LoL Best Kayn Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Kayn on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Kayn builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 8 Builds
Cut Through The Unwilling
Season 7 Guides
Hop aboard the Kayn Train (Jungle/Top/Mid)
Kayn Overdose~Top Lane (Rhaast only)
A proper guide to Kayn (or Kanye if you're dyslexic)
Kayn Kan Kane (+Muramana Blue Build Kayn! First Ever!)
You smell ..... BAD ( A guide to kayn jungle )
Kayn, [Top, Mid, Jungle] Both Forms!
The Korean Kayn Jungle
Kayn Mid, "I,m no toll" (Still in progress)
Kayn jgl op guide!
[7.14] Dominating the JG with Kayn!
[S7] Kayn, the fat tank that heals (a lot)
Malmortious' Kayn Guide
In Depth Guide to AD Brucer Kayn. [Viable for Both forms!]
Season 7 Builds