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K'Sante Build Guide by Boptimus

[Masters] K'Sante MegaGuide - (All Matchups) [13.21]

[Masters] K'Sante MegaGuide - (All Matchups) [13.21]

Updated on November 6, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Boptimus Build Guide By Boptimus 212 6 422,122 Views 19 Comments
212 6 422,122 Views 19 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Boptimus K'Sante Build Guide By Boptimus Updated on November 6, 2023
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Runes: Grasp 1

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Grasp of the Undying

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+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


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Champion Build Guide

[Masters] K'Sante MegaGuide - (All Matchups) [13.21]

By Boptimus
Mini-Rework Notes/Update

Hello Readers!

It's been a while since I've made any kind of update, mainly for 2 reasons; I've been waiting for Riot to do large scale changes on K'Sante AND I haven't been playing nearly as much League as I used to be able to. Still I love writing Guides and helping players reach higher peaks, so I wanted to take the time to comb through and make sure everything in this Guide is still relevant, which to my surprise it honestly is all still pretty accurate (I do put effort into the way I word things and the information I share so that it can transcend patches and hold the test of time).

SO, My Thoughts on the Mini-Rework:

I don't think it's any secret at this point that K'Sante was completely f***ing BUSTED in the hands of highly skilled players. The options K'Sante has available both defensively and offensively are like nothing I have ever seen in League (the only thing I can think of that comes close is some kind of cracked chinese Riven player).

When you think of "Assassin Tank" then AP Malphite comes to mind. He's a glorified R button, and then he gets blasted. K'Sante retains a lot of his defensive stats while being able to burst carries, and go toe-to-toe with some of the strongest duelists in the game, while also having the luxury of moving enemy champions around and creating space similar to the zone control that Gragas has.

This comes with the downside of; His kit is really simple at first glance, which hinders newer players because depending on the numbers, you really need to know how to use your abilities together to maximize damage and survivability. All of the options are there, but you need to have match up knowledge, and you need to have a really good understanding of how to use your kit. He's very easy to mess up on if you don't know what you're doing, or what you're playing against.

That being said, they added some counter play to some of K'Sante's strongest combos. 3 key changes that they made that simply can't be ignored:

Flash is locked while using Q3

This is a fair change. You really couldn't react to it and combo it in such a way that you can carry your target wherever you wanted with follow up from your E, W and R. Displacement like that should be able to have counterplay. If they can't react to a normal Q3, they deserve to die for it.

Q stacks reset after All Out

Which is honestly very fair. You could stack up to Q3, ult, and you could lock someone up to eat the full force of All Out's damage. As long as you had something to stack on and got in melee range of a carry, they were as good as dead. This also helped K'Sante come out on top of duels much easier. CC in a close duel can easily be the deciding factor of winning.

I personally never relied on this too much, because I normally would use my Q3 into W, and All Out someone to Narnia (or into my own team). So to adjust just be aware of your options, and try to get creative in Tank form.

W can no longer be tapped (and has a minimum charge)

Which is easily the most brutal change. Whenever you take the fluidity out of a champions kit and make them more clunky, it feels really really really bad. I would rather see numbers reduced than see a change that makes the feel of a champion worse.

But I understand that they had to do something, so it's whatever. I never used any of the bugged W tap interactions but I don't think I've ever used the full charge of W unless it we're to cancel incoming CC or for extra Damage Reduction.

It seems like they've come closer to the goal of making K'Sante easier to balance between Pro and Standard play. As of this patch (13.21) his numbers are obviously way too high, so over time we'll see them come back more into line.

Aside from the W and Q3-R-Stack changes, K'Sante still functions pretty much the exact same, just slightly more clunky and some unreactable true combos were removed, which again, lets be honest, is very fair.

All thats left to do now is wait for Riot to ruin or overbuff K'Sante a few more times until his numbers come into line. Who knows, they might continue reworking some abilities.

So I guess until they overhaul the item system for the umptheeth time, this Guide should hold up until Season 14. Thank you again for taking the time to read, and I hope this helps! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to chat feel free to reach out!


The goal of this Guide is to cover as much of K'Sante as possible so that you can head into your Ranked games with all the tools you need to climb!

If you are a high Ranking K'Sante player maybe you have ways of dealing with certain match ups more efficiently so don't forgot to comment your best tips and tricks as well!

My name is Boptimus! I have been playing Top Lane for a little over 10 years, and I’m primarily a Tank player. My main champions are Sion and Gragas and I have a great deal of knowledge when it comes to Top Lane match ups and how to navigate through any given match as a Tank. My peak rank is Masters 272lp (Ladder Rank #1500) playing primarily Tanks, AD Sion and AP Gragas.

What draws me to K’Sante is his unique playstyle and versitility. I enjoy champions that have seemingly simplistic kits but have lots of skill expression. With K’Sante you aren’t stuck in one linear role, and you can change your build and mold your decision making to fit what your team composition needs most.

I hope you enjoy this guide and I hope it helps. Don’t forget to leave a vote and comment if you have any questions!

Lets dig in.

Important Information

Let's cover some important information you need to know about K'Sante!

Get the most out of your passive!

This is fairly short and simple. You have an extra 25 range on units who are marked with Dauntless Instinct. It is very important to weave in Auto Attacks between Q Ntofo Strikes and W Path Maker to greatly increase your damage output.

Your Q is your bread and butter

99% of the time you will be starting and maxing Q Ntofo Strikes.
Your Q has damage that scales off
40% Attack Damage,
30% Bonus Armor, and
30% Bonus Magic Resist.
This means a huge portion of your damage scaling actually comes from building resistences. Damage scaling with Resistences isn't unique to K'Sante, but K'Sante definitely has the highest Defensive to Offensive scaling in the game.
Ntofo Strikes also provides a 80% slow for 0.5 seconds, allowing for easier chase. Lots of great combos can be done with your charged up Q3.

Your W is extremely powerful

You can break through a lot of Champions trade patterns with good usage of your W Path Maker. Your W provides a nice little chunk of Damage Reduction and CC Immunity during the initial charge up. Being good at timing this ability and predicting enemy CC will be the difference between being a good K'Sante, or a great K'Sante. You can also use a combination of your Q3, E Footwork and W to shove enemies near walls so that you can get off a good R All Out.

Imagine Quinn tries to Vault away from you, but you Path Maker at the right time and instead of being knocked back you dash directly to where she is going to land.

Your E is extremely versitile

This ability is a very simple concept, and though it has a very short dash when not used on Allied Champions/Minions, it can still help you avoid a lot of damage, and it can still help you chase, and get off combos. Over all it's a poor ability in itself but when used with the rest of K'Sante's kit it is very powerful. It is very important to note that the dash range is over doubled if used on Minions or Allies. You can use this ability defensively, offensively, or to add utility to the rest of your combos.

K'Sante has a lot of Displacement

As with other champions with a lot of displacement, K'Sante can get off combos that can throw enemy Carries into the rest of your team, or you can get off really big cheese by carrying key targets away from fights, under turrets, or just in horrible positions in general. Use these tools to move people around and create lots of space for you and your team to work with.

K'Sante's Best Mythic?

Jak'Sho, The Protean and Iceborn Gauntlet are K'Sante's best over all Mythics. Jak'Sho, The Protean provides everything that K'Sante needs in his kit, along with the passive that gives ramping Armor/MR and an AoE Drain after reaching 8 stacks.
Jak'Sho is the best choice over all for later teamfights, but Iceborn Gauntlet will find more value in hard lane match ups, as well as AD Ranged match ups that are hard to stick to ( Quinn, Gnar, Jayce). Iceborn Gauntlet can also find value in lanes where you can't mechanically come out on top, so it's easier to play less interactive and use Iceborn Gauntlet for Damage Reduction and kiting. It should go without saying if you're against an AD Laner, and you're against a heavy AD comp, then Iceborn Gauntlet will be much more valuable than Jak'Sho, The Protean.

Heartsteel is good only if you can stack it consistently AND you aren't against much %HP Damage.
Divine Sunderer has its good rare use cases against Hyper-Tanks like; ( Sion, Cho'Gath, Ornn,). That's not to say that it's stronger or weaker than Jak'Sho, The Protean would be, it just another option.

Your W Resets when you R

This means you can use W Path Maker for damage reduction and CC immunity, All Out, and then use W Path Maker again for more damage reduction and CC immunity.

Your R will take a lot practice

The distance between your opponent and the wall you are trying to carry them through can be deceiving, and the only true way to master a good initial R All Out is by spending time in practice tool, or using it in a game.
If you R All Out at a bad angle or at the wrong time, you can throw yourself deep into enemy territory and give up a free kill. Eventually you will get comfortable with it, and then you can incorperate displacement combos from your Q3 Ntofo Strikes and W Path Maker to carry people wherever you want.

Limit Test!

(in Normals)
You will never be able to push K'Sante to his highest potential if you refuse to get out of your comfort zone and refuse to take risks! All Out makes K'Sante an extremely powerful duelist and if you are too scared to go deep and make use of his built in Healing you're going to lose a lot impact that you could be making in a fight.
K'Sante doesn't turn into a 1v9 machine during his R but it's very important to know exactly where your limits are. Get into some normal games and don't be scared to take your champion to where it can go.
Laning Fundamentals

I highly recommend reading "Important Information" first. I'm going to end up repeating myself here for a couple of things, but some things will be explained better after reading both Chapters.

Level 1

A lot of times you are going to be looking to stack up your Grasp of the Undying and using Q Ntofo Strikes AA combos to short trade. If you are against a strong Level 1 champion and or you are running Conqueror you should just sit back and grab CS with Q Ntofo Strikes. Q has a very low mana cost. Later on Ntofo Strikes will help you stack up Conqueror very quickly.

Level 2

Level 2 you can pick up W Path Maker or E Footwork depending on what you immediately need. W is great to pick up against champions that grab a CC ability Level 2 that you can avoid. Otherwise some champions like Gangplank will require you to grab E Footwork so you can shield some of the damage from their poke.

Level 3

Level 3 you will have your basic kit unlocked. Q Ntofo Strikes can be used aggressively or safely depending on if you are in a match up you can trade or need to CS in. W Path Maker can block the CC from key abilities swinging trades in your favour. E Footwork can be used defensively to avoid abilities or aggressively to allow you to extend your trades.
If you aren't looking for OR can't cheater recall at this point then try to get your wave in a state where you are very hard to gank, because right around this time Junglers are finished with standard clears.

Level 5

At this point you can either shove out your lane and take a recall for some early stats, or you can recall and Teleport back so that you don't miss any of your wave. If you are healthy and your opponent has taken some damage you can look to set up a Level 6 All in with All Out. It is very important to understand that you can use an early Teleport to keep yourself from getting screwed or to put yourself in a favourable position and make your laner over extend.

Level 6

Once you hit Level 6 you have brutal all in potential especially if you have Conqueror. If I've taken some punishment then I will look for a combo that will allow me to carry my laner under tower for a free kill, or if I'm confident I can run them down I will just R them in the lane. Once you R All Out you gain a lot of Damage, Mobility, and Healing at the cost of HP and AR/MR. In a lot of match ups this will be more than enough to take down your opponent,
but you need to be extremely careful against Champions with an Execute.
Ex. Urgot Darius Garen Cho'Gath

Mythic Spike

After your Level spikes the next big spike you will be looking for is your Mythic Spike. Every Mythic you build will have a passive on it that will further help you in trades. If you can safely farm to your Mythic spike you will be incredibly strong, but if you are confident and think you can get a lead on your opponent through Level spikes you can hit your Mythic Spike even quicker. Depending on match up, completing your Mythic will push duels in your favour.

For the rest of the game you will scale pretty linearly, until late in the game you will begin to fall off as all Tanks do. If you are against heavy AD or AP compositions then big Armor/MR pick ups will spike you pretty hard. K'Sante peaks late into the Mid-Game.

Matchup Cheat Sheet

Here you will find a breakdown of every match-up you are going to face Top, with the exception of some rare picks. They are ordered from hardest, to easiest, alphabetically. If you want to find a specific champion, use "Ctrl+F" and type in your desired match up

(Ctrl+F "Garen" / "Camille" / ect.)

13.21 Update: MOST of these match ups were written before K'Santes mini-rework, and also when Jak'Sho, and Conqueror were MUCH stronger. I've updated all of the match ups to reflect what the strongest options are. Grasp of the Undying will be your default for every lane. Once you have a good understanding of your match ups you can start toying with Jak'Sho & Conqueror's scaling potential.

You will notice I don't have Heartsteel and Divine Sunderer listed in recommendations as these are Composition rather than Match Up specific items.

Jak'Sho and Iceborn Gauntlet will be your strongest over all Mythic choices.

Some match ups will be easier or harder depending on your own personal playstyle and build/rune set ups, scaling, rank, ect. . placements will be changed eventually as I would like for the difficulty to reflect what K'Sante objectively struggles/does fine into


Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Cho'Gath is a champion that has a lot of early game sustain. In this lane you should focus on minimizing interaction with Cho'Gath, getting flawless CS, and start building some MR so that you can put up a fight with him. The main thing you need to watch out for is the poke from his E Vorpal Spikes. If you're against an inexperienced Cho'Gath you might be able to squeeze in a kill before he starts putting on too much Tankiness. If you decide to R All Out you need to be VERY careful as you will put yourself dangerously close to his R Feast execute threshold.
Item Recommendations:
If you're against some heavy AP top side you can get away with Force of Nature second or Spirit Visage if you have healers on your team. If you're against a lot of mixed damage then Gargoyle Stoneplate is a good option as well.
Mid-Late Game you have will a decent amount of duelling power with R All Out. Your biggest issue is going to be staying healthy enough in your ultimate that Cho'Gath can't just instantly R Feast you. If there are bigger threats on your team it's likely Cho'Gath will ignore you but if you've been pretty obnoxious or you've taken a big lead Cho'Gath will likely try to take you out as soon as possible.

