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Recommended Items
Runes: Grasp
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
More info in the matchups sections.
Xin Zhao
Volibear works well and synergizes with high agency junglers who can take control of the early to mid game.
Xin Zhao is also a great example due to his great ganks which Volibear can set up for him really nicely.
Xin Zhao
Volibear works well and synergizes with high agency junglers who can take control of the early to mid game. Xin Zhao is also a great example due to his great ganks which Volibear can set up for him really nicely.
Champion Build Guide

Greetings summoner!
I hope that you're doing well in your climb this season.
A short description of myself before we proceed with the guide. I am Bonkk. I play in the Philippine server while we were stuck in the horror that is the Garena server. I'm a fairly new player actually, having started playing during season 10. I'm a top/support player with Sion as my main, but I play a lot of Volibear as well, being my 2nd main. You can search for my accounts in op.gg. My username is: Bonkk, and TMG Gobu. I look forward to help others improve their Volibear gameplay, while also improving myself along the way :)
I look forward to be part of everyone's journey in the Mobafire community.

is a hybrid damage bruiser/tank who has strong early laning while also having potent scaling and split pushing power.
Volibear is very flexible and adaptive in the sense that he can build and deal both

Another flexibility is his playstyle, you can play for your team, helping secure objectives and ganks, or play selfishly bringing the spotlight to yourself through ramming your way to the enemy inhibitor and taking down 3 people in the process, whichever style you choose, there is sure to be victory with the bear.
Most players take

The Relentless Storm is also beginner friendly. With a low skill floor, anyone can pick up this champion as he isn’t a mechanically difficult champion to play, and has pretty simple combos and trading patterns.

+ Strong early game + Strong mid game (tank/AD) + Strong late game (AP/AD) + Strong short trades + Fast tower breaking (AP/AD) + Very tanky and great survivability + Strong side laning + Strong teamfighting + Very strong item spike with ![]() + Has a lot of utility, still useful even when behind + Good snowballing, even with tank set up you can transition into AP to press your lead further + Very flexible. Can go a variety of runes, items, roles, and playstyle + Good waveclear (Amazing waveclear on AP) + One of, if not, the best tower dives in the game + Good ganks, gank set up, and roams + Strong 1v9 solo carry potential + rawr |
- Can get kited around - E ![]() - Falls off late game (Tank) - Somewhat immobile - Gets countered by %max hp damage dealing champions - Mana problems when abilities are spammed - rawr ![]() He’s a strong laner early, and scales really well with 2/3 AD or 1/2 AP items. A lot of people say that he falls off late game, but that’s because they’re building him full tank which does fall off later on due to your lack of damage, but you have to understand that ![]() That’s not to say tank ![]() ![]() ![]() I always have some sort of tenacity with the bear to help better chase escaping enemies, due to him having some difficulty getting on top of enemies who have a lot of CC, dashes or movement speed buff. Most of the time I take Unflinching and Mercury Treads which is enough tenacity for me. |

This will be your main keystones. You can take this runes in nearly all matchups. This keystones synergize well with |
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PTA on the other hand is an even more lane focused keystone. You'll have higher kill pressure with PTA than with |
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Main runes
Grasp of the Undying/
Press The Attack/
Lethal Tempo
Situational runes
Phase Rush/
Fleet Footwork
Sub runes:
Shield Bash/
Second Wind/
Legend: Alacrity/
Legend: Tenacity/
Last Stand/
Coup de Grace/
Minion Dematerializer/
Approach Velocity/
Magical Footwear/
Nimbus Cloak/
Gathering Storm/
Cheap Shot/
Eyeball Collection/
Relentless Hunter/
Treasure Hunter
The sub runes are also a very big factor as to which runes you should choose. You should not overlook the sub runes just because of your main keystone. There have been moments where I chose
Grasp of the Undying over
Press the Attack even when the lane looks very snowbally and I have a lot of kill pressure, in exchange for Grasp due to the resolve tree which offers more late game tankiness and survivability.
All of these runes you can take in the secondary tree if they're not available in your primary tree.
Situational runes
For very specific match ups or gameplans.
Phase Rush
For very hard to stick to targets like Udyr.
Extreme tankiness. Might be good if you're the sole frontliner/tank of the team and you’re going full tank build.
Fleet Footwork
For very oppressive laners.
Doran's Shield and
Second Wind should be enough to survive most poke matchups, but if it really seems difficult for you to survive a certain matchup in lane, you can try out
Fleet Footwork.
Pick this rune if you want to roam a lot and do a lot of ganks. I suggest taking
Waterwalking and
Celerity in conjunction with
Sub runes
For your secondary runes, select what is most appropriate to your game, or the ones you enjoy using the most and matches your playstyle well.
Minion Dematerializer For additional waveclear. I will consider taking this rune when going tank.
Approach Velocity Movement speed buff rune. This is good for chasing targets whom you've slowed with either your E
Sky Splitter or ultimate
Celerity Movement speed buff rune. I will take this as my secondary if im going tank. This synergizes well with items, spells, and abilities that provide movement speed.
Waterwalking Additional movement speed and adaptive force in the river. I will take this if I'm looking to roam a lot.
Nimbus Cloak Gain Movement speed buff and ghosting when you cast your summoner spells. I don't usually take
Flash, but when I do, I enjoy using this using in conjunction with it.
Gathering Storm Scaling adaptive force rune. This is an infitely scaling rune.
Relentless Hunter Movement speed rune. An alternative to waterwalking if I'm looking to roam a lot.
Treasure Hunter Bonus gold per takedown. This is a nice rune if I know I'm gonna snowball.
Ultimate Hunter Ability Haste on ultimate. I take this usually if I'm playing tank and look to use my ultimate
Stormbringer a lot.

The Relentless Storm
Whenever Volibear damages at least one enemy with a basic attack or ability, he generates a stack of The Relentless Storm for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent damage and stacking up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, Volibear gains Lightning Claws.
For each stack, Volibear gains 5% (+ 4% per 100 AP) bonus attack speed, up to 25% (+ 20% per 100 AP).
At 5 stacks, Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, empowering his basic attacks on-hit to deal 11 − 60 (based on level) (+ 40% AP) bonus magic damage to the target and the nearest visible enemy within 450 units of the target, chaining up to 4 subsequent targets.
Be aware that:
The 5 stack chain lightning auto is really good for poking down your enemies, especially if you have some AP.
The attack speed bonus, AP on hit and chain lightning all scale off of your AP. This passive is the reason why Nashor's Tooth is so strong in Volibear, due to both the AP and attack speed.
It might be hard to freeze or manipulate wave perfectly in the way you want due to this passive, so Volibear will be shoving or slow pushing a lot of waves that he can't hold a freeze on. Be careful with this, as it may make you susceptible to ganks.

Thundering Smash
Volibear drops on all fours, becoming ghosted and gaining bonus movement speed for 4 seconds, doubled while facing a visible enemy champion within 2000 units.
During this time, Volibear's next basic attack is empowered to consume the bonus movement speed to have an uncancellable windup and pounce on the target, dealing bonus physical damage and stunning them for 1 second.
If Volibear becomes immobilized or polymorphed by an enemy during Thundering Smash, the effect ends prematurely and the cooldown is reset.
Be aware that:
This ability is an auto attack reset.
You can go through thin walls if you hug the wall then Q an enemy over the wall if you are within range, due to the game registering this as a lunge ability.
Q through a wall
Frenzied Maul
Frenzied Maul deals 50% increased damage and heals Volibear. The heal is halved against minions.
Be aware that:
An auto attack reset ability with high base damage and AD scaling especially with an empowered W against marked champions.
This ability when casted on a wounded target, heals for a lot the lower HP you are.
Take 3 points into this ability pre-6 no matter your build, as the base damage and healing is too good to pass up.
Sky Splitter
Volibear summons a lightning bolt to strike at the target location after a 2-second delay. If Volibear is within the strike, he gains a shield equal to 14% of his maximum health (+ 75% AP) for 3 seconds.
The bolt deals magic damage to enemies hit, capped at 650 against non-champions, slows them by 40% for 2 seconds, and grants sight of the area for 1 second.
Be aware that:
Hitting both enemies and yourself with this ability usually results in a winning trade for you.
This is your main wave clear ability outside of your passive.
The damage and shield from this ability scales off of AP and HP.
Volibear gains Stormbringer for 12 seconds and leaps to the target location with crowd control immunity, granting sight of the area in a 500 radius during the travel.
During the Stormbringer buff, Volibear gains ghosting, bonus health, 50 bonus attack range, 25 increased range on Frenzied Maul Frenzied Maul, and 35% increased size.
Volibear impacts the area after 1 second, slowing nearby enemies by 50% decaying over 1 second. Enemies within the epicenter are also dealt physical damage.
Volibear also disables enemy turrets in an area for a duration, rendering them unable to attack, as well as dealing them the same damage.
Be aware that:
Stormbringer is one of the best towerdiving abilities in the game. This ability turns towers off for a few seconds, making the entire team be able to tower dive.
This ability scales off of both AP and AD, but deals physical damage.

