +(15% bonus health)
90 +(100% bAD)
120 +(100% bAD)
150 +(100% bAD)
180 +(100% bAD)
210 +(100% bAD)
Urgot R - - Fear Beyond Death
R Rank
Mana Cost
100 +(50% bAD)
225 +(50% bAD)
350 +(50% bAD)

Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel - The enemy will be reeled in, and proc the GA in front of Urgot without an execution or fear, but still a good way to pick enemies.
Quicksilver Sash
Quicksilver Sash - This item completely cancels the reel of Urgot’s ultimate but will still drag them closer to Urgot.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Stopwatch/Zhonya’s - These put the enemies into stasis similar to Bard ultimate and can cancel Urgot’s ultimate.
Akali W, Twilight Shroud - This ability won’t help Akali dodge the second cast, though can make landing the first cast more difficult.
Alistar R, Unbreakable Will - Alistar can cast this at any point while being reeled in and will be saved.
Anivia Passive, Rebirth - Using Urgot R on an Anivia that has passive will result in her being reeled in, but she will go into egg form and no AoE fear will be provided. You can also use R on an anivia egg and execute her like normal.
Bard R, Tempered Fate - Similar interaction to Stopwatch.
Braum E, Unbreakable - This ability will not stop the second cast of R on Braum, however it may stop the second cast on an ally of Braum’s.
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo P, Goes Where He Pleases - Dr. Mundo's new passive will block the recast of Urgot's R if you do not first proc it with E. Q will not proc the passive. Landing E to negate the passive will also not mark Mundo to be hit by Urgot's W.
Ekko R, Chronobreak - This makes Ekko untargetable for a short amount of time, allowing you to dodge the chains. This is a very short period of time, but can still happen.
Elise E, Rappel (Spider Form) - Similar to Ekko, though easier, Elise can dodge the chains by rappelling and becoming untargetable.
Evelynn R, Last Caress - Similar to the previous two, can dodge the chains by becoming untargetable.
Ezreal E, Arcane Shift - Ezreal can not dodge the chains with this ability.
Fiora W, Riposte - Fiora can block your E, and both casts of R with this ability, she is mean.
Fizz E, Playful/Trickster - Fizz can dodge either cast of Urgot R with this.
Galio R, Hero's Entrance - This ability provides CC immunity after completing the channel, and for a moment upon impact so keep this in mind as it can interfere with your R if timed correctly.
Gangplank W, Remove Scurvy - As stated earlier, Gangplank can cancel Urgot’s R at any point of the reel in process by pressing W.
Gwen W, Hallowed Mist - If Urgot tries to recast his R (or hit Gwen with the first cast) while she is in her W and Urgot is not, she will be untargetable and not affected by either ability.
Hecarim R, Onslaught of Shadows - Hecarim is unstoppable during his ultimate but you can reel him in and execute after the ultimate as he is not CC immune.
Illaoi R, Leap of Faith - Unstoppable briefly after using the ultimate, but not enough that it will save her.
Irelia W, Defiant Dance - Won’t save her from the ultimate, but can hit/kill you if you are low.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV R, Cataclysm - Similar to Illaoi, unstoppable for a short duration but won’t matter.
Kalista R, Fate’s Call - She can either pull someone in to dodge the chains or simply pull them in and wait out Urgot’s R’s duration.
Kayle R, Intervention - Similar to Pantheon E and GA, you can reel them in but they won’t be executed if Kayle’s R is active, though she cannot cast it on someone already being reeled in. Take advantage of being able to recast to either call it in faster, or wait out Kayle’s R.
Kindred R, Lamb’s Respite - You can pull enemies out of kindred ult whether the kindred is on your team or against you, big counter for Kindred and those who think it is fine to get low HP inside of it. But if inside the ult they will survive through the grind.
Kled - R
Kled R, Chaaaaaaarge!!! - Kled is unstoppable and CC immune through the entire duration similar to sion, so you must wait out the second cast and hope his ult is over.
Kled - Passive
Kled Passive, Skaarl - There is a notable time of untargetability when Kled mounts, so just be aware of these and that using R on a low HP kled that is mounted, will get reeled in and dismounted, but will not die.
K'Sante - W
K'Sante W, Path Maker - This interaction is similar to Malphite R, or Ornn W, after the duration he will get pulled in. Probably. Need to test.
K'Sante - R
K'Sante R, All Out - Need to test how this ultimate works if you try reeling him in while he is dragging someone through a wall. I think it will react similar to his W. Not a common scenario though, so don't worry too much.
Lissandra R, Frozen Tomb - Lissandra puts herself in stasis for 2.5 seconds which can dodge the chains.
Maokai W, Twisted Advance - Maokai is untargetable while underground for a small amount of time, so he can dodge your R1 and R2, as well as your E.
Master Yi
Master Yi Q, Alpha Strike - He can dodge your E and your R1 and R2 with Q so be aware of this annoyance.
Malphite R, Unstoppable Force - Despite the fact that Malphite is unstoppable, he can still be reeled in unlike Sion's Ultimate because he is not CC immune.
Malzahar Passive, Void Shift - He can block the ultimate with his passive as it is a spell shield but has a very long cooldown.
Mordekaiser R, Realm of Death - Mordekaiser can use this to dodge your ultimate when you shoot it, though it must be timed well. Also, if you hit Mordekaiser with Urgot ultimate, if he is able to use R on a teammate you can recast it to reel him in if the chains are already on the way out before they disappear into the death realm. Once they enter the realm, you cannot recast. One last note is that if you are both in the death realm, and you execute him, the fear will pop inside the death realm, not on summoners rift. (One exception is if the 7 second timer for the death realm times out while you are reeling him in) If your R hits an enemy champion, and them Mordekaiser uses his R on you, you can still reel in and execute that enemy champion, and fear Mordekaiser if the chains have already fired when Mordekaiser uses his R.
Morgana E, Black Shield - Timing is very important as the champion marked with urgot ultimate can not be dragged when they have a black shield from morgana, but you can break the shield or wait out the duration.
Nocturne R, Shroud of Darkness - This ability will not stop urgot’s ult, the spell shield, W, will block the drill but not the chains.
Olaf R, Ragnarok - Olaf’s ultimate will make him immune to CC for 6 seconds and you won’t be able to reel him in, so try to wait out ulting him until later.
Ornn W, Bellows Breath - Ornn can stall out the chains with his W, but he cannot stop them altogether.
Pantheon E, Aegis Assault - This works similar to GA and Kayle ultimate IF pantheon’s shield is facing you he will not be executed. However, if he is facing away from you or the shield runs out he will be executed.
Pantheon R, Grand Skyfall - He is untargetable in the sky so wait for him to land before reeling him in.
Rek’Sai R, Void Rush - She is unstoppable during her ult, so you can not reel her in during this duration, if the timer ends before she exits her ult, you cannot execute her. However, if she lands it will only delay the execution and she will still die.
Rengar W, Battle Roar - Rengar’s empowered W removes all forms of CC which includes urgot’s ultimate.
Ryze R, Realm Warp - If timed correctly the ultimate can dodge urgot’s ultimate but it would have to be used before urgot even ults.
Sett R, The Show Stopper - Sett is unstoppable in his ultimate and if timed well can cancel the chains of Urgot’s ultimate.
Shyvana R, Dragon's Descent - She becomes unstoppable during the dash, but will be pulled in afterwards.
Sion R, Unstoppable Onslaught - Similar to Kled, he is unstoppable for the entire duration so hope he hits a wall and recast after 4 seconds as he is also CC immune.
Sivir E, Spell Shield - This only blocks the chem-drill (R1) but does not block the chain (R2).
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench R, Devour - When an enemy you hit with ultimate is devoured it will cancel the chains. There are some weird interactions if you R Tahm and he eats you, but his allies he can eat and it will cancel the R unfortunately.
Taric R, Cosmic Radiance - Similarly with Kayle ultimate this grants invulnerability so the execute will not go through so try to use it before or after the ultimate goes through.
Tryndamere R, Undying Rage - Tryndamere can use this ability while being reeled in to avoid execution, in addition to the fact that it last longer than Urgot’s R, though if you hit trynd with it, and wait out the full four seconds, it will leave you in a good position to kill him if his ult hasn’t already timed out, but stalling it out is key. Lastly, if you hit Tryndamere with your ultimate while he is in his, and the ultimate does enough damage to kill him, it will automatically reel him in.
Vi R, Assault and Battery - Vi is unstoppable during her ultimate so she can dodge the chains.
Vladimir W, Sanguine Pool - Vladimir can dodge the chains by using his pool.
Volibear R, Stormbringer - This ability provides CC immunity to Volibear during the leap, and momentarily after, similar to galio, so be cautious of this for timing your R or E.
Warwick R, Infinite Duress - Warwick is unstoppable and CC immune during his ultimate so a well timed Warwick ultimate can deny the chains.
Xayah R, Featherstorm - Similar to other untargetable abilities Xayah can use her ultimate to become unstoppable right before the chains reach her to cancel the ultimate.
Yasuo W, Wind Wall - Wind Wall will block both casts of Urgot’s R so be sure to wait for it to be on cooldown.
Yone E, Soul Unbound - Soul Unbound's second cast, when he recalls to his original location, will make him unstoppable and act like Sion R if you try to recast it in this short time.
Zac Passive, Cell Division - Similar to Anivia, reeling in zac will pop him into blobs and give no fear unless his passive is on cooldown, though you can’t use Urgot R on the blobs like you can with Anivia’s egg.
Zed R, Death Mark - Zed vanishes for .75 seconds, which can allow him to dodge the chains of the second cast of Urgot’s ultimate.
Zilean R, Chronoshift - This must be cast before the chains begin to reel in the target as they become untargetable, but if used correctly this will act as GA and revive the executed target with no fear being provided.
Okay now you know what Urgot does, awesome. But what runes do you take? What items are best on him? Any awful match ups? Don't worry there is plenty more to go, next up is Runes! Let's get into it by settling a debate everyone runs into at one point or another while playing Urgot. Press the Attack? or Conqueror?