You can easily shred Cho'Gath down during R All Out but if you aren't healthy enough or don't have enough sustain Cho'Gath can R Feast you when you sacrifice a huge chunk of your %Max HP.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror

Fiora can be incredibly easy or difficult to deal with depending on how good the other player is. Fiora is able to W Riposte your Q3 Ntofo Strikes, W Path Maker, and in some rare and unfortunate cases, your R All Out. When Fiora is going for Q poke you can poke her back with Q Ntofo Strikes but if you are giving her too many vitals she will widdle you down very quickly. If it looks like Fiora is going to parry one of your CC abilities try to use E Footwork to avoid being stunned in return. Try to save your W Path Maker for when her parry is down. You can put up a fight during R All Out but her R Grand Challenge will keep her sustained if she hits all of her vitals.
Item Recommendations:
You can rush Iceborn Gauntlet or something like Frozen Heart to lessen the impact of her harass. If you're against other healers you can also pick up Thornmail early on.
Mid-Late Game Fiora should be able to out duel you, so you should be hanging back in the sidelane and making sure she can't take your tower and Jungle camps. What you really want is to get her in a teamfight because you can definitely make much more of an impact than her, and the rest of your team can usually deal with her easier than you can. CC her if she mispositions or head towards the backline if you think your team can handle her.

Duelling Fiora can be very risky but if they are very impatient with their W Riposte you can take favourable trades and take a chance with the damage from R All Out. Very important to position near walls when she uses R Grand Challenge so that she can't land all of her vitals.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Fleet Footwork, Conqueror

Heimerdinger is a very rare lane but it is important to know what to do against him if you ever find yourself against one. The best way to deal with Heimerdinger is to focus his turrets and to make sure he can't keep placing them down. Unfortunately a good Heimerdinger is never going to let you near his turrets. Stack some MR and eventually if Heimer messes up his positioning you can combo him in to you and look to R All Out him away from his zone of turrets he has set up. Try your best to get as much CS as you can without dying.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean can be rushed and if there are other AP users you can build some more MR in the form of Force of Nature or Spirit Visage. Turbo Chemtank is also a good option and potentially a good rush if you want to get on top of Heimerdinger.
Mid-Late Game gets a little easier as Heimer has to really over extend if he wants to continue pushing. If you are looking to engage in his zone of turrets in a teamfight you should try to carry him away from his turrets. The best thing you can do is wait for him to drop his big turret with UPGRADE!!! then disengage. Re-engage once his big turret is gone.

Again it's going to be difficult to kill Heimer, but you definitely have the tools available if Heimer makes some serious mistakes. Ghost will help you stick to him as well if you want to consider it.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

K'Sante has great tools to work around Jax's kit. The only way Jax can kill you is if he forces and extended fight and melts you with mixed damage and Lethal Tempo. Stay safe early and start working towards your Jak'Sho, The Protean. Use E Footwork to avoid Jax's E Counter Strike OR W Path Maker to break through the CC. The only way Jax can stick to you is if you waste Footwork and Path Maker and allow Jax to Q Leap Strike on top of you with E Counter Strike. You can duel Jax in R All Out so long as he doesn't have Counter Strike available and stacks of Lethal Tempo.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will help with Jax's mixed damage. If you notice Jax rushing a Blade of the Ruined King then pick up either Warden's Mail for damage reduction or Bramble Vest for healing reduction.
Mid-Late Game Jax is primarily as massive threat in side lane. Keep side lane clear as to not give up free towers. During teamfights you should look to peel for your carries as Jax will most likely be targetting your back line. Make the most out of your Tank form and once Jax uses Counter Strike you will have an easier time dealing damage to him and sustaining once you use All Out.

All Out will give you kill potential once Jax uses Counter Strike. Be aware that you will have to be able to stat-check him through R Grandmaster-At-Arms. Luckily during All Out your passive Dauntless Instinct will give you true damage, but this is why it's very important to engage only after Jax uses Counter Strike.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Fleet Footwork

This abomination is extremely strong Top lane especially against Tanks. Early on you can't eat too many Q Blooming Blows so you've have to hang back and look to E Footwork inside of the outer ring and trade with Q Ntofo Strikes. Once she gets some levels and her passive stacking she will be very hard to interact with. Focus on getting lots of CS early so you can start building heavy MR. Ghost and Force of Nature will help deal with her damage and will help you stick to her during fights.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean can be rushed and even if the enemy team has AD JG/Mid it's still a good idea to go a strong MR item second so that you aren't shoved out of lane by her. Pick up an Armor component like Warden's Mail once you feel comfortable with the damage you are taking from Lillia.
Mid-Late Game can continue pushing up side lane and unless she really messes up you wont be able to fight her off the wave. During a fight she can be pretty impactful with a big R Lilting Lullaby. Use your W Path Maker to charge through her sleep and shove her away if she is close to you. If there are no better targets you can use R All Out on her but without movement speed items or Ghost you will struggle to stay on her.

Very hard to kill if Lillia knows what shes doing. Focus on CS, grab a big chunk of MR, and try to be more useful in a fight then she will be.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Mordekaiser is a very difficult lane as he can match your damage while also being able to sustain through W Indestructible. Do your best to CS and use your E Footwork to avoid his Q Obliterate. His E Death's Grasp is fairly easy to dodge with basic movement but in a pinch W Path Maker can be used to cancel the pull.
The hardest part about this lane is that Mordekaiser can still stat-check you through All Out and can isolate you for extra Q damage inside of R Realm of Death. The duels in the match up should be extremely close so do your best to avoid isolated Q's with your Footwork and time Path Maker well to eat chunks of damage. If you aren't comfortable fighting then you're better off sitting back and CSing; Feeding Mordekaiser will make the game incredibly hard for you.
A very well timed Path Maker can cancel Mordekaiser's R Realm of Death entirely.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be your Mythic as Mordekaiser deals AP Damage. Force of Nature will make you incredibly hard to kill. Pick up some Armor if Mordekaiser is the only AP Top side.
Mid-Late Game Mordekaiser will be able to shove side lane and roam. You will have to try your best to play around Mordekaiser's massive front line and be ready to react to his Realm of Death by kiting him. If Mordekaiser uses R on a teammate then try to get control of the area and line up CC for when Mordekaiser exits his Death Realm. Mordekaiser can still be taken down with good focus so create space for your carries to work with and try your best to take him out as quickly as possible. R All Out should be saved for after he uses Realm of Death if you can. Look to pick off his carries.

1v1's with Mordekaiser will be extremely close. Do your best to avoid Q Obliterate with Footwork to avoid chunks of damage. If you aren't comfortable fighting him then don't risk giving up kills.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror

Singed is actually very easy to lane against, the biggest issue comes when he gets a few components and starts to proxy. K'Sante has no way of being able to chase Singed and bully him off his proxy. If Singed gets off an effective proxy he will have highly increased Tempo over you and can choose to roam. If this is the case then you can try to proxy as well or pick up your wave quickly and try to follow him to a fight. If Singed is running through you tower to start a proxy you can use R All Out to carry him out of lane into the river. It's okay to drop some CS if it means Singed can get a proxy off. If you are in a lane where Singed is allowing you to trade, make sure you use W Path Maker to cancel his E Fling. If he throws you into his W Mega Adhesive you wont be able to use Footwork, Path Maker or All Out. Do not over chase for a kill on to Singed, bullying him out of lane is more than enough to set him behind.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be your primary Mythic in this lane. If you can get away with extra MR then you can pick up a Force of Nature to help be a bit more mobile. Gargoyle Stoneplate is a good option against mixed damage.
Mid-Late Game you should be able to zone Singed off your minion wave but he can use his passive Noxious Slipstream and Fling to easily kite you around. What's important is keeping the side lane cleared so that you don't lose anything once you group up. In a teamfight you can control where Singed can move as long as you avoid Mega Adhesive. Make sure he doesn't have an easy time reaching your backline and if he isn't much of a threat put your focus on higher priority targets.

Singed can be pretty easy to kill if they try to lane normally, but if they go for a proxy play style you wont have much opportunity to solo kill them in lane.


Tahm Kench

Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean , Iceborn Gauntlet, Heartsteel
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror

Tahm Kench is a giant meat ball that can be hard to get through. Early on Tahm Kench has good damage and all in potential from his passive An Acquired Taste and his Q Tongue Lash. You can use your E Footwork to avoid his Q and W Path Maker to avoid his W Abyssal Dive. His R Devour is very hard to react to with Path Maker so it is best to avoid an extended fight where Devour could bring you under his tower or in the center of multiple enemies. You can take a sustained fight with R All Out but Tahm Kench can CC chain you and kill you easily if you aren't careful.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be your best option. Heartsteel is also an option as it's fairly easy to stack in this lane. Tahm Kench's primary damage source is AP so picking up extra MR like Force of Nature is a good option. Don't forget to pick up something like Warden's Mail to help with resistances against AD Mid/JG.
Mid-Late Game you can look to match Tahm Kench in the frontline and once you get lower on HP you can R All Out to keep sustained and look for damage on the backline. Tahm Kench is mostly single target damage and will look to use R Devour on your strongest player or he will use it to protect his strongest player. If this is the case you can use R All Out to carry him away from his target. Make sure you don't bring one of your carries deep into the backline with him.

Tahm Kench will be incredibly hard to kill without R All Out. My best advice is to just shove him in as he has poor waveclear. Roam and look for picks in the enemy Jungle or Mid.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror , Fleet Footwork

Teemo is a very punishing lane. It might seem like a good idea to use W Path Maker to block some of his damage but you should really save it for when you're trying to get on top of him. You should be using your E Footwork to retreat from the minion wave after last hitting and tank some damage from his Auto Attacks. Teemo has low mobility aside from his W Move Quick so if you manage to get on top of him and you are relatively healthy you can score a kill. Use your abilities to CS until you are strong and eventually you can kill him in R All Out if you get on top of him. Pick up an Oracle Lens on your first back so that you don't get cheesed by his R Noxious Trap. Bramble Vest can be used to turn off the passive movement speed from his Move Quick so if Teemo is building a little bit of AD this is a massive counter.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean is great for dealing with Teemo's mixed damage. Force of Nature will give you some movement speed in order to catch up to Teemo, or if you need more mixed resistances then Gargoyle Stoneplate is a great option.
Mid-Late Game Teemo can keep your side lane shoved in if you haven't been able to put pressure on him. In a teamfight you will massively outshine Teemo especially if you can get zone control with Oracle Lens. Be careful if you are in the backline as his Q Toxic Shot can bring down your DPS quite a bit. As long as you take care of his Shrooms Noxious Trap you should have a pretty easy teamfight.

A decent Teemo will be incredibly hard to reach. You can use a combination of E Footwork on the minion wave to get closer to him then W Path Maker to close the gap for R All Out. Ghost makes reaching and sticking to Teemo a lot easier.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror

The majority of Trundle's damage output is through Auto Attacks so early Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail will make you nearly unkillable. You can use your E Footwork to jump around his E Pillar of Ice. Trundle has poor waveclear without Tiamat so if you can't kill him then shove him in and look to roam or ward up the enemy Jungle. If you can, R All Out before he uses his R Subjugate so that the amount of Armor and Magic Resist he steals is significantly reduced. Make sure you have some sort of sustain during R All Out because Trundle's R will still damage and heal based off of your Maximum HP.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will make you extremely hard to kill. If you are against a lot of AP damage then you can play a bit safer in lane and build Jak'Sho, The Protean. Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail will shave off a large portion of Trundle's damage.
Mid-Late Game Trundle can melt you if he went a splitpush oriented build ( Divine Sunderer Blade of the Ruined King). If this is the case you should still be able to keep him off towers, and once it's time for a 5v5 you have the potential to have a lot more impact than him. If Trundle his R Subjugate while you are in Tank form he will steal A LOT of stats, so it's best to wait out his R and re-engage. You don't want to use R All Out with reduced stats.

If you can bait out Trundle's Subjugate or use All Out before he ults then you will have a very easy time killing him. If not then you should wait until his ult expires, then you can use R All Out to full effectiveness.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror

Tryndamere is another champion who's primary damage output is through Auto Attacking. Plated Steelcaps and an early Warden's Mail will make this lane a lot easier. The hardest part of this match up will be before you are able to pick up Armor from your first base. Tryndamere can stack his passive very easily on the wave and run you over with crits if you aren't careful. I highly recommend focusing on CSing in this lane, as even if you take a decent trade, Tryndamere can stack his passive back up and heal, out-sustaining you.
Tryndamere can easily kill you during R All Out if he has his R Undying Rage. Keep your turret cleared of minions and wait for help.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will make you extremely hard to kill. If you are against a lot of AP damage then you can play a bit safer in lane and build Jak'Sho, The Protean. Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail will shave off a large portion of Tryndamere's Auto Attack damage.
Mid-Late Game Tryndamere players usually like to split push. Keep your own Jungle warded so that he can't get free camps. Focus on clearing the waves he shoves into you and be mindful of the fact you will have to Teleport if he rotates. In a teamfight you will be extremely hard to chew through, and once Tryndamere uses his R Undying Rage you can use your displacement abilities to peel him off your carries. I would look to peel off Tryndamere first before going for the back line with R All Out.

