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Leona Build Guide by GoldMiner

ADC Leona - Azir's *****

ADC Leona - Azir's *****

Updated on December 6, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GoldMiner Build Guide By GoldMiner 2,988 Views 1 Comments
2,988 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GoldMiner Leona Build Guide By GoldMiner Updated on December 6, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Welcome to my build, for the AD bruiser Leona bot, for those more ballsy players, who dont always stick to the meta. Please do not hate on me, I know this is uhh not quite a casual build but you dont have to try it, its just for those who want, and its actually really effective. I tried it multiple times, I won 6/7 games, its quite effective because the chances of winning your lane are really big, since youll be outdamaging most setups. My name is Stormcloack and hope this build gets you some wins!
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Why Smite? I dont know, I just had the idea, but I must say its not too bad. The slow is really good for catching out people. In lane it falls off quite a lot, all you wanna do is Smite minions to proc the Relic Shield stacks, at least you wont miss them. You can also farm from afar while being zoned. In earlygame you wanna help your jungler with his first camp with the smite aswell, but ALWAYS make sure he smites first so HE gets the Smite bonus, not you! Once you get your blue Smite, use it as aggresive as it goes.
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Skill Sequence

The skill sequence is explained enough in the notes, but: Max W to get the resist this build is missing in earlygame, E second for cooldown reduction and switch to Q as soon as you get Sheen for fair amount of burst. Ult obviously whenever you can.
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Try what you want, but I myself was using my recommended page, and it was quite good. You can always add up CDR, mr, AD, maybe MS or more Arm. Pen, feel free!
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Team Work

You might be an aggresive support, but still support.. leave all creeps (except for the ones you get with your relic shield passive) aswell as kills to your ADC, he needs them more than you, keep in mind you cant win a 1v2 lane, or at least not as easily as you would win with a lot of gold from assists and a fed ADC doing lots of damage. Always try to leave kills for your teammates and keep peeling in mind, stun assasins going for your ADC, use your Face of the Mountain, not only on yourself, always stand in the front, unless youre covering backlines. Youre still a tank. Just with some damage.
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You have a lot of possibilities in case of items, just keep one thing in mind - You can change your Warrior into Juggernaut at any point of the game, or you can just leave the Stalker's Blade unupgraded and get that later.
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As good as every mastery page will probably work, but the early game gold and biscuits are highly recommended, for any other support aswell!
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Pros / Cons

Pros: -Very strong laning phase
-Can do much on your own in laning phase
-2 Smites equal safer Baron and Drake
-Can counterjungle with the Smite if lane is won
-Even more cc
Cons: -Not much combat items early = Low combat stats
-Smite quite useless in lane
-Useless if you dont use your advantage in lane
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This was my short Leona build, hope you have fun trying it and as many gg's for you as it goes. Peace later.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GoldMiner
GoldMiner Leona Guide
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Leona - Azir's *****

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