You can use your R

Basic auto attack Q

Basic auto attack W

This will be your standard short trade pattern. You are hiding your E

This is the maximum amount of DPS on a short trade you can output on Volibear without ultimate

A variation of the combo above but with your ultimate

Bear special
Baus special with the bear.
Hit the two nexus turrets with your ultimate

Tank mythic for Volibear that scales really well into the late game.
The Colossus Consumption passive gives permanent HP per proc synergizes well with Volibear’s short trade patterns and your W and R can benefit from the gigantic amount of HP it gives.
This is an all around great mythic item, preferably taking it into a melee matchup, but it’s not too bad against ranged matchups either.
You would want to build resistance items afterwards since this mythic offers no armor and mr.
The item doesn’t help with your waveclear, and the component items are kinda mediocre in the early game, but Volibear isn’t reliant on these items in the laning phase, and so Volibear doesn’t really suffer from these weaknesses that other tanks would since his kit is sufficient in the early game.
Iceborn Gauntlet
Great first item when going against AD champions due to the 50 armor it gives.
The spellblade and AOE slow on the passive is also really good and synergizes really well with Volibear’s kit.
When going up against a full AD team comp, or the enemy has like 4 AD champions your first item is gonna be either Iceborn gauntlet, frozen heart, or sunfire aegis depending on what you need.
If you’re even or ahead of your opponents, Iceborn Gauntlet is a solid choice and when paired with a Frozen heart or Sunfire Aegis as second item, you're basically immortal against AD champions until they start getting armor pen. The component items on this mythic is also good.
You should look to get sheen as the first component item when backing with at least 700 gold.
This mythic item shines during long drawn out fights, so this is a very ideal item if your enemy has 2 or 3 bruisers or tanks on their team because they wouldn’t be able to burst you down quickly in order to give you time to stack your stacking resistances passive which makes you stronger the longer you are in combat up to a maximum of 8 stacks.
This item lets you take on multiple enemies at the same time and is good if the enemy comp has mixed damage, due to the mixed resistances this item offers.
Radiant Virtue
Team oriented mythic item that also synergizes well with Volibear, especially his ultimate which already gives him HP when casted. Radiant Virtue’s passive stacks another chunk of HP on top of your ultimate and also gives a set amount of HP to nearby allies.
This is more of a supportive mythic item, and as such, you would need to make plays together with your team to make the most out of the item’s passive. You need to be a team player when using this item.
Frozen Heart
This item is, dare I say, OP.
A very cheap item that gives A LOT of armor, some mana, ability haste, an attack speed slow for nearby enemies on passive and reduced incoming auto attack damage. This item practically shuts down AD auto attackers.
Though this item does not provide HP, the armor it provides is gigantic and more than compensates for lack of it. You can rush this item first if you're having a hard time against your AD laner, or if you have AD auto attacking toplane and jungle.
You don’t need to worry about the lack of offensive stats from building this item first due to Volibear’s great base damage.
Sunfire Aegis
This item is a viable alternative to

It costs the same and gives armor, similar to Frozen Heart, though it sacrifices mana, ability haste and 40 armor(which is quite a big reduction) in stats and the Winter’s Caress and Rock Solid Passive from Frozen Heart in exchange for Immolate passive for stronger waveclear and a bit more damage, and 500 HP in stats.
I would personally rank Frozen heart higher than this item, but there are certain matchups where I would build this item, but mostly as a 1st item if I need armor and a faster waveclear, such as if I can see that my opponents are roaming a lot.
Anti-heal item. 8/10 games you're gonna be building this, or at the very least, the bramble vest component.
There’s so much healing in the game nowadays that the majority of matches would really require you to build some sort of anti-heal, it has become a necessity.
The stats this item gives is also pretty nice, and so is the thorns passive. You could rush bramble vest early on into the game, but should only be looking to finish the full Thornmail as a 4th, 5th or even last item, as there are other armor items that give better value than thornmail.
Spirit Visage
Your first item choice when it comes to magic resistance.
This item gives MR, HP, and Health Regeneration for stats, and a passive that increases all health and shield gained by 25% which works really well with Volibear’s kit.
With a bit of AP in combination with this item, you would have a gigantic shield every time you land E on yourself. Spirit Visage also increases the healing from empowered W.
You should also consider building this item if your team provides a lot of healing and shielding such as if you have a Soraka or Lulu on your team.
Force of Nature
Great alternative to Spirit Visage.
Force of Nature offers 20 more MR and 5% movement speed in comparison to Spirit Visage, but offers 100 less HP, no ability haste, and no health regen.
The passive on Force of Nature gives you a lot of movement speed and even more magic resistance when fully stacked and really makes you tanky against long fights against AP champions.
This item is a really good counter against Singed.
Turbo Chemtank
3rd magic resistance item option with Volibear.
This is good to build when you're looking to play for your team, roaming a lot, and making a lot of ganks across the map.
When perma-roaming with Volibear with this item, you should be building this first in order to benefit from the early snowballing potential this item provides, but you can also build this later on if you just need a small bump of movement speed to chase down escaping enemies.
Dead Man's Plate
If you need more movement speed while building armor, you build this against AD champions or

You could maybe take this in conjunction with hullbreaker, but I would rather build some other tank item than 
But still, I feel that this is an inferior item in comparison to the other tank items. You should build

Titanic Hydra
Take this if you need more waveclear when building full tank Volibear.
You can capitalize off of the additional HP from your items which turns into AD with this item.
Splitpush item that forces you to go solo without teammates to fully benefit from the passive which grants additional damage to turrets and empowered minions.
This is a good counter to roaming champions.
You can build this even if you aren't against roaming a roaming top laner, but simply looking to split push a lot, especially if you think your team is sufficient enough even without your help in teamfights.
Ability Power Items
Nashor's Tooth
One of the biggest powerspikes for Volibear, making his DPS go through the roof.
It offers everything that Volibear needs in terms of offense and makes his waveclear and tower taking one of the best in the game.
The attack speed from Nashor’s tooth makes him stack his passive faster, and the AP makes the attack speed gained from his passive even stronger.
The chain lightning at 5 stacks of passive also scales off of AP. Volibear’s passive, E and R all have AP scaling, and so, Nashor’s tooth greatly benefits those three abilities. Once you have this item, your chain lightning at 5 stack passive will start to really hurt your enemies and make your poke deadly.
I recommend buying this 2nd or 3rd item if you're going for an AP bruiser set up, or 4th, 5th or last item if you're building tank.
Rushing Nashor’s as a first item is really greedy and should only be done if you're snowballing and ahead of your enemy laner as this item is pure offense, giving AP and attack speed and AP on-hit with the Icathian Bite passive. If you rush Nashor’s tooth as your first item, you should be looking to solo lane and farm as much as possible until you get your other items and become tankier before joining 5v5 fights, because while you can delete squishies real fast with this build, you yourself can also get deleted real fast because this item offer absolutely zero resistances or HP and you wouldn’t be able to frontline for your team.
Pair this item with