You really wont have much opportunity to kill Tryndamere so you will have to CS and wait for your Jungler.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Conqueror, Fleet Footwork, Grasp of the Undying

Navigating the Vayne lane is very tricky without experience. How well you can set up your waves and CS will make the difference between coming out of this lane strong or weak. Vayne will be pelting you with Auto Attacks, what is important is to not allow her to get her 3rd hit of W Silver Bolts. Move in to last hit with Q Ntofo Strikes and use E Footwork to retreat.
Whenever Vayne Auto Attacks you she will pull aggro from the minion wave, causing her to push. USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. If the minion wave shoves back out towards her a good Vayne can set up a freeze and zone you off creeps. Taking 1 or 2 Auto Attacks with a bad wave state is always worth because it will cause her to push back in to you.
You have decently high kill potential in R All Out, but you can get kited to oblivion without Ghost. Take Ghost and Oracle Lens so you can track her during her R Final Hour and take her down.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will add some Tankiness and provide a slow for when you can finally hit her. Plated Steelcaps will help with movement and her Auto Attack damage. Warden's Mail will also further reduce her Autos.
Mid-Late Game Vayne players will shove out side lane and look for teamfights. Vayne actually has a very strong teamfight especially if her team plays around her and peels her. Something a lot of Vayne players do is get over aggressive, so if they misposition you can R All Out to bring her into the center of your team for an easy take down. If you're struggling to get on her then use the movement speed from Ghost to kite her around and select an easier target until she is vulnerable.

Solo-killing Vayne really isn't an option unless they misposition a lot.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror, Fleet Footwork

The weakness of Vladimir's early game has slowly been chipped away at by Riot over the last few Seasons. You will want to rush lots of Magic Resistance in this lane, as Vladimir has no resource costs, and can sustain infinitely. You will want to step behind your minions to avoid Tides of Blood and keep an eye out to avoid his Empowered Q Transfusion. If you avoid his harass you should have no trouble CSing freely until you are strong enough to start trading. Choose your fights very carefully because he will out-sustain you if you take short trades. Ghost and the extra mobility from R All Out will help you stick to him but you need to keep in mind that you have to be able to kill him through his healing and W Sanguine Pool.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be your best option. Feel free to grab an early Force of Nature to be extremely hard to kill. Pick up Armor if Vladimir is the only AP threat Top side.
Mid-Late Game Vladimir is a fantastic teamfighter. If your team wins the 4v4 you should look to carry Vladimir away from the fight to avoid his massive AoE from Hemoplague and Tides of Blood. Sitting around in Tank form will cause you to lose the fight if you get too low, be decisive and pick the right targets.

You will have the damage to kill Vladimir during R All Out but Vladimir has tools available to avoid your damage with Sanguine Pool and can sustain back up if you didn't manage to kill him. Be very careful in this lane.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Is another tricky lane and purely dependant on how good the other player is. From Level 1 Yone will have the ability to run you down with Q Mortal Steel and Lethal Tempo. Play safe early and CS until you have your hands on Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail. Bramble Vest is also another option as Yone will have lots of lifesteal from Immortal Shieldbow. Once you have a decent chunk of Armor you can look to start short trading. If Yone gets too low you will have lots of kill potential with R All Out. Use your E Footwork and W Path Maker to avoid his Q3 Mortal Steel and R Fate Sealed.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean or Iceborn Gauntlet if you normally struggle with Yone. Early Plated Steelcaps, Warden's Mail, and Bramble Vest all have great value.
Mid-Late Game Yone is a great split pusher and teamfighter. Keep your side lane clear and look to react to his roams with a Teleport or follow him if you can. You can use your W Path Maker to break through his combos and peel him off your team. Try to avoid using your R All Out if Yone is in his E Soul Unbound as he can reactivate it to disengage, causing you to potentially waste your Ult.

Solo kills are possible once you've picked up a chunk of armor. You will be incredibly strong with R All Out but whats important is to short trade first. Take your all in right away so that Yone has to stack up his Lethal Tempo. Use Path Maker to break through CC and Footwork to avoid his Fate Sealed.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

If you aren't careful Yorick can be a painful lane. You should be using your E Footwork to avoid his W Dark Procession and E Mourning Mist as this is where the bulk of his damage will be coming from. If you're stuck in a sticky situation use W Path Maker to Tank a portion of his damage. The majority of Yoricks power comes from R Eulogy of the Isles. You can carry Yorick away from his maiden with R All Out for a free kill. It's important to wave clear as best as you can because Yorick can easily overwhelm your turret with a big minion wave, ghouls, and Maiden. This is one of the few lanes I would recommend matching Hullbreaker.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean or Iceborn Gauntlet are both great options. If Yorick is building Hullbreaker you should consider if you need to match it. Build to what the rest of the enemy team composition looks like.
Mid-Late Game Yorick players primarly play to overwhelm side lane with Maiden and Ghouls. You should look to be proactive and meet Yorick in the side lane and clear minions before they get to be too much. If Yorick is contesting you in the wave try to your best to position in a way to where you can carry him away with R All Out. In a teamfight Yorick wont be as strong as you so Tank and peel as needed, and R All Out once you get low and focus high threat targets.

Yorick players tend to tunnel a bit too hard on hitting tower for plates so this is your best opportunity to position for an R All Out that will carry him into a horrible spot.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

K'Sante actually has a lot of tools to deal with Aatrox. Sadly Riot doesn't seem to have any intentions on nerfing Aatrox so is damage is extremely over tuned and must be avoided. Use a combination of basic movement, E Footwork, and W Path Maker to weave around his Q The Darkin Blade and W Infernal Chains. When approaching Aatrox always make sure his passive Deathbringer Stance is on cooldown as it will take a big chunk of out you and heal for him for a good amount. Bramble Vest into a later Thornmail will provide lots of value into Aatrox, but you will still need to avoid the bulk of his abilities.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean OR Iceborn Gauntlet if this is a rough lane for you. Early Plated Steelcaps will help you dodge is Q's a bit easier. Warden's Mail is good for reducing damage if you are getting hit a lot.
Mid-Late Game Aatrox isn't the best at taking towers so these players normally shove out side lane and look for a flank. Aatrox excels at skirmishing (2v2/3v3/4v4) but in an all out team fight you will be much stronger than him. If he is approaching your back line use your displacement to peel him off. Use R All Out out in the open to further lock him down so your team can focus fire on to him, and use the damage from All Out to finish him off and progress on to the rest of the enemy team.

Aatrox can be solo killed if you are confident you can work around his Q The Darkin Blade. Take short trades and chip away at him until you can confidently kill him with R All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

K'Sante has many tools to work around Camilles kit. E Footwork can be used to dodge her E Hookshot and her W Tactical Sweep, as well as W Path Maker can be used to cancel the stun from her Hookshot. Another thing to be aware of when trading is her passive Adaptive Defenses. Her passive has a relatively long cooldown and she will look to trade whenever it's available. Tank an Auto Attack and disengage, then re-engage when her passive is down. Use these tools to weave around her abilities and you should have no trouble taking an all in once she gets low.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will help a lot once skirmishes and teamfights start. Plated Steelcaps help as a lot of Camille's damage is Auto Attack based.
Mid-Late Game Depending on how laning phase went either one of you can be the aggressor in the side lane. What you need to be careful of is her healing and true damage conversion on her Divine Sunderer. The more you trade in Tank form the more she can heal back up off you using Sunderer. In a teamfight Camille will look to dive on your back line with Hextech Ultimatum. You can use Path Maker and Footwork to block her engage or push her out of her ult so that your carries can move. Once you get low you can use R All Out to continue sustaining and focus primary targets with damage.

If you are playing trades correctly you should have an easy time killing Camille once All Out is available. If she is running an Ignite and Teleport set up be extra cautious.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Darius can be a scary lane but you have more than enough tools to deal with his aggression. The important thing is to play around his cooldowns early on especially since you have no Armor, as one bad miss step can give him a kill. Use your Q Ntofo Strikes from a distance to get farmed up. Use a well timed W Path Maker to avoid being pulled by his E Apprehend and use your E Footwork to avoid the outer hitbox of his Q Decimate, either by dodging in or out of it. Once you have some Armor to work with you can start looking for trades. It's super important to make sure you aren't taking trades that are long enough to allow him to stack his passive Hemorrhage as his damage will completely melt through you. If you've gotten Darius down to a comfortably low amount of HP take a fast all in with R All Out and try to burst him down before he can get 5 stacks of Hemorrhage and use R Noxian Guillotine
Item Recommendations:
I highly suggest Iceborn Gauntlet in this match up. Plated Steelcaps will help a ton as movement speed is very important in this match up. Warden's Mail will cut down the amount of damage Darius does significantly.
Mid-Late Game if Darius gets a lead he will be an extremely strong split pusher. If not then he will look to shove out side lane and roam for teamfights. Teamfighting against Darius can be scary because once he reaches 5 stacks he can very easily 1 shot your back line. Try your best to keep him infront of you and CC'd. You can use a combination of Q3 Ntofo Strikes, W Path Maker and R All Out to lock him down infront of your team so that he can be taken care of. If your team has a lot of kiting potential then you can instead look for the back line or peel another high threat enemy.

Once you've played this match up a few times you will learn the limits and when you can go for kills. Only go for All Out if you are at 0 stacks. If you get up to 5 stacks and use All Out Darius can 1 shot you with R Noxian Guillotine.


Dr. Mundo

Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Divine Sunderer(if against multiple tanks)
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Early on in lane you want to stand behind minions to avoid Mundo's Q Infected Bonesaw. Weave out of the wave or use E Footwork whenever it looks like Mundo is lining up to last hit a minion with E Blunt Force Trauma in order to avoid it. If you can play dodgeball with these 2 abilities you should have no issues getting lots of CS. I recommend mixed resistances as Mundo deals %HP Magic damage with Q and has ramping AD scaling the more health he loses. You can choose to take Ignite to deal with the healing from his R Maximum Dosage, or you can slot in a Bramble Vest. With some healing reduction and stats you should be able to duel Mundo in R All Out.
Anathema's Chains is a common rush for Dr. Mundo mains, if this is the case be cautious.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will help with Dr. Mundo's mixed damage. After this you can build depending on what you need to deal with the enemy team composition. Another Aegis of the Legion and Bami's Cinder are good defaults if you are unsure what to build next.
Mid-Late Game most Dr. Mundo players don't often split push but instead will look to force teamfights. With enough DPS and healing reduction Mundo shouldn't be a huge problem, especially if he takes Anathema's Chains off you and puts them on to someone else. If you have the ability to disengage when Mundo uses R Maximum Dosage then it will be a free fight. Otherwise play accordingly to what your team needs and use R All Out to stay sustained once you drop low in Tank form.

With Grevious Wounds you can easily kill Dr. Mundo in All Out as long as he doesn't have Anathema's Chains.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Gangplank used to be my OTP, so dealing with his Barrels are extremely easy. If you want to completely smash Gangplank lanes you should practice breaking his Barrels versus a friend. If you can't seem to kill his Barrels;
Use your W Path Maker to Tank some damage from his Q Parrrley and E Powder Keg and use your E Footwork to Tank Q's or avoid Barrels entirely. Plated Steelcaps will significantly reduce the damage dealt by his Q and it allows you more movement speed to work with. Once you have boots and some extra Armor Gangplank can be taken down pretty quickly if you can get on to him with R All Out. It will be a lot easier to stick to Gangplank if you run Ghost. Once Gangplank gets some items. his passive Trial By Fire will start hurting so avoid this as much as you can.
Be aware that stun portions of your abilities can still be cleansed by his W Remove Scurvy.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will cut down a lot of Gangplank's early lane presence. Plated Steelcaps early on will help a ton with his Q damage and movement in general.
Mid-Late Game Gangplank will be looking to syphon CS in order to afford the expensive crit items in his build. Later on in the game Gangplanks damage is extremely threatening, and he can potentially 1 shot you with Barrels during R All Out. Try to get control of vision around objectives early if you can so that Gangplank can set up Barrel cheese. Approach in Tank form to allow your carries more space to work with, and once you get low try to R All Out to continue sustaining. Use your All Out Path Maker for very high late game damage reduction to avoid getting instantly blown up by Gangplank. If you reach him and he can't get a Barrel off you should be able to quickly burst him down.

