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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Introduction & Pre-season Opinions

You should totally pick Fizz jungle when:
- The enemies' team doesn't have too much CC.
- Your team lacks damage, especially AP damage.
- Your teammates can stay safe while you're busy stacking the
Enchantment: Devourer.
- You wanna play mind games with the enemies in Picks / Bans.
- You're bored.
It's the R>E>W>Q with a little twist. Go 3 points on
Seastone Trident for the early jungle clearing, then max out
Playful / Trickster first for the instant damage, because unless your teammates have some CC, you're not gonna land a lot of auto attacks in ganks. Also maxing it out first reduces the cooldown and can protentally save your life in sticky situations.


Other Options:
For Marks, you can choose Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration, but I don't recommend it.
Greater Seal of Armor can be replaced by
Greater Seal of Scaling Health if you're facing an AP damage reliant team, but this means your start in the jungle will be slightly weaker. Go 6
Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction and 3
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power to make sure you have 40% CDR. The
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power should remain the same for every rune build.

Fury over
Sorcery because this build relies more on auto attacks than abilities to deal damage.
Feast over
Double Edged Sword for a little bit more sustain
Natural Talent over
Vampirism because this build can benefit pretty well from both AD and AP, and the lifesteal/spell vamp seem very tiny.
Bounty Hunter over
Oppressor because you can protentially get double the amount of extra damage
Wanderer over
Savagery for faster roams and mobility.




These are the items that might still work on Fizz jungle, but they're either not as strong as the main items or I just have a bad time playing with them.

I almost always start at the gromp, then blue buff, wolves, scuttlecrab and back. Smite the gromp right when you see it so that
Seastone Trident can deal more damage to it. After first back, pick up
Hunter's Potion, then go for the krugs, then red buff, raptors and another scuttlecrab. Smite the krugs for the stun to get scuttlecrab faster. Jungling after that depends. Try to buy
Vision Ward and take control of the river, because scuttlecrabs,dragons and heralds are your main sources of stacks for the
Enchantment: Devourer. With some smart wards, you will be able to do so much for the team, providing visions and securing objectives, without appearing on the map too much in the early game.
Red: First clear
Blue: Second clear

Blue: Second clear
When you're going for red buff after the first back, look for pushed up lanes to gank. Fizz's pressure pre-level 6 is not heavy, so you need to choose your target carefully because you can't afford to camp a specific lane for too long just for a kill. Choose the easy targets, easy kill them for the easy money and get out. When you get to level 6, your ganks will be really effective and the enemies won't likely to escape without burning their summoner spells. Start with
Chum the Waters, follow by
Urchin Strike,
Seastone Trident auto attacks and
Playful / Trickster if they try to escape. As I said earlier, Fizz jungle is useless if falls behind, so rush for the
Enchantment: Devourer jungle item of your choice, and start farming for those stacks. Try to pick up a kill/assist everytime
Chum the Waters is up as well as place some wards, especially at Dragon. You should be able to finish
Nashor's Tooth at around 18 minutes, just before the early game ends.

You'll probably get your
Enchantment: Devourer sated at around 22 to 25 minutes, and this is when you show the enemies just how strong you are. A successfully landed
Chum the Waters plus some
Seastone Trident auto attacks should send any champions to the scoreboard, and it's really hard for them to escape, unless they go for a
Zhonya's Hourglass or a
Quicksilver Sash early. The laning phrase should stop around this time too so you're gonna get a lot of kill trades with the enemies' team. Try not to fall down too many times though. Depends on how your team is playing, you can choose to group up or split push. Fizz's wave clear is pretty fast, and he can push decently and get out quickly too. In team fights at this stage of the game, the front line shouldn't be too tanky for you to take out, but you should still focus on the main damage sources.

Things are gonna be harder in the late game team fights when the enemies are starting to build defensive items and you may get caught trying to be too agressive. Stay clear from the enemies' pokes since you have no sustain whatsoever. Look for the right moment to catch their ADC/mid-laner, push them out of team fights or kill them if you can, and back off quickly. Another way to play around team fights is to
Playful / Trickster right through the enemies' front line,
Urchin Strike to the back line, land an auto attack or two before using
Zhonya's Hourglass. After that,
Playful / Trickster should be back up, use it to continue doing damage as your team start enegaging. This only works if you're a big threat the the enemies' team and they actually hold on to their abilities to kill you. If not, it's gonna be a 4v5 for your team.

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