A must have with AP Volibear build, there’s no other AP mythic that fits Volibear the way

It gives everything you need for AP volibear: AP, HP, Ability Haste and Omnivamp. The passive is also really nice against tanks and bruisers. The omnivamp is basically the factor that makes this mythic better than other AP mythics on Volibear, because it also procs off of your chain lightning.
It’s really nice rushing this as your first item due to the sustain and HP it provides, making your abilities hurt while not turning you into a glass cannon unlike rushing Nashor’s tooth. It gives a nice balance of defense and offense.
The AP from this item also works towards giving you more attack speed via your passive.
Zhonya's Hourglass
This is pretty much your only defensive AP item in the entire build.
I would recommend building actual tank items if you're after the armor this item provides, but the stasis active is really good on Volibear especially if you land your ultimate wrong and get rooted, slowed, or just being in an awkward position.
This item gives your team a chance to save you from bad positioning or if you get caught, or are too deep into the enemy backline.
Basically, the only deciding factor I would have when buying Zhonya’s versus Frozen Heart or other tank armor items, is the active. Most of the time I would just buy actual tank items, but Zhonya’s is good in certain scenarios.
Demonic Embrace

This item also has a mini-

Cosmic Drive
If you're looking for AP, Ability Haste and movement speed in one item, Cosmic Drive is the way to go.
I personally don’t buy this item a lot, because I would usually think about buying this as a 5th or last item, and by that stage of the game, I would much rather have more resistances because the enemies will burst me down fast if I build Cosmic Drive, so my suggested alternative would be Dead Man’s plate against AD champions and

The spell dance ability lets you chase enemies you have engaged in combat with, so this is another good item if you’re having trouble sticking to your enemies.
Attack Damage Items
Blade of the Ruined King
Good stats, anti-tank mythic passive, and movement speed steal passive- all things that Volibear can benefit from.
The lifesteal is really good for sustaining. This item makes Volibear an absolute beast in 1v1s.
This item is a strong power spike for Volibear. When going for an AD bruiser build with Volibear, I usually go BORK rush, since it makes your solo laning amazing, especially against tanks with that percent current hp on hit damage and 8% lifesteal.
The only downside to this item is the lack of defensive stats, kinda similar to Nashor’s tooth, but a much safer, less greedy item, due to your W applying the lifesteal, on-hit passive, and not having to rely on a skillshot for sustain/shield.
Trinity Force
Spellblade attack speed item.
Makes your tower taking speed really fast, making you a split pushing threat.
Triforce also gives you all the stats you need with Volibear: Attack speed, HP, AD and Ability haste. This item is good against immobile melee champions.
Divine Sunderer
Another spellblade item.
This is the anti-tank alternative to Trinity Force, the stats are similar and also greatly benefits Volibear. It loses the attack speed in exchange for an arguably better spellblade passive.
The spellblade of this item deals 6% max HP as on-hit damage, which is amazing against health stacking champions like Cho’gath and Sion.
An underrated mythic on Volibear.
Similar to Trinity Force, this mythic gives HP, AD, Attack speed and Ability Haste, but loses the spellblade passive in exchange for the Halting Slash active which slows champions in an AOE around you.
The other passive grants you movement speed every time you attack which helps you stick to enemy champions even more as Volibear, and grants you even more slows.
This is like an AD version of Riftmaker.
The stats are similar, but give AD instead of AP.
It also has an active similar to Stridebreaker, but instead of slowing enemies, heals you for each enemy you hit with it.
Black Cleaver
Best armor shredding item on Volibear.
This item gives all the stats that Volibear needs: HP, AD, Ability Haste and even Movement speed on the item passive.
The great thing about this item that makes it better than Armor Penetration items, is that this shreds armor, meaning that your entire team can benefit from the enemy having the less armor, vs only you benefiting from having the effect of enemy having less armor with the armor penetration items.
Another thing that puts this above armor pen items are the stats which are more suitable to Volibear than Serylda’s/LDR/Mortal Reminder.
Spear of Shojin
Gives similar stats to Black Cleaver; HP, AD, Ability Haste, and Movement Speed through the item’s passive.
This item focuses on giving the user a lot of ability haste, especially the passive which grants even more Ability Haste on basic abilities, but is halved on immobilizing spells, which in our case is our Q.
The passive also gives movement speed based on your missing HP, which maxes out on 33% remaining health, which gives you the extra boost in finishing off escaping enemies, or for escaping.
Maw of Malmortius
A defensive AD item which gives AD, MR and magic damage Lifeline passive.
This is like an offensive version of Shieldbow that counters magic damage. Though I prefer building an actual MR tank item, Maw is pretty solid sometimes, especially against a Karthus or other mages with very high AP burst damage, wherein the magic Lifeline can come in clutch.
The omnivamp during the Lifeline passive is also a very nice bonus, especially during teamfights. If you're ahead, and are feeling greedy, you can buy this instead of Spirit Visage/Force of Nature/Turbo Chemtank.
Sterak's Gage
This item is like a bruiser’s shieldbow, granting HP, AD and a Lifeline passive similar to

This item is good for turning fights around with the shield it grants you when you’re low, and the passive gives you bonus AD equal to half of your base AD, and Volibear is on the upper bracket of base AD numbers so this passive works quite well.
I would usually only buy this later on into the game if I’m building tank, and wouldn’t buy if I don’t have any resistance items beforehand.
This item works well together with Spirit Visage which makes your Lifeline shield stronger when you proc it.
Do not buy this in conjunction with other items with Lifeline passive as they do not stack.
Ravenous Hydra
A good offensive item if you're ahead.
This is like an AD version of dark seal/Mejai’s Soulstealer, in which you lose stacks whenever you die, and gain stacks whenever you kill champions, minions or large monsters.
This also helps with you waveclear due to the cleave passive, similar to Titanic Hydra.
This item used to be a lot stronger when it granted omnivamp instead of lifesteal, but that was too strong and now only grants lifesteal, though the lifesteal it grants, which is 10%, is quite a lot in comparison to stuff like BORK and Shieldbow. This item also synergizes well with Spirit Visage.
Death's Dance
Defensive AD item that offers armor.

Another reason why it’s good in teamfights is thanks in due to its other passive; Defy. This would cause every takedown to basically heal you, similar to triumph and cleanses the damage that you would’ve received over 3 seconds from Ignore Pain.
Buying this item in conjunction with triumph would heal you for a significant amount for every take down, and really turns a lot of fights around.