Press the Attack is going to be the better of the two almost every single time. Press the Attack can give immense amounts of bonus damage that you simply cannot get from Conqueror. The healing from Conqueror is a joke for ranged champions, though the damage is okay but not great. The main time you will take Conqueror is when the enemy team has numerous tanks on their team, 3+ especially.

Now that we have that settled, it is time to go into detail of what Runes are or are not viable on the crab. The main tree you will be taking keystones from is the Precision tree. The other trees are not as valuable to urgot, but if you wish to read why they are included for you.

Press The Attack Urgot utilizes Press the Attack very well as his W Purge allows you to proc it almost instantly. It also gives a large amount of damage over the course of the game.
Lethal Tempo Urgot may not be the best abuser of Lethal Tempo at the moment, but it may become decent/viable in the future. It is not a great idea right now. If it gets any odd buffs or changes to Urgot maybe, but even with the 11.24 changes it is not too good.
Fleet Footwork Urgot can use fleet pretty decently, and it gives a good bit of healing. However you probably want this against beefy/tanky champion that are rushing bramble vest anyway, which negates your keystone. It is a viable option, but not as good as PTA yet.
Conqueror Urgot uses Conqueror rather well compared to some other runes that are useless, but when compared to Press the Attack there are few reasons to take this keystone instead.

Domination Tree

Sorcery Tree

Resolve Tree

Inspiration Tree
So you grab your keystone of choice, and now you want to get the smaller runes sorted. Well you probably just grabbed the rune page at the top and are skimming through this, but ideally this helps inform you what minor runes to go, when they are appropriate, and why.
Overall Best Rune In Tree

Minor Runes

Precision Tree


Minor Runes

Domination Tree


Minor Runes

Sorcery Tree


Minor Runes

Resolve Tree


Minor Runes

Inspiration Tree
5-23-2023 - Riot loves making me do work, they changed all the items again so I am working on updating it.

Starting Items
Cull, Doran’s Blade, and Doran’s shield are all viable in all sorts of matchups.
Cull can give you large amounts of sustain especially once you hit level 9. Take note that Cull does not give any health however. Generally good into Match Ups that are farm intensive, or that you win most of the time.
Doran's Blade
Doran’s Blade can give you extra damage, more health than Cull as Cull does not give any health, just on hit healing and AD, and some life steal that is lower than Cull’s.
Doran's Shield
Doran’s Shield is great in more passive matchups, spammy or ranged champions like Ryze, Quinn, and Vayne, as well as being vital for matchups with damage over time like Teemo and Singed.
Corrupting Potion
Corrupting Potion is a useful item as it can allow you to spam Q more often in lane, especially if you plan to max it.

Urgot is in a pretty good place overall which is great, however he still lacks a mythic that is perfect for him. Most players seem to be going for Jak'Sho since it just gives so many resistances, but here I will go over all the options, good and bad, and explain my thoughts.
Frostfire Gauntlet
Frostfire Gauntlet - Gives HP to make you tankier, synergizing with titanic hydra if you build it, and slows to help keep up with more mobile teams. In addition to this slow, it will reduce the damage the primary target deals to you, while the passive gives you hp, slow resist, and tenacity. A decent option though not the most popular. Keep in mind how tenacity scales as there are some important notes such as it is multiplicitive with a lot of interactions, so it may say you get 5% tenacity per item, but you may end up only gaining 10 or so depending on items and how much tenacity you have already. Also, you cannot reduce cc below a certain amount of time, which is described in the tenacity wiki page.
Jak'Sho The Protean
Jak'Sho - This mythic was popular the moment it released. It provides a lot of resistances, and if you build tanky already it just makes you even tankier. It feels really good as an option to have unless you build damage.
Prowler's Claw
Prowler's Claw - Prowlers rose in popularity for a lot of people last season and is still fairly popular. This can give some big damage and a dash to make up for Stridebreaker losing the dash, so it can be useful though not my personal favorite.

click here to view more mythic options

The item(s) you may find yourself buying in every one of your games.
Black Cleaver
Black Cleaver - Great item to buy, most consider it core myself included. This item makes you do more damage, as well as any AD champion on your team. If you have Titanic Hydra, it is very fast to stack and the small burst of movement speed helps a lot and gives an AoE armor shred.

Strong Options - Armor
These items are viable options for most of your games depending on the champions you are against as well as your overall team comp. These items are mostly focused around health, or armor.
Thornmail - A vital item to have against a team with numerous auto attacking champions, and/or a lot of healers, which most games has a significant amount of healing right now. If there is a lot of healing but not much auto attacking, such as vladimir, soraka, and yuumi Chempunk Chainsword may be your better option though you lose out on tank stats, so check if your team is building grievous wounds as well. Note, as of 13.1B thornmail no longer requires CC to reach the 40% threshold, making this item attractive for Urgot again.
Randuin's Omen
Randuin’s Omen - A great item to have if the enemy team has a full AD comp, as it reduces the damage an attack does AFTER armor. As well as the active! Great for crit champions.
Frozen Heart
Frozen Heart - A good item for reducing basic attack damage and attack speed, however I think Randuins Omen is the better pick since Urgot does not really need 400 extra mana. Generally I would prefer something like Death's Dance before this item but if you need the armor the go ahead and grab it.
Sunfire Aegis
Sunfire Aegis - All around good item as it gives MR, Armor, Haste, and HP. Only issue is the passive damage is reduced by Urgot's W if you proc the effect with it. Against a high cc comp this may be his best option as of 12.10.