Gangplank get significantly easier to kill if you can break his Barrels. Running Ghost will allow you to stick to Gangplank during All Out even if he explodes a Barrel on you.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror, Fleet Footwork

Good Gnar players are very hard to get on top of and are great at harassing. You can use your E Footwork to avoid his Q Boomerang Throw and to tank Auto Attacks. The main source of damage will come from his 3rd hit of W passive Hyper so look to avoid this, and if you are going to take a hit look to extend the trade. The good thing about Gnar is that his Auto Attack range is relatively low so if he is trying to hit you, you can close the gap with Footwork and W Path Maker. If Gnar uses E Hop defensively then it's cooldown roughly matches your Path Maker. Mega Gnar gains a large chunk of damage and CC, so you should be prepared to cancel his W Wallop and R GNAR! with your Path Maker and R All Out. If Mega Gnar engages on you and you are able to cancel his CC you should have an easy time taking him down in All Out.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will be the best Mythic in this lane, but if you are confident you will have a smooth laning phase then take Jak'Sho, The Protean for strong teamfighting. Plated Steelcaps will help reduce a lot of his Auto Attack damage.
Mid-Late Game if you've gone even Gnar will struggle to push up to your tower, and you may even be able to become the aggressor in the side lane. In a teamfight you can look to block his engage with W Path Maker once you see his Rage bar getting full. So long as Gnar doesn't get a massive CC combo on your team you should be able to out shine him. Peel his engage and look for the highest threat target during R All Out.

If Gnar is getting too close you can use your gap closers to get on top of him and make him waste his E Hop for easier gank set up. Mega Gnar is usually very threatening for most champions but will end up being your best opportunity to kill him in All Out so long as you can avoid his CC.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Conqueror, Grasp of the Undying

You wont have much opportunity to be aggressive in this lane as Gwen is naturally very good at dealing with Tanks. Whats important in this lane is collecting as much CS as you can so that when the opportunity to take a good skirmish presents itself you are healthy and have lots of stats to work with. Early laning phase you want to use Q Ntofo Strikes to CS and E Footwork to avoid Gwen's Q Snip Snip! as this is where the bulk of her harass will come from. Once you've gotten Jak'Sho, The Protean you will have better opportunity fighting her, but it has to be taken as an all in, and you must do your best to use basic movement and E Footwork to avoid her R1, R2, and R3 Needlework. Ghost will help a significant amount in this lane. Bramble Vest while only giving Armor is still a good option for Grevious Wounds and will be more effective once you start meeting AD champions in fights.
When in doubt, just farm and scale for later fights. There is no need to feed.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean is most effective. If you are unsure of what to build next another Aegis of the Legion is very effective. Pick up a Bramble Vest after Mythic if you are against an AD Jungle or Mid and to help reduce her healing.
Mid-Late Game Gwen will be the side lane aggressor so do you best to collect CS and match her roams. You wont have much opportunity to kill her without good movement during All Out. In a teamfight you should be tanky enough to provide a solid front line so use your stats to move in and create space for your team to work with. Keep Gwen from being able to reach your carries but also don't sit and tank her for too long. Work with the spacing of your team and once your health starts to reach half, use R All Out and try to keep sustained. Gwen is a very powerful front line as well so keep that in mind.

Gwen will be very hard to solo kill unless she makes some very big mistakes. The key to coming out on top of this match up is how you play around her Q Snip Snip! and R1/2/3 Needlework. Ghost is highly recommended.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Conqueror, Grasp of the Undying

Irelia being one of the most powerful laners in the game is very hard to deal with for Tanks, but with the mobility in your kit you should have an easier time than with other Tanks. If you often struggle with Irelia lanes then grabbing Iceborn Gauntlet as your Mythic will help out a ton. If you are against heavy AD top side you can grab both Bramble Vest and Warden's Mail, and become nearly unkillable.
Use your E Footwork to dodge Irelia's E Flawless Duet as this will stun you and allow her to reset her Q Bladesurge. Irelia has massive sustain so taking short trades is almost useless against her. Stay healthy and wait for a good opportunity to R All Out. You should be able to stat-check her with a good chunk of Armor but try your best to use Footwork to avoid her Flawless Duet or even better Vanguard's Edge. Avoid using a chunk of your damage on her W Defiant Dance.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will make surviving Irelia much easier. Warden's Mail and Bramble Vest are both great options if you don't mind giving up the item slots.
Mid-Late Game Irelia excels in 1v1's and small skirmishes. Without some kind of lead you will be stuck defending side lane until Irelia tries to roam. You have much more impact than her in a teamfight. If she tries to dive on to your team use your W Path Maker and R All Out for peel. Try to get the most out of your Tank form first before casting All Out if you can. Irelia goes down pretty quickly with enough focus and especially CC.

After you've gotten a decent chunk of Armor you have kill potential in R All Out so long as you think you can stat-check her through her healing and avoid her E or R with Footwork.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror, Fleet Footwork

Jayce can be a punishing lane if they know what they're doing. Whats important is to position yourself behind minions in a way that Jayce can't easily land poke with Q Shock Blast. If Jayce is Auto Attacking you then he will automatically push the wave so use this to your advantage and try to set the lane up in a way to where you can farm relatively safe and not take as much harass from Jayce (you can also use E Footwork to tank Auto Attacks. Jayce will look for trades in Hammer Form so when he uses Q To The Skies! use that as an indication to react to E Thundering Blow with W Path Maker to cancel the knock back and force a longer trade in your favour.
With some Armor components and good usage of Path Maker you should be able to take Jayce out easily during All Out.
Be aware that you will be a lot squisher in All Out so if Jayce has an early Serrated Dirk he can burst you down very quickly.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will allow you to survive the onslaught of poke that Jayce dishes out. Plated Steelcaps will reduce a good portion of his Auto Attack damage and will allow you to reach him easier.
Mid-Late Game Jayce will have access to a lot of Lethality and Armor Pen so you will still need to be cautious in side lane and during teamfights. When approaching a teamfight make use of your Tank form to help create space and get your team into a good position. If you're Tanked a large amount of burst from the enemy team you will be free to use R All Out on a primary target and start sustaining through damage.

You have kill potential in All Out after picking up some Armor components. Make sure to eat the bulk of Jayce's damage first in Tank form before using All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Conqueror, Grasp of the Undying

For the most part Kayle is a pretty big push over Levels 1-5, but some will try to cheese with Lethal Tempo so just be cautious of that. Do your best to set your wave up in a way that you can zone Kayle away from CS to delay her items. If Kayle gets too greedy you should have the damage to grab an early kill. Once Kayle hits Level 6 you will have to play her like every other Ranged match up. Do you best to interrupt her farming without getting killed so that you can delay her late game. Kayle doesn't have any CC to cancel with W Path Maker so you can use it to gap close. Use E Footwork to Tank Auto Attacks and gap close as well. Kayle can become dangerous to take extended fights with as her Lethal Tempo will ramp up, and if you have to disengage she can chase you down with the slow from Q Radiant Blast and movement speed from W Celestial Blessing.
Obviously avoid using crucial damage on her R Divine Judgment.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean is great as Kayle will primarily be dealing AP/Mixed damage. The rest of your build can depend on what the enemy team composition looks like. If you are unsure what to build picking up another Aegis of the Legion is a great option.
Mid-Late Game Kayle will likely be locked in a side lane trying to rush Level 16. During this time you can look to force 5v4's or match her if she is getting up to your towers. R All Out will allow you to burst her down quite quickly, so use Footwork to avoid the damage from Divine Judgment or attempt to Tank it will W Path Maker. Teamfights will play out roughly the same way, approach in Tank form, and get the most out of it before using R All Out. Ghost will help a lot with Kayle's kiting.

Kayle will be very easy to kill with R All Out so long as you have the mobility and don't get kited.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Conqueror, Grasp of the Undying

Nasus is a bit tricky because his weak early game has buffed quite a lot by Riot, so it isn't easy to keep him off stacks. The best thing we can do is contest his creeps from Levels 1-5 and be prepared to start tanking massive Q Siphoning Strikes once his damage starts to ramp up. Plated Steelcaps early on will reduce his Q damage (currently bugged) and will also keep the 12% damage reduction against Auto Attacks during All Out. There isn't too much to this lane; Disengage from W Wither and don't fight him during R Fury of the Sands.
Ghost is almost a must in this lane as it will allow you to disengage from his R, Wither, and Ghost combo. Once his Fury of the Sands is down you should have no issue killing him with R All Out.
Item Recommendations:
Plated Steelcaps very early on will help with movement speed to avoid Wither and it keeps the 12% damage reduction during All Out. Jak'Sho, The Protean or Iceborn Gauntlet are up to personal preference.
Mid-Late Game Nasus is a monsterous split pusher. There may be situations where Nasus can ignore you and burst down your tower through Fury of the Sands. If this is the case try to carry him away with R All Out and Ghost to kite him out. During teamfights Nasus is primarily single target damage so as long as you can peel him off carries or force him to use Fury of the Sands early you should be able to Tank a large portion of his damage. Once Fury of the Sands runs out you can All Out or you can avoid Nasus if your team can easily kite him and All Out a different target.

Nasus cannot be beaten during Fury of the Sands so you will have to play around his ultimate and use Ghost to avoid being pounded on.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet , Heartsteel , Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror

Olaf can be tricky because very early on he can run you down with Q Undertow. If you take an extended fight Olaf can be deceptively tanky with the shield and healing from W Tough It Out. You can be pretty versitile with you build against Olaf; as long as you are stacking Armor he can't kill you, and the only way you're going to kill him is if he takes multiple bad trades and wastes his Tough It Out. If you farm up well Olaf will have a hard time chewing through you, but just be aware that if you are over extended Olaf can Ghost and run you over with R Ragnarok.
Important to note: Olaf's R Ragnarok will negate the CC from your R All Out, but you will still blink to wherever you would have carried Olaf, meaning if he is against a wall you will teleport to the other side.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet is a safe option that will provide some early Armor. Alternatively you can run Heartsteel or Jak'Sho, The Protean. Bramble Vest will help lessen the impact of his healing.
Mid-Late Game you will be a much bigger frontline than Olaf. With Ghost and Ragnarok Olaf can run right by you and charge directly into your backline. There isn't much you can do about this so you should try to slow the advance of the rest of his team. If you and Olaf are both isolated in each others backlines you will definitely last longer than he will. If he is a big threat you can R All Out him away from the fight and create a 4v4 for the rest of you team, as long as you are certain he can't react and cancel your R with Ragnarok.

You will have kill potential with R All Out but you will need to disengage from him once he uses W Tough It Out. After he loses his Shield and Lifesteal you can go back in. Just be aware that Olaf gains A LOT of attack speed when he gets low health.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

K'Sante and Poppy have very similar trading when using Q so this match up is heavily reliant on spacing. What is really important to avoid or lessen the impact of is her passive Auto Attack from Iron Ambassador, usually combined with a Sheen and or Grasp of the Undying proc. E Footwork can be used to avoid some damage but it is important to keep in mind that her W Steadfast Presence can interrupt your dash, along with the dash from W Path Maker. If you find yourself in a close fight with Poppy you should keep in mind that whoever has a better position close to a wall will win; Poppy can use E Heroic Charge for some massive damage, or you can use R All Out through a wall.
Remember to position your R All Out in such a way that you don't set yourself up to be hit by Heroic Charge instantly afterwards. A very well timed W Path Maker can avoid the knock back.
Item Recommendations:
Poppy does primarily AD Damage so you have the option of either Iceborn Gauntlet or Jak'Sho, The Protean. Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail also provide useful damage reduction that carries over through R All Out.
Mid-Late Game Poppy players don't normally split but instead look for skirmishes in the Jungle. Try your best to pressure side lane to force her to respond to you or follow her roams. How well you can use the CC cancel from W Path Maker will determine how useful you will be. You don't want to R All Out in a way that Poppy can instantly pin you with Heroic Charge. Fights should be relatively easy if you can approach patiently and let Poppy make mistakes. (You can also just Tank her wall combo in Tank form and then go offensive).
A very well timed W Path Maker can cancel Poppy's R Keeper's Verdict.

Solo killing Poppy shouldn't be too hard so long as you don't get caught in a big combo coming out of R All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Ryze is a pretty rare lane but I will list it anyway. You can stack some early Magic Resist and become near unkillable but most Ryze player's I've played against just look to blow up incoming waves and roam around. There isn't too much to say about this lane as it will be mostly farming. If you want to kill Ryze you will have to wait for him to waste his Phase Rush, then you can use Ghost and All Out to stick to him. Make sure you have the damage to kill him before he has a chance to teleport away with Realm Warp.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean into a Force of Nature will be more than enough to make you unkillable.
Mid-Late Game Ryze will normally shove out waves and look to steal camps or roam through the Jungle. If you find Ryze hard to reach and stick to in a teamfight you should choose an easier target and let your more mobile teammates take care of him

Solo killing Ryze shouldn't be possible unless they waste OR don't have Phase Rush.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet , Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying , Conqueror

Sett can be difficult if not played properly. It's really up to Sett to make the mistakes in this lane. The most important ability to play around is his E Facebreaker. Sett's E allows him to pull you (and stun if there is a minion on the opposite side of him) and will double the amount of damage he can get off in a trade, as well as set up a free W Haymaker. If you are comfortable playing around Sett's Facebreaker then you can open up to some decent trading. Make sure you save your E Footwork to work and move around his big hitting abilities. W Path Maker can also be used to cancel the CC from his E and R The Show Stopper. Keep trades clean and eventually you can burst him down with R All Out.
Important to note: If Sett uses R The Show Stopper on you, he will end up directly behind you. You can use this to your advantage if he is close to you tower, as you can shove him with W Path Maker and carry him further with R All Out for some brutal cheese.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will lessen the impact of his damage. I wouldn't consider Heartsteel because a lot of Sett players like to run Blade of the Ruined King. If you're really struggling then pick up a Warden's Mail as well.
Mid-Late Game in a teamfight you really need to watch out for Sett's R The Show Stopper. If Sett carries you into your team and you have a lot of HP then your team can potentially get one shot. As long as you are aware of this you can use E Footwork to quickly reposition and make him ult into Africa, or if you're in a panic you can use W Path Maker to cancel the CC (Sett will still land in the middle of your team). You can also use a well placed R All Out to isolate him in a 1v1. You have a lot of different options depending on how you want the teamfight to play out.