Which build should I choose?
Which build you choose depend on a few variables, and you must decide based on these factors: Your team comp and damage type, your enemy team comp and your enemy laner.
Here are my thoughts on each build and which items to build in these set ups.
I personally don't like running full tank Volibear too often, I think it's only really good in the early to mid game and makes you dependent on your team to carry the game for you due to your lack of damage and splitpushing threat. You also fall off with full tank build, because only Volibear's W has health scaling. It is such a waste to not build any AD or AP with the amount of scaling his kit has. If you decide to go full tank and get a lead, you can transition into a bruiser build by buying BORK, or Nashor's Tooth to further press your lead forward.
AD Bruiser
This is a really good overall for Volibear. It has good early game damage, and the mid game power spike with AD items is very strong as well. While you do scale better with the AP build in the super late game, the AD build still holds on its own very well, you don't really get to fall off with the AD build. I go for tank items for my last 2 item slot to offer some survivability in conjunction with the damage and sustain from the AD items.
AP Bruiser
This is my favourite build with Volibear. It scales super hard into the late game, and makes your split push very strong. Your E and passive will hurt very badly and the from E shield will be a very big amount when you complete your Nashor's Tooth and Riftmaker. I go tank items after those 2 AP items, as I would need resistance and survability to survive the matchups to be able to output damage. I think Volibear is best suited to be an AP bruiser.
Level 1-3
You can look for short trades with Volibear, especially with PTA/ Grasp rune ready, as these will make your early game short trades really good. We can look for a quick E-Q-AA-W-AA combo by punishing enemies who are going for CS, most notably on a cannon minion, because this is one of the windows of opportunities we can take to have a small lead against our opponents. We must punish them for everything, even the smallest things such as CS. Once you do one rotation of your combo you can either back off and look for angles to use W again once it’s off cooldown for the empowered Frenzied Maul, in which case, pressing W on a marked target will chunk them quite well while also healing you at the same time, or run them down and possibly get a kill.
Try to set up a slow push towards your enemies to pull off a cheater recall if the matchup isn't too incredibly difficult. Don't die trying to do this, but don't be afraid to take damage, as we'll be backing if we succesfully do a cheater recall.
To do this, we must only last hit the minions, but make sure that your minions wave has a small advantage over the enemy. Try to zone the enemies from your wave,again, do not be afraid, because if the enemies try to trade with you while you have a minion advantage in the early game, they will most likely lose that trade.
Once the third minion wave is about to arrive and meet, shove the wave and crash it to your opponent's turret as fast as posssible then recall. Buy any items from the cheater recall items list from above. Now you have a 1 item, and possibly health and mana advantage over your enemy laner.
Level 4-6
Levels 4 to 5 you wanna try to freeze the minion wave under your tower to farm safely, avoiding enemy jungle ganks, while making your enemy laner vulnerable to jungle ganks from your own team.
Know when to shove and pressure the lane. You want to gain lain priority once any objectives are about to spawn, around the 30-40 second mark.
In a few waves after hitting level 5, the first dragon should be spawning in the game, and you could give your team an advantage by either shoving waves hard in the top lane, and possibly proxying if you can to tempt the enemy team to go to you instead of fighting in the dragon, or you could shove wave and group with your team. If you decide to group, try to ping off your team to wait until you have level 6 for your ultimate before trying to secure the objective, but sometimes in solo queue, teammates don't always listen, so in this case I would try see if we can win the fight without Volibear ultimate, or if I have to just stay and farm in the toplane.
Losing first dragon is not the end all be all, but it certainly is nice and should be taken especially if your team has the stronger early game comp.
If you proxy and noone comes to collapse on you, look to take the enemy jungle camps in between each wave you clear. If there are no jungle camps left, look to take mid wave and platings if you see that both mid laners roam to bot and there is noone taking care of mid. But you must be back to your lane once you see your incoming minion wave about to reach your tier 1 tower. You shouldn't lose any waves in top if done properly. Be careful about your HP and mana, as you may need to recall and TP back to lane if you've gone oomph while doing this.
Level 6-9
During this time you should be having your first completed item, if you farmed well, didn't turbo int, or if you got a few kills and assissts to your name.
It is also during this time that the Rift Herald will begin to spawn, so try to time a reset before the 1 minute mark of the Rift Herald spawn timer to make sure you're healthy enough in case a fight breaks out, and to spend your gold in order to have items.
Level 9-14
During this time of the game, towers should start falling now, whether thats your enemies' or your own, tier 1 towers should be gone by now, further opening the map up.
Always remember to keep your farm up and always look to CS or have something to do. Never stand idly while the game is going on, there is always something to do. Try not to force a coinflip fight if there are no objectives on the map, just focus on farming safely and CS'ing
Learn to rotate. When your bot laners break the enemy's tower first, ideally they should rotate mid while you go bot and your mid laner goes top. You are a safer bet when it comes to overextending in a lane. Always check your map and make sure the enemies are not collapsing on you while your deep into their lane. Back off immediately if the enemies are missing on the minimap.
Learn to pressure sidelanes. This is especially important if you're behind and you don't have a significant impact on teamfights due to how behind you are.
Push a lane, overextend hard and even look to find good angles to die on the opposite side of the map of where the objective is spawning to draw enemies to you while your team has a numbers advantage in the teamfight if 2 or more enemies come to deal with you taking their tower instead of your jungler taking the objective. Don't be afraid to die.
If you aren't behind while an objective is coming up and you have a significant impact on the fight, look to shoves then group with your team, either by walking or using TP depending on the situation.
Level 15-18
You want to maintain what you were doing in the mid game, but be even more cautious since making mistakes in the late game is even more punishing due to long death timers and objectives having an even bigger impact on the game.
If you're very behind and have no agency on the game, look to splitpush, overextend really hard and threaten towers and inhibitor on the opposite side of the map where objectives are, around 45-15 seconds before it starts to spawn depending on where the lane's waves are.(Go bot if baron is spawning, go top when dragon is spawning)

Difficulty- 3.5/5
This is somewhat of a skill match up slightly in Aatrox’s favor in the early to mid game.
The outcome of this matchup depends on who lands their abilities more consistently. With Volibear, you need to be looking to hit your E

One of the reasons why this matchup is favored to Aatrox is due to his passive

Later on in the game, Aatrox will outscale you if you went for a full tank build due to

The only way you match him in side lanes by this time is if you build at least 2 AP or AD items with Volibear, in which you should be able to 1v1 him and beat him by mid to late game.

Difficulty- 1.5/5
This should be an easy matchup for Volibear, one where you should win in virtually any situation if you know what to look out for, and how to play this matchup.
Akali’s only threat of killing you is during the early game when we don’t have any resistances yet, and if Akali took

I would take

Be careful of her passive

One of the time windows you can afford to play aggressively in this matchup is when her W

Difficulty- 4.5/5
This lane is very difficult in the early game, especially before you start to stack any armor.

He is mobile, meaning he doesn’t just get easily countered by ganks.
You need to play smartly in this lane and try not to die to prevent him from snowballing and taking over the game.
One thing you need to know with Akshan is that his E

You want to farm safely in this matchup and be willing to sacrifice CS to stay alive and soak EXP. Rush

You should be able to outscale him with AP build and beat him 1v1 in the sidelanes.
During teamfights, you bring more value to your team. Look to protect and peel teammates who are tagged as Scoundrels by Akshan’s passive

Difficulty- 4/5
This matchup depends on the skill of the Camille player. I’ve had times wherein I get utterly dominated by Camille, and others where it’s the other way around.
The important thing you have to be wary of during early laning and trading with Camille are the cooldowns of her abilities and proper spacing against her.
Her passive

With Volibear’s fully stacked passive it should be quite easy to proc her shield, you then wait till it runs out then you can be aggressive and make trades with her.
With regards to spacing, you want to kite her around when she has her W

Post-6, if you have ultimate

She has a big power spike with the

Difficulty- 3/5
This is a poke matchup, but isn’t too bad because Cassiopeia runs out of mana really quickly if she focuses too much on poking you.

She will be a problem if you let her scale for free without punishing her, because she becomes quite strong with a few items later on in the game, but this shouldn’t really happen too much because Volibear’s early game strength should be enough to shut her down if played properly.
You can go through Cassiopeia’s CC while she's casting her W

You should get

Difficulty- 2.5/5
This matchup shouldn’t be too difficult, simply try to avoid his abilities, take proper trades and good wave management.
Early game you should be able to beat him if you are able to dodge his Q

He might out-sustain you in lane due to his passive

If you built tank, you wouldn’t have enough damage to kill him, and he would win versus you in a very long drawn out fight in the late game due to his infinite scaling HP ultimate

Difficulty- 3.5/5
This is quite difficult in the early game, since Darius is really strong pre-6 and will beat you in a 1v1 in almost any situation.
You don’t wanna trade with Darius until his abilities are on cooldown, because a simple E

With this matchup I simply look to play safe in the early game, and scale. Come mid game, if you gave him a few kills, he will be able to snowball that lead so you should look to pressure and keep him in your lane and try to entice him to not group with his team when fights break out on the map.
If you played really safe and didn’t give out too many kills, you can look to group with your team since your team fights are better than his, as long as you and your team don’t let him get a 5 stack

You beat him by late game as long as you're not doing a full tank build.