Strong Options - Magic Resist
Magic Resist was in a pretty rough state in Season 11. Seaason 12 is looking better, but still not a large variety of options.
Spirit Visage
Spirit Visage - Great item as it provides Magic Resist, Health, Haste, and extra healing and shielding so all around useful for Urgot in almost any game with significant Magic Damage
Abyssal Mask
Abyssal Mask - Abyssal is decent now but very lacking in MR in lane out of lane, in a teamfight, you will get a lot of MR. Great if you are against an AD laner, but AP jungle, mid, and support.
Adaptive Helm
Adaptive Helm - I'm keeping this here. R.I.P. :'( I miss you every day.
Force of Nature
Force of Nature - If you are against some spam mages or a lot of AP champions this item can save you a lot of damage. If you take 6 instances of magic damage you move faster and reduce all magic damage by 20%. You also gain 2 stacks for being immobilized. Keep in mind though besides the 350 health this item will do nothing for you against an AD champion.

Situational items are items you may never buy, or once every ten games, it all depends on you and the team you are finding yourself against.
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Gargoyle Stoneplate - They took this decent item and made it great! The late game shield it provides can be massive, upwards of 2,000 which can keep you alive much longer in a teamfight. Good against mixed damage type teams too as it boosts your armor and magic resistances depending on how many champions are attacking you.
Sterak's Gage
Sterak's Gage - Steraks is a great tank item that a lot of bruisers enjoy. This can be a wonderful mid-late game purchase on urgot as it gives some good AD, a good chunk of health, and a relatively massive shield especially if combined with either stoneplate and/or spirit visage.
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel - Attack Damage, Armor, and a revive that can be very useful if your team can work well with it or just stall out your death if they do not.
Titanic Hydra
The days of Cleaver into Death's Dance are sadly over. The only item I believe to be core anymore is Black Cleaver, with the exception of this item as Titanic Hydra is a very viable item but not one you will get every single game. Titanic can fit into just about any build that isn't lethality and provide wave clear as well as AoE armor shred if you grab Black Cleaver.
Click here to read about the Titanic/cleaver bug.
Anathema's Chains
Anathema's Chains - Anathema's is pretty nice against a champion that is strong and going to 1v9 your team. It extends cc durations such as your E, and provides you to take less damage against them. This item loses its value though if the other members of their team can do large amounts of damage. All in all, pretty situational.
Hullbreaker - Hullbreaker became a core item for many and it has now gotten a nerf exclusively for ranged champions. I think this item is still viable on Urgot, but it is now a situational item that you may want depending on the game and your individual playstyle. (Cannons still don't have their hat -.-)
Silvermere Dawn
Silvermere Dawn - A good version of Mercurial Scimitar, but won't be bought in most games. Very nice option to have though.
Maw of Malmortius
Maw of Malmortius - This item can be very good against burst focused magic damage dealers though for Magic Resist Spirit Visage and Adaptive Helm are good options for less burst champions. The shield scales with your bonus AD though which makes it hit or miss for Urgot, but again its best against someone who wants to burst you.
Chempunk Chainsword
Chempunk Chainsword - Nice to have against champions like Nasus, it feels better to buy than mortal reminder ever did so glad that this item has been added. Treat it as if you would've built mortal reminder for that game/matchup, buy this instead. Currently, Thornmail is the overall better option imo, but if you need to be applying the grevious rather than relying on them attacking you, very useful.
Death's Dance
Death's Dance - This item is no longer the 2nd item and gg powerspike we knew it as, but a lot of champions are running this and it is constantly getting nerfed. For urgot though its alright, not amazing but not bad.
Serylda's Grudge
Serylda's Grudge - This item can be a tank shredder along with slowing them down with your shotguns, especially if you combine it with Cleaver you can reduce a tank's armor in half. Very viable but also very Niche unless you value the slow, or just making squishies even squishier.
Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Armor - Last but not least we have Warmogs, a nice item against poke heavy teams, or if you rush it early it can be a nice way to power through laning phase while trading often as you will be able to just regen to full hp outside of combat.
Turbo Chemtank
Turbo Chemtank - This item has been all over the place for the past couple seasons but I don't think it has ever been that great on urgot. Now that it is a legendary again, it could be very useful for initating a teamfight if you have no other form of engage.
The early game on Urgot is rather match up dependent, which can be found below in the Match Up Guide for Champion specific pointers.

In general, Urgot's level 1 can outclass almost anyone due to the power of the shotguns. You want to use as many shotguns as you can on the enemy, and land an early E on them, especially if they are melee, while they try to farm. This will give you a shield to mitigate some of their trading power as well as position them perfectly for your rear facing shotguns.

In the early game, it is possible for you to be pushed under tower. Each melee minion can take two tower shots, and a regular auto attack and you will last hit it. The casters can be pretty tricky. If a caster is full health, and it takes one tower shot, one auto attack with shotgun will kill it. One shotgunless auto will not kill the casters until you get some extra AD from pickaxe, or levels. However, if you shotgun one of the three casters, generally the one that gets hit by tower first, then the other two will be able to be killed after a tower shot with a normal shotgunless auto attack just like melees.

Level 2 can also be powerful as it unlocks your W allowing you to E W and chunk a large amount of health from your opponent. You do have to note however that your opponent will most likely be level 2 as well, so play around the abilities they may be able to counter you with, such as Fiora and her W, Riposte.

Vision control is vital to avoid ganks, or to give your jungler information regarding the opposing jungler's pathing. Key ward locations are the red side tri-brush, the river bush, as well as the new bush by blue buff if you are on red side for deep vision, or either of the bushes near red buff if you are blue side for deep vision. Refer to the image below for examples.

Level's 6 and 9 are Urgot's next spikes, pushing you into the mid-game with faster shotgun cooldowns and a powerful ultimate.
Reaching into the Mid-Game, it should be clear who has an advantage in one way or another, though the lane could be rather even. If you are ahead, you want to try to freeze the wave.

Freezing a wave is when the enemy's wave has more minions than yours and you let them push into you, last hitting only the minions that are about to die. When the wave is about to crash into your tower, you can either let it crash and break the freeze or take a little damage and thin the wave out a bit until there are around 3 casters left which will maintain the freeze in its location. This forces your laner to step up next to you if they want money, or they sacrifice the money in order to not die. This can be a powerful tool if you are the one that is behind. It makes ganks harder for the enemy jungler to pull off, and makes your laner hesitant to fight as often since your jungler could be hovering around the pushed up laner.

Nobody is perfect, and it wont be the case that you are ahead every single game. When the enemy freezes on you, Urgot makes it easier to break the freeze as he is ranged, and shotguns will do AoE damage to the minions to push the wave under tower faster. Below is an example of one way to break a freeze, by pushing the wave into the tower forcing a reset. You can see that when I kill that caster minions, Tryndamere does his best to keep the minions out of tower range to keep the freeze. This is also a good example of how to keep a freeze, it just didn't work.

