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Recommended Items
Frozen Heart
Atma's Impaler
Locket of the Iron Solari
Iceborn Gauntlet
Runic Bulwark
Mercurial Scimitar
Maw of Malmortius
Abyssal Mask
Banshee's Veil
Spirit Visage
Sunfire Aegis
Frozen Mallet
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension
Rod of Ages
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Wooglet's Witchcap
Blackfire Torch-deleted
Trinity Force
Black Cleaver
Sanguine Blade
Ability Order
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability
Let's take a serious look on it.
First thing you will hear playing Taric on Twisted Treeline will be like:
Le Random Teammate(Le Random Champ): OMG why pick Taric???
and in my case also:
/all Le Wild Foe(Le Wild Champ): BEST TARIC SKIN :DDD
(yes I'm playing him with pink skin :D)
But with a closer look you'll see that Taric isn't a that bad choice, everybody thinks it is.
First, most of Twisted Treeline Teams are like Jax, Wukong, Tryndamere, so for you as Taric it's quiet easy to counter them by stacking armor, what also means you will deal hard damage with your Shatter.
Further your Imbue makes you able to be on lane for long time, interupting ganks with a well placed Dazzle.
First thing you will hear playing Taric on Twisted Treeline will be like:
Le Random Teammate(Le Random Champ): OMG why pick Taric???
and in my case also:
/all Le Wild Foe(Le Wild Champ): BEST TARIC SKIN :DDD
(yes I'm playing him with pink skin :D)
But with a closer look you'll see that Taric isn't a that bad choice, everybody thinks it is.
First, most of Twisted Treeline Teams are like Jax, Wukong, Tryndamere, so for you as Taric it's quiet easy to counter them by stacking armor, what also means you will deal hard damage with your Shatter.
Further your Imbue makes you able to be on lane for long time, interupting ganks with a well placed Dazzle.
For Runes I chose:
Mark of Attack Damage, to make your Auto-attacks more powerful.
Seal of Armor, you're a tank so you need those.
Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist, same as Seals... 'nuff said.
As long as they make sense, you may of course use other Runes you like to, because Taric will be OP anyway.
Mark of Attack Damage, to make your Auto-attacks more powerful.
Seal of Armor, you're a tank so you need those.
Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist, same as Seals... 'nuff said.
As long as they make sense, you may of course use other Runes you like to, because Taric will be OP anyway.
speed ( Wanderer , Nimble )
gold ( Greed , Wealth , Pickpocket )
manaregeneration ( Meditation )
some AP and ( Blast )
magic penetration ( Arcane Knowledge )
Further your Exhaust will lower target's armor and MR ( Summoner's Wrath ), what will be very useful.
Same as before, you may want to use other Masteries so use if you want.
Kage's Lucky Pick
Start up with Kage's Lucky Pick and a Health Potion. |
On your first back you should at least be able to buy some Boots. |
Right after that you rush Twin Shadows! It's a very usefull item on Twisted Treeline, since there aren't any Sight Ward's aviable. It's also a great help chasing or escaping from enemies, cause of it's slow. |
Hextech Sweeper
If there is a Teemo in the other team, keep calm and rush a Hextech Sweeper! Doesn't work that well on Shaco's Jack In The Box, because they would attack you trying to destroy them. |
Continue your build with some Mercury's Treads and Randuin's Omen. |
The combination of Twin Shadows and Randuin's Omen is so hilarious, especially when someone tries to tower-dive you. Dazzle, Randuin's Omen, Twin Shadows and the Turret does the rest. |
Get Enchantment: Alacrity for even more speed to chase down enemies. | Time to build some damage! Hextech Gunblade is the perfect item for some hybrid damage, combined with life-steal and spellvamp. Also a great slow on it's active ability. | More life means more durability, though enemies haven't bought Blade of the Ruined King, then skip this item. But when you build it, you can enjoy the benefit from it's passive. |
Now you can get actually whatever you want, or rather, whatever you need.
Decide whether you need:
Armor (f.e. Frozen Heart or Atma's Impaler)
Magic Resist (f.e. Spirit Visage or Abyssal Mask)
Life (f.e. Frozen Mallet or Shurelya's Battlesong)
Ability Power (f.e. Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Wooglet's Witchcap)
or just Damage (f.e. Trinity Force or Sanguine Blade)
Also decide by usefullness of items' active or passive abilities (f.e. Spellblade from Sheen).
As the title says, this guide isn't ready yet.
Sections missing:
Skill Sequence (In Progress)
Team Work
How to play
If anyone reads this far, feel free to give me feedback - positive AND negative, as long as it's constructive.
PS: This is my first guide, so please tell me, if I had done some heavy mistakes. ^^
Sections missing:
Skill Sequence (In Progress)
Team Work
How to play
If anyone reads this far, feel free to give me feedback - positive AND negative, as long as it's constructive.
PS: This is my first guide, so please tell me, if I had done some heavy mistakes. ^^
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