R All Out gives you kill potential but will put you dangerously low. Make sure Sett uses his abilities on you before you R All Out or try your best to Tank the majority of his damage with W Path Maker.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Conqueror, Grasp of the Undying

Sylas can be tricky early on because he has access to a lot of base damage and healing. You should be avoiding the explosion of his Q Chain Lash, and the chains from his E2 Abduct as this is where the bulk of his damage will be coming from. Don't let Sylas trade with W Kingslayer for free and look to respond when he moves in for one. When taking extended fights with Sylas you should be aware that you need to be able to trade through the healing of Kingslayer. Early Magic Resist is highly recommended.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean should be the Mythic you look for. If you need extra help against Sylas then Force of Nature is another great option. If the enemy team has a lot of CC grab Mercury's Treads.
Mid-Late Game Sylas players don't split push too much. They normally push out side lane and look for roams. Sylas is great at skirmishes and even better in teamfights with a good R Hijack. Peel for your carries and you should be able to go toe to toe with Sylas using All Out. A funny interaction can take place where Sylas will use Hijack All Out to carry you away, then you can use All Out to go right back to where you initially were.

To get a kill on Sylas in lane you should wait for a good opportunity to All Out. Without CDR, Sylas has relatively long cooldowns so if he wastes a combo you can take that as your opportunity.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Warwick is an extremely oppressive and lane. Normally I will stack resistances so it is hard for Warwick to chew through me, and I focus on waveclearing. Warwick has a very difficult time clearing waves without a Tiamat or Bami's Cinder. You only ever want to take short trades with Warwick, but even then he can sustain quite well using Q Jaws of the Beast. Stay healthy, play off your waves, and wait for your best opportunity to fight. Bramble Vest is highly recommended before getting into fights with Warwick. You should also play around the fact that Warwick can run out of mana pretty easily.
Item Recommendations:
Warwick is usually a 50/50 split of AD and AP so Jak'Sho, The Protean is great for this match up. Bramble Vest is very important for trades as it cuts down a portion of his healing.
Mid-Late Game Warwick will have a bit easier of a time clearing out side lane, normally through Titanic Hydra. Warwick will look for picks on low health teammates through his usage of Blood Hunt. If Warwick roams you should look to match. In a teamfight hold near the front and try to block Warwick from being able to use Infinite Duress on one of your carries. Play frontline and then switch to All Out to keep sustained and continue to DPS Warwick or go for a different target if your team can handle him.

Killing Warwick should be extremely difficult unless they use their mana carelessly and you have access to Bramble Vest. All Out will provide lots of damage and sustain so long as you don't eat Infinite Duress without your Tank stats.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Yasuo is able to run you over from Level 1 using Lethal Tempo. Play defensive and collect as much CS as you can so that you can stack Armor on your first back. Use E Footwork to avoid his Q3 Steel Tempest. Yasuo's W Wind Wall can block your Q3 Ntofo Strikes. There are easy ways to cheese Yasuo if they decide to dash through you using E Sweeping Blade, use your W Path Maker to shove him towards a wall or close to your tower and set yourself up for a nice R All Out. I highly recommend Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail as the damage reduction will carry over once you All Out.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet is fine if you often struggle in this lane. Plated Steelcaps, Warden's Mail, and Bramble Vest are all great options that will reduce his Auto Attack damage and reduce the healing from his Immortal Shieldbow.
Mid-Late Game Yasuo can pretty extremely hard to deal with in a side lane so it's very important not to feed him unnecessary kills. If you're stacked up on Armor then Yasuo will try to steal camps or look for flanks on your team. Make sure you are always matching him and keeping him in check. During a teamfight you should soak and peel for your team until you are ready to use All Out. Pick a safe time to engage so that you don't get blown up once you shave off all of your defensive stats. You can focus Yasuo or look for a higher threat target.

Once you stack up some Armor you can take trades and if Yasuo is playing poorly you can easily take him out with All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Akali's main form of trading is poking with Q Five Point Strike and avoiding damage using Twilight Shroud. Akali's Five Point Strike can be avoided relatively easily using basic movement or E Footwork defensively. Akali has pretty poor kill potential until Level 6 unless you decide to eat every single ability she throws out. When she uses Twilight Shroud, disengage and now you have a 20 second window to force good trades with her. W Path Maker can be used to shove her in her R1 or R2 Perfect Execution. If you are able to soak the majority of her damage and cooldowns in Tank form you should have no issues killing her in All Out.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean is very effective. This is a lane where you can also consider Heartsteel if you aren't against a lot of %HP damage. Force of Nature will make you extremely hard for her to kill if you can build it without getting punished from the other top side picks. If you like split pushing then Hullbreaker is also quite effective into Akali.
Mid-Late Game Akali players don't look for split push but will instead make sure their side lane is cleared and try to take skirmishes and teamfights. If you like split pushing you can pressure side lane and demand a response from her or one of her teammates. In teamfights if you have great reaction you can use W Path Maker to interrupt her Perfect Execution and keep her off your carries. Keep in mind that even if you're strong enough to sit inside her Twilight Shroud your teammates might not be able to. Work with your team and All Out to keep sustained once you've made good use of your Tank form.

Akali can be killed easily if she wastes her Twilight Shroud. Try to tank what you can before using All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Garen can melt you if you let him in range for a full E Judgment but with proper usage of E Footwork he shouldn't be able to reach you. Poke with Q Ntofo Strikes and be ready to react to his Q Decisive Strike and dash away. Once Garen uses Judgment you are free to look for extended trades with him.
If you are using All Out on him you have to be aware that his R Demacian Justice is an execute and will blow you up if you are too low. Wait for Garen to use Judgment before trying to all in him.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will help cut down a lot of his early game damage. Plated Steelcaps early will help you disengage from Garen and allow you to avoid chunks of damage.
Mid-Late Game Garen players are a lot more split push oriented so it's important to keep your side lane managed. If Garen is beating you in side lane try your best to keep tabs on him and match him if he tries to roam. Again in a teamfight it is very important to keep in mind that Garen can burst you down with R Demacian Justice when you come out of All Out. In order to counter this you can choose to build a Gargoyle Stoneplate and use the active to block most of the damage from his execute.

All of Garen's damage will come from extremely close range so make good use of your E Footwork to disengage when he is approaching you. If you think you can tank Demacian Justice after using All Out you should have the sustain to come out on top.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Gragas has a lot more lane sustain than you so you will have to play your trades very carefully. Hang back for the first few levels to grab CS so that you can base for some Magic Resistance. I HIGHLY recommend Legend: Tenacity, Mercury's Treads, and Unflinching in this lane as Gragas relies heavily on being able to disengage from trades, and having a lot of tenacity will deny him control over trades. Use W Path Maker to avoid the CC from his E Body Slam and R Explosive Cask. E Footwork can be used to avoid or Tank damage from Q Barrel Roll and W Drunken Rage. If Gragas doesn't hit anything with Body Slam it will go on a long cooldown so this is your best opportunity to engage.
Gragas has a lot of healing from Happy Hour and damage reduction from Drunken Rage so keep this in mind.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be the most effective Mythic. Pick up early Mercury's Treads for extra Tenacity. Feel free to stack a bit more MR or start building towards the rest of the enemy team composition.
Mid-Late Game Gragas will be clearing side lane and looking to roam with his team for picks with Explosive Cask. With a decent chunk of Tenacity you should be able to approach objectives and control space without being knocked around. After Gragas uses Body Slam you can engage and use Footwork to dash into his Explosive Cask so that you can be knock towards your desired direction. Also keep in mind that Path Maker can be used to negate the knock back from Explosive Cask. Use All Out to burst down Gragas or go for higher priority targets.

You should look to CS early so that you can pick up some MR. Once you have MR and some Tenacity you will have no issues killing Gragas with All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Traditionally Illaoi is very hard for Tanks to deal with, but K'Sante has access to E Footwork which should always be used to dodge her E Test of Spirit as the bulk of her damage will come from this. Illaoi's Q Tentacle Smash should be avoided with basic movement or tanked with W Path Maker. Keep her Tentacles cleared and let Illaoi be the aggressor. If Illaoi uses Leap of Faith you can use this as an opportunity to R All Out her away from her Tentacles, making for an easy kill. If you are unable to carry her away from her Tentacles try your best to kite her and re-engage once her Leap of Faith runs out. K'Sante's ultimate lasts much longer and you can easily sustain once she loses access to faster Tentacles.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will help negate a lot of her damage while you apply it to her during fights. Plated Steelcaps will help you manuever around her abilities easier.
Mid-Late Game if Illaoi is centering herself on split pushing you should be able to play the same as you did in lane and use All Out to take her away from her tentacles. In a teamfight the same rule applies, as long as Illaoi isn't sitting in the middle of your team with Leap of Faith and a bunch of Tentacles she is effectively useless.

Keep up pressure, avoid her Test of Spirit, carry her away when she uses Leap of Faith and kills on her should be relatively easy.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror, Fleet Footwork

Kennen is a lane I would consider taking Second Wind for. You should be able to farm without taking too much punishsment as E Footwork provides a shield that can be used to block some of his poke. Stand behind minions so you can avoid his Q Thundering Shuriken. Kennen is able to poke easily with W Electrical Surge so avoid his Empowered Auto Attack and let stacks of Mark of the Storm fall off so you don't take extra unnecessary poke. Kennen will be hard to get on but if he wastes E Lightning Rush then you can close the gap easily with a combination of W Path Maker and E Footwork.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be your best option as Kennen has a lot of mixed damage early. Lean your build more on the Magic Resist side and build to what the enemy composition has.
Mid-Late Game Kennen is a decent split pusher but Kennen is an amazing teamfighter especially with a good flank. Slicing Maelstrom can completely carry a teamfight, so you job should be to Path Maker to block him from getting in to the center of your team, and All Out to further carry him away and burst him down. If Kennen is taken care of or doesn't pose a threat with Slicing Maelstrom then feel free to focus a stronger target.

Kennen is very easy to kill if he wastes E Lightning Rush. Do your best to avoid poke and when your All Out is available you should have more than enough damage to kill him so long as you can stick to him.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

I find Kled easy to deal with once you know what you're doing. Kled players will play around their W Violent Tendencies cooldown and look to take a full combo trade when it's available. 99 times out of 100 Kled will blow all of his abilities if you go for a last hit, this can be avoided easily with E Footwork and even basic movement. If Kled is close to your tower and uses E Jousting on you, you can shove him under tower with W Path Maker. Once you stack up some Armor with Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail or Bramble Vest this lane becomes very free.
The only thing you need to be cautious of is his 'Rage Bar'. Once Kled dismounts he can easily remount if he has W Violent Tendencies available.
Item Recommendations:
Kled takes very punishing trades that are 100% physical damage so Iceborn Gauntlet will help reduce the blow. Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail will drastically reduce the damage you take.
Mid-Late Game Kled is decent at split pushing and teamfighting. Kled should have a rough time shoving you in when side laning so they will look for flanks with R Chaaaaaaaarge!!! which you should be ready to react to with Teleport. If you are teamfighting over an objective you should look to dash infront of his R and block for your teammates. Use Path Maker to break through CC and soak up damage until you are ready to use All Out. If Kled is a threat make sure you take him down when he dismounts so that he can't regain another health bar.

Kled is easy to kill once you have some Armor available. Let him waste his long cooldowns and chunk him down with short trades until you are ready to kill him. Make sure you have the damage to kill him before he can remount.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Ornn is considered one of the strongest Tanks in the game but K'Sante has many ways to deal with his kit. The last tick of Ornn's W Bellows Breath applies Brittle which will deal %HP Damage when Ornn Auto Attacks or Knocks you up. This can be avoided fairly easily with E Footwork. The CC from Ornn's Pillar combo of Q Volcanic Rupture and E Searing Charge can be avoided with a well timed W Path Maker (you can also interrupt his Searing Charge with the shove from Path Maker. Ornn has a pretty decent mix of AP and AD damage so once you have your hands on Aegis of the Legion you should have the damage to threaten a kill with All Out.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be your best option as Ornn has a lot of mixed damage. If you're unsure of what to build next, picking up another Aegis of the Legion can help a lot.
Mid-Late Game Ornn will be looking to soak XP from side lane so that he can start giving out upgrades using Living Forge. If you can force him to join skirmishes and fights it will delay his upgrades. During fights you should be looking to match his frontline and keep him from reaching your backline with your displacement abilities. Path Maker or All Out can be used to interrupt his R2 Call of the Forge God and negate a lot of the impact from his engage.