Using these techniques of wave management can help make Match Ups you are ahead in, even easier, and can help you catch up when you are behind. At this point you will be reaching level 6, unlocking your ultimate, level 9 which unlocks perma-W, as well as level 11 which just gives you a further power-spike. Match Up specific tips can help in your lanes and as you level up you get stronger as discussed earlier in the guide.

If your lane is not going well, and your Teleport as well as Fear Beyond Death are available, it would be worth consideration to teleport to the bot lane if they are overextended and pick up a kill or two, and maybe even a dragon.

If your lane is going very well, freeze the wave as shown above, build up a nice wave, and then fast push (use your shotguns to push the wave quickly) and make it crash into the enemy's tower. From there, you can either get vision in the enemy jungle, or if you have already done so or know the jungler is on the bot side of the map, grab yourself an early rift herald for some free plates! This could also be a good opportunity to recall, buy items, and return to lane without burning your Teleport. Your laner generally won't be able to even notice you are doing this as they are farming under tower. If the enemy jungler does show up you would want to reset herald and give up though unless you kill them as their smite will simply steal it away from you.

Another tactic you can use if your lane is going well, is stealing jungle camps from the enemy. This can be risky as you may end up in a 3v1 if the mid, top, and jungle collapse onto you. Having good vision control can help negate this. How you would go about it, is shoving the wave under tower as described in the previous paragraph, go into the jungle and steal gromp / krugs, depending on the side of the map, and place down some wards on your way out. You can take the entire top-side camps if you wish, as this will definitely tilt the jungler, however be sure to keep an eye on the state of your lane and know when to recall to get the items. Having 1,500 gold in your pocket doesn't win you a fight.

Moving into the later stages of the game, where Urgot hits level 13, and level 15, his last two natural power-spikes, you can almost definitely 1v1 most top lane champions unless they are disgustingly fed, they manage to outplay you, or you miss your important skillshots such as E or R. Note: Most.

You want to be patient when you are deciding when to use Disdain and Fear Beyond Death as both of these abilities are very impactful, but if you miss them it can give the other team a large opening to engage on a fight. Sometimes holding onto an ability keeping that constant fear in their minds can catch someone off guard. They know you have your R, and are trying to play around it. If you use it and miss, they will have a window to win a fight.

Lastly, you don't even have to be in a teamfight to be scary. You have a lot of 1v1, even 1v2 pressure. You can pressure enemy team by splitpushing with an available to use Teleport. It's enough to tilt enemy team as long as you do split-pushing correctly. For example, if baron is spawning soon, split bot with your Teleport ready, and be ready to go help the team, and the same goes for late game dragon fights which are even more impactful with the introduction of dragon souls.

If you do decide to split push, be cautious and get some good vision around your side of the map to ensure that you don't get collapsed on. You should only be pushing if you can see all memebers of the enemy team, or if your team is actively pushing a separate objective giving you pressure on the map.

teamfighting tips

Below you can find links to useful videos, as well as a link to a couple streams;

Urgotem's Twitch

Urgot Match Up Examples!

Urgotem's entire channel featuring even more Urgot content.

Below is an in-game example of Urgot's AA - 3W - AA combo
Work In Progress Forever

Below are some Mechanical Videos such as using your E, Disdain, and using Flash quickly after to redirect it or extend the range. Many thanks to Just Cryo for recording these and editing them!

Starting things off, we have E + Flash, one of the most used combos.

Next up we have canceling the R animation with using W

You can do a similar animation cancel by using E from a close range, followed up by Q or R

Here is another example of it.

And this helps distinguish the difference between the two to see if you were too far.

A smaller trick is to use R and flash. This doesn't change the trajectory, but might get you out of danger.

You can see the same interaction here with Q.

This video demonstrates how Urgot's W prioritizes champions

This one is a bit complex. First you R, then you W, after that you use E + Flash as shown in the first video, all in under a second. It might take some practice.

Last one we have for now, is a crucial mechanic in teamfights. This can allow you to get a surprise fear by flashing over a wall, or to gap close towards the enemy teams damage dealers, and fear them while they die.
You are first pick, you feel confident on picking Urgot, so you lock him in and hope. You see Nasus, is that good? bad? Let's find out with these match up tips and guides below!

An important note is that in some cases Executioner's Calling is a much better item that Bramble Vest and it works both ways. The best example is Nasus who if you have Bramble Vest will simply ignore you and heal off of minions, whereas with Executioner's Calling you control when he can heal.

One last note is that you may find some Match Ups easier, or harder than others especially depending on the skill level of yourself, and the players you are against. You may also find these matchups more or less often depending on numerous factors such as role, current meta, and elo. Anivia top is something I have only ever seen once, mid may see it more often of course, but a few of these you may never see. Picks like Lucian top though can be rare or common depending on the current meta.

This is probably a bit outdated, but if youd like to look I will leave the link still! You can find the full notes of these match ups as well as what type of build would be best here:

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Aatrox's early cool downs are very high just like Urgot. Dodge Q’s, and time your E properly to not get it cancelled by Aatrox’s Q’s or to buffer the Q. You can E Aatrox when he goes to use the 3rd Q to ensure minimal damage is taken, but can be risky if the Q lands on you. Bramble Vest is a good item to counter his healing considering his passive is an auto attack, though Executioner's Calling is a good option too depending on the team. He can be deceptively hard to kill when he hits level 6 and has immense 2v1 potential as he can heal a very large amount if he uses his ultimate, and begins to land many Q's on both you and your jungler. He also moves rather fast in his ultimate so be careful not to miss your ultimate! Goredrinker also adds to his immense healing abilities.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Spectre's Cowl is good against her Q, but not required.
Akali's Q slows, in addition to shroud making trades very difficult. A lot of her damage is in her passive auto attacks so do your best not to be hit by them. If she uses shroud, and you hit her with E, she will get stunned in place even if you can't see her so keep that in mind when fighting. If you are level 9+ and you land Q or E on her and she uses shroud, just keep your W on and it will hit her if she reveals herself. At any point if she recasts her E, you can simply E her and flip her. They recently increased the damage her E does (11.6) so keep that in mind for trades.