Dr. Mundo
Difficulty- 2.5/5
This is a poke matchup.
Dr. Mundo players are always looking to chunk you down slowly by throwing Q

And it’s kinda difficult to engage on him as Volibear because of his

Volibear only has 1 hard CC on his kit which is his Q

But when Dr. Mundo doesn’t have his passive

Look to purchase


Mid to late game he shouldn’t be much of a threat if you didn’t give him too much kills because his just a gigantic stat check champion and you should be able to shred him with

Building full tank wouldn’t be too bad either, because you would be grouping and focusing on team fights if you did that, and you are far superior to Dr. Mundo when it comes to teamfights.

Difficulty- 3.5/5
This is another skill matchup that depends a lot on the skill level of the Fiora player.
Early game should be in Volibear’s favor, just don’t get hit by Fiora’s stun empowered W

Always be aware of your vital direction. If your vital is facing Fiora where she can easily proc it, you can walk back a bit until the vital disappears, then you can walk forward again to see which position it reappears.
If your vital is facing a wall, simply hug a wall to deny Fiora her passive proc. Same thing applies to her ultimate

Whenever you are looking to engage or trade with her, you usually don’t wanna start with Q

If you are forced to use Q

A trade you can do against Fiora to avoid her

These are the two things you always need to keep in mind when fighting a Fiora; her vital procs and her

Fiora gets a big power spike once she gets

Mid game should be in Fiora’s favor if you didn’t come out ahead of your lane because her mid game item and ability power spikes are very strong.
Her Q

You have to also be mindful of your macro decisions because Fiora is a potent sidelaner, and sometimes they would be looking to split push instead of grouping during teamfights. You have to use your best judgment whether to group with your team or match her splitpush.
When making this decision, you have to ask yourself these questions and take these factors into account: Who’s more valuable in teamfight?Who has more sidelane pressure?Who's team is stronger?What's the state of the game? What objective is being contested?
In the late game, you should beat her with the AP bruiser build as long as you don’t let her proc a full ultimate

Difficulty- 2/5
It’s unlikely that you will face a good gangplank player until high elo, so this is quite an easy match up most of the time.
The above average Gangplank players will be able to kite you around using his passive’s

Gangplank is a poke champion due to his passive, Q

When facing Gangplank, be wary when his passive

His W

Gangplank is relevant at all stages of the game, especially late game with the infamous barrel oneshots with the glass cannon lethality crit build, but you should be able to beat him at all stages as long as you aren’t too far behind and build

You should be able to easily shut him down early in the game, as long as you play around and respect his barrels.
You have to time your auto attack to destroy the barrel before he does, because you last hitting it cancels the barrel and gives you 10 gold, while him last hitting the barrel damages and slows you while resetting his passive and giving him movement speed. The barrel has 3 HP when spawned and has a countdown timer before it loses 1 hp until it’s down to its final hp where it stays there for 25 seconds before despawning, and it goes down faster the more he levels up.
You also have to be careful of barrels hidden in bushes because Gangplank can connect them together, where exploding one will cause the others to also explode.
Also be wary of Gangplank ghost barrel combo, which is difficult to pull off, but can catch a lot of people off guard when done properly. When teamfighting, look to dive him with your ultimate

Don’t build full tank against him, his E

Difficulty- 3/5
This is a semi-difficult matchup for Volibear.
You outscale him with AP build.
Early game you just wanna farm up and freeze the lanes, since he is stronger than you at this moment of the game, due to his E

When he’s looking to hit his Q

Try not to die early on, because he can snowball his lead pretty hard, and most Garens take

In teamfights you should look to group, because you're stronger than him in teamfights.
By mid game, he should still be stronger than you in the side lane, but you should be slowly catching up to him. Look to play around your jungler, and help him set up a gank on the Garen when possible.
By late game you should start beating him if you went AP. You are a ticking time bomb with the AP setup, where the longer the game goes, the stronger you get against him.
If your team is doing well and able to handle the Garen, you can actually build full tank, since all you're doing if you're against a Garen is grouping with your team until late game comes around where you're able to beat him if you went with the AP build.

Difficulty- 2.5/5
The Gnar matchup is semi-easy.
He will poke you down early, and will have lane priority until you finish


Whenever Gnar throws his boomerang, you want to stand behind your minions because it’ll deal less damage to you after hitting a minion.
When laning against Gnar, always keep an eye out for his rage bar, you will want to do most of your trading with him when he is in his Mini-Gnar form. Back off when he transforms into Mega-Gnar, or if his rage bar is filling up and he’s about to trade with you in his Mega-Gnar form.
You can start walking up to him and start being aggressive once his rage bar is about to be depleted in his Mega-Gnar form and he’s about to turn into Mini-Gnar.
In teamfights, Gnar will be looking to engage on your team with a 5 man ultimate

When you sense that he’s about to go in for an engage on your team, you can counter engage using your ultimate

This is one instance where

You outscale Gnar with AD and AP build and beat him in the sidelane duel.

Difficulty- 2/5
The Gragas matchup is quite easy, but you wouldn't usually be able to kill him in lane due to his sustain, self-peel and good scaling.
Don't underestimate late game Gragas, his abilities will hurt when he has his items, and his cc is annoying which he'll be able to spam with a few cdr items. You'll still be able to beat him, but not without a fight.
In teamfights look to go through his E

Build some MR and tenacity against him.

Difficulty- 3/5
This is a skill matchup that slightly favors Gwen in the early game, and possibly the midgame if she’s able to snowball off of a lead in the early game.
She’s an AP bruiser similar to Volibear, but she has built in sustain in her kit, and true damage in her Q

Level 1 you want to avoid trading with Gwen as she’s way too strong with her E

You want to start Q

You generally want to play passively in this lane and look to do short trades once she uses her Q

Watch out for her resource bar, if she has 4 stacks be careful, she’ll be looking to unload her 4 stack Q

Try to trade back with an E

By mid game, you should be looking to farm safely, as she’s still strong during this time of the game in comparison to you, but you might be able to take her on after pulling off a few favorable trades here and there.
Late game you should be able to beat her in a 1v1 in the side lanes, and if you went tank build, you can play for your team since you are a lot better in teamfights than she is.
Gwen is strong in dueling and soloing in the side lane, but you scale better than her if you build some offensive items, but be careful, as she can still beat you if you don’t have anti-heal and constantly get chunked by the true damage portion of her Q

You can build

Difficulty- 3.5/5
In this matchup you need a lot of PATIENCE.
Heimerdinger will look to control and dominate the areas where he has his turrets in place.
You have to respect his territory and not fall for his provocations, else you’ll be the one to suffer the consequences once you go in for a greedy trade on him with his towers.
Heimerdinger is pretty relevant throughout the entire game.
Most of the time in lane, Heimerdinger would be pushing towards you, so you’d be forced to farm under your tower for a while.
Simply keep patient, and wait for a gank by your jungler or mid laner. Once you do receive a gank, it is an easy kill, since outside of his E

Once you are able to crash the waves to his tower, whether the gank resulted in a kill or not, you can look to proxy his waves if your healthy enough and want to pressure topside if an objective is spawning or being contested on the botside.

You can go any build with Volibear in this matchup, take a look at your team comp, your enemies’ team comp and build accordingly.