Ornn will be very Tanky so you will have to play trades in a way that you can avoid his combos and chunk him back. If you've gotten him low you can engage and use All Out to interrupt key combos from him for a kill.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Pantheon can be a pretty punishing until you get some Armor. Use a combination of E Footwork and Q Ntofo Strikes to get farmed up and avoid harass from Pantheon's Q Comet Spear so that you can pick up as much armor as you can on your first base. W Path Maker can be used to negate the CC from Pantheon's W Shield Vault. If you play trades properly, once you've stacked up some armor you should have kill potential in All Out. Make sure you reposition behind Pantheon when he uses E Aegis Assault so he can't block your damage.
You should be careful during All Out not to get too low as Pantheon has an execute mechanic on his Q Comet Spear that allows the ability to crit.
Make sure you ping Pantheon's Level when he reaches 6 so that your team is reminded that he can show up in their lane at any moment.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will make the lane essentially free. Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail will shave Pantheon's damage off a significant amount.
Mid-Late Game Pantheon will look to shove side lane and roam with Grand Starfall. Teleport is great for this but you can also shove out your side lane early so that you can set up at objectives. In a teamfight you should be looking to block Pantheon from reaching your backline and tanking the majority of his damage before using All Out. Remember to keep in mind if you are low HP then Pantheon will still be able to crit with Q Comet Spear.

After some Armor pick ups Pantheon is pretty easy to trade with and kill during All Out so long as your HP doesn't drop below the crit thresold on his Q Comet Spear.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror, Fleet Footwork

Quinn will be spending a lot of time trying to poke you from range, so Second Wind has a lot of value in this lane. Because Quinn is mostly Auto Attack based, early Plated Steelcaps will also help a ton. I would recommend using E Footwork to help shield some of her Auto Attack damage and dodge her Q Blinding Assault. If Quinn has you marked with her passive Harrier take a step back and wait it out so you don't take extra damage. Winning this match up depends on how you play around her E Vault. Make sure you are timing your W Path Maker so that Quinn can't knock you back, then dash towards her and close the gap.
When Quinn hits Harrier she gains attack speed and movement speed. This will allow her to kite a lot better.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will make this lane a lot easier, Jak'Sho, The Protean can be considered if it looks like she is rushing Statikk Shiv. Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail for extra armor and damage reduction.
Mid-Late Game Quinn usually tries to roam the map and pick up large waves when they reach side lane. Make sure when Quinn hits Level 6 you ping and communicate to your team that Quinn can roam at any point with Behind Enemy Lines (even from base). Teamfighting against Quinn is pretty straight forward; protect and peel for your carries, soak damage in Tank form, then use All Out on a high priority target.

If you are able to time your Path Maker against her Vault then you should have no issue getting on top of Quinn and killing her.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

You NEED to play cautious for the first few Levels against Rengar as he has very high kill potential from Level 1. Allow Rengar to push to your side of the lane, then once the wave gets close to your tower try your best to set up a freeze. If Rengar jumps on you, you can quickly reposition with E Footwork, then shove him under your tower with W Path Maker. Threatening this will allow you a lot of breathing room to farm just outside of your tower. Once you pick up Plated Steelcaps and some Armor, Rengar should become pretty easy to deal with. His W Battle Roar will heal him for 50% of damage he has taken in the last 1.5 seconds, so try not to use all of your damage at once. His Empowered W Battle Roar can also cleanse your All Out, so just be careful not to use All Out if he has 4 stacks of ferocity.
If you can: Meet incoming waves early to pull aggro and drag it down towards river away from the top bushes.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will be the Mythic you want, but sometimes you will be against the rare AP Rengar player, so keep Jak'Sho, The Protean as a consideration in mind. Plated Steelcaps has high value as a lot of Rengars damage is Auto Attack based. Bramble Vest can cut down a bit of healing from his W Battle Roar.
Mid-Late Game it should be pretty easy to shove Rengar in a side lane if he didn't take a lead. Make sure you are always keeping tabs on him because at any moment he can leave side lane and roam with Thrill of the Hunt. Keep your team alert and try to react with Teleport or shove and get to fights early. Use Path Maker to keep Rengar off of your carries. Use All Out once its safe to go aggressive and take down Rengar or go for higher threat targets.

Rengar is very easy to cheese near your tower with Path Maker. If not, once you grab some Armor he is very easy to overwhelm in trades.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Rumble is a bit tricky early on but once you pick up some Magic Resist this lane becomes much easier. What's important to understand is you will always outscale Rumble, so there is no need to give him kills if you aren't experienced in this lane. Use E Footwork to tank and avoid some damage from his Q Flamespitter as this will be his main source of harass. Good Rumble players manage their Heat and gain a lot of extra damage on his abilities. You don't want to fight Rumble if he is above 50% Heat as he can easily use all of his abilities and shred with you Auto Attacks with his passive Junkyard Titan. Once you've picked up a decent amount of MR, you can Tank his Overheat and take him down with All Out.
Item Recommendations:
After Jak'Sho, The Protean you can pick up Force of Nature or just grab Negatron Cloak and start building towards the rest of the enemy team composition.
Mid-Late Game Rumble will look to have good teamfights with his R The Equalizer. As the Tank you are usually leading the charge, so it's very important not to lead your team into a choke where Rumble can hit a massive The Equalizer. Stay out in the open, create lots of space, and control the area. Let Rumble and his team come to you. If Rumble is strong and is looking to get on one of your carries, shove him away with Path Maker and carry him away with All Out for a quick takedown. If Rumble isn't a big threat then look to towards higher threats.

Rumble will be very easy to kill once you have some Magic Resist and access to All Out. Just make sure you are playing around his Heat.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

At Level 1 Urgot players love to set up either behind you out of vision, or in the bush closest to your tower for cheese with Press the Attack and E Disdain, so in order to avoid this I like to start W Path Maker.
Second Wind can be a good option in this lane as Urgot will be poking quite a bit. What's nice about this lane is that Urgot has quite a short Auto Attack range so you can easily trade with him so long as you are using W Path Maker or E Footwork to avoid his E Disdain. Early Plated Steelcaps is very valuable as a lot of Urgot's damage comes from his W Purge. After you've picked up some Armor you can look for trades.
Urgot is easy to kill with the damage from All Out, but be aware that his R Fear Beyond Death is an execute, and if you get too low he can take you out.
Item Recommendations:
Urgot is another champion with primarily AD damage, so Iceborn Gauntlet is your best option. Early Plated Steelcaps are a great pick up, along with Warden's Mail.
Mid-Late Game Urgot can melt waves pretty quickly and take towers if left unattended. Make sure you are matching him in side lane and follow him to fights if they break out. Use Path Maker to keep him from getting to your backline, and if you are going to use All Out before he uses Fear Beyond Death, make sure you are prepared to avoid it with Footwork, or at least sustain through the damage so that he can't execute you.

Urgot is easy to trade with and kill with All Out once you have some Armor components, you just need to make sure he can't kill you with the execute from Fear Beyond Death.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

I recommend Jak'Sho, The Protean in this lane as Volibear does a lot of mixed damage. Early on Volibear's passive The Relentless Storm will allow him full priority on the wave and it can slowly chip away your HP as well ( Doran's Shield is great to counter this). After Level 3 Volibear players look for full combos with E Sky Splitter and Q Thundering Smash. Your W Path Maker can negate the CC from Thundering Smash in a pinch and allow you to avoid taking a massive chunk of damage, along with E Footwork to create some space. Taking extended trades is fine as long as you don't like Volibear use W Frenzied Maul twice in a row, as the first use marks you and the 2nd use heals Volibear a large amount and does extra damage. All Out provides enough sustain and damage to take down Volibear even through his R Stormbringer but it is so important not to give him free empowered Frenzied Maul.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will help you deal with Volibear's mixed damage and provide ramping in-combat sustain. Volibear can build AP or AD so match builds accordingly.
Mid-Late Game Volibear can build to be a massive split push threat or big frontline. Your build should adjust accordingly but make sure you keep your side lane well managed as to not give up any free turrets. In teamfights keep your carries peeled and match Volibear's frontline. All Out when you start to get low to continue sustaining and target Volibear if he is a threat or send it for the back line.

K'Sante's kit can work around Volibear's pretty well. If you are trying to take some sort of all in; make sure the mark from Volibear's W Frenzied Maul has disappeared.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Wukong's trading patterns can be difficult to navigate through so if you normally struggle in this lane then taking Iceborn Gauntlet is a great option. If Wukong is taking short all ins with E Nimbus Strike and Q Crushing Blow then be ready to react with W Path Maker for some reduced damage and interrupt his combo, following up with Q Ntofo Strikes. If Wukong pokes with Crushing Blow then be ready to shield it with E Footwork. Once you've picked up some Armor and especially a Bramble Vest (as most Wukong's take Conqueror) you should have no issue taking him out so long as you play around his W Warrior Trickster. Absolutely be patient and be mindful of Warrior Trickster because using all of your abilities on his clone and even worse; using All Out on his clone can be disastrous.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will be your standard Mythic. Build an early Bramble Vest to cut back on his healing with divine sunderer] and [[conqueror.
Mid-Late Game one Wukong picks up Divine Sunderer he will be a lot harder to duel so if you are going to take an all in fight with him then don't allow him to continuously heal off your Tank form. Wukong can be a pretty big teamfight threat with Cyclone but you can use your Path Maker to keep him from reaching the rest of your team, and you can carry him away with All Out so he can't hit your team with the 2nd cast of Cyclone.

Pretty easy to kill once you pick up Bramble Vest until he gets Divine Sunderer. Make sure you are playing around his clone Warrior Trickster.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Zac has some pretty brutal lane sustain but K'Sante is great a being able to deny him healing from Cell Division blobs. Whenever Zac uses abilities he will drop blobs on the ground that will heal him when picked up. You can use E Footwork to dash on to them. Zac players will set up combos once they notice you've started stepping on their blobs so be ready to react to the CC of Q Stretching Strikes or E Elastic Slingshot with W Path Maker. Zac easily out-sustains you in lane so you will have to take your trades very carefully and when you have the opportunity to burst him with All Out then take it.
Zac's like to sit out of vision and cheese with Elastic Slingshot, especially near their tower so keep this in mind and be ready to react.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean is a great option as Zac is mostly AP damage. If you can get more MR then pick up Force of Nature as well. Aegis of the Legion provides great mixed resistances and if the enemy team has an AD champion that heals then Bramble Vest can also help in lane with Zac's healing.
Mid-Late Game Zac is much more of a teamfighter than a side lane threat. Keep your side lane managed and cleared out early before objectives so you can set up early and position to deny Zac an easy engage. Zac will look to engage with Elastic Slingshot but you can block it with the dash from Path Maker. Once you control the space that you need you can determine whether you need to stay in Tank form and soak damage or use All Out to start shredding Zac or a melt a higher priority target in the back line.

If you get good at playing around Zac's blobs from Cell Division then you should have no issue killing him with a little bit of Magic Resist and R All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Malphite isn't very threatening of a lane but depending on if they take Arcane Comet or Grasp of the Undying you will have to play your trades a bit differently. Against Grasp, Malphite will be looking to max W Thunderclap for short range melee trades, whereas when taking Comet, Malphite will be looking to poke with Q Seismic Shard. In both cases you can look to Tank some damage with E Footwork but you will need to wait out his movement speed from Seismic Shard in order to close the gap. Malphite is pretty easy to duel and it is very easy to control this lane, but if Malphite is stacking a large chunk of Armor he can be hard to kill outright. If you think you can kill him feel free, but controlling the lane, shoving, and roaming can be just as good.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will provide the best stats as Malphite is primarily AP damage, and during teamfights it will give great value. Mercury's Treads will help you deal with the slow from Seismic Shard a bit better. Build to the enemy team composition. (Malphite is a lane where you can get away with Hullbreaker if you think you could get away with heavy split pushing)
Mid-Late Game Malphite is a massive threat in teamfights because of R Unstoppable Force. Unfortunately we can't make up for bad positioning on our teammates behave as Path Maker cannot block Unstoppable Force. What you should instead do is set up infront of your team and slow the advance of the enemy team so that Malphite is isolated and can be taken down quickly. Use your All Out to continue sustaining.

You can get on top of Malphite and stick to him once he uses Seismic Shard. Very hard to kill if stacking a lot of Armor, but doesn't pose much of a threat to you.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Maokai is another very easy lane so long as you aren't consistently charging into his Q Bramble Smash. Maokai is strong because he has a lot of base damage on his abilities and base healing with his passive Sap Magic. Maokai is able to out-sustain you if you take too many trades before you have access to R All Out, but once you do you can very easily shred him. Grab Mercury's Treads to deal with his CC and if he isn't interacting with you just shove your lane and look to roam. Use W Path Maker to negate the knock back from Bramble Smash and stay on top of him.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be your Mythic as Maokai is AP damage. You can choose to build what you need depending on the rest of the enemy team composition. If you're against AD healers you can pick up a Bramble Vest and that will cut down some of Maokai's healing in lane as well.
Mid-Late Game Maokai can be a decent threat in teamfights as he has a very powerful engage tool with R Nature's Grasp, and can also latch on to your carries with W Twisted Advance. Stay infront of your team in order to Tank Nature's Grasp and make good use of Path Maker so that Maokai cannot reach your backline. All Out can be used to sustain off Maokai and take him down easily. Look for higher threat targets if the Maokai is useless.