Matchup difficulty

Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Anivia is a very difficult Match Up. Farm as much as you can, take Flash/ Ghost. You don’t win, you have to group with the team and win teamfights. Awful match up. She can wall you off and stun you with relative ease as Urgot is very large. There is not a lot you can do in this lane besides try to force some team fights. Stride gave some freedom in this lane but without the dash it's back to being very unfun.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Azir is just about as bad as Anivia. Farm as much as you can, take Flash/ Ghost. You don’t win, you have to group with the team and win teamfights. Awful match up. He is rather slippery with his dash and the fact that he can poke you with a lot of damage from far away. If you do manage to get onto him, his dash will stop if he hits a champion. In addition, once he hits level 6, he can just fling you away if you do manage to get on top of him. Similar to Anivia, just try to be useful in teamfights.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
When playing against Camille you want to try to buffer her E with your E, and be patient with your R as she can dodge it or become untargetable with her own R. Be careful of her second cast of Q as it does true damage and can do a lot of damage. You can not flash out of her ultimate either. Camille can scale very well into the late game, however you should be able to take her in 1v1 fights throughout most of the mid-late game just be wary of the true damage Q as said before as it can do a large chunk of damage later into the game. Her early game damage and shielding can be deceptively strong so keep that in mind and poke her when you can. Plated Steelcaps is a very good item against her as it reduces her true damage on Q.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Cassiopeia Her W can stop you from using E so be cautious of that, and her R is of course very scary. She can also get to healing a good amount once she gets rolling and Conqueror proc'd so be aware of that. She does a lot of damage through her Q and E which she also heals off of. The easiest way to gap close against her would to simply Disdain + Flash, which will be talked about more below. This of course requires your Flash to be off cooldown. Not something you will commonly see top, but can be very annoying if you do.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
When playing against Cho'Gath, be careful of getting combo'd into his ultimate execute. Dodging his Q is very important for that. He can also silence you for an extremely long duration, scaling from 1.6 to 2 full seconds. This makes surviving tower-dives against him tougher if you can't use your abilities or summoner spells. Getting hit by the Q is also easy since Urgot is so large, or if he buys Everfrost. If you are having troubles dodging it, get boots early to speed yourself up. Magic Resist will always help against him if you are having issues, and he builds a lot of health which works to your passive's advantage.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Darius has a lot of early game power and you must be cautious of his ultimate, passive, healing, and do your best not to miss your E or disengage with E. Take advantage of his cooldowns. If you can auto attack him, he can E you. Once you get Titanic Hydra as well as hitting your level 9, 11, and 13 power-spikes, fighting Darius becomes infinitely easier. You still need to be cautious of the damage he can do but you can outscale him simply by farming and getting xp, and be careful not to let a gank turn into a double kill for Darius. He lost stride dash just like we did, but he relied on it a lot more than us.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
When trying to lane against Diana you need to try to dodge the Q and try to stay healthy. Landing E is crucial. She is an assassin, however she and her build are very beefy so don't think you can burst her as easily as the other assassins. There is not much else to her besides dodging one of the most awkward skill-shots in the game. Her shield can get rather large and magic resist can be very helpful against her if needed. She plays into Urgot's favor as she needs to be melee range, so as long as you don't get poked down too low with Q you will win many all in's later into the game.

Dr. Mundo
Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Awful matchup. One rework turned him into Urgot's hardest matchup. His passive counters your kit. If you want to R him, you need to use your E and you must land it. However, even if you do land the E, your W will not get purge applied to him until you lane Q or R, since your E landing popped his passive, it is as if your E did not land. Not to mention the damage he does, and the immediate Executioner's Calling you are required to have to deal with him. Very hard matchup.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Fiora can not only avoid getting stunned by your E, but she will also stun you. It is very easy for Fiora to do this as Urgot's E is very slow and predictable. You must be sure not to use your E until after she has used Riposte. She can also cancel either cast of Urgot's R with this ability. Fiora heals massive amounts as well as rushes Goredrinker and Ravenous Hydra so getting Grevious Wounds is absolutely vital. A bad Fiora is very easy to play against, however a good fiora can make you miserable. Unless she gets very fed you will outscale her especially when your shotguns start to hit lower cooldowns. Fiora wants to run around you to proc her vitals, and you want her to run around you to shoot her with shotguns. Lastly, when she ults you, hug a wall so that she can not get the healing from her R. You can e in her direction but purposefully miss her so that you can gapclose and get the shield but not be stunned by her. However, Fiora could Flash into the target location of your e, and Riposte to land a stun on you. So be aware of that if you do try this.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Gangplank is a rather tough match up for Urgot. He can spam his Q, and proc Grasp of the Undying at full efficiency which starts to hurt a lot once he gets sheen/and when he completed trinity force. His passive gives a lot of true damage, as well as his barrels giving armor penetration. As mentioned before he can W out of your R, so be careful of that too. A skilled gangplank can be a menace as he can rotate his barrels to get his passive on you numerous times in one fight, not to mention immense poke from his Q and barrels. Level 9 and past you can use both your W, and W trick to delete his barrels quickly, but still be careful of a well timed Q to detonate the barrel. Gangplank is going to be plopping down more and more barrels after 11.17 so we will see how this changes him, but I assume this does nothing to his laning phase as he has to max E for more barrels.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Garen is a rather simple match up. When Garen presses Q, his sword glows. That glow is your signal to get ready to press E. You instantly E him to buffer out the silence and the Q damage thanks to your shield. Then you W and shoot him a lot. Do be careful though as his ultimate does a lot of true damage. A smart Garen will use his W when you do E him, to try and reduce the stun duration, so be aware of that. After a couple trades he will retreat to heal with his passive. You can either use this to push him off of xp and gold range, and/or keep trying to poke him with auto's or Q's to keep him from sustaining. One last note is that Garen's Q will cleanse slows, so try to use your Q after he already has if you can. If he presses q and then you q, a lot of garens will get discouraged from the slow and not even bother going in. Lastly, you can press w while e is winding up so that even if you are still silenced you will be able to shoot him with w.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Gwen can be a pretty tough match-up if she is a skilled player. She is capable of insnae amounts of healing as well as untargetability while inside of her W. These combined can make her particularly annoying in laning phase, as well as a team fight. Be sure to get some anti-heal to deal with her, and respect her damage. Her level 1 is not as scary as it was before her E nerf, but it is still worth keeping in mind. Later into the game if she is kept under CC you can kill her with ease, however without CC she is quite slippery and can use her ultimate to heal large amounts when hitting numerous opponents.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
A good tip for Gnar is that you can buffer both of his stuns (W) and (R) Fighting him in mega gnar is more advantageous for you than mini since he is melee. Second Wind or Bone Plating are very good choices for this match up. Every third auto or ability Gnar deals to you deals bonus magic damage scaling with your Max HP, as well as gives Gnar more movement speed for 3 seconds. This is vital to know in trades and is why you do not want to fight Mini Gnar. He deals a lot of damage outside of your attack range and has a large amount of mobility in movement speed stats, slows, as well as his hop, e. Gnar losing out on stride means he has slightly fallen out of the meta pick he became for a while, though he can still be a bit annoying.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Heimerdinger is not very popular top but very annoying to deal with. You will end up under your tower farming most of the game, so as shown above getting Second Wind, Doran's Shield or Spectre's Cowl will help against his rather obnoxious poke. You can try to E + Flash him, however if you miss or if he lands his stun on you, you might be dead. Spectres Cowl is still a great item to help against his poke, but remember you cannot build it into adaptive helm anymore :(

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Illaoi can be difficult if you are unable to dodge her E. Urgot has a large hitbox which makes doing so difficult. One main thing is to never fight an Illaoi during her R, Leap of Faith. One bright side is the fact that Illaoi heals more the lower hp she is, which won't matter once she gets below 25% as you will execute her. Last note is that if you are level 9+ you can delete her tentacles before they slam down, but they will still slam down. Be careful of that.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Irelia is rather easy since you can buffer her stuns, she runs around you to proc shotguns, and can even get bramble vest/ninja tabi if needed. Similar to Fiora, Irelia needs to be on top of you to take trades which allows you free shotgun shots onto her. She got a lot of changes lately, which the community says has left her a bit strong. I do not think the changes will change how you play against her as Urgot, but time will tell. Overall a rather easy Match Up but just some things to consider. Lastly, you can E towards a minion that you anticipate she will Q to, but could leave you vulnerable.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
When Jax uses E, you use E a little later to buffer the stun and stun him, and then gun him down. If he is not using his E, you turn your W on then once he uses it, turn W off and E him. This is the bread and butter of how to fight a jax. If he has his passive fully stacked you generally don't wanna fight him as it is a lot of free attack speed. If Jax gets wise and stops using E, you want to turn your W on, if you are level 9 or higher, until he turns his e on. When he does, you want to turn your W off, and E him as explained before.