Difficulty- 3/5
This is a scary matchup if you screw up and don’t build properly against her.
Try not to feed her too much early on, because she snowballs her lead really hard.
This matchup actually shouldn’t be super difficult for Volibear at all. You want to rush

Even if Irelia gets

You don’t need to worry about

Irelia is relevant through all stages of the game, but the scary thing about her is her snowball potential, which can take over entire games, as such, her getting a lead early is so good for her, but you can deny her snowball if you quite well early into the game as Volibear. During the early levels, you want to watch out for her passive Ionian Fervor stacks. Never trade with her when she has 4 stacks up. When the first wave arrives, she will look to last hit the 3 melee minions by Q’ing

You can prevent or chunk her back by placing your E

Throughout the laning phase, you want to keep an eye out for your low health minions because she wants to dash towards them, and this is one of the moments where you could pull off a safe trade with a quick E

You can start to play a bit aggressively once you have

During the mid game, she should have stronger item spikes than you if you're going for AP build, but with AD build, you should still be stronger. Your team fights are superior to Irelia’s.
Late game, as an AD Volibear going against Irelia, who wins would depend on which build she decided to go with, if she went for more damage and less survivability, then she wins versus you in a 1v1, but if she went more defensive, then you should be able to win. If she is stronger than you, then you can group with your team more, because that means she sacrificed survivability for more damage, which is mostly advantageous in the solo lane, but of course, take into consideration the state of the game and the minion waves.
If you went AP, you should be stronger than her late game.

Difficulty- 4/5
This is an annoying matchup and kinda difficult, but still somewhat playable especially in the early game.
The better you are at sidestepping abilities, the better this matchup is gonna turn out for you.
This can be considered a poke matchup due to her tentacles and her E

You can be aggressive towards her levels 1 to 3, because she’s very weak during this time. You want to hide behind minions whenever her E

When you do get hit, if she has a lot of damage to get the spirit very low, you should run away going out of range of her E

Later on in the game she becomes a lot stronger with a few items and levels, and actually beats you 1v1 in the sidelane, even with the AP build if she has her ultimate

But your teamfighting is a lot better than hers, so I would suggest to group with your teammates more frequently, rather than split pushing, because she beats you in the sidelane.

Difficulty- 4/5
Jax is another skill matchup that depends on the skill of the Jax player.
Jax is strong and relevant through all stages of the game.
In the early laning phase, you want to play around the cooldown of Jax’s E

You also don’t wanna fight Jax when he has full stacks of his passive

If you see that he’s looking to engage on you with his Q

Jax will also be looking to block your Q

Be careful of Jax and his

1v1 on the sidelines in the mid and late game will be pretty close between Jax and Volibear, and will depend on the mechanical skill of the player.
Volibear beats Jax when it comes to teamfights, though Jax’s teamfighting isn’t bad. Go bruiser build most of the time, very rarely do you want to go full tank.
You can maybe build tank if your team is very fed and can carry the game, while you just focus more on providing more utility and frontlining.

Difficulty- 2/5
This is quite an easy matchup for Volibear, Jayce’s only kill threat on Volibear is during the laning phase, any other point of time in the game Volibear will beat Jayce.
During the laning phase we want to dodge his E


You beat Jayce in solo lanes, and you beat him in teamfighting.

Difficulty- 2/5
This should be an easy matchup for Volibear.
You deal with K’sante the same way you do with other tanks using Volibear.
Watch out for his Q3

Be careful when using your E

When K’sante’s ultimate

When K’sante uses his ultimate

You outscale K’sante in the mid to late game with Volibear’s AD or AP build. You also offer more value and are better in teamfight than he is, as long as he doesn't get to successfully kidnap one of your carries.

Difficulty- 2.5/5
This is an easy matchup for us.
Be wary of Kayle’s level 1, it’s really strong and beats most champions, which a lot of players don’t expect.
Kayle is a late game hyper carry scaling champion, so her early game is really weak to compensate for her being super strong later on.
Her biggest power spike is level 16, when she gets to her final form.
Kayle pre-6 is basically a cannon minion, and while she does get range when she reaches 6, which does help her and enable her to farm more safely while allowing her to also poke melee champions, she’s still a very weak champion until level 11 where she begins to get AoE auto attacks on 5 stacks passive

With Volibear’s early game power, you should be able to shut her down 9 times out of 10, preventing her from being useful for quite a long time.
In the laning phase you want to try to zone her so hard that she’ll miss minion exp, do this even if you have to sacrifice CS for it, but always keep in mind where the enemy jungler is pathing towards to avoid ganks.
Kayle will never be truly useless though in any game due to her late game power and the utility she’s bringing to the team, even if she is a scaling hyper carry.
Her Q

Even if late game comes around though, you still have a very good fighting chance against Kayle if you aren’t going for a full tank build.
If Kayle goes for an AD crit build, this will make her 1 item power spike stronger, and so she’ll be a bit stronger at around level 8, but you should still be able to beat her, and later on into the game she just becomes another ADC if she continues with the crit build.

Difficulty- 3.5/5
This is a poke matchup.

You have to play your macro well in this matchup since Kennen would be looking to teamfight a lot because that’s where he shines.
In lane, you wouldn't really be able to kill Kennen because he’s ranged, too slippery with his E

In lane, you want to avoid his Q

By level 6 you should have some kill pressure against him if you have some tenacity (

You want to wait for his E

By the time level 6 arrives, he will also be looking to use his ultimate

Though you are pretty close or possibly inferior to Kennen when it comes to teamfighting strength, you are much superior in the sidelane dueling.
Whenever possible, you wanna try to pressure Kennen to not join the team fights and match you in the side lanes, due to his AoE strength in his ultimate

AD and AP Volibear scales better than Kennen and is stronger at dueling.
You wanna build

Difficulty- 2/5
Kled is a matchup where you just look to scale, his early game is very strong and you have to respect that, but he falls off really hard.
Look to peel for yourself using Q

You can start to trade with him once you reach level 6.
Be careful and make sure to be 1 step ahead of Kled when you decide to group with your team, because he can group really fast after taking waves in top lane due to his ultimate

You have to take

Late game you just straight up beat him if you don’t go full tank build.

Difficulty- 1.5/5
This is an easy matchup for Volibear.
Malphite will look to poke you a lot in the early stages of the game with his Q

Outside of the early laning phase, you beat him at all stages of the game. The only area where he does excel over you outside of poke, is during teamfights, where a good engage by his R

You want to build

You can go AD or AP build against him.
AD build is especially good due to

Difficulty- 2/5
This is another tank matchup that Volibear can deal with quite well.
Maokai has poke with his E

Maokai may have lane prio in the early game if you get hit by his abilities frequently, but you will outscale him later on.
It is unlikely that you will kill him in lane due to his good sustain through his passive

During teamfights Maokai will look to use his ultimate

You can go through Maokai’s Ultimate

Maokai deals AP damage, so look to build MR items such as

AD or AP Volibear can deal with Maokai really well, especially later on into the game.
AD build is especially good due to

Difficulty- 3/5
Morderkaiser is a semi-difficult matchup for Volibear.
Early game you cannot go for extended trades against him due to his passive

Morderkaiser’s early game is alright, his mid game is strong, but late game you beat him if you don’t build full tank.
Watch out for his Q

If you have experience struggling to avoid Mordekaiser’s abilities in lane, or if you're not confident in sidestepping his abilities, you can take

Whenever you are in a position where you can’t dodge his Q

Make sure to build MR items such as

If you time your ultimate

Dueling Mordekaiser later on in the game will usually result in you winning.
When it comes to teamfights you should be able to have more impact than Mordekaiser, but you wanna try to zone him off of important teammates such as your jungler when objectives are low hp, because he can cast ult on your jungler to make your team unable to

Difficulty- 2.5/5
Nasus matchup should be somewhat easy for Volibear.
Volibear’s strong early game can shut down Nasus for a little while before he reappears with 500 stacks to his name.
Early game, we want to be zoning him off of minions and CS, preventing him from farming and gaining Q

Nasus does get a lot stronger though at level 6-8 due to his ultimate


Whenever your trading, try to avoid fighting while inside of his E

Nasus is very strong in the sidelands, but lacks in teamfighting in comparison to Volibear, so you wanna look to group with your team when securing objectives.
You can go either of the 3 Volibear builds.

Difficulty- 4/5
This is quite the challenging matchup.
Olaf can run you down level 1 with the use of his Q


When Olaf uses his ultimate

You can consider running

Early game, Olaf will beat you. But by mid game, you should be beating him, or at the very least, stay even.
Late game you should be outscaling Olaf and beat him in the sidelands with the AD or AP build.
You can also build tank if you group a lot and don’t plan to side lane frequently.
Volibear beats Olaf at teamfights in all stages of the game.
Olaf beats you in duels in the early game, then slowly loses his dueling power against AD/AP Volibear the longer the game goes on.

Difficulty- 2.5/5
Ornn is a semi-easy matchup for Volibear.
His trades are pretty strong especially if the Ornn player utilizes his brittle passive

You can take

In teamfights, you should be equal in teamfighting power, just depends on who lands more of their skills.
Look to buffer his ultimate

Volibear is also better than Ornn in the sidelanes.
Ornn is gonna be relevant throughout the entire game, especially late game because he scales really well due to his passive

Tank, AD or AP build all work well against Ornn, with AD being the best due to the anti-tank items there such as

Difficulty- 3/5
Pantheon is gonna be an even matchup, but becomes a difficult one if you let him get a lead and snowball.
Pantheon has great gank set up with his point and click CC on his W

Level 1-2 you should be able to beat him while level 3 and beyond in the laning phase, you should avoid trades when he has full stacks of passive[[mortal will] ready to empower an ability.
What he'll be doing is jumping on you with an empowered W

Watch out when level 6 arrives, and be ready to spam ping missing when you don't see him anymore and he has his ultimate

You want to punish his roam by crashing minion waves, taking tower plates, and taking enemy jungle.
Another option you can do is match his roam using your

You can go through Pantheon's W

Throughout the entire game, Volibear should have better teamfights than Pantheon, but Pantheon has better small skirmishes due to his fast response and assistance with his Ultimate

In the dueling match, it's a skill matchup in the early game that transitions into Volibear favored in the late game.
You can go for any of Volibear's 3 builds.

Difficulty- 2/5
This is a semi-easy matchup as long as we don’t take bad trades such as getting stunned by Poppy’s E

Try to stand in the center of the lane when she has her E

Be careful when trading with her when she has her passive

You should be able to beat her throughout most of the game, especially late game, with the AD or AP build.
Volibear is superior to Poppy when it comes to teamfights and solo lane dueling.
Be wary of her

Difficulty- 4.5/5
This is a very difficult matchup due to her annoying poke, blind and self-peel with her E

She will be very oppressive in lane.
Always take

Sacrifice CS and just soak exp in this lane, take whatever CS you can without getting poked to death, since you dying will make her stronger and she can use that lead to help her team when level 6 comes and she goes to roam.

If you survive the laning phase without giving away too many kills, the game should become a lot easier for you.
I would personally buy

Volibear is stronger than Quinn in teamfights, and you should look to peel for your backline carries whenever possible if she goes for the lethality build. You also win against her in late game 1v1 sidelaning.

Difficulty- 3.5/5
This is a semi-difficult matchup, but he falls off later on in the game, and you outscale him really hard.
Level 1 and 2, you should win trades against Renekton, try to zone him off minions during these levels to prevent him from stacking his Fury.
Levels 3-5 he will start to win most trades. Watch out for his Fury bar, if he has high Fury, then you want to play passively, as you will lose trades if you fight him with more than 50% Fury.

Watch out for his level 6, it’s a big power spike for Renekton and you will lose against him in extended trades or all ins during this stage of the game. Post-6 you will slowly start to become stronger than him in duels.
Volibear is better in teamfights than Renekton, but look to peel for your backline carries whenever possible, as Renekton is good at diving them using his E

Late game sidelane, AD or AP Volibear will beat Renekton.
You can build any of the three builds with Volibear, but with full tank you’re sacrificing solo lane power for more tankiness and a more team oriented playstyle

Difficulty- 4/5
This is another matchup that's very dependent on the skill of the opponent.
It's very difficult to hit your E

Riven is gonna beat Volibear when it comes to short trades, because she has a knock up on her Q3

Good Riven players who are very proficient in her animation cancels can basically trade against us for free, with little to no damage back at all.
During teamfights we should be better, but more team reliant than Riven, she'll offer more damage for the team, but Volibear offers more utility.
When she uses Q3

In the early to mid game sidelane she might be a bit stronger than us in 1v1s, but we should be outscaling her in the late game with our AP build.
Just be careful and try your best to hit your E

There shouldn't be much of a problem in this matchup if the Riven player is not a one trick or someone who has lots of experience as her, as the damage output difference between these two players are pretty big.

Difficulty- 3/5
This is a semi difficult matchup.
Rumble is a poke lane, and will be stronger than you in the early game if the player is able to utilize his kit very well.
Rumble is not the most difficult champion to play, but the Rumble player needs to really know how to use his overheat passive

Never trade with him when his overheat bar is above 50%, as his Q

Once he gets overheated to 100%, he will get silenced, but his auto attacks will hurt and apply magic damage. Look to run away if this is about to happen, you can turn against him and trade/all in once his 100% overheat is about to run out.
It is kinda rare to find a good Rumble player in the toplane who is able to do that, so most of the time you just need to survive his E


Rumble gets a big power spike with his ultimate

Rumble will be looking to use it in the dragon or baron pit, so make sure to pull the objectives outside the pit before committing to secure them to avoid getting screwed over by a Rumble Ult.
Post-6 you should be able to beat him in duels as long as you didn't give too many kills.
You can rush

1v1 in the late game should be in your favor, as long as you didn't build full tank.
Teamfights on the other hand, are pretty close. Both of you have big impacts on the outcome of teamfights, with Volibear soaking more damage, providing more CC and slows, while Rumble focused more on poking and dealing big AoE damage.

Difficulty- 3/5
This should be a fairly easy matchup if you don’t allow Sett to snowball.
Try your best not to allow Sett to get an early lead, because while he is very strong early, he falls off in the late game.
Sett wants to get a lead early and take over the game from there before scaling champs hit their power spikes.
Volibear does quite well against Sett in the laning phase if played correctly.
Volibear wins trades as long as he doesn’t get hit by the true damage center portion of his W

Be careful when trading though, because it is more forgiving for Sett when he takes bad trades due to his passive

You can take

You can rush

You can use your ultimate

You win against him in duels later on in the game with AD/AP Volibear build.
Both of you have pretty much similar power in teamfights. Who wins depends on who plays it mechanically better.
Late game, you should beat him, just try to avoid his W

Difficulty- 2.5/5
Shen is a semi-easy matchup for Volibear.
His trades are very strong early, especially with the empowered Q

Shen also counters Volibear’s Q

Volibear wins all-ins and extended fights if equipped with

In teamfights, you should be better than him, but his ultimate

You have to take

Volibear should do more damage and have better engage in teamfights, while Shen is better at peeling and protecting his teammates with his E

Volibear is also better than Shen in the sidelanes.
Shen is gonna be relevant throughout the entire game, yes, even in late game because his ultimate

Tank, AD or AP builds all work well against Shen, with AD being the best due to the anti-tank items there such as

Difficulty- 1/5
Very easy matchup, basically a free lane for Volibear.
Both of you scale well into the late game, but you beat him in duels and sidelaning, whereas in teamfights both of you have equal power.
After placing a ward, I would want to go to back to my tier 2 tower and walk the minions to lane to prevent any proxy attempts by Singed.
Most Singed players want to shove the waves to attempt a proxy, or a roam, especially the ones who equip the Predator keystone on Singed, when he has that rune, you know that they're gonna look to roam a lot.
Go for trades with him when he goes for CS or if his E

You should have lane prio the entire time if he doesn't proxy. You could also pull an UNO reverse card on him by proxying his wave.
Watch the spawn timer of the first dragon, because singed will usually go to help and look for a skirmish/teamfight because that's where he excels at.
You can rush

Difficulty- 3.5/5
This is an easy matchup in lane, but he will outscale you massively in the late game if you don't itemize correctly.
Be very aggressive in the early game, and take control of the lane. Zone him off of CS and punish him when he goes for last hits. You need to shut him down hard before he becomes a late game raid boss.
Be mindful of jungle pathing of the enemy jungler, Sion has a very good gank set up.
Once you get a kill on Sion, back off and use your E