Very easy to kill early on will All Out and good usage of Path Maker to negate CC. Can be difficult to kill once he starts stacking HP and Armor.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

If Renekton is running Press the Attack and Ignite you need to be extremely cautious early on until you get Armor. Keep track of Renektons Rage bar. If Renekton doesn't have any rage this is the best opportunity to trade, if Renekton is full rage you can end up taking a lot of damage. Use E Footwork to avoid his Q Cull the Meek, as it will give extra healing for hitting you. W Path Maker can be used to cancel the CC from Renekton's W Ruthless Predator. Plated Steelcaps will bring down the damage from Ruthless Predator a significant amount. If Renekton is running Conqueror then pick up Bramble Vest, otherwise Warden's Mail will make you a lot more durable.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will be highly effective as Renekton only has magic damage from his R Dominus. Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest or Warden's Mail depending on if Renekton has healing runes.
Mid-Late Game Renekton isn't much of a side lane threat but don't leave your side lane unattended. If Renekton has a glass cannon build ( Prowler's Claw , Blade of the Ruined King) he will be very squishy but pose a huge threat to your carries. Use Path Maker to block him from being able to engage with E Slice and Dice and or Prowler's Claw active. With lots of armor you should have no issues soaking up the majority of his damage if he focuses you, but if you All Out while he is full rage he can burst you very quickly. Play according to what your team needs.

Easy to kill with some Armor. If you All Out when he is full rage you risk getting bursted by Ruthless Predator.



Mythic Recommendation: Iceborn Gauntlet
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Riven is heavily reliant on comboing with CC and weaving in Auto Attacks. Level 1 you should play back as Riven has one of the strongest Level 1's in the game with Q1/2/3 of Broken Wings and her passive Runic Blade. E Footwork can be used defensively towards your minions to create space. If Riven is uses her Q to gap close then she will be missing out on a lot of damage. W Path Maker is best used to cancel the leap of her Q3, avoiding the damage and CC entirely. Once you grab Plated Steelcaps and Armor components Riven will have a very hard time killing you.
Riven is another champion with an execute mechanic with Blade of the Exile, so if you are going all in, make sure she is already very low.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet will be your Mythic as Riven does 100% AD damage and the slow will allow you to stick to her/disengage a bit easier. Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail are great pick ups. Bramble Vest if Riven is rushing Ravenous Hydra
Mid-Late Game side lane Riven will clear and roam if she can't kill you. Riven is able to roam very well because she can Broken Wings over walls, so be ready to react with Teleport or try to follow her if it looks like a fight is about to break out. Make use of your Tank form to zone and keep Riven from reaching your backline. If you think you can use All Out without taking too much damage you can focus Riven and then head for the enemies backline.

Riven can be handled pretty easily after picking up some armor. It's important to keep in mind that you can interrupt her Q3 with Path Maker. Don't get executed by her R2 Blade of the Exile during All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Shen is a fairly easy lane though you have to be a bit cautious if he is running Ignite. Shen will use Q Twilight Assault as his main form of harass, as this gives him increased damage and attack range. Another thing to keep track of while trading with Shen is his passive Ki Barrier as it will give him a shield based on 12% of his maximum HP (This is a flat 10 second cooldown that is reduced if Shen lands abilities). Path Maker will allow you to negate the CC from Shen's E Shadow Dash and it will allow you to come out on top of trades or help you escape sticky situations. Kite out of Shen's W Spirit's Refuge as it blocks Auto Attacks (and Dauntless Instinct).
When Shen hits Level 6, ping his Level and let your team know that he can appear in their lane at any time. Keep up pressure so he can't use Stand United for free.
Item Recommendations:
Jak'Sho, The Protean will be the best option as Shen has a lot of mixed damage, with primarily AP damage. Continue to build towards the enemy team composition.
Mid-Late Game Shen will be protecting side lane and looking to join teamfights with Stand United. Make sure you are saving your Teleport for crucial fights. Path Maker will block Shen from being able to use Shadow Dash on to your team. You can choose to target Shen with All Out or head towards a higher threat target. Play for what your team needs from you.

A good Shen can be difficult to kill but if you play your trades properly you should have no issue killing him with All Out.



Mythic Recommendation: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Iceborn Gauntlet, Divine Sunderer(against multiple tanks)
Keystone Recommendation: Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror

Sion is an absolute walk in the park. You can use W Path Maker to avoid the CC from Sion's Q Decimating Smash. His E Roar of the Slayer can be avoided by E Footwork, and his W Soul Furnace can easily be chewed through using Q Ntofo Strikes. Sion should have no reliable way to land his abilities on you if played properly. The only issue is Sion can become extremely tanky and overwhelm your Turret before you can kill him. All Out provides lots of true damage and %HP damage that makes duelling you impossible for Sion. This is a rare lane I would recommend Hullbreaker in if it looks like Sion is starting to build one.
Item Recommendations:
Iceborn Gauntlet or Jak'Sho, The Protean is up to personal preference. Keep in mind Sion will be near impossible to kill so you should take a higher scaling build.
Mid-Late Game Sion will either go extremely heavy split push or play for teamfights. Keep your side lane managed and meet Sion out in the lane early before he can reach your Turret. Once you start bullying him off of split pushing you can force him into teamfights, where you can block his R Unstoppable Onslaught with Path Maker and chew through him with All Out.

If Sion tries to fight you, you should have no issues killing him if playing the match up properly. If Sion doesn't interact with you then try to proxy and roam.


That's it for match ups! Obviously some players will have drastically different experiences in match ups than myself but this seems to be what is most accurate from my own experience.

If you feel like something is blatantly misplaced, or if you notice a match up is missing feel free to leave a comment and let me know!

Additions in Progress:





Runes for K'Sante

Here I have listed the majority of K'Santes most common Runes. Any Runes not listed here are either extremely uncommon, or non-viable. If you feel like I'm missing a Rune or if you believe important information is missing please let me know!



Grasp of the Undying is the most popular Rune to take on K'Sante and has great synergy with the way his trading patterns play out in lane. K'Sante has a slightly easier time proccing Grasp after landing Ntofo Strikes and getting increased range on his auto attacks with Dauntless Instinct. Grasp provides slight healing, permanent health increase, and damage based on a percentage of your maximum Health. Over all the best Keystone to use if you are unsure of when to take other Keystones.

Conqueror is a Keystone I love taking whenever I have the opportunity. I know a lot of people swear by Grasp and Grasp is K'Santes most popular Keystone, but I love how fast K'Sante can stack up Conqueror, then once using All Out its fully stacked and ready to go for extra damage and healing. It's really all up to personal preference and for me, Conqueror has more carry potential than Grasp.
Ntofo Strikes+AA+ Path Maker+AA+ Ntofo Strikes+AA will fully stack Conqueror.

Fleet Footwork is a sustain option that you can take into range match ups that you struggle in. Fleet will provide lots of sustain on top of Doran's Shield and Second Wind and it will make you incredibly hard to move out of lane. Match ups to consider Fleet in:

Glacial Augment I would like to mention as a more supportive option. K'Sante has a lot of damage, and for match ups that he wins; he usually wins hard. Glacial provides damage reduction for your teammates whenever you CC an enemy and they are standing on the frost zones. It's also a good alternative into Range match ups that allows you to stick to your laner easier.
Q3 Ntofo Strikes, Path Maker, and All Out can all proc Glacial.

Unsealed Spellbook is the last option I will mention. Unsealed Spellbook takes a decent learning curve but if you can get Summoner Spells rotating and get the most out of Combat Summoner Spells in lane you can make hard match ups a lot easier. I personally don't have a lot of experience with Unsealed Spellbook myself but there are players who use it, and it works for them.


Resolve Tree

Demolish is a great Rune to take to snowball your lane off of Turret Plates. When you reach an enemies Turret and you are able to proc Demolish you are rewarded with 175g. Demolish should be taken in lanes where you know you will be able to reach the enemy Tower and you are strong enough to chip away at Plates. Demolish also opens up Mid-Late Game Split Pushing as an option. Also important to take if you decide you want to incorperate Hullbreaker into your build.

Shield Bash is a great alternative if you are in a more difficult lane where you can't see yourself reaching the enemy Turret, or being able to use Demolish on it. Shield Bash adds a little bit more AR/MR to you when you are shielded, and makes your next Auto Attack deal extra damage based on the Shield amount. To be used in Synergy with Footwork, and other sources of shields like Gargoyle Stoneplate, or ally shielding Janna.

Conditioning is the best scaling Rune to take on K'Sante. It provides extra AR/MR, and can convert into more damage when using All Out. Important to keep in mind that this is a scaling Rune, so if you are in a rough lane you should consider one of the other options.

Second Wind is great for keeping you sustained in poke lanes. Using Second Wind in combination with Doran's Shield will make lanes like Jayce, Gangplank, and Quinn a lot more bareable. Please keep in mind that this doesn't mean you can just eat damage for free, rather you can trade HP for CS more often in these lanes.

Bone Plating has its rare use cases in lanes like Kled or Wukong where they have predictible semi-all-in trades. Using Kled as an example; Most Kled players look for trades when Violent Tendencies is available, and they will use Beartrap on a Rope and Jousting all at the same time. Having good timing on your Bone Plating will absorb a lot of that damage. That being said in a lot of lanes that Bone Plating looks appealing, you're almost always better off taking Second Wind or Conditioning.

Overgrowth provides Permanent HP upon enemy units dying near you. This extra HP will later convert into a faster Q Ntofo Strikes cast time. Upon fully stacking Overgrowth you will gain an extra 3.5% Maximum HP.

Unflinching gives you Tenacity based on your Current HP. The lower your HP the more Tenacity this rune gives up to 25%, along with 25% slow resistance. This is great in lanes where your opponent relies on CC to win trades. Also a very strong teamfight Rune against compositions with heavy CC. This provides a lot of value during All Out when it's crucial to get abilities off.

Revitalize is unlisted because the healing and shielding it provides isn't as good as the Tenacity provided from Unflinching or the Raw HP from Overgrowth.

Precision Tree

Triumph is a standard Rune that heals you and grants extra Gold on kills. There isn't much else to this Rune or how it functions. Great for staying sustained for multi-kills during All Out.

Presence of Mind is an alternative to Triumph that grants you in-combat mana regeneration. K'Sante doesn't really struggle with mana but the longer you are in lane, OR the beefier your opponent, the more likely you are to completely deplete yourself of mana. If you aren't a fan of Triumph this is a fine alternative, especially into Tank match ups.

Legend: Alacrity provides attack speed and makes Auto Attack weaving and usage of Dauntless Instinct a bit more fluid. K'Sante doesn't make use of Auto Attacks as much as Melee carries but Alacrity provides a lot more fluidity when weaving Autos with abilities.

Legend: Tenacity is a great Rune to take, especially into compositions with high CC and in combination with Unflinching. If you are against heavy CC, then Tenacity will likely make the difference between getting off multiple abilities, which will be the difference between you getting killed, or getting kills.

Last Stand is a very strong Rune to take on K'Sante and easily beats out the other options in its Tier. When K'Sante uses All Out he shaves off a good portion of his HP and instantly gains a % increase in damage. Last Stand combined with Conqueror makes you a very large 1v1 threat, and this combination will help you pull ahead of a lot of 1v1 scenarios. Not to mention providing great value in teamfights as well.


Inspiration Tree

Magical Footwear is the only good option on the first Tier. I personally don't take this rune incase I need to rush Plated Steelcaps but it still has very high value as it gives Boots for free, which is a 300g value. If you don't think you're going to need Boots during laning phase definitely consider Magical Footwear.

Biscuit Delivery gives you a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00, for a total of 3. Biscuits are amazing for lane sustain and help you come out on Top of even match ups, and survive rough match ups. If you are in a match up that is fairly easy, you might end up wasting a Rune slot as you wont be using Biscuits. Each Biscuit consumed or Sold grants you 40 permanent mana.

Minion Dematerializer is another alternative to take in this Tier. Minion Demat can be intimidating to take for some people at first glance but it absolutely makes your wave clear a lot more fluid before you are able to get your hands on Bami's Cinder.
1 Melee, 1 Caster, 1 Cannon
2 Melee, 1 Caster, 0 Cannon

Approach Velocity will grant you movement speed every time you land Ntofo Strikes and Path Maker. This will allow for better follow up with Dauntless Instinct.

Cosmic Insight can be taken if you are running Ghost and or Ignite and it will allow you to have these summoners available more often.


The Sorcery Tree and Domination Tree are unlisted because there is nothing worth mentioning in these Trees as they Synergize poorly, or have stronger counterparts in the other Trees.

Mythic Items

Mythic Items

Below is a list and brief explaination of K'Santes most popular Mythic items. There really isn't a lot to choose from outside of Jak'Sho, and Iceborn Gauntlet, but the other two viable options; Heartsteel and Divine Sunderer are listed as very specific choices to take in certain situations.

Jak'Sho, The Protean

Jak'Sho, the Protean is by far the strongest Mythic you can buy on K'Sante.
30(+16) Armor
30(+16) Magic Resistance
400 HP
20 AH
+5 Armor and MR per Legendary item.
+15% extra resistances at max stacks.
3% Maximum HP drain at max stacks.

That's A LOT of stats. Then once you use All Out your Armor and Magic Resistance is converted into Damage. Best Mythic for Teamfights, and apart from difficult Full AD lane opponents, it's an amazing Mythic for laning as well.
There really isn't much nuance to Jak'Sho. If you are unsure what Mythic you should be taking, always default to this.