With some changes to Jax back in 10.16 his E cooldown is now lower than your E cooldown at all stages of the game. This should not change the Match Up too much, however it can lead to unfortunate incidents where he has his E, and you do not. Be aware of that.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Dodging Jayce's ranged Q is important, and you can buffer his hammer form E with your own, but beware as he can do the same. Generally Jayce tends to build lethality, meaning if you respond with some health and armor items his damage will mean a lot less to you. He can poke you from very far away, and make a trade before knocking you away leaving you no chance to retaliate, but if you play it right your E will buffer that knockback and you can get some damage of your own in.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
When laning against Karma, it is best to avoid her snares as well as her autos if she builds Iceborn Gauntlet or has Glacial Augment or could also have Everfrost. Magic resist is very useful against her, and you will be moreso involved in teamfights rather than getting solo kills. Karma is very difficult to lockdown in one place, let alone kill with the healing from her W.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Be sure not to use your ultimate until Kayle does. If you do have to be ready to use your E the second that you can to ensure it lands on her. Before she hits 6, be sure to pressure her as much as you can, similar to Nasus. You can kill her at any point with ease pre-6 as she is very squishy. Just be aware of Junglers and that she can speed herself up, and slow you down if she lands her Q. Late game you don't generally want to 1v1 her since she can kite you with slows, and speed ups with ease. If you do manage to get on her, you likely will be able to delete her as she is weak to cc. Her R invulnerability duration increases with level- 2/2.5/3 seconds. She is unable to attack or cast abilities during the 1.5s cast time. Your r reels them in over 1.5 seconds. If you ult Kayle (hit her with r1) and she is in range, and then ults, all you have to do is wait until either just before or just after the swords drop to recast r (depending on her ult rank) Note: the swords drop at the end of the 1.5s cast time always. At this point she gets the remaining invulnerability to attack freely. However, most Kayle's will indeed wait for you to send the chains before using their R. Feel free to try this once on a Kayle, but if she plays it right you shouldn't bother trying later as she probably will do it correctly. Be cautious of her R damage. If kayle does start to get out of hand, Anathema's Chains may be a valuable buy.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
When playing against Kennen build Tiamat or Kindlegem into some Magic Resist such as Spectre's Cowl and be sure to land your E. Be aware of his Ultimate and his ability to stun you with relative ease. He is not very beefy unless he is in his ultimate where he gains bonus resistances, but can be slippery with his E which gives him 100% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. Note: Merc treads are not necessarily that good into kennen. One of his strengths is being able to stun you multiple times, and while on paper that seems like you’d go for merc treads just for that you have to consider: Every stun after the first is .5 seconds long. Tenacity will not reduce cc duration lower than .5 seconds. Merc treads aren’t wasted into him because he does have that first stun, as well as the magic resist itself, but they aren’t a necessity despite his ability to stun multiple times.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Be cautious of his remount mechanic being able to dodge the ult and the chains, as well as W attack speed to deal a burst of damage very fast. Most Kled's are very aggressive and will not hesitate to fight you. Generally you outscale Kled as he is powerful in the early game but you need to respect the remount possiblity to ensure you kill him at the appropriate time.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
K'Sante is a champion I do not have a ton of experience laning against yet, but just use your range advantage to poke him down, avoid the walls, and save your ult for after he uses his, since it reduces his max HP significantly. His Q is also very slow, and very easy to dodge unless he E's on top of you.

Lee Sin
Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Lee Sin is a matchup I have little experience against, but you should be able to just play safe and farm, but beware him Q'ing you and recasting to bait your E, he can simply hop with W to dodge your E.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Lillia is a rather annoying Match Up as she can stack her passive on minions and she can be very slippery to get a hold of. Once you can get her locked down she is rather squishy and easy to take down but she can be scary if she gets fed. The seemingly best tactic is to wait for her to use her W, and that is when you E her and hit her with the full combo. Lillia top is not a very popular sight, so you shouldn't have to worry about it too much.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Lucian is one of the most annoying match ups to deal with as he can do so much damage while dashing away from you very effectively. Farm as much as you can, take flash/ghost. You don’t win, you have to group with the team and win teamfights. Awful match up. In lane, Lucian will never use his E unless you try to use yours. If he does use it then try to land an E on him to punish. Hope for a gank and do your best to stay healthy and alive. If he buys Galeforce, just cry. Most of the time he goes Kraken though. Solo lane lucian seems to be getting hit hard in 11.17, so this may no longer be a matchup that we ever see. It is already quite rare.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Lulu has high base damage in the early game and can poke you out with relative ease, while having slows and shielding for self peel in addition to polymorth and her ultimate. If you can get on top of her, she is rather squishy, but this is hard to achieve so unless you are getting a gank it may be better just to farm and scale where her poke means less to you.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Malphite is a rather easy match up, though if he buys Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest it gets a bit more annoying. No real items outside of core needed for this matchup, though if he is poking you a lot with his Q and a decent amount of AP, Spectre's Cowl, Doran's Shield, or Second Wind can all help negate that damage. Respect his all in damage with his ultimate, and the possiblities of being ganked, but you should outscale him and the armor he builds will be less effective as you build Titanic Hydra anyway dealing even more damage when you finish Cleaver, and do % Max HP damage.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Maokai is a tougher one since you need Black Cleaver and grevious wounds to win fights against him due to his damage and healing. He can also dodge your E with his W, as well as your R, though that is covered in Ultimate Interactions. As the game goes on it will be easier to survive since you can get Titanic Hydra but he will also heal more as the game goes on. NOTE: Maokai’s passive is that every X seconds his next auto heals him. This cooldown is reduced by abilities he hits and abilities he is hit with. Shotgun knees (your passive) counts towards this cooldown and is one of the reasons this matchup is tough compared to other tanks.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Mordekaiser is a very hard match up for Urgot. His passive deals a lot of damage as well as his Q. He has natural magic pen, and any stats you do end up building he steals when he uses his ultimate on you. You tend to out-scale him as long as he doesn't get too far ahead though. Quicksilver Sash can be a very good item if his ultimate is becoming too annoying. You can buffer Mordekaiser's E with your E, Disdain in either direction – to nullify the pull, or to have more range on your e to engage on him by surprise. The new QSS item - Silvermere Dawn can be a nice completed item later into the game compared to Mercurial Scimitar