Always listen to the audio of the game post-6 because you can hear a sound effect if he decides to use his ultimate

Sion will have better team fighting capability, especially if he hits multiple targets with a full range ultimate

Sion scales extremely well into the late game due to his W

He will also hurt due to multiple factors that synergize well with his very big max HP, such as

He'll also be a split pushing monster in the side lane, even more so if he builds a

For your build go for anti-tank items, rush

Next you want to build

Tahm Kench
Difficulty- 3.5/5
Tahm Kench is a semi-difficult matchup for Volibear.
His trades are quite strong, and it’s really difficult to kill a Tahm Kench in lane due to his extreme tankiness his self-peel with his Q

In teamfights, you should be better than him.
When he has 3 stacks of his An Acquired Taste passive on you, you can buffer his Q

Volibear is also better than Tahm Kench in the sidelanes.
Tahm Kench is gonna be strong early to mid game, then he will start to fall off in the late game.
Tank, AD or AP build all work well against Tahm Kench, with AD being the best due to the anti-tank items there such as

Difficulty- 5/5
This is a very difficult matchup due to his annoying poke with his E

You also don’t just easily dominate Teemo in the late game, because he also scales really well, but you should still be able to beat him in the 1v1 sidelanes late game.
He will be very oppressive in lane. Always take

Sacrifice CS and just soak exp in this lane, take whatever CS you can without getting poked to death.
Take a look at the enemy team composition, and decide which boots you want to buy. You can buy

You can rush


If you survive the laning phase without giving away too many kills, the game should become easier for you.
When you do wanna fight him, hold your Q

Look to use your W

Volibear is stronger than Teemo in teamfights.
You also win against him in late game 1v1 with AD or AP build.
You can use any of the 3 builds in this matchup.

Difficulty- 1.5/5
This is quite an easy matchup for Volibear.
Tryndamere’s only kill threat on Volibear is during the laning phase before we can build armor items, any other point of time in the game Volibear will beat Tryndamere.
During the laning phase, we want to look for short trade combos on Tryndamere, avoiding his all-ins.
Once you get

You beat him in teamfights and you beat him in the sidelanes.
Don’t build full tank against a Tryndamere.
Be careful once he gets to build

Look to shut him down in the early game to prevent him from getting to this point, but once he does get to these items, you can build

Difficulty- 3.5/5
The Urgot matchup is somewhat difficult.
You have to play around his E

Though level 2-5 you can get good trades in against Urgot because he's not super strong yet during this time and needs a few more levels to get really strong.

Urgot has a strong level 9 power spike, because during this time he will be able to toggle his W

When teamfighting try not to get hit by his ultimate

But you can outplay his ultimate

Be careful of sidelaning against him in the late game, he scales well and has kill potential against you if you eat his entire combo.
You will gain a big advantage in the 1v1 if you can sidestep his E

In teamfights, it depends on the mechanics of players of both ends. If Urgot uses his ultimate

Build AD or AP on this matchup, you're gonna need the damage against this guy.

Difficulty- 5/5
Very difficult matchup.
Ranged champion with dash, %max HP true damage auto attack passive, stun/knockback and an AD steroid for an ultimate with a few seconds of invisibility on every Q

Basically almost everything that can make Volibear's life in the laning phase difficult and unpleasant.

Farm safely and scale in this lane, you can't do much other than not dying and soaking XP. Wait for a jungle gank, which should be possible since the waves are gonna be pushed towards us.
Never build full tank in this matchup, she's known for her anti-tank capabilities, instead, go for AD or AP build. Rush

1v1 early should be in Vayne's favor, while later on, it will depend on the mechanical skill of the Vayne player, but it's generally favored towards Volibear and should result in the bear taking the lead in dueling.
When it comes to teamfighting strength, Volibear wins this due to the raw damage, cc, slow and tankiness, and Vayne, although still offering a lot of damage for her team, is still a squishy ADC.
Picking Vayne top really messes up the team composition of a team, and results in team comp diff.

Difficulty- 3/5
Warwick lane is difficult early, but you outscale him hard.
His early game dueling is really strong, one of the best in the game. Don't go for extended trades against him early in the game, even if he is low because that's where he's strongest.
He will be trying to bait you into going for an all in just to turn it around with his life steal and


If your team is ahead or even, and there's not much interaction in the toplane by the enemy jungle/mid/support and you're just looking to beat Warwick in duels and gain leads there, you can rush

If you want a safer alternative, you can buy

Tank build also isn't bad here, but you wouldn't be dominating him in lane. Make sure to buy anti-heal item. You can avoid Warwick E

Volibear beats Warwick in teamfights at all stages of the game.
Warwick beats Volibear in early dueling, and possibly mid game dueling if he's able to get a lead early.
AD or AP Volibear wins in duels during the late game.

Difficulty- 3/5
This is a difficult matchup early, then you outscale him later on.
Try to avoid long trades and all ins with Wukong in the early game, as his passive

He can also bait out your Q

Look to farm safely in this lane, and scale up.
You can consider going

Be careful of his level 6 and

Volibear beats Wukong in teamfights at all stages of the game, and beats him in the sidelane later on with AD or AP builds.

Difficulty- 3/5
This is an easy matchup.
Early in the laning phase, you should win short trades, do not look for long trades or all-ins because he will win that even if you equip


Volibear should have more impact than him in teamfights, unless he has good knockup synergy with 1 or 2 teammate such as a

You only win against him in dueling once you have your

The scary thing about Yasuo is how he’s still able to scale into a late game monster even if you beat him in the early game, so be aware of that, though you should still be able to beat him with AP build in the late game.
If you're not ahead of the Yasuo and you don’t have a big HP advantage, run away if he hits you with his ultimate

Difficulty- 2.5/5
This is an easy matchup.
Early in the laning phase, you should win short trades, do not look for long trades or all-ins because he will win that even if you equip


You should shut him down once you get your

Volibear should have more impact than him in teamfights, but you only win against him in dueling once you have your

The scary thing about Yone is how he’s still able to scale into a late game monster even if you beat him in the early game, so be aware of that, though you should still be able to beat him with AP build in the late game.

Difficulty- 3/5
This is an even matchup that favors whoever can get an early kill against the other.
Whoever can get a lead early on, will usually win the matchup, though even if you fall behind, it isn’t too bad for Volibear, but it just makes the laning phase difficult.

Be careful when he has 4 ghouls because he can look for a trade with his E

Try to maintain your 5 stacks on your passive

A trick you can do to instantly get out of Yorick’s wall though is when he or any enemy unit or champion gets close to the wall, Volibear can use his Q

Be careful of his level 6, he will try to hit us with a combo because he spawns 2-4 ghouls (depending on level) together with his Maiden when he presses R

When he has Maiden try to take it out whenever possible, especially when dragon, herald, or baron is about to be contested or a fight is about to break out because Yorick without Maiden is quite weak and the cooldown on his ultimate

Later on in the game, you need to shove waves before grouping with your team to prevent Yorick from taking all your towers.
In the mid to late game against Yorick, always look at your map and don’t just mindlessly group with your team around objectives, else Yorick’s gonna take your towers.
Shove waves all the way to the enemies’ tower before grouping to have time before the enemy waves bounce back and reach your towers, and if Yorick is right there in your tower’s face, then just stay in the lane and deal with him for now, unless you have

Throughout the entire game, Volibear is better than Yorick in teamfight, but that’s due to the nature of the champion, as Yorick is a split pusher. In the side lanes he is really strong together with his Maiden, think of his Maiden as a 6th champion on the enemy team.
Look to kill his Maiden first before fighting him in a 1v1.
Thank you for reading, now go terrorize the ranked servers with my newfound Volibear technology.
Shoutout to idle Cszaar and idle Mitseg.
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