Iceborn Gauntlet

Iceborn Gauntlet is the runner up. K'Sante has great synergy with Sheen through Ntofo Strikes and Dauntless Instinct. If your lane opponent doesn't have access to AP Damage then Chain Vest is going to find a lot of value as well.
Iceborn Gauntlet should be taken in lanes where you either need to stick to your opponent (because they excel at short trading or poke) OR you're against an opponent that you personally struggle against; For me, this would be something like Aatrox.
Iceborn Gauntlet provides:
50 Armor
400 HP
20 AH

Iceborn Gauntlets Sheen damage is the exact same, but it also drops a zone of ice that slows enemies based off of your Bonus HP. Your primary target is slowed by an extra 100% (not slowed by 100%), and has their damage reduced by 10%. The effects last for 2.5 seconds, and you can refresh it every 1.5 seconds, meaning you can have this effect up indefinitely.
Iceborn Gauntlet gives you the best 1 item spike in terms of defensive capability into AD opponents. From 2 items onwards, Jak'Sho will provide more Armor when fully stacked.


Heartsteel should really only be taken in rare situations. If you are in a lane where you can consistently proc the passive AND you are against a team composition that has poor access to Maximum %HP damage, then you can get away with building Heartsteel.
Heartsteel provides:

And 20 AH

Stacking HP used to give K'Sante a large amount of Omnivamp, but that has since been removed from his kit. Heartsteel doesn't provide Armor or Magic Resistance so you wont have any damage conversion in All Out, and you are also going to be lacking eHP (effective HP, meaning Armor and MR provide the ability to take more hits).
Don't build this item without putting in a good deal of thought. It can be really good in some situations, but horrible in most.

Divine Sunderer

Divine Sunderer is worth a mention simply because of K'Santes synergy with Sheen items AND the absolute raw strength of Divine Sunderer in general. I highly recommend not building this item in most cases simply because the majority of K'Santes damage comes from Armor and Magic Resistance, which Sunderer doesn't provide, but if you find yourself up against Hyper-Tanks (that also look to stack Heartsteel) like;
Dr. Mundo
AND you are against 1 or 2 more champions that enjoy stacking a lot of HP, then the value of this item goes up a significant amount.

Again, this is an item that can be really good in some situations, but horrible in most.

Radiant Virtue

Radiant Virtue is a last minute addition I want to at the very least mention. Surprisingly (at the time of writing); Divine Sunderer has a higher pick rate on K'Sante than Radiant Virtue.

This item can be really good if there is little to no healing in your team composition. The healing it provides isn't amazing but it can be a great Supportive Tank Mythic alternative to help supplement your team during big 5v5's.

If your team already has enough healing to where the enemy team is incentivized to buy Grevious Wounds, then this item will become next to useless.
Legendary Items

Legendary Items

This is a list of the most common Legendary Items you will be building.

Sunfire Aegis should be your Offensive Core Build. Sunfire provides much cleaner waveclear, passive magic damage in melee range, and a decent chunk of 500 HP and 50 Armor. If you don't immediately need more resistances in order to operate then Sunfire will propel your damage output, and allow you to take waves and camps faster.

Frozen Heart will be at the center of an Attack Damage Defensive Core Build. Frozen Heart provides a massive chunk of 90 Armor, and Damage Reduction that persists during All Out. On top of the extra mana and AH which is nice, but Frozen Heart provides an Aura that will reduce the attack speed of nearby enemies. In lower MMR's this is especially strong because it really messes with Auto Attack-Move timings, and can block extra Auto Attacks through Player error.
Warden's Mail is a very strong component that you can hold and don't have to complete if you immediately need other stats.

Force of Nature will create a nice Magic Damage Defensive Core Build. Force of Nature gives you 70 MR, 50 HP, and 5% Movement Speed. Being hit stacks this items passive, and once it is fully stacked you gain an extra 10% Movement Speed and 25% Damage Reduction to AP Damage, which will carry over into All Out. Over all the strongest item to buy when you need the most resistance to Magic Damage as possible.

Gargoyle Stoneplate is the best pick up if you're against a lot of mixed damage. Gargoyle provides 60 Armor and 60 Magic Resistance, which converts into a lot of damage through Ntofo Strikes. The passive on Gargoyle increases your resistances by 5% per enemy Champion attacking you, which will further make you incredibly tanky and give you even more damage conversion. The shield is a bit lack-luster during All Out which is when you want to be using it for the most part, but it can still be a blessing in close fights.

Randuin's Omen is an item that is most effective against enemies that are heavy users of Auto Attacks and build Crit; ( Tryndamere, Yasuo, Gangplank) Randuin's Omen reduces the damage of critical strikes by 20%, while also having a similar damage reduction passive as Frozen Heart. Randuin's Omen can also be activated for a 55% slow that is great in teamfights for extra peel and making it more difficult for divers to reach your backline. If you're against multiple Crit users, I recommend picking up this item over Frozen Heart at some point.
Warden's Mail is a very strong component that you can hold and don't have to complete if you immediately need other stats.

Thornmail will be your best option into champions that heal a lot through Auto Attacking. You may choose to build Bramble Vest and not complete this item, but once you do, Grevious Wounds can be applied through CC as well. Comparing Thornmails 350 HP and 60 Armor to other items, it doesn't give amazing resistances, but the healing reduction can come in handy especially against opponents using Blade of the Ruined King or Divine Sunderer.

Spirit Visage is a great Magic Resistance alternative that should be built when you have enchanters on your team like; Soraka, Lulu, Ivern, ect.) Spirit Visage provides a nice 60 Magic Resistance and 450 HP, and 25% extra healing and shielding from all sources, this includes the passive Healing in All Out, and the shield from Footwork. If you don't have any enchanters on your team this item will end up falling short to other options.

Turbo Chemtank is a weaker Magic Resistance item that you can pick up if you are against lots of AP Damage and lack initial engage. Pop Chemtank to rush at the enemy, and once you get in range of an enemy Champion it will immediately slow them, allowing you to set up to shove them into your team with Path Maker and or All Out. Leave this item alone if you already have an easy time engaging and position for All Out.

Abyssal Mask should really only be taken into compositions with multiple AP Damage Melee, and you have AP Damage dealers. Think of a composition like; JG Zac, Sup Leona, Mid Galio. Abyssal Mask has an Aura that drains the MR of nearby Champions and adds a little extra MR to yourself. A horrible stand alone item but if the compositions line up properly this item can be built in rare scenarios.

Dead Man's Plate can be taken as a later stage item if you are comfortable with the amount of Tankiness and Damage you have, and need some extra movement speed to get around or set up flanks/engage. Mostly an engage item that is built on Tank Junglers/Supports but you can build this item if you have a significant lead and want to have oppressive catch potential.

Guardian Angel is an item that is sort of overlooked, but adds an extra level of difficulty when enemies are trying to kill you. It provides 45 AD which isn't really a stat K'Sante is looking for but it also gives a nice little chunk of 40 Armor as well. Guardian Angel makes you unattractive to try to deal with as the enemy team will effectively have to kill you twice. Not a good core item to build, but can definitely protect your snowball as a 3rd item onwards.

Hullbreaker is a macro-oriented item that really should for the most part only be an answer to an enemy Hullbreaker. The bad part about this item is that it's Armor and Magic Resistance fall off when you are near teammates, which also means you will lose damage in teamfights when using All Out. If you're against a heavy split pusher OR you are 40 minutes into a game that doesn't seem like it can be won through a 5v5, cut your losses and try to create split pressure so that you can potentially win a 1v2, or create a 4v3 for your team.
Don't build this item unless the game calls for it, you have good macro, and are comfortable split pushing.

Feel free to Comment what works for you! If you feel like an important item is missing from this list let me know!

Combos and Trading

Q Auto Attack

Easily your most basic short trading combo. Q Ntofo Strikes for the slow and apply Dauntless Instinct. You will have slightly increased attack range and extra damage. Easiest way to proc Grasp of the Undying and helps stack Conqueror quickly.


Use Path Maker to close the gap and shove your opponent for a short stun, then follow up with Ntofo Strikes. If you have Q3 Ntofo Strikes available then this combo will act similar to a Singed Fling.
This will also be a quick waveclear tool. Shove the Melee Creeps into the Caster Creeps so that you can hit all 6 minions with Ntofo Strikes.
You will run out of mana if you use this too much.


You can use Footwork to reposition and follow up with Ntofo Strikes. You also have a much longer dash to minions, so if your opponent is playing safe you can dash to an allied minion and use Q3 Ntofo Strikes to pull them in and take a longer trade.


Use Footwork while you are in close range of an enemy Champion to reposition in a way that you can shove them where you want them with Path Maker. This will throw enemies away from safety and make follow up from your team easier. This can also set up for a good All Out.


Use your full combo, starting with Footwork to gap close, and either Path Maker to fully close the gap in order to pull with Q3 Ntofo Strikes OR, E - Q3 and use Path Maker to shove your opponent into a horrible position.

These can be done in any order depending on how close or far away you are from your target.


Use Footwork to reposition, and Path Maker to shove your opponent near a wall for a clear All Out. These must be down quickly because even the most slight movement from the enemy can ruin the angle of All Out. Much harder to execute against enemies that are stacking Tenacity.


In some situations you can use Path Maker to cancel CC, gap close, shove, use All Out for CC cancel, then your Path Maker resets, in order to dash and cancel even more CC. Using a combination like this properly will negate a lot of peel and allow you to stick to your target.

Fast Stack Conqueror

Using 2 Ntofo Strikes and Path Maker while weaving in Dauntless Instinct between abilities will quickly stack up your Conqueror. This will allow you better duelling in Tank form, and once you decide to use All Out your Conqueror is fully activated and ready to go.
Make sure if you are staying Tank form that you wont immediately need Path Maker

K'Santes abilities are fairly simple, and can be used in whichever order you would like depending on your position relative to the enemy. K'Sante has a lot of displacement to work with, so once you master the usage and decision making revolved around his abilities, you will be extremely hard to disengage from, and create a lot of space for your team to work with. (If you don't outright catch an enemy way out of position)


It's important to always be proactive if you want to find success playing League, so once you've cleared a wave, there is no opportunity to take a plate, and theres plenty of time before the next wave arrives, you can walk into river and try to spot the Jungler, throw down wards, sweep, steal enemy JG camps, or farm your own (Top side Krugs/Gromp) if your Jungler is on the other side of the Map.

Assuming we are Blue Side and just crashed a wave into Red Turret, I will normally walk down into River. If there is no activity around I will look for wards on Yellow X, or a deep Control Ward on Red X.

If my Jungler is in the area and it looks like they want to invade I will accompany them into the enemy Jungle and see if we can get a pick. If my Mid laner is being shoved in, I can wrap around and look for a gank on Mid. If it looks like a big skrimish is breaking out towards Dragon, I will shove Mid and fully commit to a fight on Dragon.

Sometimes you wont be the aggressor and instead you will be on the back foot. If your Jungler is getting invaded it is very important to help him so he doesn't get killed. It's less important that they can finish a camp, but more important that the enemy Jungler or Top Laner doesn't get free 300g and set your Jungler far behind. If your Jungler is being invaded and you are very close by, do your best to get there and help them out. Ward on Yellow X and Control Ward on Red X or Blue Buff if you are falling behind.

Team Fighting

Teamfighting with K'Sante is extremely versitile and the role you play is very dependant on how both team compositions function. What's important to keep in mind is that you have 3 main roles you can fall into; Aggressor, Defender, Controller.


If you are the Aggressor you will be the main or secondary engage. Pump out all of your abilities on the enemies primary damage source, and use All Out to continue DPSing and Sustaining through out the fight. Your displacement abilities can and should be used aggressively to throw enemy Champions into the line of fire of your teammates. Your primary function is to soak as much damage and deal as much damage as possible, while using your abilities to chase down enemies and kill everything and anything in sight.


If you are playing as a Defender, you will be very close to your teams primary carry. You will be holding your position and create breathing room for your carries to work with. Use your displacement abilities to shove away the enemy teams primary engage, or divers and assassins. Soak damage and trade your Health for the enemies Health. If one of your carries gets jumped on, you can use All Out as your last peel tool and hopefully all of this will be enough to secure a won teamfight. Once you use All Out you will be in "Offence is the best Defence" mode, so continue to DPS and use Q3 of Ntofo Strikes to peel. Position in a way that you are more likely to be targetted over the people carrying you, your death could be just enough for your team to come out on top.


As a Controller you are neither looking to engage aggressively, and you don't need to peel you carries as defensively. Instead you inch your way into a zone to control. If the enemy engages on you, you can counter engage or peel back depending on what your team needs. If the enemy team has something like a Soraka then you can position to carry her away from the fight with All Out, and that could be all it takes to win. This style of play is best used as front to back, and requires accurate decision making over the course of a fight playing out. Not nearly as simple as "just run in and do damage" or "protect the ______ at all costs". You will have to do a bit of both.

Be aware that teamfights will almost always break out around objectives, so keeping track of Objective Timers plays a huge role in how successful of a teamfighter you are. It's never a question of IF a teamfight will break out, it's WHEN. Watch the map, check Timers often, and be ready to react with Teleport, or be prepared to drop whatever you are doing and get to a fight as quickly as possible.

If your team is on the back foot, get to objectives 1 minute early in order to set up vision and potentially catch opponents off guard for picks.
To Close

And that's about all I have for now! I want to thank you for taking the time to read this Guide and I really hope it helps!

There will be lots of changes in the Meta, Items, and even K'Sante himself. If you feel like anything in this Guide is misleading or highly inaccurate please don't hesitate to let me know. The goal for this Guide is to provide the best one stop shop for Players of all skill levels to pick up, learn, and head towards the path of Mastery for K'Sante.

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide