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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
The S5 jungle changes really hurt her early clears, and without a strong leash, she may have problems to reach level 3.
Rito was aware of the problems and buffed her slightly :
Passive - Shadow Walk
+2% missing mana per second
E - Ravage
Strikes now apply on-hit effects
The most interesting change is about ravage, which helps alot for the early clear, i'll explain this later.
I take classic AD jungle runes, you will need AS quints and AD marks, armors seals are necessary because you are really squishy without, and the scaling MR are a better choice than flat because you will take magic damage a bit later in the game.
You can also choose scaling CDR blues if you want your ult's CD reduced.
You can also choose scaling CDR blues if you want your ult's CD reduced.
Now i'll explain why i take Ravage level 1.
If you start with golems and smite them, Ravage will proc an additionnal golem stack.
Moreover, Ravage resets your auto attack.
So, if you try AA > E > AA, it will bring 3 stacks of golem debuff in a short window of time.
The stun make the early clear a bit safer, but still risky, Evelynn is still a squishy **** at early levels.
By maxing Ravage, you'll be able to get a strong AS buff, which combined with the Devourer enchantmant, make your jungler clears and ganks really strong.
If you start with golems and smite them, Ravage will proc an additionnal golem stack.
Moreover, Ravage resets your auto attack.
So, if you try AA > E > AA, it will bring 3 stacks of golem debuff in a short window of time.
The stun make the early clear a bit safer, but still risky, Evelynn is still a squishy **** at early levels.
By maxing Ravage, you'll be able to get a strong AS buff, which combined with the Devourer enchantmant, make your jungler clears and ganks really strong.
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