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Nasus is one of Urgot's best match ups as you can simply pressure him off of the wave to keep him from stacking at all. Every single cannon, Nasus will want to stack. Save your E for it and punish him for every single cannon. An early Executioner's Calling will ensure he can't sustain between engages. To do this though you must keep good vision control to avoid getting ganked. One last note, is that Nasus' W, Wither will not slow down your attack speed when using W, but you will get the movement speed debuff from Wither, which can be slightly mitigated with Urgot's W which gives a slow resistance. Divine Sunderer can make Nasus do a lot of damage later into the game, but you should still be able to handle him as long as you don't stand in his E.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Neeko is an especially annoying match up because she can go either Glacial Augment for the slows, or go on-hit Neeko with Press the Attack. They are both awful to deal with but you can not exactly tell which one she is going in champion select. Phase Rush could be viable against her, but items depend on which build she goes. Mercury's Treads is better against Glacial while Plated Steelcaps is better against on-hit Neeko. I have yet to see Neeko top in 2021, but it may return who knows.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Olaf top is not very popular, but if you run into it simply rush Bramble Vest and be sure to play safely. His ultimate can last indefinitely meaning you cannot E or R him, it is a very tough matchup to play if the olaf plays it well.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Ornn can be tough if he rushes Bramble Vest or worse, Warden's Mail. Regardless, the best thing to do is to dodge his Brittle procs from his W, R1, and R2 as best as you can as that is most of his damage. Brittle does not get marked on you from his W until the very end, and Ornn cannot turn so just walk to one side and you will be fine. If he does mark you with it, then just walk away and avoid the trade. His damage is mixed with Q and E doing physical while his W does %Max HP Magic Damage and his R does Magic Damage aswell, so keep that in mind when itemizing against him. Mercury's Treads can be useful Magic Resist, especially if there is more cc on their team, however most of Ornn's CC is not effected by tenacity; E, R2, and Brittle procs.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Pantheon is pretty simple as you want to wait for him to use his shield, and then you use your E so his shield is the wrong way, and you gun him down. He will be looking to Q you many times, or W into Q so just survive the first ten minutes, get some armor, and he will be much less of a threat to you and is very easy to kill as his E shield does not mean a whole lot to you. As he gets later into the game he gets free armor pen from leveling his ultimate, so keep that in mind if he is about to hit level 11 or 16.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Poppy can deal a big amount of damage if she manages to E you into a wall so be very cautious of that. You want to hope that she does not build bramble vest, and you could grab Doran's Shield to help with her passive poke. Her W can stop your E in its tracks so be aware of that and the fact that her W passive is similar to Ornns where she gets bonus MR and Armor, which is doubled when below 40% HP. You will outscale her just be cautious of her early damage and poke as it is quite irritating. Stepping on her shield will prevent her from getting the actual shield portion of her passive. If she is low and is charging her ult, you can R1 her – even if you’re knocked away you can recast R2. Also works if she is knocking only you away from your team.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Quinn is a tough one but if you can time it right and are lucky enough you can cancel out her E and flip her behind you with your own. Besides that you have to simply farm and try not to get poked down too hard and hope for a gank. Be sure to ping when she is missing ASAP once she hits 6 since in a few seconds she could be mid getting a kill or two. She will have ignite since she doesn't need TP, but you will outscale her and eventually be able to tank her damage and chase her down.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Rammus is probably the absolute hardest counter to Urgot. He will build Thornmail. He will taunt you. He will literally make you kill yourself by attacking him. The way to counter it is to turn off your W while Rammus uses his W. Thankfully it is not too common to take him top. Pick this if someone steals your Urgot, I hate to say it but it is really funny. There are 2 interactions that make Rammus so strong into urgot. First: W makes you auto 3x a second, on hit effects are applied at 50% However this does not apply to on hit effects you receive – (thornmail/bramble/Rammus W) This means the damage reflected is happening 3x (at full damage amount) a second, with Rammus w + thornmail stacking. This will kill you very fast. The second effect is that taunts will override your w, forcing it to hit the target who taunted you. In order to counter Rammus you have to be aware of these 2 things. If he has w up, do not w him. If he has taunt and w up do not w at all. If he has neither up, you can w him. Many Rammus will roll up to you, taunt you, and use w. That’s fine. As soon as his w is over you can use your w.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Renekton can delete your shield, stun you and heal with q. Along with his ult being magic damage with his high base damage. Generally when you see him dash you know he is going to stun you which means you can charge up your E and buffer the stun. Be wary of his Fury bar. Bramble Vest is good to grab as all of his damage besides Q relates to auto attacks.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Rengar's Lvl 1 is his hard point of his damage, but you can disdain and blast him to kingdom come. Also his empowered roar can cleanse the ult. He is an assassin, so as you build more health and armor it will get continually harder for him to kill you. Don't fight in the middle of 3 bushes and you should be fine. If he starts to get fed just chill and farm and you will get to a point where you beat him again. He should be pretty easy with tabi as whenever he’s using his passive it makes it extremely easy to hit your e, along with him being fairly squishy. He may go a more bruiser build with black cleaver and a Tiamat item at which point he is a bit more of a threat. Also note: his r reduces armor on the target he ults for a flat amount (12/18/24) so don’t be surprised by his damage after ulting. Also if he is ulting and there are no other targets in w range, turn it on. It will start shooting him before his jump even finishes, letting you get a slight edge on him.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Riven is pretty even and while it does favor Urgot, a good Riven can dodge most of your abilities. She is slippery and annoying to deal with, if she wants to fight she can chase you down with ease, and if she doesn't want to fight she is going to run away with ease. Be cautious of her level 6 powerspike since she can nearly one shot you with it for some reason. You do outscale her as the game goes on and she will probably end up saving her E for when you E, that or one of her many Q's.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Rumble is melee range and can be killed lvl 6 and beyond for relatively free. Adaptive helm has been deleted so your best bet probably is to sit on Cowl until later in the game when you upgrade it to Spirit Visage. Be cautious of his ultimate as it can lock you down in some big time damage or can be used to zone you into him and his jungler. As the game goes on and you get more health and resistances, the 1v1 fights should get easier if you did end up falling behind. At high heat level (above 50%) he will deal extra damage but if he reaches full heat (100%) he will be self silenced. If he does this, jump on him if possible. He won’t be able to retaliate until his heat reaches 0 and even then he wont have the empowered abilities from having high heat.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Ryze is weak early but out-ranges you. You can try to keep him slowed by using Iceborn Gauntlet. He can spam out abilites and damage which would make adaptive helm a very good pick to take against him, but since you can't buy it, spirit visage or stoneplate is probably your best bet. Be wary of his root stopping your engage though as it can be quite annoying. His w will only root while you’re marked with e. If you’re not marked with e he cannot root you.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Sett can sustain rather decently with his passive, and you want to be sure not to use your E until you either use it to dodge his W by flipping him, or to use it after he has already used his W. Later into the game you can fight him easily but should still respect the true damage from his W, and getting Grevious Wounds if he ends up building Blade of the Ruined King.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Shen's max health damage on top of his ability to negate your entire w makes him a hard adversary. Be wary of his early game damage. Most Shen's will have TP as well as his ultimate. Sometimes it is better to use your TP and help the team, and sometimes it is better to shove the wave in and get some platings, forcing him to burn his TP to get back to the lane after the fight. The right call depends on the teams, the state of the game, and the communication you have with the laners. If shen is ulting mid to save his zed and your mid laner is about to be in a 3v1, and he is at 20% hp, just shove the wave since you teleporting probably just means you die too. However if a teamfight at dragon pit is brewing and Shen uses his ult, get TP'ing and help your team with that fight. Those are just two examples and are my opinion of what is right to do. Your mid laner may disagree ;) If he is sub 25% hp, you can mark him with ult and as soon as his ult finishes or right before you can recast it. This can bait the enemy team into going in (thinking they have a shen) However this is also a situational play.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Singed can try to proxy you though you can farm well, and if he tries to fight you, you can buffer his E with your own and just kill him. You generally can stay healthy using your E to help farm outside of tower range if he is proxy'ing. At almost no stages of the game can he actually win a 1v1 fight with you. Just do not, at any cost or reason, chase a singed. Do. Not. Chase. A. Singed. You will die, he will laugh, you will feel bad.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
A good Sion will try to mind game you, you can cancel his Q with your E but he can stall out your ultimate with his own. For the most part you will win 1v1's especially going later and later into the game, you just should be aware of his passive and the fact that he can and will run you down if you kill him. You can use your E on the dead Sion if really needed. He also gets more and more health as the game goes on, which is fine as you do % Max HP damage.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Skarner is a rather easy match up though be sure to stay away from his tower to avoid being ulted under it. It is not seen very often and Mercury's Treads are an absolute must with the amount of CC Skarner provides. Generally just a farm lane and keep vision of the Jungler to avoid being dragged across the lane into the junglers arms. Be aware tenacity does not reduce the duration of his ult.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Swain will use Grasp and poke you a lot, very beefy laner overall. He has a lot of healing and can do some good damage. He isn't seen top a lot but you should outscale him going into the mid-late stages of the game as long as you didn't feed him too much. Executioner's Calling is very important to counter Swain's healing.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Against Sylas you must be wary of their healing with Kingslayer, and the fact he can steal your own ult and use it against you. A lot of his damage is his E and his W, so play around these cooldowns and healing. He has rather long cooldowns which give you an opportunity to fight back and get yourself a kill. His damage output is primarily magic however, he does need to weave auto attacks in. This means that you CAN go thornmail which in most cases will help with the w heal – if they have a full ad team otherwise and you need more armor. If they are not an AD team, you probably wanna go Chempunk Chainsword.

Tahm Kench
Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Tahm Kench is not too common anymore but can be a total pain if played well. He is tanky, does damage from afar, and can eat you or a teammate and cancel your ult. Be wary of his tankiness and his second health bar. His W is pretty predictable but most of what he does is stat checks you.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
When against Teemo just fight him, avoid shrooms, spirit visage is helpful against him and builds from Spectre's Cowl which can be vital in the early game. The toughest part about Teemo is his blind, while blinded your shotguns will not go off at all. You simply want to leave your W off until he uses it, pre-9 anyway. You can expect to get very little ganks if you need them though as the shrooms make it hard for your jungler to navigate into the lane. Once post 9 you can turn your W on to melt wards, and shrooms that get placed in vision.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Trundle and his ultimate really **** urgot over. His pillar can cause frustrations with your E as it can block it as well as the slow. Overall not fun to play against but if he ults anyone else, you can shred him.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
For Tryndamere, pray that he doesn't crit you too often and try to keep his Rage bar down low. He will split push the entire game no matter what. His ultimate is one of the most annoying things about Urgot, as described in the interactions, and it can make winning a fight against him very hard. You somewhat outscale him in the fact that you get beefier and can tank him for longer, however his ult lasting for 5 seconds is simply painful if you are not beefy enough. Randuin's Omen can be a great item, especially if they have numerous crit champions in other lanes such as Yasuo, Yone, or most of the ADC's in the game.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
May the best crab win.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Vayne is a pain to deal with, and can condemn you out of your E as well as kite around with ult invisibility. You do not outscale her, she does % Max HP true damage, for whatever reason. The only thing you can realistically build is items like Thornmail or Frozen Heart as these items will slow down her attack speed. You generally would want to stick to teamfights as the downside to Vayne top is that it can really hurt a teams synergy.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Viego can be hit or miss depending on the exact patch, his strength as a solo laner goes up and down but all in all he is a strong fighter as he can heal a lot, but you can E as he is using his W and flip him into a disadventageous situation for him. Just be carefult of his R as he can either do large amounts of unexpected damage or dash in a direction to dodge your ult.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Volibear is one of the most oppressive lane bullies at the moment. You want to dodge his E, and take short trades, E'ing him when he goes to Q you. The longer the trade the worse it will go for you as he will continue to use W. Be wary of tower dives with his ultimate, and just wait for the game to go on longer as you will do more damage naturally. You still want to avoid extremely long fights as he can sustain very well with his W.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Vladimir can dodge abilites and chains with W, and can heal nonstop while poking you. Early grevious wounds. Wait out his E. some MR like spectres cowl could be good but Executiioner's is vital. He can and will outscale you in the fact that he is hard to lock down, especially with phase rush, and that he will heal beyond belief. Though he has very long cooldowns and very little healing in the early stages of the game so take advantage of that. Thankfully not one you see very often.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Warwick top hops in and out but they usually take Barrier so be careful thinking you can kill and then the barrier pops up. He is rather strong in the early levels, but as the game goes on his damage should mean less to you and yours should be stronger. With Lethal Tempo he has become a bit scarier, so just be cautious of when he activates the rune and when your windows to fight him are.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Wukong is very item reliant, take advantage of his weaker early game damage without items. Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest for sure. Be cautious of the double cast on his R and the fact that his clone can use it too. Try to punish him for farming early and do your best not to use R on the clone.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Yasuo's Windwall can block everything except Disdain, and can obviously dash out of your abilities with his Sweeping Blade. Plated Steelcaps is definitely recommended, bramble kinda depends but is always good. Yasuo top is rather rare but it is very slippery and annoying to deal with. He can poke you down with Q's and all in you when he wants to and dip out the second he is done. Building resistances and landing your E on him will help a lot against him. Passive is not triggered if the auto is blocked by windwall – but windwall will not block the passive itself as your passive is not a projectile. Randiuns is very good into him, especially if there are other crit based champions on the team. Be aware that he gets bonus armor penetration after ulting.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Yone can be scary if he gets ahead, and while I have yet to see him top lane, I think if you do see him it will be similar to yasuo. Grab yourself Plated Steelcaps and use your E in time with his charged up Q resulting in him dashing at you. There may also be some sort of ultimate interaction between Urgot's R and Yone's E as it makes him unstoppable. Randuins also very good for Yone, again especailly if there are many crit based champions on their team. Additionally, any damage he does to your E shield is not echoed when he recasts e. His ult cast is very long but note – he does not dash in his ult. If you are e buffering the ult do not e towards him as it will never hit. E where he is ulting to. His ult brings you right behind him so if you do it right, it should always hit.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Death is a preferable alternative. Winning is not an option. Yorick's wall is a nightmare to be put up against, especially since Urgot's W does not target prioritize it at all; Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps are recommended. When he has maiden you do not want to fight him as you will basically be 5v1. He is a tough Match Up and split pushes almost all game. Try to shut him down early and keep him shut down.

Matchup difficulty
Summoners Recommended Item(s) Or Rune(s)
Why are they Zac top? In all seriousness, the healing from his blobs can make or break a fight against him, so be ready to try to keep him from healing with them. You destroy the blobs the same way as poppy's shield, by stepping on them. He also heals a lot from Conqueror. This is a rare pick but can be annoying and provides a lot of gank assist for the jungler if they decide they want to camp you. You will outscale him, you don't really lose in trades as long as you keep track of his blobs and keep him from healing rediculous amounts. This is not as popular of a pick as it was last season.
Many, many hours have gone into crafting this guide. Parts have been deleted, added, and reworked. It will continue to be updated, changed, and revisited especially with the item rework that came this preseason. Champions will be added and Match Ups will be added. The content from this guide is a combination of Urgot Mains, however the guide itself on Mobafire was created soley by me, Urgotem, with the help of Just Cryo for the chapter headers and some videos as mentioned. If you guys have any questions about Urgot or the guide itself, feel free to leave a comment, join the Urgot Mains discord, make a post on the subreddit, check out my stream or add me on discord! Urgotem#4813

I truly hope everyone can learn something from this guide. Either those who are new to Urgot, like Urgot but can benefit from some macro advice, or even high mastery point players that just learned a thing or two. I have greatly enjoyed crafting this guide and look forward to the feedback from everyone.

Special thanks to those who dealt with the many screenshots, questions, and requests for feedback. Nicram and Just Cryo once again. Thanks to all of you for helping me get a second opinion at one point or another.

I really cannot manage to thank you all enough. The number of views and attention this guide has received continues to blow me away.
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